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Ban the god damn cheaters

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There is way to many fucking cheaters in-game. They run around ruining the  game for everyone and they don't even try to hide it anymore. Does APB even have a anti-cheat? Is it too much to ask to have GM's in the districts? If it is, fix your shit LO!

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The cheating situation is worse now more then ever, it's disgusting. I play as a Crim and get put into matches agianst cheating Enfs DAILY!. For fucks sake, fix your shit LO! 

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Knowledge is power. 


Luckily, health cheats (god-mode) do not exist in APB. Pick a weapon that counters the one the Cheater is using and they'll die like anyone else.

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whats funny about this is the fact that they actively did the oppisite thing and let all the cheaters back in.  🤣🤣

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Yeah, ran into more than a few players running blatant triggerbots yesterday and they didnt give a damn. Im talking like 2012 fresh-off-the-ShawCopter obvious TBots. LO is dead in the water

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Give all players an cheat option, and all players come back for play. Like this no more problems 


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I agree something needs to be done, I understand a company doesn't want to lose players, so I understand why they did the unban to bring people back but they are losing players daily due to the massive amount of cheaters present in apb. for some of us returning players it is highly discouraging when playing in fight club or missions against cheaters that are blatant as day ( if you need footage i have PLENTY)

so why undo the work you put into unbanning people to bring back some of the player base, when players who have BEEN playing are now leaving, along with players who attempted to return.  it truly is shameful, APB reloaded was acquired because there was a vision and a goal and now its just a lawless game that seems to condone cheating and foul play with updates that come out few and far between and when they do its holiday events and such, not anything that gives players reassurance or things to look forward to.

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First, they should fix the balance so that T's are not thrown against 4 gold players in a clan that kills newbies without even giving them a chance to reach the mission object. My friend created an account in this game and the first people he played against were gold 255+ players in the clan, while his team had green, bronze and T players. My friend's team had no chance of winning, since when they called for help, silver players came to their aid, who also could not do anything to the clan of players, but gave the enemies strong silver players.

There are both cheaters and people without a personal life outside of this game, which is why this game is simply not interesting to play for both casuals (who have a personal life outside of this game) and just newbies.

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