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Posts posted by magik

  1. I'll respond in blue, because I like it, and you already used red ;-;

    2 hours ago, Salvick said:


    Excellent input, and I appreciate the effort you've put to point out each one of the items I've been bringing here.


    I'll be a bit brief because been already replying a few posts and I don't have much time right now but I don't want to delay my answers to you.


    Rating based on frequency playing: I see I haven't been enough with that point, my bad. What I mean is not a "threat/rating reset" but just some sort of "weekly or monthly league season"


    Like, you carry over your rating through weeks/months but the system restarts the ratings measurements while keeping everyone's ratings each week/month to ensure players are still active and ratings are consistent through time before it keeps giving away rewards and matching players who might not have a steady consistency and also to consider the amount of active players for further seasons. Although something likely already happens with the current system, what I'm trying to say is that if you have more sub-tiers between threat levels, each "league session" it settles down again to match players regarding their consistency and regularity playing the game.


    Let's say we have a niche of 80 players in gold, 50 silvers and 20 bronzies, which is a total of 150 players, then the next season there are only 60 goldies but 100 silvers and 80 bronzies because of new players joining which gives a total of 240 players, then there should be a factor to adjust the leagues in order to gran better quality match making, so regarding the amount of players available the next season could drop down or up a bunch of players who are in the border. I couldn't go further with this because I'm really not that much into this kind of math stuff tbh, must be more a matter of laziness I admit it, lol, but I think this serves the purpose of explaining it.

    Okay, understandable, this goes very similar to what Clash of Clans does with their trophy system, if I'm correct?

    And that's not bad, I'm simply making a comparison.

    I rather like how long and difficult that game makes it to gain trophies, and I guess, in a sense, if you're trying to gain trophies, it's hard to lose them (if you built a base effectively)

    APB should have threat difficult to gain, or lose. While I'm not advocating for a monthly/weekly season/league, I'm certainly not against it. If the game does get a competitive base like Matt Scott (don't know if I should @ him, but it would be nice if he reads this...) described, I'm quite sure that with Clans, and matchmaking changes, this would be an interesting/welcome change.

    Weapons role based match making: You are totally right with that. I just suggested this could be considered as a very small factor put only as a last weigh in, I mean, once the server gather the players it needs for a match, when there are more players available than the needed for a determined mission, then it could bring that factor to choose between those available. It could be based on equipped weapons instead, but that way you can easily game the system since you usually switch your guns when the match starts.


    And there ^ I think I answer your question about what I mean when I say "game the system" I mean "fool the system", evade or circumvent its given mechanics. <-- Thanks lol

    I think that if there are more than enough players available for the mission the server has selected, then bring in the default 8 players, (4v4) and fine tune who's going to play, matching them with the skill level (If threat system remains, or whatever system they choose) as close as possible.


    Rewards and Prizes: I'm aware of what you pointed out regarding this, what I mean with my proposition is more aimed to provide a stimulation for ranked matches, I'm quite against rewarding top tier players over the lower rank and newcomers, since I think these needs motivation to get involved with the game and eventually get hooked, but also it is hard to retain a player that already experimented all the features of a game and might get bored than bringing new people who can be baited to join the game and would take months of experimentation if they feel attracted to discover everything the game can offer to them.


    Said this, and based also in your feedback along with what I'm already trying to bring with my suggestion, these rewards shouldn't be something that suffocates the already in place system and its rewards but should be some sort of accelerator that stimulates the current system. Its complicated for me to put this clear but let's do an analogy where the current rewards system you listed represents 100% of the available prizes we can get for free by just playing the game, then I think that anything we add to it by improving the match making with some sort of leagues mechanics, should boost these by a very small factor of 5% or maybe 10% in given rewards, either by boosting the time needed to unlock the stuff we have or by adding a new factor of interest as it might be the Joker Tickets, which is indeed a third kind of currency the players have to acquire items, and from a business perspective, the more options to get items you provide, the players will feel more comfortable against the stress it might cause having very limited ways to acquire valuable items, which also reinforces the perception of the game being P2W.

    Since we don't have any information regarding the competitive stuff L.O. is planning, I'd wait before bringing in Ranked Matches to the table, especially since the game doesn't have anything currently as 'ranked matches' (I think CS:GO when I think of this)


    And I can understand with what you're saying about the rewards, which aren't a bad idea, (I think you meant to say "which also won't reinforce the perception of the game being pay to win"?


    Examples of leagues and rewards: Honestly, I was thinking of old games that no longer exist and mainly private hosted servers, where the ladders used to grant access to exclusive stuff, either visual enhancements or special weapons or vehicles and even titles / tags to show off, etc. but what made me think of all this, and some of you here might want to kill me for this, is an Android game that have been brutally criticized for its business practices and now is climbing to number #5 in revenues, can't do deeper research right now so I'm linking just this post where they explain a leagues system and I'll let you do the research yourself if you want. Only thing I can say, I stopped playing that game a while ago because of tankers de-ranking to destroy weaker players and since they started to implement a rewards system for climbing up the leagues, the game population boosted considerably and it really seems they addressed the issue quite well, yet they apply the most hardcore gambling tactics ever seen which I'm totally against.


