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Posts posted by magik

  1. So, I'll paste the link here, and instructions below.



    I didn't make the designer, and it's quite old, since it's not updated for the higher Ranks, and it's lacking the new severs.

    Luckily, it downloads the image to your computer, so if you're using a windows machine,  you can edit it in paint!


    The images I've pasted have some more detailed instructions. For example, if you have two characters, and want to make two images to put in your signature, make sure you select 500, and not 600. (plus, forum rules limit signature images to 550 px)


    While I can't say be creative with there only being 7 images for a background, definitely pick whatever you like.






    I made this since I've had a few people ask about my signature, soooo..... here's how I made my magic.



    • Thanks 9

  2. 2 hours ago, koenyboy500 said:

    Allright allright allright. Let's just ease it down for a little.

    Look, I just want to help the game make better. You people make some very hard facts against me that I absolutely cannot deny.

    I am being told: get out there and do something without a title.  This ofcourse, is very true. (Obviously)

    But GM's are there for a reason right? Why would a GM else exist? And why can Jimmy be a GM and Albert not? I really do not see why there is so much opposition against someone who is trying to do his best for the game itself (through the benefit of being a recognised helper).

    All I was asking for in a nutshell was: What is a GM (thank you for clarifying that) for APB R specifically and where would I be needed to make our tomorrow better.


    But asking is kinda getting out of hand so I am resting my case.

    The biggest issue with having a member directly from the community  just given a role of 'GM' is that in the past people have used that power for themselves. It's not because of you. It's because of what has happened before you. Most of us don't want a reoccurrence of [insert corrupt GM name here]. So... the best way, imo, is for the volunteer system to be returned, and having a monitored system. I won't go into too much detail as the thread is still on the first page. If you really want to help, then I'd wait until more details about the new GMs and SPCT get publicized.

  3. 2 hours ago, LuzExtinguido said:

    I thought it was game 'master'.

    A gamemaster (GM; also known as game master, game manager, game moderator or referee) is a person who acts as an organizer, officiant for questions regarding rules, arbitrator, and moderator for a multiplayer role-playing game.[1][2] They are more common in co-operative games in which players work together than in competitive games in which players oppose each other. The act performed by a gamemaster is sometimes referred to as "Gamemastering" or simply "GM-ing". --Wikipedia (Also the information google is displaying)


    Can be any of those

  4. 2 hours ago, koenyboy500 said:

    How the balloons am I even supposed to know what a GM is? I just want to help the game as best as I can. I was giving an example.

    No need to crack open another ones idea.

    Edit: sorry to put it so bluntly. I just read a topic about the ESRB ratings...

    A GM is a Game's Moderator. Google helps with this: https://www.google.com/search?q=What+is+a+GM+in+online+games&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-ab

    If you want to help the game, here's a few suggestions, you don't have to be a gm, or even a veteran of the game to help.


    1. Help new players get to know the game
    2. Play the game, and learn what more you can. There's always something you might not have known, albeit from map and game sense, to tricks and tips for gunplay.
    3. Be active in the community. You'll learn more about the game, and a lot from others who would know more than you about the game. On top of that, you'll be helping people who just started, or some vets that don't have the same knowledge as you.
    4. Be positive. Unlike a few bad apples in our community, if you are a decent human, and don't try to start fights, or arguments, you'll help improve the community.
    • Thanks 1

  5. On 5/30/2018 at 10:09 PM, TheOppositePolarBear said:

    idk why you want a higher ttk, but as stated beafore, it is controversial(and im in the other side of the spectrum - mantain or lower). higher ttk means its a lot harder to fight multiple enemies as one man. those multiple enemies already have a big advantage in numbers, they dont also need a tank (for more on the subject: check the division... cof... cof... ).


    another controversial thing: only allowed to do ammo/weapon stuff at proper locations(this one... im not sure where im at).

    I sit on the boat that would allow you to resupply only at ammo vending machines, or supply points, however changing your loadout should still be able to be done anywhere. (you can change your loadout at a contact, but if you leave the vicinity, you can't keep getting the ammo for the new loadout)

    sure, getting ammo from a car spawner doesnt make much sense (a car spawner doesnt make much sense eather) but its one of those "quality of life" thing, you know?.

    in 2.5K hours of APB, i dont really think i ever thought "oh man, if they werent getting ammo from the car spawners we would have totally won that mission!"

    but that might happend. once again, not sure if its really necesary, but controversial might be.



    let me add to your list


    • fix spawn points (players spawning behind other players that just spawned)

    The entire spawn system has flaws, like giving you only 2 real choices to spawn, and only on one side of the objective. Spawns should allow for any entry, and tactical point to defend/attack. Spawns imo should be on all sides of an obj.

