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Everything posted by Iosono

  1. Thanks for the replies everyone!
  2. It’s a small team trying to deal with a flood of tickets. Don’t forget all the reports they have to go through too... As so many people report players as soon as they’re out played. It may take a while, but they’ll get to you. Also I like your face And erm..not sure that will be possible anyway
  3. Does anyone else have to enter the two-factor code every single time they return to lobby or start the game? I click remember me like every time. This is very bothersome.
  4. This is amazing Yea it would be
  5. Yea, that’s exactly what I mean. Thay song and the old character selection screen. And it would be nice to remove that god awful intro movie and just make it an option to view it at any time
  6. Does anyone actually like the title screen and song G1 made? It’s really obnxoisuos, I think. Can we kill it with fire and bring the old screen and song please?
  7. Iosono

    Joker Ticket Minigame

    Yea, deffinetly something to do during down time. As for the other bit, I’m just baffled by the amount of people who insist the game is perfect in its current state.
  8. Iosono

    Joker Ticket Minigame

    I think being worried about new content taking the dwindling population away from the mission is just asasine. counterintuitive.... as far as the naysayers are concerned. Glad you agree that we could use some kinda minigame or something of the like. Im full aware that there are more pressing matters such as engine upgrade. just a suggestion for devs to consider An interesting idea. Could pay with regular in-game moneys. Yea, maybe these new contacts will bring something like that. That had kinda slipped my mind ‘til now
  9. Iosono

    Joker Ticket Minigame

    Nope, I think I’m onto something. It would be great to have some sort of target practice mini-game and to be rewarded a small amount of joker tickets for it would be even better.
  10. This is a mess. Have some sort of paragraph structure. ill never understand people who don’t put in that effort. no way I’m reading this disaster.
  11. Mini-game to make joker tickets that is PVE. Challenging of course. Maybe some kind of platforming or some kind of timed target mini-game. I think that would be cool.
  12. Patootie is a word that should never be used under any circumstances. Shame on you
  13. I was gold for most of my APB career....then I sold my computer and built a new one out of spare parts. Much inferior. Now my frames drop to zero at every single critical moment always. thiugh I have to say... I recall playing this game on worse systems. Like old laptops I used to have. Seems it’s only gotten worse hmmm
  14. My thoughts exactly. It’s sounds like the game had needed to be rebuilt entirely, and that some systems could potentially be missing from the game or different altogether. This is a bit concerning
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