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Separation to "green", "bronze", "silver", "gold" districts

After the system of dividing districts into "green", "bronze", "silver", "gold" was broken, the online began to fall every day.
If you look at the statistics in Steam, then after the division of districts into "green", "bronze", "silver", "gold" was broken, we can notice a significant drop in the number of players.

After the release of the New Horizon update, the number of players increased, but newcomers were faced with the fact that they are forced to play against players who play APB constantly and have much better game skills. Everyone says "play better, noob", well, here is the result, from 1200 players online after the update today there are already a maximum of 800, although yesterday there were 900+.
None of my friends want to go to this trash heap anymore, I don't see buying JockerTickets in Armas to try to knock out some legendaries in the store, since this game has become sharply difficult for me. Moreover, when Inova and Gamersfirst merged, the ability to write in Ukrainian was removed. Before the merger, Ukrainian letters could be used without problems, but now there is no such option. (Some kind of discrimination based on nationality)


Another problem is players whose nicknames are written in Cyrillic.


Players whose nicknames are written in Cyrillic regularly block missions or simply do not allow me to reach the mission by ramming my car or the car of my teammates. They especially like to block mission objects if their "comrade" plays against us on the mission.
It is simply impossible to send a complaint about such players with Cyrillic in their nicknames if you do not have a Russian keyboard layout.
Thus, players who use Cyrillic in their nicknames receive complete immunity to reports from European players. This is not to mention the fact that I regularly receive a ton of xenophobic statements from players from Russia just because I have UA in my nickname (since my other character already had this nickname without UA).
I've gotten used to getting tons of toxic comments and wishes for me to die as soon as possible from a Russian missile.

I liked the idea when Inova players were on their server and didn't bring their toxicity to European servers.
(I already want to transfer my character to the US region).


Cheaters and tryhards


It's also no secret that there are cheats on APB now and they are free and paid to access on the Internet.
In addition to cheaters, there are also just players who play as if they were playing with cheats and you don't know if you were killed from 80 meters with a Colby .45 cheat or skill.

I talked to newcomers to the game and not only newcomers, everyone as one says that they are tired of Gold players who don't give them a chance to take a step. Just yesterday, in my presence, several players simply didn't want to go on a mission because there were Gold players with cheats or a very cool skill, in my presence, players quit this game forever.


Here are some graphs from Steam DB:




Here are some graphs from will.io:






In conclusion, I can only advise, at least for now, to return the division of districts into "green", "bronze", "silver", "gold" so that new players play against new players, and players who play poorly play against those who play poorly, and to prohibit "green" players from getting into missions where there is at least one "gold" player.

Edited by DenVx
Added Stats for: Monday, September 9, 2024.

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With current matchmaking there's problem to even start one mission, yet alone segregate anything.

Maybe they should fix whatever they screwed up first.

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13 hours ago, Mitne said:

With current matchmaking there's problem to even start one mission, yet alone segregate anything.

Maybe they should fix whatever they screwed up first.

And they made it even harder by reducing district capacity from 50v50 to 40v40.

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11 hours ago, LilyRain said:

And they made it even harder by reducing district capacity from 50v50 to 40v40.

Oh and how I had it - put gold with silvers vs full team of golds. Oh he did bad? Go to silver. Put him still in silver teams, still against gold.


Nice one, LO.


Eh, I straight it up other day. Insane how much they fucked up.

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32 minutes ago, Mitne said:

Oh and how I had it - put gold with silvers vs full team of golds. Oh he did bad? Go to silver. Put him still in silver teams, still against gold.


Nice one, LO.


Eh, I straight it up other day. Insane how much they fucked up.


Yep, here how it goes 90% of the time:





How many players do you think who just started playing this game will decide to stay when I'm already tired of losing?)

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Here are some graphs from will.io for Monday of September 2, 2024:


Edited by DenVx

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