    Although I have odd feelings about rewarding top tier players above the new comers and low rank because, as someone said, some people simply doesn't climb further in the ladders either by their own skill limitations or interest put on being competitive or because of other technical limitations, but I mentioned something about this already here in this reply earlier.


    Anyways, I think that having the Joker Tickets currency already implemented, Little Orbit have a chance there of exploit that in many different ways from a marketing perspective to introduce the players to the products they sell in the ARMAS market (which is its original purpose already) at the same time they can implement it in a way that stimulates the community in a much more positive way to fix the match making issues, because beyond how perfect a match making system can be, the human factor will be always determinant and there isn't much you can do to control the player's habits besides than stimulating positive behaviors and discouraging the bad ones.

    I like how your ideas have been fairly thorough, and well explained. I will take a look at the article, and read some more information about it.


    Regarding competitive gaming vs casual gaming: Should bring more information but can't recall old articles and information I've read in the past, so I'm just linking this article I found doing a extremely quick search in Google. I think it is important to note that, despite that younger players might be usually more compulsive with their purchasing habits, they also have more limitations, you called it yourself when saying "as a broke student"  which is natural since you'll be getting your own earnings once you finish your career or whatever your plans are, so, considering the niche of players for any game is supposed to have its gross mass in players above 20 years and specially around +30 and more, these players are not only the ones who might be able to invest (note I don't like to use the word "spend") money freely at any time, also are players who despite the competitive spirit we all put on a multiplayer game we are also looking for the overall experience a game provides than just bragging about skills, and from a customer perspective, I had too many disappointments (ie. Ubisoft, EA Games and even Rockstar now) when purchasing a product I was not able to try which made me refrain of trusting them again in further releases. That's why I think it might be a good tactic for the company to simply slap some products in your face to let you try it and taste what it could be to own these items as part of your gaming experience. As long as there are good quality products, then there is no risk and the odds are that a huge amount of players will eventually buy something, specially if they feel it is right there to reach it by simply investing a few bucks in exchange for a long term / permanent satisfaction granted.

    Same, here, I'll read the article after posting this (currently making a song for market and need to get back to that >.>)


    About your last observations: Yes, I insist that threat shouldn't be visible because it only feeds the toxic aspects of elitism, but we must acknowledge our rating in order to know what rewards we would expect, just as you said. The sample grid I've made is also just an example and your current rating would be visible only for you but not for the outsiders unless they inspect your character stats as we actually do. The rewards such as leased ARMAS weapons or even leased Legendary guns should be as you said very, very limited, I do agree maybe 1 day, 2 or 3 as much, and also limited to a set of lower and mid tier ones, letting the top tier items be something out of discussion in this regards.


    About the rewards and prizes, these should be meant to: A) boost interest in the game and commitment with the match making process from the players who should focus only en exclusively in playing the game. And B) Let the players test and taste what they can get from the game if they eventually decide to invest real money but should never be a replacement that allow freebies to consistently access to paid items.

    In my opinion the threat system should be completely re-hauled for it to be hidden, in the background, and just a set of values... no color, but an algorithm. So, I wouldn't want to base anything new off of this broken, and exploitable system. However, it's a good set of inputs.



    Hope this helps to clarify and continue to develop this conversation and sorry for the wall of text but you took a big effort to address each one of the items you were concerned about so I wanted to be as much detailed as I could. Regards!

    Thanks, glad to see some more clarification, and detail. Overall, I'd have to say the matchmaking, threat, and league/season ideas you've provided aren't bad. I'll look into what you were talking about with rewards. I can see how those could boost the game's popularity, as well as market it. (The Word of Mouth is very powerful) Thanks for providing a thorough reply! - I'd give you a like but I'm out of them for the day ._.


    • Like 1

  2. 42 minutes ago, VickyFox said:

    Sorry to say this but that's a rather system which isn't reflective in skill, This isn't Call of Duty.

    In APB tactics and strategy can and do factor into some missions and locations. The player that gets no kills and does all the targets can still be MVP, also there is Less than Lethal Arrests.

    Besides anyone could get a OCA, or Joker Carbine and you don't need skills to just run and gun.


    What is needed is really a new algorithm formula which factors in overall game play experience, something with end game points (excluding premium bonus), character rank and total hours played (except when in social).

    Bare in mind that current threat system does not factor in experience of gameplay in fightclub and Open Conflict, While these districts shouldn't impact the player's threat normally the player can improve their skills and become better in these districts still. Because of that, hours should be considered.

