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I was able to login properly, but my characters aren't showing up (another person is having this happen also). It's possible that the game is lagging in the way, that certain parts dont load for about 15 minutes. (like the fast travel, character selection) I will let you know in a few minutes. 4:57 Am EST, I am back in the game. Thank you very much
Thank you for looking into this problem.
I'm talking to a couple people on Discord that are having the same problem also. Seems like the login server crashed
Sometimes the game lags in a certain way, that affects the character screen, fast travel, garages and a few other things. So it might have been happening at that particular time you were trying to login and it didn't show any characters. Also, as of 12:13 Am EST, (currently 12:58 Am) the login server seems to be offline. A couple people "myself included" aren't able to login to the game. It just shows "invalid account or password" 4:57 Am, the game is online again
This happened at 12:13 Am, while I had a couple missions active over near Barret Manor. It wouldn't let me exit my vehicle, so I used the "mount" option and it didn't work either. I tried to exit the game to relog, that didn't work either. I force closed the game through taskmanager and restarted it. Now it says (Invalid account or password). I checked a few times to see if I accidentally spelled anything wrong but I didnt. I tried to reset my password and got this message after clicking the link in my e-mail Invalid Code The security code required to change your account's password is not valid or has expired.
Thanks for the info. That would put it right around 3:55 Pm EST This is interesting because, the one type of lag that affects fast travel etc, normally lasts about 15 minutes. So if people were having those problems for a little while before the server went down around 3:55, the lag "could" have started at 3:42 which matches up with the time in my other post.
6:56 Pm EST, Apparently there hasn't been any lag ever since Daily maintenance. (confirmed by 2 people) Also, I don't notice any lag either. 11:18 Pm, lag when taking quest (you can turn them in though). Fast travel not working, garages, etc. 11:31 lag stopped Approx 1:32 Am fast travel, missions, not working. My character randomly died while standing at a mission giver. 1:45 game lag stopped but the forum is lagging 2:58 lagging again (fast travel still works) Everything seemed to work good after that, until the server came down for daily maintenance at 7:21 AM
I think you meant to say 5:34 AM Pst, which would be 8:34 Am Est, since the daily maintenance usually starts around 7:30 Am est. Edit - Everything is working fine again after daily maintenance (a few people said this). Someone even said the graphics look more crisp than they did before maintenance.
Got 3 people saying that the game started lagging about 2 hours ago, so that would make it right around 8:00 Pm EST (5 Pm pacific) Currently 1:18 Am EST. The server has basically been going from slight to heavy lag since it started back at 8 Pm Heavy lag since right around 2:00 Am. Sometimes chat will take up to 5 minutes. 4:42 Am, server is still up but lag is still pretty bad. 4:55 got kicked back to the character selection screen. Login seems to work fine, but finished recipes don't want to complete. 5:06 back to character screen again, login was fine, then as i was typing this, the forum screen flashed and erased what I typed, like the page refreshed, but now the forum is laggy. 5:10 I did an in-game chat Timestamp "test", it finally showed up at 5:15 the forum isn't lagging anymore 5:18 relogged and got stuck at character screen. Got back in at 5:31, game is still very laggy. Noticed at least 5 hammers "resources abound" at Dieseltown Edit - About the 5x "resources abound" in the same spot. Something seems to be overlapping an event, so that it loops over and over, possibly causing some of the lag. 6:12 relogged and stuck at character screen, but I'm done checking for now.
This is as accurate as I was able to get so far. I went through each sections of the forum to look for specific times the server lagged or went down since the 17th. There's more, but it's hard to get an exact time because, someone could have posted way after it happened. Edit - There's a definite pattern around that :42 mark and possibly between :10 and :20 also Edit - (New) When the server goes down, after it comes back online Shacks, Cabins etc "temporary" things are gone. --------------------------------------------------------- Friday 17th 1:42 Am EST (fast travel etc) 2:42 Am 3:42 Am 11:20 Pm approximately ------------------------- Saturday 18th 10:41 Am approx "10:42?" -------------------------- Thursday 23rd 5:15 Pm approx 10:00 Pm ------------------------- Friday 24th 12:10 Am ------------------------- Saturday 25th 8:45 Am approx "8:42?" ------------------------- Monday 27th 3:20 Am approx, server down at 4:42 Am 7:10 Am approx, quest and garage
Alec masters offline at 4:42 Am EST. The game was lagging for a good hour and a half before that. 5:06 Am forum started lagging a bit about 10 minutes ago
12:10 Am EST Lost connection, exited back to the desktop. Started lagging a few minutes before that.
it's back up, but seems like it jumped forward an hour because my shack is gone. There is a small chance that I was wrong on how much time I had left on it though.
Seems to happen at night most of the time, if you live in the USA
I'm starting a log page to see if we can figure out exactly when the server starts to bug out. If anyone wants to post in here also, please put the time it happened and what timezone you are in. 10:00 Pm EST It was lagging for a few minutes before I got kicked back to the character selection. Now it says "alec masters initializing" (broken nodes, someone said their horse disappeared) 10:15 Forum is lagging
its back up
Even the forum stopped working for a minute or two. Game still says - Your area is currently loading, Please wait.
It's back up
All I know was that I was standing there chatting while another player was trying to setup an Instacraft, but it was lagging so they were waiting. Then I got DC'd. It's working fine again logged in with no problem at 11:43 Pm EST My previous post said 11:20, I may have been off by a couple minutes. If it was closer to 11:25 that is within that 15 minute window just like last night.
Just got disconnected a few minutes ago right around 11:20 Pm EST. Now it sahows Alec Masters - Initializing
A few days ago I noticed a chicken down in the fast travel area. I didnt know if it was some type of ability, so i didn't think much of it. I did say something in chat about it but there wasn't much of a response, so I figured it was something that you might "normally" be able to do. I'm trying to remember the name when I clicked on it. Possibly something like Level 3 Zhin Tao? I'm not sure.
Also added a small post in here Also, in this thread 5/15 maintenance, back on page 1, someone said they had trouble. It happened to be 8:50 Pm which is within that :40 - :55 time frame. Edit - Jumping back in the game for a few minutes, to see if it happens again around 4:42 Am Didn't happen at 4:42 Am It's possible, if it is an automated task, it might have been set to only run so many times each day. Or run at a certain time for a certain number of times, then switch to a different time of day. Because it happened at exactly the same time 3 times in a row. Edit - This should include most "if not all" the problems with, Fast travel, problems taking quests, login screen, switching characters etc.
Check for a sever "automated task" right around :40 every hour, that lasts until :55 or so. See my posts for more details about it.
It all seems to be connected. It lags the fast travel, garages, login, switching characters etc. Might be some server "automated task" that runs once every hour for up to 15 minutes each time. I'm slowly getting it narrowed down. How often, how long each time in my previous post.
Fast travel didn't work at 1:42 AM EST (Pennsylvania) 2:42 Am started working at 2:56 Am 3:42 Am started working at 3:54 Am It seems to lag "up to" 15 minutes each time. Edit - After it goes back to normal, chat will lag for a few minutes afterwards. Then it will be fine until the next time.