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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. No, not right. People that knowingly group with cheaters, especially the obvious cheaters, are just as culpable as the cheaters themselves in my opinion. That's what "I hope so." means. You don't even correctly read what I said, right?
  2. I hope so. I also feel like that's where a fair amount of those "untraceable" bans went. Where people cheated on an alt account to carry groups and then were so surprised their main account came under the microscope and also got a ban.
  3. How are we supposed to scale these? Performance? Power? Aesthetic? I noticed the FFA 5.56 R&D III has mostly Excellent/Good votes, but it's basically only a reskin of the OBIR, and, for example, I wouldn't put it on the same pedestal as the Yukon if we're measuring how balanced we think these are. On the other hand, I think the Huntress looks awesome, but I mostly see it as a downgrade to the SR15.
  4. How exactly were so many people supposedly falsely FairFight banned? I really don't get it. My friends and I have never had an issue regarding any kind of moderation, let alone a ban. We don't argue and start fights with GMs, we don't act toxic, we don't tamper with shaders/crosshairs, we don't push those lines between creative/abusive when taking advantage of the creative tools, and we don't cheat. How did, more or less, completely innocent people manage to get banned from APB?
  5. Yeah. I really don't cherish the thought of this extremely minor slap on the wrist. Their rank/roles/progress should be reset to 0.
  6. All the districts just crashed.
  7. Would you consider removing the teamkilling limit while not in a mission, please? It was a lot of fun to hold small skirmishes among friends and not worry about being kicked from the server for excessive teamkilling.
  8. I apparently made the same mistake. I sent in a support ticket to the new support team. They really should remove that advertisement.
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