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Posts posted by Lixil

  1. Custom titles started being abused. I will in future make a topic where players can request these.


    Limits for reactions are currently 10. This option will not be unlimited - again due to abusing this feature.


    I made sure all features to be available for the players. As players start to abuse these, options get limited/removed. I do apologize for this.

    • Like 1

  2. One of my mods wrote a post for you guys to read if you want to do so. 


    On 5/29/2018 at 3:47 AM, RitualLobotomy said:

    Here is what we currently know about the mass unbanning of previously penalized people. 


    We are aware of the issues that FairFight made for many players, including issuing bans even for legitimate behavior in some cases. We are also aware of the issue of communication between the community and the previous GM team that resulted in many hasty decisions regarding penalizing players. Of course, there is always that group of people that were possibly involved in foul activities, but as a Criminal Justice major, I have to tell you that there is one crucial saying. It is better to have a hundred guilty people go free than to have one innocent unfairly locked up. It is pretty much how the situation is around here regarding bans. Everyone is given the benefit of the doubt that they were indeed unfairly banned.


    There's also a significant difference between bans issued because of supposed foul play in the game itself and doing major things like (as our CEO mentioned) card fraud. 


    Proving or failing to prove that you did not cheat and were banned some years ago is hardly constructive and just presents an unnecessary inconvenience for both those accused of it (banned players) and those dealing with it (support through tickets). Besides, it is not on the guilty to prove they did not do it, but on those accusing them to prove they did it instead. It's basic law and one of the basic rights in a situation where one's name is taken in the negative context such as hacking, cheating, dethreating, etc. Even false accusations or errors in the banning system are damaging the player's reputation even if they truly did not do it, and we are looking to avoid that from now on.


    Lastly, there is a good reason why no fresh unbans will happen UNTIL the new anti-cheat system is established. Is there the risk some players truly guilty of foul play will be unbanned? Absolutely. When you previously have a highly dysfunctional banning system, you cannot expect to compensate to the unjustly accused without releasing a few "bad apples" as well. Did they learn their lesson? Maybe, maybe not. Regardless, those that did not will quickly be sanctioned again much more effectively and quicker than before because of the sole nature of the BattlEye. It is not jeopardizing the community or opening the floodgates to the massive chaos again. It is restoring this community to what it previously was, with new rules and new ways of dealing with things. That is what we all want in the end, isn't it?


    Bottom line, yes! We are starting fresh, and we mean FRESH. Pointing fingers towards previously "problematic" usernames under rather shaky accusation circumstances is opposite of productive and progressive. 



    • Like 16
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  3. Hello everyone,


    Due to the large volume of threads regarding the same topic, we decided to take action. From now on, threads regarding the unbans will be removed in an effort to keep the forums clean.


    Furthermore, talking about bans is not allowed on the forums. We want to maintain the player's privacy first and foremost.
    The reasoning behind the bans and related discussion can be taken up to our support desk.


    If you had a ticket that's related to the ban please read the post that Selali made.

    Thank you for understanding and for your co-operation,


    • Like 25
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  4. Heya @OpTicElement first, I've removed content from your first post. On forums, you cannot copy support/pm (without approval) and post it here.


    Second please make sure to reply to the ticket and explain what happened properly + make sure your ticket is related to the BILLING ban. Not implying you have not, just make sure to get their attention. 

    I do apologize for the inconvenience you are going through at the moment, our support is literally just swamped with the unbanning request tickets.

    • Like 2

  5. 4 minutes ago, Criseya said:

    Oke! Perfect thanks for clearing that up. Explains that. PS: The GM is GOD LIKE. Please tell him/her she should continue doing her work we love it! Just like all the other people of the team, Long Live LO!

    I did, they were blushing. They also thanked for the kind words and said they will make sure to be the best GM ever!

    4 minutes ago, NoobOnDrugs said:

    Cools then it wasnt completly a fail afterall 😜

    and really i am thanking i am happy to see some progress within the game 

    Not a fail 😛 thank you for posting. Thank you for the support.

    1 minute ago, TeazleBitch said:


    What kind of network maintenance is it? 

    Server side maintanace from our providers. 

  6. 17 hours ago, Poperon said:


    Please Lixil, do not hide volunteers behind the "Mod Squad" alias like the ones we had before. If you do this, they will feel entitled to do whatever they want.

    When volunteers have their faces wide open, they usually behave so their name won't be "tainted" or shamed in public.





    You can see my mods here. 


    Also, I will be posting news regarding this latest on Friday. 

    • Like 1

  7. Hello everyone!


    The APB worlds in European and Russia areas will be having some backend network maintenance performed on them Wednesday the 30th of May, 2018, 01:00 to 07:00 UTC. The game will not be available to the players. The worlds that are impacted are Citadel, Nekrova, EU – PS4 and EU – Xbox.


    Thank you!



    European and Russian worlds will not be part of this Weekly regular Maintenance. 



    Maintenance has been extended for 2 more hours. I apologize for the inconvenience.

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