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Everything posted by TzickyT

  1. i understand that ... but i meant if something is added on armas its also need to be checked .... than putting the game on and the gun aint available at that time ... or is it going to be available the 12th of march
  2. i go sometimes play at my internet cafe ... i never have issues with getting banned for that o;o?
  3. normaly need to be up when servers go up ... i would suggest just to put the servers offline for the ammount of time they suggest them being offline would be handier so everything can be tested before they put on the servers again.
  4. so when are they online the joker boxes ?
  5. Personaly for the amount of time im streaming .. never had that issue + if i would lose my account becous such a reason than i would contact support and try to get my account back. forum doesn't have to know when something isn't true what i have done.
  6. Welcome to the recruitment of Havalynd 3k3 and Rankers Havalynd 3k3 has been created around 2020 and is looking for new people to join our ranks. The Name has been part of an place in the game. also this is partly for people who would like to RP a criminal in apb. Created by Lollygirl Rankers was a clan from 2012 til 2016 (other names / Rankerz and Rankers Reloaded) is also looking for new peopel to join our ranks. The name has been an idea to help new players rank up. let them learn the game and enjoy doing it. Personal info I am a person who just enjoys apb and stays stuborn to not let this game go. I m also the leader of both clans and stands in for learning apb to new players and having fun with others. Clan info Both clans are focused in the first place to help new players get used to the game. also in both clans u can find some people intrested to play against the better apb players. We have a few streamers in the clans so if u got questions i m pretty sure there wil be a few streaming sometimes the game. Ranks are all welcome we don't discriminate for someone being green or brons. Recruiters TzickyT ( Rankers - leader) Lollyrot ( Rankers - Officer) OldMoon( Rankers - Officer) Corvi ( Havalynd 3k3 - Leader) - ( Havalynd 3k3 - officer) Decimalnumber90 ( a mugger where i m sometimes on.)
  7. im fine with seeing int coming in the game.
  8. i don't want to be an patootie but what about people who can't buy any jokerboxes becous of a ban on them in there country ... I personaly would like to buy these jokerboxes but due to not able to buy them becous of the goverment. is there already thought about how these country's could buy these boxes?
  9. never seen this jacket in the game is this new or wil this be added to the armas place ?
  10. to less english people talking in chat and playing the game thats just what it is + server merge
  11. i would accept it if they add those letters to the system.
  12. i think they need other stuff tbh
  13. thanks for the info that i needed stil felt like i hit him mor etimes o;o
  14. its not 6 shots thats true on 50 m but 1 and a half mag and stil not death .. on 50 m .. whats my dmg 0 on him ?
  15. fun to see changes to shotgun. but sad to see the old glory go away. maybe im a fan of star's now becous f the love guns but i rather buy a 3 sloted star than buy old glory
  16. never got an legendary ... out of a box bought 1000
  17. giving it aditional stun ... i would like it ... but keep it 3 shot
  18. some people i seen streaming start to hate people with cyrillic alphabet. all those accounts playing whit that alphabet arent able to be reported by the apb report system. is this a way so they can't be reported and can't be touched. ( i don't want to put names on name and shame but there a few clips on twitch with that issue.)
  19. personaly i don't know what is up with the star but 1 and a half clip is stil not enough to kill a person i wonder what is happening just wondering what everyone thinks? https://clips.twitch.tv/SmokyEntertainingDiamondArsonNoSexy
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