    I have to agree with you on factoring hours.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Ken2 said:



      Hide contents



    I think players threat should be NOT hidden. In my active times of action district, seeing players thread could alert me how hard should i play.

    Recent example:

    Got 2 vs 2 mission in fin, silver bud and me vs two golds (yeah, max). Can't remember well if we got defense -i think yes-, we did what we could and we reached last mission that consisted on take item to the team zone. We got that lucky strike to being able to kill both, silvy damaged one gold good enough and i could kill both. We took the item to my vegas and we started running around the map to make time until last minute.

    *The tactic consist in that, if we can't deliver the item, they wont be able to deliver it because they would have a short time.*

    We got another lucky strike, the one mistake i was hopping they would commit, one of them tried to chase us about when we were getting our item to destiny. As my silvy was really brave even when he was bad, i let him rush the gold guy first. He got killed and i finished the goldy. Took my vegas again, silvy spawned in my car and headed quick to destiny where the other gold was, we took him down, deliver item. GGEZ, because even if they could kill us both we would stin win because my tactic (about less than 1' of holding item).


    After telling this fantastic adventure, would you still try to hide our threats? I would think about it. Because if i couldnt see my silver bud threat, i would play like if he was skilled.



    Regarding rewards, its a good table. I am not sure if you would apply it in all missions or special maps or daily missions... ive been thinking about major rewards like joker boxes (if they ever do it ofc) they would be put in maps where only max ranked (255 right? threat wont matter) players could access. The reason is what i alrady typed in my first post in this thread.


    I would still hide your threat.

  4. On 5/25/2018 at 11:36 AM, Tigrix said:


      Hide contents

    for the kind words and those curious which program, it was made using sony vegas and oh god yes... 😥 😜 
    ... a screenshot of my mess of a timeline when I rendered final version (or..what became final due to how quickly LO works 😮 from takeover and to announcement of May 25th 😎)


    Out of curiosity, how long did it take to render and export? and if so can I know your specs?

    I got Sony Vegas 14 from a Humble bundle, and am learning it...

  5. 19 hours ago, Salvick said:

    Let's bring some concepts I want to share since I've been thinking of this ideas for a while already.


    The threat system as it is already have huge flaws that let the portion of the players in both ends of the rating spectrum out of having chances of decent match-making while also enabling every single player out there abuse this system in search of more advantageous matches in detriment of the overall gaming experience for everyone else, aka: dethreat.

    Ok, established the problem, and specified why it's a problem.

    The Threat System has huge flaws, hurting people on the two ends of line, (I'm going to assume you're talking about Green / Gold) and it's ability to enable the dethreating community to foster.


    Here are some reads about what has been done in the past in APB so we can base our discussion with acknowledgment of these previous updates to the rating (threat) system:


    March 2011:  https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2011/03/missing-skill-ratings-and-thanks-to.html

    April 2014:     https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2013/04/settling-score-version-11.html



     I think of a few options that might work to improve matchmaking and ensure encouragement of players to play fair, be more competitive and get rewards accordingly to their effort and skills.


    Let's get into it:



    1. Frequency-Playing-Based Rating.


    • ~snip~
    • While the threat system does allow for a quick change of threat, it shouldn't need to be reset monthly, while it might be nice, the threat of players should be adjustable, fine tuned, and allow for some leniency. Threat was intended as a measure of a player's skill level. (The system itself is flawed, and poor at that actually measuring it)


    Potential solution:

    • Look above




    2. Weapon-Role-Based Match Making:


    • What happens when a group of experienced snipers who maxed out that role are teamed up against a group of CQC expert players? We are assuming here they are all on the same level regarding the overall performance of each one for any given scenario, but for some specific situations, having no snipers in your side when the other team is holding positions in high spots surrounding an objective with <4mins to finish it makes for a CQC team fall in the need of a very tactical and well coordinated moving to clear the area and reach the target before the time runs out, otherwise, we get very short missions as a result disregarding if you are in the winning or the losing team.
    • Ok, skill is a measure here, which is what threat should be. Weapon roles should not be used to measure a player's skill level, they're just a number of kills with a particular type of weapon...


    Potential solution:

    • The problem with trying to fix this, is that the environment of the game changes, your objectives move. You don't repeat the same locations every stage, every mission, with the same people (although grouped with people you might)
    • In addition, your weapons can change throughout a mission, when a particular moment might call for you to use a sniper, and other for you to use a shotgun. While having a team evenly balanced is good, it can't, and won't stay like that.



