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Everything posted by ZenRoyal

  1. I appreciate you coming over from APB to say that, as I'm sure you've seen my posts as to what others over on your side have been saying, rather good or bad. We're all so passionate about progress here, and to see an "outsider" (so to speak) come over to reassure us that we're not all just crazy is a nice sight.
  2. Yeah, I don't know, I think the basis for this is that all of us over at Fallen Earth are optimistic, and fully behind Little Orbit. I know GamersFirst understood what the true brunt of the hatred was by the end and they just dropped it. I don't know how we could possibly expect improvement if every team that comes in gets a brutal brunt of hatred, slander, and/or horrid personal messages from players that hunt them down just to witch hunt and fire start. That's not the way this needs to be done. We're having amazing things done right as I speak to improve the function of the game and correct things that G1 let plague us for years, and even with that, the passionate community still pats LO on the back, sends them good wishes and regards, and supports their efforts. The only thing I got from a huge chunk of the initial post here was rather brutal, rude or discouraging. As I mentioned in another thread in the Fallen Earth forums that means a lot in regards to our growth and restoration: The hardest barrier for a developer/engineer is the unruly timeline set by a cruel and brutally distracting toxic side of a community. They need to hear feedback as to what they're accomplishing and forward thinking communication from the communities as to the progress and/or the issues that need to be fixed, as well as the encouragement to do so. I wouldn't wanna work tirelessly over 48 hours without a true honest break if all I ever heard was "you suck" and "you this" and "you can't do _____", right? If your bosses told you that every day you'd quit your job. I understand that they know the territory of the industry, but the least we can do is be appreciative. That's why I back the FE community in full heart through this, as the only forum posts we have outside of the 1/10 straggler are positive, upbringing, and forward thinking. -Figment
  3. I wanted to take a moment to say, even though I'm not affiliated with LO directly, that I am greatful as a player, that everyone in this community for the most part is supportive of making this game run smoother, and feel better, and is optimistic for all the improvements. The hardest thing for a developer or engineer is a deadline set by rude and unruly "customers", and all of you have been so positive thinking and forward thinking with this. I commend you all, and let's all hope to see the best!
  4. I've noticed, but the toxicity still hurts my eyes, and since there's VoIP, it hurts my ears too.
  5. @ColeTrane I second that. I'm often in game idle crafting and helping folks, so just shoot something out into the universe and I'll throw something useful back (hopefully)
  6. I don't usually say things out of anger, but I've been playing Fallen Earth for years on end, since 2008 or 2009. You're telling me to put down a virtually entirely craftable world with a huge social construct and a dedicated community, for a desolate, repetitive game with slightly better graphics and horrible controls. Mmmk. Fallen Earth is definitely unique, given it's harvesting methods, it's social platform it's created based on the tight knit community (where-as APB is someone screaming that someone else is trash every 5 seconds), and the fact you can build and construct full defense towns and build farms that you can seed and harvest, as well as setting up and hand building drilling rigs for special zoned materials, the raids and parties are fun as heck... Like, why would I give that up, and those people up, so I can sit alone and grow a neck beard doing absolutely nothing but reading dialogue that leads up to the same thing that everything always has. I'm sorry, maybe I'm not much of a fallout guy, but I don't understand how that's even an option. I have Fallout 4, and 76, and played New Vegas, and after a while, they all got boring. Fallen Earth has never left me without anything to do truly, there's always SOMETHING to do and SOMEONE to talk to. I can agree with the need for some rebalancing and maybe even new content, but I think the huge thing that frustrated people enough to leave, is the sheer feeling of abandonment by G1, and the brutal favoritism and disgusting mistreatment of users by none other than Tiggs back then. Now all of that's been resolved, and we have a chance to help build this up, tell our friends, help newbies, do this and that, devote the time to something productive and make some new friends along the way, but I see only a few seriously dedicated people trying to bolster the community and encourage new players to stay while initiating a proper incentive, as long as LO has faith in the community it took under it's wing and doesn't abandon us, that same problem won't occur, especially when they finally get out of the thick of G1s crap storm and are able to devote into more of the new, rather than fixing everything from before. Mind you as well, those engine upgraded animations and structure ports for the Fallen Earth characters looks pretty darn good, and I'm glad they were able to stitch together all those teeny tiny character model parts properly to the digital exoskeletons that make up the characters. Looks a lot more lifelike how they're planning on doing it.
  7. Once they see the one ticket that was lost before, they see all of the tickets associated with your email address, and combine them quickly into one ticket.
  8. Also! Make sure you do this daily follow up in a separate ticket, because if you send constant replies to the same email, believe it or not it just scatters everything and makes it even harder for them to see.
  9. Give it another 72 hours, and then do what you must, is what I say. I understand.
  10. Yeah, well I guess you're just a tough customer. I know I respect the difficulties they're having because they took the time and dedication to move to a new hosting facility, then proceeded to upgrade all the servers, and then they had to tirelessly fight through the fact that one of the pieces of critical equipment that tied it all together was faulty when it shouldn't have been, and to no fault of their own, they had to replace it and correct it, and during all of this, some data (due to it all being ungodly ancient) was mixed up and has to be corrected. The premium is icing on the cake, but you getting a response to that ticket and keeping your guns on it politely is the way you get all those items reconciled. Simple as that.