    • (controversial) fix spawn points for snipers (sniper players having the enemy in sight and in range literally as soon as they spawn)

    Same as response above

    • fix door frames (nades can go through doors)

    On some occasions, yes they can, I've yet to throw a grenade through a closed door, however, the damage still goes through them. I'd support this.


    i also have some personal suggestions but i dont think people will like them / they tend to be kind of unpopular:

    • give us another way to open doors, so we dont need to choose between sacrificing ourselves to the enemy fire or exploit the game... i mean "doing a really skill-based move"

    hey, new type of grenade, a breach charge, that opens doors. (can also be used like a normal explosive, can have either a timer, or a remote detonator.

    • eliminate missions with something to do with cars (really, it gets ridiculus when the mission beacomes a soccer game of pioneers and spacios using the objective car as the ball, or when the whole mission is "did the attackers got to the objective first? no? use an AV/vulcano to blow up the objective and race to the next location").

    Get rid of the mission where you have to cap and hold that stupid armored truck.

    • allow players to hurt players inside cars (give us a chance to not die to the guy with kevlar 3, OCA, and a rushing vegas, when the objective is in the middle of the street)

    I disagree, the car still takes damage, and once the person gets out, they're vulnerable for enough time to kill them. Vehicles are one of the core components of the game, and the ability to enter a vehicle for cover, allows for you to get away with your life, or not, if the enemy can destroy your car. They are a vital part of cover, with a good pro, and a significant con.


  6. 2 hours ago, Gamma64c said:


    My settings are the same is with the older GPU's. My previous setup had a GT1030 (modern slower GPU) on which I do the gfx stuff of the desktop and a GT630, which has NVEnc for H264 that I use exclusively for hardware A/V encoding. The driver I had, was ready for the GTX 1050.


    In fact, I updated to the latest driver of nVidia less than 24hrs ago, which has support for all my GPU's (GT630 with NVEnc, GT1030, GTX1050, GTX 750Ti)


    Even though APB is a CPU intensive game, your graphics card also plays a big role. I can play on a mix of high and max graphics on a GTX 650, so if there's anything wrong with picture quality, try maxing your graphics.


    If they are already maxed, you said you used the second gpu for streaming. I would say try troubleshooting by removing the streaming card, so as there is only one gpu in the system. I don't have experience streaming with two cards, but there is also a multi-gpu option in the settings. Not sure how that would affect your game.


    Edit: Also, it looks like you have reduced quality on decals and such, as well as bloom is turned off, (the pictures you provided in game look fairly dark.) I would begin turning the decals and shadows on, then seeing if updating bloom will help.

    • Like 2

  7. I play on high settings, and maintain 45-60 fps, Asylum is the only true bane of my computer's existence, it'll dip into the high 20's.


    Sure minimum for performance, but I like being able to see the detail I've put into my character and clothes.


    In my opinion, the game should move the symbols on cars and characters to vector graphics.

  8. 2 hours ago, Thial said:

    You keep saying it yet more and more players keep confirming after testing that there is a slight difference in responsiveness. Even one of my friends on steam just wrote to me that there is definitely a small difference.


    10 hours ago, indi said:

    That is called placebo my friend, from a technical standpoint this "fix" does nothing and hasn't done anything for years.

    Why not test it scientifically?

    Give players two different settings, and a control group where the settings stay the same.

    Compare the outcomes.


    Scientific method my friends, helps to test a hypothesis without being possibly skewed due to a placebo.

    I will leave an article about Sources of Error during any experimentation.



    Also, saying "more and more players keep confirming after testing." Ok, who? I don't see many people here stating that it does work, only a small amount, and few people saying it does, while others, also a few, say it doesn't.


    Personally, I've never seen any issues with mouse acceleration for the last couple years. Considering I haven't played in a year, and I suck, but everything feels normal to me.



  9. 4 minutes ago, LAPDAlonso said:

    In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with the confederate flag. Have people not seen the Dukes of Hazzard? 

    Also there was nothing wrong with the flag until the "terrorist" group Black Lives Matter started complaining about it.   The only flags which are a problem are obvious the KKK, Black Panther, ISIS, Boko Haram, and anything related to it.



    I think this is the first time I've agreed so well with Alonso...


    Back to topic, does the flag signify hate? Yes and No, depends on who's using it, how they're using, and their intentions in using it.


    Who: members of parties like the KKK. Your grandma in Georgia who keeps the flag in her living room probably doesn't think about hate (although depending on her age and education might be racist) Or your father who's great great grandfather served in the war, and believes in state's rights keeps a flag as a memorial, or a landmark for history. The latter two don't keep it as a sign they hate black people, or non white people.