    3. Rewards for going up on a League System instead of only four threat tiers:


    • When it comes to a wide player base the spectrum of skill ratings is way too big to actually have an accurate method to pair every player in a balanced match without risking to have an amount of them in the same pool with players way above or way below their level when there are so few tiers to frame them. Also in this particular situations there's the point where players looking for more rewards will try to game the system (I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here) or would end up not getting proper rewards accordingly to their effort or skills put on the game leading to discouraging the new players or casual ones since they'll be struggling to get cash and xp or either making the more skilled ones get very few motivation to put an effort on improve and rank up if they could be getting same or better earnings and easier wins by just getting matched with less experienced players.
    1. If there is a wide player base, I'm sure that there would be a rather balanced set of high/skilled/casual/new/whatever players.
    2. This is a problem with matchmaking, having few tiers as well. In the old days, your exact threat was public. You were divided up as a color, and then a rank. (not your R value) I.e. Gold 1, Gold 6, Silver 5, Bronze 10... This still exists, but the numbers are hidden from players. As I have said in previous posts in other threads, the color as well should be hidden from ALL players. Still display your character's R value (R135, R255, etc.)
    3. What do you define a proper rewards? For completing missions you receive:
    • Money
    • Standing (Points that rank you up with whichever contact gave you the mission)
    • Symbol, and Symbol sheets for use in customization

    Through contacts, by gaining standing you get:

    • Clothes, Cars, Unlocking weapons, etc.

    Everyone gets access to the same things through missions... Once you achieve max rank, you stop unlocking things, but you still gain Money. Money that can be used for purchasing X item.

    19 hours ago, Salvick said:


    Potential solution:


    • Monthly League Rankings and Rewards Accordingly: If we could have sub-tiers within the current threat levels we could have some sort of a league system where every player gets matched within other players of his same league/threat but subdividing the spectrum into maybe 3 or more tiers within each threat rank. I think there already is something like 10 invisible ranks on each threat? Let's say the weekly rating session starts and past week you ended up as Silver II, then you have to play 5 matches to settle it down and define if you'll stay as Silver II or maybe Silver I or III or even jump to Gold or Bronze depending if you are performing better or worst this time. Then there's a multiplier in your rewards based on the tier you are which means that if you put an effort to go up to higher tiers your rewards will be bigger and also maybe in addition to this you get the chance of having some other rewards such as a set of League JMB  with a small factor for bigger rewards and less relevant prizes when you are in a lower threat/league and a higher factor for important rewards and more relevant prizes once you go up through treat levels. This is also a way to discourage dethreating and add more interest for the players who will fight the best they can to get such mentioned rewards.


              To clarify this, let's say Bronze, Silver, Gold threats grants you better prizes (aka: JMB or JTickets) while the internal tiers (ie. Silver I, II, II, and so on) increases the multiplier for your cash and XP rewards

              and a chance of getting also a few JTickets if you earn MVP or something like that.



    Now, what I think many of us will agree is that showing up that threat badge above our name tags only thing it did was not only segregate the community, particularly by separating servers, but also increased the amount of toxicity between players and discouraged a lot of newcomers of keep playing because they usually got bullied by other players who just reached a higher tier than them but were facing very stressful matches against higher threat players before so they learned it the wrong way, that's why I think threat badges should've never been there in the first place.

    I agree with you here, displaying your threat should have been removed, and they did, in the Open Conflict districts... which are ghost towns.

    If you want to see your ratings, you should be able to check your stats privately and then if decide you want to share them or not is up to you. 

    I would personally want to share my rating, should anyone in game ask me for help, I would like to brag with my experience, but still help them. I'd share it, but it is a choice, I'll abstain on the vote for this item being implemented.

    We could have some sort of ladders or weekly/monthly rankings for these who wants to take part in a separated competitive instance districts ruleset for that too where also prizes might be more interesting.

    I think that's what Fight Club should've been, and seems to halfway incorporated it. Press f6 when playing, you'll see the fight club leaderboard for the week. I don't want to see this with mission districts, but fight club would see this as a healthier addition... considering that it's already in the game. (sorta)

    I'm not sure if I'm being accurate with my proposition in regards of what might be actually possible to do and what might be already in the board for future plans but by bringing this suggestion here, although it is a bit sketchy, I just want to contribute with some ideas I had based as well in what I saw around some other games where prizes for reaching higher leagues are a motivation that worked to stop tankers from dethreating and ruining the game.

    I disagree with some of the ideas that you have brought forth being implemented, but I don't want to deter you from arguing your point, or making more ideas. You have a good thought out methodological reasoning.


    In addition, I'm setting a poll to know what kind of rewards you'd like to have if  we could get a Leagues System with prizes for going up the ladder.

    As long as they only pertain to Fight Club.


    Waiting for your feedback guys, hope we have a good discussion about this.







    17 hours ago, Salvick said:


    I do agree with some of what you say, but I think that's on a different topic regarding cheaters and such. I'm focusing this suggestion in the idea of bringing more people to play the game and give incentives. I'm not talking about rewarding the higher rank players, indeed these prizes and rewards would not only be limited, but also would become redundant once you gather a bunch and even more redundant once you get used to buy stuff from Armas and upgrade your rig yourself by your own means.