  11. Submit a second support ticket if your first one drowned. And this time, for heaven's sakes, copy and paste the body and contents of the ticket into a notepad just in case. Trust me, eventually the issue gets solved. One of my issues caused by G1 had to be escalated to a Little Orbit engineer/dev in order to correct the issue that was happening to only MY character. It took a minute, but it got solved. Nobody is truly trying to snatch your wallet here.
  12. You do understand that the outlook your expressing is one of the huge reasons people walk away before they even start. It's sad to say that too many people believe too heavily in the opinions of others without establishing one of their own, and therefor the population doesn't get a proper chance to grow. The behavior of slandering something, knowing full that the new team behind it are working faster and harder than G1 ever could at the end, is toxic.
  13. That's because G1 never had to move an entire server in a tight deadline based on a newly expired contract with said providers. With that taken into account, the lost data was something that is continuously being worked on and made up for, and in a world with G1, you'd get a sorry, a pat on the back, and a month of ignored tickets.
  14. You can blame GamersFirst for that. G1 ignored so many support tickets, that when Little Orbit got the game, they were up to their necks combined in old support tickets they had to catch up on. Meanwhile they're devoting time and effort into reviving an age old game, so I'd just have some faith if I were you, considering if it was GamersFirst still, the game would've been sunsetted and long gone by now.
  15. Don't forget that there's a maintenance again beginning at 1:00am (in 1 hour) that's meant to work on this issue. -Figment
  16. I've logged into a character before about a year ago after a long break and found my character on top of a satellite in the middle of nowhere a good 250 meters in the air If they don't now, it'd surprise me, but I've seen it done. Teleport to you, perma stun you, and you get a 5 second disconnect notice before your account is locked last I knew, but that may have changed.
  17. 1.] I couldn't see the removal of 9/10 of the notes, given that every time there's a short supply and a high demand for these things, the cost by means of auction barter ramps up to an insane cost, thus creating a depression in the flow of the economic system. 2.] YES, remove bullets from the shops, because that is an item that should be crafted, but be careful with that, because again, a supply/demand issue comes into play when you encounter those of us that have to expend upwards of 10,000 bullets per hour to achieve what we're after, which by means of PvE/Crafting in and around hostile places, and anyone who's not using melee in a highly restricted instance will no longer be able to put up a fight against any NPCs that they must clear in order to continue on to gather what they may need or progress. Creates a certain unplayability. 3.] The reason PvP is optional and there is designated zones for certain materials to be harvested, is because of the balancing. There is a certain meta of the game near end-game, where if open world PvP was a thing to the degree of not making it an option to relax passive, gear would constantly break, trolls would kill newbies all day long because there's a definite stat difference by level. A troll comes up and kills a level 5 that just started, 30 times in a row because he can, and the newbie is weak in comparison, but the newbie can't gather the copper he needs to make the ammo, let alone step outside of the cloner for risk of being shot down or maimed by a higher level player. The way the game is designed, it's very dangerous to suggest a full open PvP map system because there's way too many overpowered folks out there who have been making builds strong for years, that would walk all over those that need the advantage of peace and quiet to catch up. 4.] Consider that node placement also accounts for constructible structures, such as large farms and camps that can be placed. If we spread out the nodes enough, there will be very very few places to place these farms and keep them compatible with the terrain, let alone the fact that you can't even place a campfire bundle down within like 35 meters of a node or NPC. 5.] This is just to add to the suggestions as a whole! Cooking other than endgame buffs is essentially useless as low level PvP is currently dead and the lower tier buffs aren't so relevant, however given that a sustenance gauge is added, it may make those cooked consumables useful in regards to replenishing that Sustenance, and mayhap when it reaches the bottom, you do not die, but you will suffer a slight speed debuff when running, and may experience some slight skill debuffing of 3-5 points if you don't eat. That was we retain the traditional balance of the game, but we add a little bit of urgency into the mix. -Figment
  18. To those of you that are concerned about which specific changes are to be made in Fallen Earth: All that I could reasonably foresee is upgrades to the equipment, IE servers or engine, that make this game compatible and able to operate better under modern stresses and networks. The reason for these extended maintenances is to repair and correct issues that sprung up from previous developers prior to Little Orbit, and certain neglect and carelessness before L.O. that lead to the issues at hand. I could only speculate that as far as content goes, the game will only see an increase in events and thankfully more GM presence to engage and gather more from the community, and naturally as we all know, it'll be a wonderful idea to re-open marketing to boost the population once the base issues are solved and the game is running as smoothly as it did in it's prime. I, among many, am looking forward to these changes, minor upgrades, and performance corrections! Long live Fallen Earth, and thank you Little Orbit! - Figment
  19. I double checked and there's still a character selection lag issue. A rather severe one. It wasn't so brutal the first few times I hopped toons but after a while they all just "disappeared"
  20. Simply put, but obviously well said. For generations games have come out and passed on with great fight, and yet their communities fail to do anything about it. As many of us can proudly display: there's an ongoing passion for the game and we encourage that it never die. Long Live the Fallen Earth
  21. I would honestly doubt it, but there's a different way to apply that privilege to any affiliated accounts that doesn't involve fiddling with the servers, I'm sure.
  22. Sorry for the dupe post, I appreciate you guys keeping that transparency as I would, considering it helps the community stay at ease (if you don't count the memes)
  23. Update: I haven't been able to find anything in regards to this, please let me know if you hear anything.
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