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Planetside 2 like gamemode AKA War

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Heres a simple but honestly great idea

There should be  a new gamemode/district called "War"  Winch would basically be a giant "Capture and Hold" gamemode like planet side two, except on the size of a APB district.  This mode would be 50v50 or 100v100 or what ever the server can handle.  You'd still be able to earn contact points, and roles  , but instead of fighting the same old "Missions" you'd be fighting a pure a simple war for control over the map/district.  Each "War" would go on for a week or until one side has complete control, at the end of the week, rewards like joker tickets or cash will be giving out to people who helped the most in terms of capturing that district.     This game mode would also give more clan interactivity, when a point is captured that clans symbol will be shown on the map "This point is held by *Blah*"  and at that point, their symbol would be displayed on banners and various other things around it.  Each point would be a area that realistically would want to be held by a criminal or police faction so for example the wharf would be capture e point.  only points touching each other would be able to be captured  and after each capture there would be a 5 minute timer before the next cap,   the capture process would take 2 to 5 minutes and would simply require  players in a certain area around it much like to planetside 2.

Spawn points wise would be limited to friendly captured points, and mobile spawns as well as the "Home"Base point for each faction winch would be spawn protected and non-capture able.  As well as a new car mod could be made or a charictor deploy able mod could be made called that allows for spawning  ie a deployable mobile spawn point that can only fit in carrying vehicles and the vehicle can not move when deployed.   the charictor deploy able would be like a "Rally Point Bag" and once placed on the ground, players can spawn from it but it would be much like a boom box, it can be destroyed and even picked up and moved ((or moved then destroyed by a enemy))

then would fit well within the APB lore, and honestly give players a option other then the current mission system and give both players and clans reasons to want to participate, as well as give clans ways to fight and compete against other clans and also display their banners winch currently is only displayed in the clan info tab.  ((winch kinda defeats the point honestly of even having a symbol for the clan if that's the only spot where the clan can put it besides personal symbol slots))

Also the reward/leaderbaord system would include clans , So for example the clan at the end of the week or war, that has the most captures or time holding a point or a number of points or a combanation and so forth would  get rewards as well that would be issued to the clan.

Edited by CANNAN
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Could be nice, especially for clans.
Also the display graffiti point marked as the Clan symbols is a nice idea.

supported. +1

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This could be really fun.  I like the idea of car spawners being deployables that make the vehicle too heavy to move.  I'm imagining these points going from the east end of Waterfront to the west end since it's such a long and narrow district, it'd make for a great path of capture points.

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Would be quite fun playing in an actual 40v40, though with 100m render it would get very cramped.

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7 hours ago, SLICKIEM said:

Would be quite fun playing in an actual 40v40, though with 100m render it would get very cramped.

True, that may be a issue,  Honestly tho i see this also as a good fix for the threat and match making issue as match making obviously wont play any part in this,  plus if a player lets say encounters a point with to many enemy players that are hard to kill he can simple move to a different point and fight there.  The other thing this i feel will help with is by giving clans something to do it will allow them to bring in new recruits and new players winch will help with numbers same with normal players, even with the current threat system for example more people in a war district will mean more spots in a sliver district  Albeit that obviously broken system is being looked at by little orbit but for me as a person who plays with a group most of the time with members who are gold and sliver, means its impossible to play during peak times.  this idea would solve that.

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I played Planetside 2, it was nice, but outside major clans it always felt like your efforts had no changes in the world.
This suggestion might work in APB though, I like the sound of it!

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So effectively you want a larger fightclub across an entire district with PS2 style points to take and such...Sounds pretty nice but seems like overkill for the theme of this game. Could be fun though!

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On 7/19/2018 at 11:19 AM, CANNAN said:

Heres a simple but honestly great idea

There should be  a new gamemode/district called "War"  Winch would basically be a giant "Capture and Hold" gamemode like planet side two, except on the size of a APB district.  This mode would be 50v50 or 100v100 or what ever the server can handle.  You'd still be able to earn contact points, and roles  , but instead of fighting the same old "Missions" you'd be fighting a pure a simple war for control over the map/district.  Each "War" would go on for a week or until one side has complete control, at the end of the week, rewards like joker tickets or cash will be giving out to people who helped the most in terms of capturing that district.     This game mode would also give more clan interactivity, when a point is captured that clans symbol will be shown on the map "This point is held by *Blah*"  and at that point, their symbol would be displayed on banners and various other things around it.  Each point would be a area that realistically would want to be held by a criminal or police faction so for example the wharf would be capture e point.  only points touching each other would be able to be captured  and after each capture there would be a 5 minute timer before the next cap,   the capture process would take 2 to 5 minutes and would simply require  players in a certain area around it much like to planetside 2.

Spawn points wise would be limited to friendly captured points, and mobile spawns as well as the "Home"Base point for each faction winch would be spawn protected and non-capture able.  As well as a new car mod could be made or a charictor deploy able mod could be made called that allows for spawning  ie a deployable mobile spawn point that can only fit in carrying vehicles and the vehicle can not move when deployed.   the charictor deploy able would be like a "Rally Point Bag" and once placed on the ground, players can spawn from it but it would be much like a boom box, it can be destroyed and even picked up and moved ((or moved then destroyed by a enemy))

then would fit well within the APB lore, and honestly give players a option other then the current mission system and give both players and clans reasons to want to participate, as well as give clans ways to fight and compete against other clans and also display their banners winch currently is only displayed in the clan info tab.  ((winch kinda defeats the point honestly of even having a symbol for the clan if that's the only spot where the clan can put it besides personal symbol slots))

Also the reward/leaderbaord system would include clans , So for example the clan at the end of the week or war, that has the most captures or time holding a point or a number of points or a combanation and so forth would  get rewards as well that would be issued to the clan.

I like this. Like you said it would work with the games lore. It makes me think of all those cinematic, trailers, and how contacts tell you it's a warzone. This would really bring that in a literal sense which is fucking awesome. 

If this becomes a thing they should bring back Enforcer and Criminal only parking meters and joker tickets. Criminals capture and gain control of an area in the city, the ammo depots and stuff should switch to crim only. Where an enforcer can't use and ammo depot or parking meter in criminal territory, vice versa. Then when a territory becomes neutral it opens up for all to use ammo depots and such until a faction gains control.
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