    In the meanwhile I think this as an effective solution to get people back on track with the competitive spirit of the game and the chance of getting rewarded above the current expectations is aimed to get lower rank players motivated to climb up the ranks ladder, and I quote you yourself too:

    I think that players already have a competitive spirit by the nature of the game.


    ^This is what I aim to with this ideas I had.


    When people have something to grind for, they put a bigger effort than just posing around with a gold badge looking to be "the best player" and also there are lot of factors that discourage lower threat players from trying to play when they get nothing more than the frustration of a bad match making and a little reward for trying while at the same time, the experienced players know they'll get the same reward for playing against easier/less skilled players than if they try hard against the top ones.


    That's why so many people, specially average and newcomers, are skipping a mission every time they get matched against those who already stomped them earlier, but if you give everyone something worthy to fight for they stop skipping missions and ruining the game for everyone else.

    I might don't know about a lot of games, but I can tell for a few I saw where this problem of people ranking/de-ranking to get matched against weaker/less-skilled players was a big problem, they stopped doing it when there was implemented a league system where the higher tier you play the better the chances of getting good prizes are.

    If you could provide some games, and examples as to where you have seen this, that would be great.

    Also the most important thing of introducing leased Armas weapons as an ingame prize along with some special JMB (with basic prizes maybe or very, very low chances of getting a relevant prize) is a good marketing strategy to introduce freebies to the market where they could eventually decide to invest some money. It is from a business perspective that I see it this way.

    Introducing short leased Armas weapons isn't a bad idea, so long as they are short. like... one day, or two day max. If you make them only attainable from FC, and as rewards, it shouldn't be an issue, and won't eat into the profits of the permanent weapons, or longer lease weapons. The only problem is that this would hurt the JMBs...

    I understand from a gamer perspective a bunch of players (including myself) might feel this goes against the elitism feeling this game brings when someone can buy all the stuff they want to

    show-off while plebs shouldn't have access to exclusive stuff for free, but from my perspective, every improvement that can provide other players with a better experience is a chance to make the population grow bigger and make the game last longer along with the attractiveness to potential customers spending money in the things they want to have.

    As a near broke college student, the free items, should help players at least experience Armas, but not have to be gouged. And I also see the need to have an income from the game for the publisher, so this is 50-50 with me.

    APB is a very attractive game for a huge niche of average/casual gamers out there that have been trying to join but left because of toxic competitiveness but if the casual players and freebies get the chance to taste what they could get if they decide to buy something then the chances of having more people spending money on stuff are increased considerably at the same time the "product" (players to play with and against) refines and offers a better quality game since you ensure that the customer's investment will worth the fun they'll get if we have decent amount of players to get matched with more diversity of skills and equipment in the streets.

    I would argue this to need to be further debated.


    16 hours ago, Salvick said:

    Regarding this, I forgot to clarify in the OP that also I think threat/rating should not be visible at all, or taking the example of CS:GO competitive match-making, you only get to see your opp's rank after the match has ended.

    Showing it at the end is questionable... It shouldn't be shown at all imo.

    About exclusive content for top players, I think I didn't expressed it clearly, but my idea is to provide rewards for everybody as an incentive for lower threat players to climb up in look for better rewards.

    Threat is a measure of skill, and some people's skill plateaus. If threat is to not be visible, or shared, then there is no way to know if you have advanced for higher incentives... I don't think to throw out the idea all together, but to remedy it. Threat should not be desired, but measured. Players should play to get better, and have fun, competitive, or not.

    Then you could simply put some sort of limit in the amount of rewards you get every day while also I think this would happen naturally once you are maxing out your character's progression because the items you could get as "mission reward" or "league progression prizes" etc. shouldn't be much better than what you finally get once you are involved with the game, unlocked basically everything from NPCs and bought ARMAS items, I think being on top, regarding character progression, along with a consistent high threat rating, would be an inherent regulation of this system since these rewards would turn redundant.


    In that regard, maybe special multipliers in the APB$ cash rewards or some extra Joker Tickets would be something worthy to keep grinding for.

    I have to say, with premium, earning APB$ is most certainly easy, not to mention if you have a good skill customizing anything you can sell it.

    Also, my suggestion lacks of some details such as the scale of the rewards because I don't think I would be aware of what the business model of the company is in order to create a proper scale, but based in other games, there isn't such a huge difference within the rewards you get in the different stages of a league, depending if it is a currency or items, usually they set the biggest price as something that represents like ~20% or 25% of a decent paid item you could get and then from bottom to top you get the smallest rewards as private/bronze/rookie which then increases by a small factor of 5% or 10% till it hits the max reward.