    How: You run around a game with the flag shouting "white power" will definitely signify hate. You make a car, or a CSA outfit with the flag on it, probably won't be hate, unless you decide to once again, run around shouting white power.


    Reason: If you want to purposely trigger people, troll, or act like a bigot, and a hateful jerk, probably expect a ban. You act like a decent person, put it on your car or whatever because it looks cool, sure go ahead.


    There is a difference between advertising hate, and being decent. This thread shouldn't need to be created. Use common sense. If you want to keep using the flag, don't act like a dig bick.

    The reason a swastika isn't allowed, is because a country the game is released in, Germany, actually has it illegal to publicly, and in the media, display Nazi paraphernalia.

    • Like 1

  10. I think the whole Global Conflict was better, kinda like Battle Royal, and was already in the game.

    Just tried to find more information, because searching open conflict doesn't help...

    I think this was the precursor to the Open Conflict Districts, but turns out it was called the Anarchy Event.


    Not my video, but a good example of the fun on the game mode. I'd love to have this back!


    Although, I preferred the Waterfront Anarchy map


  11. Probably the best way would be to have an editor in game, in social (place it in the big building to the north, almost empty in there all the time), where you can customize your tracks. Place waypoints, (which can just be the go-to this point as are in a few missions, just don't need to sit on it, but drive through)


    I'd love to see the addition of a racing district. (Midtown 😎 with elements from wf and fin) Only problem I see, is everyone using a Vegas, 4x4, Jericho, and Bishada; Make racing more fun, and allow for a our lower tier cars to be upgradable for races too! (Give the Fresno and Broadwing some love)

    • Like 1

  12. 8 hours ago, M4N!4C said:

    Car Spawner could be removed if LO fixes the spawn system in general.

    I'm okay with this, but need to fix spawn system.

    Remote Detonator could need a contraction. A consumable jammer that blocks such stuff as Remote Detonator, Radar Jammer, Radar Tower, Spotter, Satchel Charges and Boom Boxes.

    Already have this.


    8 hours ago, itsExo said:

    Both of these should be removed, including the Mobile Radar Tower.

    The problem with just removing things, is that they're designed to work in the gameplay, and with the accommodations as well as set back to each mod.

    Vehicles should be used for transport, nothing else really.

    What about the mobile supply unit? That's the real OG blue mod.


    7 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    car spawner = not being 200 to 300 away spawning from objective with no chance to finish it in time

    Precisely why the spawn system needs to be fixed.

    remote detonator = grenade the dang thing you have them for a reason... plus lately bronzes are carrying osmaw and opgl around anyways


    in conclusion - they were added to give more content , change balance to be more variable and all around more to do


    removing anything would take away from gameplay and make it boring....

    tutorial gives grenades so meh  not hard to blow it up


    4 hours ago, LilyV3 said:

    True issues with carspawn:


    too vital over other mods.

    makes people use high health vehicles (causing vehicle imbalance)

    not working properly about distances.

    still broken spawn system


    What the game needs is that car spanwer works properly only 120m away from mission objectives.

    What the game needs is proper spawns AROUND objectives. sometimes you can choose 5 spawns but they are all from the same direction but just further away (and those at locations not at the edge of the map). This was one of the spawn imbalances why people wanted car spawns, so they can choose where to spawn.


    Once this is fixed, car spawn could get some tweaks but before this happens it slves more issues than it causes.


    btw here is a superold pic abotu the issues as it still i rpesent.




    this is the typical spawn odderings (white circles and the yellow fileld ones.) the missions.  Three of them are absoltely unenecessary. Instead the game should offer us the green locations.


    but way too often we get similar scenarios like aboce where we can simply choose between 120m, 150m and 300m, And this shouldnt happen at all.

    Looking at your map, your enemies have 3 car spawns next to the obj, while you guys don't have any, and my guess that the system is also giving them the spawns on the East side of the objectives.

    This is why a rework should be in place for them. (making the timer longer hurts the players because they have to use the garbage spawns)

    6 minutes ago, Ashley said:

    I feel like the Remote Detonator is relatively balanced in that if you know it's there (which you can check as soon as you get opp), it's not too difficult to play around it, and once they use it, their vehicle is obviously no longer available. Vehicles are a big asset in this game and the choice of blowing it up on purpose for potential short-term gain vs the longer-term disadvantage of not having a vehicle is balance enough IMO. You can always proactively detonate a Remote Det vehicle that's being used defensively, or use cover/distance to avoid an offensive one.


