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Everything posted by Visionaireh

  1. It's still possible. You need to login to APB via Steam, once you're in-game press Esc -> Marketplace and from there try adding G1C funds into your account.
  2. Okay, please give. I need four copies. I’ll pay IGN: Hellscape
  3. Literally nothing in that list happened.. xD Well, I’m out to get some more g1c
  4. It’s because you need to find a group of people or even a single mate to play with. I can help you around if you’re from Citadel. /w me either in-game or on the forums.
  5. Alright, I see. Thanks a lot you two, appreciate it! This can be closed now.
  6. Hey, thanks alot for the answer. First of all, I am not using apb as benchmarking, just taking it into consideration so I'll know what I am entering into. Second, I am getting the RTX 2070 Super. Do you might know if it has the same issue as the 2080?
  7. Hey all. I am planning on upgrading my whole PC including getting a new RTX graphics. Issue is I have heard a lot of people comlplain about crashes or being unable to play the game with RTX. Is that still a thing and if it does is there a workaround?
  8. Can anyone confirm if re-naming the Instrument folder to remove themes is still or ever was allowed?
  9. Bring the attention to the devs most likely.
  10. I have not recieved anything yet.
  11. Now you're just being a knucklehead. No point discussing with you since you have no idea what you are talking about.
  12. Game is back online, still haven't got anything for buying with Razer Gold.
  13. You don't get it. This promotion has nothing to do with the maintenance. They don't need to patch the game in order to send people stuff out through an automatic system.
  14. You have the option to buy with Razer Gold on the marketplace hence the promotion already started.
  15. When are we due to get this clothing bundle? I've already made a purchase with Razer Gold and I don't see anything.
  16. It was added to prevent Goat from crashing the districts. Long story short, don't spam
  17. Yes, what about it? It's a grey area that no one knows the final answer for. Asking here to get an official response from @MattScott or @Lixil if it's allowed or not, once and for all.
  18. I am playing the game vanilla. It was just a thought if it is allowed again.
  19. Can we get an official response if modifying game files to get a crosshair dot is allowed to use right now? I remember the time when G1 banned it, but didn't see anyone allowing the use of it once again. I am asking because I was watching some people use custom crosshair dot in-game and they're just fine.
  20. Nicely done Orbit! I am looking forward to anything that'll shed some light into the current game-play. Don't get me wrong, I love the game, playing it when I can but it's getting repetitive fighting the same people and the same players every single day.
  21. Looking for someone who can make me a unique symbol. I can pay a lot depends on the outcome. Saying right now, you have to be really good at the designer to come up with it. PM for more details and sketch.
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