    A rough example I could think of to graphic what I'm saying:



    Threat&Tier    Multiplier      JTickets         JMB Chances Rate                            JMB possible items JMB Leased Legendary Weapon
    Green I 1 0 to 5 0%   No
    Green II 1 5 to 10 0.5% 3 days stock weapons / 500 to 1000 APB$ / 10 to 50 JTickets No
    Green III 1 10 to 15 1% 3 days stock weapons / 500 to 1000 APB$ / 10 to 50 JTickets No
    Bronze I 1.05 10 to 15 2% 5 days stock weapons / 1000 to 2500 APB$ / 30 to 70 JTickets 5 days low tier secondary 
    Bronze II 1.10 15 to 20 3% 5 days stock weapons / 1000 to 2500 APB$ / 30 to 70 JTickets 5 days low tier secondary 
    Bronze III 1.15 20 to 25 4% 7 days stock weapons / 15000 to 3000 APB$ / 40 to 80 JTickets 5 days low tier secondary 
    Silver I 1.20 20 to 25 5% 7 days stock or low tier armas weapons / 1500 to 3000 APB$ / 40 to 80 JTickets 10 days low tier primary
    Silver II 1.25 25 to 30 6.5% 7 days stock or low tier armas weapons / 1500 to 3000 APB$ / 40 to 80 JTickets 10 days low tier primary
    Silver III 1.30 30 to 40 7% 10 days stock or low tier armas weapons / 3000 to 5000 APB$ / 50 to 90 JTickets 10 days low tier primary
    Gold I 1.40 35 to 45 7.5% 10 days stock or med tier armas weapons / 3000 to 5000 APB$ / 60 to 100 JTickets 10 days med tier primary
    Gold II 1.50 45 to 50 8.5% 10 days stock or med tier armas weapons / 3000 to 5000 APB$ / 60 to 100 JTickets 10 days med tier primary
    Gold III 1.60 50 to 60 9% 15 days stock or med tier armas weapons / 4000 to 6000 APB$ / 70 to 100 JTickets 10 days med tier primary


    This shouldn't be considered as part of the suggestion but is just a sketch of what I think would be a system of scales to set the prizes the players can access on each league/threat rank.

    I understand what you were saying, and I'm not going to critique the example, but please reread what I said above about making threat invisible, and it applies to this as well.



    Also there should be a one time only reward for hitting a higher threat level, such as a fixed amount of APB$ cash but unable to get the same reward again if you go back to a lower threat level and then rank up again.

    once again, same thing... threat should be invisible. Threat should not be desired, you should not be able to change it, by seemingly knowing what is. But it should be measured, and compared in the system to give appropriate matches for players.

    Of course looking at the example I'm giving this kind of stuff implies a whole adjust in the overall economy and specially in the Joker Tickets items pricing, but despite that I think this serves its purpose of just provide an example.


  6. 4 hours ago, DarkRider400 said:


    I like how you tell me to show common sense, but you lack any bit of it.


    The point is WHY do people feel the need to "dress up and play military" in APB? It serves no purpose. All it does is cause conflict, hence why we're on the forums right now, dingus.


    ArmA 3 was literally designed around that, looks much better, and plays better for whatever military application they need. It has no place in APB.

    I have yet to see any common sense replies, only posts relating to how you feel about the topic, and what you think, which, isn't against forum rules, and isn't bad; This man is asking a question to the devs, and honestly wants a reassurance it's okay, or a denial because of the game's new policy.

    4 hours ago, DarkRider400 said:

    Im sorry, are you blind or stupid, or both?

    Nowhere have I mentioned that the nazi symbol affects my emotions. I don't care about it in the least.

    My concern is that the whole topic is useless dribble, and that if the question seriously has to be asked, then why bother doing it in the first place for a specific audience that consists of MAYBE 50 people who have hard-ons for WW2 junk in APB.

    First, Ad Hominem, you're attacking the person, not the argument.

    Second, you don't have to mention something affects your emotions, as the way you write can reveal the intentions, and meanings behind words.

    Third, Non-Sequitur, if any question is seriously asked, why bother even asking, why bother finding out information for anything? Because the OP has a lack of information presented. He has asked for a clarification of rules. Simple.


    4 hours ago, AbuMohammad said:

    For me a purpose of making new outfits is a possibility to get new customers and to try making something more complicated. Moreover, i like the creation process

    His reason has been stated.


    4 hours ago, DarkRider400 said:

    So you're justifying nazi uniforms by "creative freedom"?

    How is he 'justifying Nazi uniforms?' Do you mean justifying his wish to create them?

    This game has

    1: One of, if not, the best creation systems in the gaming industry

    2: If his wish is to create something that can showcase his ability to use the tools provided to him, and show his skills on creating something historically accurate, how is this wrong?


    So it's creative freedom if someone designs the swastika and SS symbols in the Designer?