    Mobile Spawner also has the disadvantage of showing up on the map/radar, meaning that an aware enemy will know exactly where you're spawning and be ready for you. Coupled with the delay between car spawns and the "sidegrade" balance of losing the ability to use any of the other blue mods, it's fine as it is.


    My only addition to the two would be that the Radar Jammer modification should, like suggested above, disable Mobile Spawners in the vicinity (which would generally already be disabled by mere proximity anyway), and prevent Remote Detonator from activating if near the enemy player and/or prevent the vehicle from receiving the detonation request if near the vehicle itself.

    I like this suggestion.


  13. 6 hours ago, LilyV3 said:





    I did enjoy threat seggregation and the claim "playing only vs the same opps"? wow thats the case today too in the 40vs 40 districts with silversand golds mixed. But never have been matches coming near isntant and were as fair as back then. Yes it was tougher because the "ohh look poor silvers to shred" matchups were gone. But that was only fair, but a large potion fo epopel dont want fair competition thats why they cheat and dope and whatever other stuff they do.


    Yes you are right the current System isn't good but we should not repalce it with another bad one, because that doesn't creates a win for anyone.


    And LO should VERY carefully to read what the goldies write because the past has shown they cater their own needs and those are not the ones they write in words.

    While I agree that people cater to their own needs, I must disagree with "being careful listening to 'goldies '" Little Orbit should be careful listening to everyone, not just a specific group of people.

    They needs to take everything into consideration.


    And I must say, I don't like people calling each other derogatory names in association with their skill  level. (Threat is a poor meter stick for measuring a player's skill)

    Greenies, Bronzies, whatever silver is, Silvies?, Goldies  Any segregation within the game divides the community. There are not 5 communities in this game, there is but 1.

    I'll leave a quote from something I mentioned in another thread regarding matchmaking and threat:



    In my opinion the threat system should be completely re-hauled for it to be hidden, in the background, and just a set of values... no color, but an algorithm. So, I wouldn't want to base anything new off of this broken, and exploitable [our Current threat] system. 


    It's not who's saying what, but what you're saying that makes an idea valuable. If you contribute, and to benefit yourself the most, you would make a system that not only benefits you, but other players, as the game would live and die by this system.


    Part of the problem is not that golds are elitist, because it's not true. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. There are golds who are elitist, and while it's sad, it's been fostered by the system that they learned to play in.


    The segregation of the U.S. until the 60s produced a climate where some people thought they were better than others. You can blame the people, and not all of them are that way, but the problem was with society as a whole, the system they grew up, lived, and worked in procured that environment.


    Insert mini joke here: Civil rights? You mean SILVER RIGHTS!

  14. 1 hour ago, Bornstellar said:

    Next someone will propose a ban on my Make America Great Again hat.

    Just wait, I saw an American Flag on an Espacio today, someone's gonna say the U.S. is Elitist, and offends them, ban the U.S. Flag


    Also, OP, The confederate flag/rebel flag w/e you wanna call isn't a symbol of racism or hate speech, you're good there.

    Don't go around shouting hate speech and parading the flag like a KKK member and you're fine.

    Once you do something that actually violate the ToS, then that's a bannable offense. The ToS also says that you can't break any law of x country. Since the game is fairly internationally based, I'd say, don't shout hate speech, don't make a swastika, (historical accuracy ____ item here or not). Use common sense, and think: "What am I using this for?"

  15. Districts are almost full, 40 enf, 39 crims, and I switch to crim, come back to load screen 37 enf, 40 crim. Switch back, and wait because 3 people joined again. Wish there were more mission districts.


    Also, capturing a point for the final stage of the mission, literally on the obj, not being shot at, and at 1 sec left, lag teleports you off the point.

  16. 9 hours ago, cyral said:

    Folks....alls i want is a little more fairer on the mach makin...that's all...i really don't understand about 60% of this thread....and i admit that,,but as it stands now with the current system in play....more and more people will leave cause their getting slaughtered to hard when their trying to learn the game...and as a low skilled player with handicaps,, it is frustrating as hell right now...

    Fair Matchmaking is part of the thread, the rest of the thread are suggestions on ways to improve the measurement and scales for player's skill, as well as ways to retain, and encourage players to progress and improve.

  17. 2 hours ago, Rumple said:

    Let’s talk about content. Put contacts in Aslyum & make it a 20 v 20 district. Add in our typical break in & item missions & we’ve got a month of content for little effort. Each contact level can be a joker box + mix in clothing slots, etc. Whatever is low effort.

    First, I wanna like the OP, but ran out.

    Second, I can't stand Asylum, they should implement a map rotation between Asylum, Baylan, and Beacon, if possible, more 🙂

    Third... Colby > Joker 😛

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