    OP stated he knows the Swastika is off limits. That's a given. The German Iron Cross is not, it's a symbol that has been used in many games, and media, to represent the German government or military before and during WWII.

    Or maybe when they're wearing said uniform and spewing hate speech through VOIP where there's no record of it unless some lucky person manages to catch it on recording when theyre not busy playing the game? 

    If the person who buys his uniform spews hate speech, that's not the person's fault.

    Let's say you bought a car from a dealership, and you decided, that once you drove it off the lot, you wanted to use it as a weapon and attack people. Is this the dealership's fault for selling you the car? No, they didn't have nor the ability to know what you were going to use the car for, unless you told them. (Unlike guns, buying a car doesn't really require a background check... I guess a credit check...)

    The person breaking the rules should be banned, not the creator for selling him something.

    It opens avenues that shouldn't be opened. The hard-on you all seem to be getting from "discussing" (even though none of you have actually discussed anything), is that you'd like to wear nazi uniforms "for RP".

    What avenues does this open? You use emotional language, and a Fallacy of Exclusion. Anyone can Roleplay whatever character they like, as long as they follow rules, and aren't spewing hate speech. Some people can roleplay as an anime character, and might want to show some cleavage. According to the rules, nudity has it's limits. If someone is roleplaying a s** scene, dressed as a complete naked woman, showing all the bits, that's against the rules, but someone merely making an anime woman topless as a symbol is allowed (on the PC version of the game).

    It doesn't matter than it's a game, the outfit itself is an enabler for those with unacceptable behavior and tendencies to say things that shouldn't be said.

    The outfit doesn't enable anyone to do any unacceptable behavior. They enable themselves, and will get punished for the unacceptable behavior.

    Tell me, what country's outfit sells the most? I doubt it's Russia's. And it seems like most would rather wear modern USA military clothing than WW2-style. Willing to bet very few people actually care for French/British/Japanese/etc WW2 clothing, which leaves Germany as the last major country. Can't imagine why that is.

    You just threw a red herring, it shouldn't matter which outfit sells the most. If you want to wear a USA military outfit, all power to you. If I want to wear a crusader outfit from 1066, why not? You're excusing the argument because "I can't imagine why". If you can't imagine why, why even try to 'imagine' an argument up?


  7. I personally liked the uniqueness of the game, especially with collision. The ability to collide with a person outside the mission makes it feel more alive, that the game has people. However, griefing, imo can be handled with in game GMs that actually pose a presence. If someone is griefing, and the report system improves, alongside the increased 'authority' then I see griefing dying down.

  8. 9 hours ago, dett2 said:

    My opinion. No need topless character.

    but nude symbols should be allowed.

    for who wants to make a hentai symbol.


    This is L.O.'s stance on the issue, only no genitalia. Which is fine.

    They are allowing the symbols... Can we stop reposting new threads about this? It's already been answered and locked.

    If you want clarification, here:


    It's locked, MattScott already made his decision, stop asking for more.

  9. Make the Open conflict district the current default, and add matchmaking. You get a fuller district, and no limitations on being able to play. Right now, if you're gold, you want to do missions, unless you're getting on in off hours, you have to wait for a while to get into a district, it's not really easy to do missions in gold districts when everyone's playing in silver. Desegregating the community, not broadcasting your threat to other players will reduce the stigma of threat, or even not showing it at all; It should be a background process. When you remove these threat locked districts, have multiple open districts, and improve matchmaking, or allow for matchmaking in the Open Conflict districts, the population won't cripple itself, as was not maintained by G1.


    Dethreating was a huge problem. I haven't seen it occur much recently, but that doesn't mean it's not happening. The reason to dethreat was to enter the locked lower threat districts. The desegregation, and changes to matchmaking, whilst solely having open districts, will hurt the sole reason to dethreat. The only one left would be to get less skilled opposition in missions. In doing so, make threat invisible, and then you don't know your matchmaking "level" you can't "dethreat" when unable to see your threat. If Little Orbit change the algorithms or the entire system all together for threat as was discussed in the Q&A, then the solutions have already been discussed.

  10. Also, my bad, I forgot to read the Suggestions Forum Rules before posting... sorry... If a GM could correct my Title to clarify that this is for the game, that would be great.

  11. While the 2014 Halloween event and new Asylum map was nice, I was sad to see Beacon removed from Fight Club.

    For those newer players, Asylum, the wholly unoptimized mess it is, was brought to APB as an event for Halloween, and it never left.

    The map itself has many areas where the game can drop 10 or 20 frames/second for some rooms and hallways, then adding explosions, and firefights, it doesn't end well for many users.


    I know plenty of veterans that have asked for Beacon to be brought back, and it has, a couple times for a few events, and only temporary. While Asylum was a shiny new map, it has since lost it's shine, and now, in my opinion, just been a shiny turd since being implemented into APB.


    Beacon was a much better map, and ran significantly better on lower end hardware, with more people in a single map than Asylum has. The height differences, tight spaces, and open roof has allowed for much more diverse experiences than the tight hallways, and cramped rooms of Asylum. Sure there are the few open areas where a long range tactics could be used, the stale gameplay in Ablington Towers will continuously force players to either camp, or exclusively rush into halls of dozens of enemies.


    I'd like to poll the playerbase as to see how many people actually want to bring back Beacon permanently, or rotate the maps biweekly, or monthly; everyone can enjoy their favorite map.

    I would very much like to hear the opinions the rest of you guys have about the two (and I guess Baylan, so three... since that's a thing) maps.




  12. As I have talked on this subject in the past many a time, I have personally liked @Noob_Guardian's suggestion on the old forum, I'll link if I find it. I think that the threat system needs to change, just as most of everyone else does. If threat changes, matchmaking should change, and the districts should hide your threat from other players, or even yourself. (I do like seeing my threat above myself to keep tabs on whether or not I'm doing good, but I can give that up for improved matchmaking) Similar to open conflict, all districts should be threat unlocked, and the addition of a tutorial district like the past for players under a certain rank on NEW accounts, not reroll characters. (Hard to enforce reroll accounts).


    Now, while moving current players threat levels to the corresponding new system would be ideal, in a sense, the game should allow for slightly more adjustment in the beginning, as it fine tunes everyone's 'skill measurement' (as for those who don't know, is what threat is). So... in a sense, a reset that allows for fluctuation when first implemented, and a character is created, but stabilizes over time.


    Link to thread:


    Wow that link took a while to find, at least the old forums were saved, makes me finding it easier.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Toxicitykiller said:

    The console are under the ESRB rating system. PC version is not under that rating.


    If they allowed Nudity in the game, whilst it is under the ESRB rating system, they would be sued, that is on console.

    PC, they don't necessarily have to follow as strictly.


    PC games still have ESRB ratings, they're not excluded. But, in order to make and sell a game on PC, you don't 'need' one. PlayStation and Xbox won't let you sell a game on their marketplace without one iirc.

  14. 11 minutes ago, ninetenduh said:

    Did they actually say they are going to unban Blatant cheater? Like how absolutely no is that? You Cheated, you are filth, you deserve no second chance, ever. Bam. 

    They did, but it's not because they were cheating, Matt Scott said that he was on the support lines with a few people, and provided details that many FairFight bans were unjust, and not fair (ironic).

    Because of this, he said that, because of the issues with FairFight, and the community's problems with it being the forefront anti-cheat, he will unban people that cheated, and were unfairly banned. Not unbanning people who actually broke parts of the ToS not related to cheating.

  15. 34 minutes ago, MartisLTU said:

    There is nothing to debate ... APB was rated pegi 18 since game release. I know you mean no harm, but sometimes its annoying when pegi 18 games have debate about nudity just because of kids without parents control.


    Dude ... nazi imagery and swastikas upset Jews and other victims.... If you not on drugs or drunk when i dont even know how you made this comment.

    It's not the Pegi 18 rating, but the U.S.'s ESRB rating system. APB if it allowed nudity, would be sued and lose the M rating for an Adults Only rating (which would severely diminish the marketing of the game)


    But, since I'm not on PS4 or Xbox One, I'm happy to see non-genitalia nudity return.

  16. 11 hours ago, Usas said:

    No, it is America that has weirdly placed traffic lights.


    *image of european traffic signal*

    Also, the game studio was located in the UK, at least be happy that the they designed the traffic on the right side of the road.

    Okay, America might have the weirdly placed lights, but in the game, if you were sitting in the vehicle, in the game mind you, you could not see the lights at all if you stopped at the 'stop line' as is the law in I believe every state in the Union.


    It shouldn't matter if the game studio is in the U.K., the game is based in a city in Southern California. Just as Ubisoft Montreal made a game about Egypt, you don't see old European styled characters, architecture, or inspirations in the game.

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  17. 3 hours ago, Rumple said:

    Thanks for the transcript. Doesn't seem like a lot was answered imo.

    While not everything that the community has asked has been answered, partly due to the time constraint. However, what was asked and answered has shown that Matt Scott, and L.O.'s team is dedicated to the game, not to just milk it dry of what's left. They want to bring the game back up in population, and make money. Not just to take the cents that's left, but to actually improve the game.


    While there may be some disagreements, and disdain with a few choices that have been made, I only see progress that can be made.

  18. 1.jpg

    If you look at the image, the traffic light at the intersection is on the side of the street it governs. This games is supposed to take place in the U.S.A... so .... it should use U.S. styled intersections. i.e.


    Notice how the traffic lights are on the opposite side of the intersection.


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