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Everything posted by hackerung

  1. Inless you're in nekrova, or Jericho at certain times of day, false. Bronze servers can hold a healthy number of players without tryhard pubstomping gold players. The golds are the only ones complaining silver is empty. If they were in silver, to begin with, it wouldn't be.
  2. They could just move it like 3CM up and it'd be fine. So long as it doesn't overlap with my crosshair.
  3. @VickyFox I don't think you're seeing the issue propperly. I understand, people should play more to get better. That's not the issue. The issue in it of itself, is that they're not allowed, or given enough time to get better. You have rank 9s who've just installed the game, barely got green or bronze, and they're being put agaisnt people with osmaws, ogres or armas weapons. There's no learning curve you can take that's fast enough to let you adapt to this fast enough. I've seen Golds in bronze fighting T players! I mean come on, really?! Newer players are getting chased away. They're joining, getting destroyed, and leaving the game forever because they couldn't get into it. THAT is why the population isn't growing. Because golds in bronze are teaming up on these people for fun, making the game NOT fun for them in return. I don't care what work-around they find. If it anoys Dethreatters long enough to get them to stop, or to get them to go easyer on newer players, I don't care. But something DOES need to be done, or the playerbase will just get smaler. 15+ of my friends, and clan-mates quit already. I've no more than one or two friends in the game left and THEY are talking about quitting too. The game is unfair. Gold players teaming on new players is unfair. And that needs to be fixed so the community can grow.
  4. I guess it's GG then. Because playerbase won't increase for as long as golds keep chasing noobs away from the game. Rip APB's population. Destined for years to come to have the same "ACTIVE" 300+ players.
  5. When I said you, I didn't mean you literally. I was speaking in general, rethorically. But yes, I understand. I have a little over 2000 hours. I can have a fair fight with a silver at my level, I can have a fun time with bronzes without stomping them or making them lose, but as soon as a gold comes into the equation, the entire fun's over.
  6. Your insight has been taken into account. This post's objective is mainly to point out how the game is unfair. When you're getting 200+ kills a day on easy pickings, leveling up contacts fast and getting the killstreak medal every five minutes, it's rather obvious that you wouldn't want that to change, nonetheless we need this to happen if we're going to make the game fairer for newer players. The only way we can get more people to -stay- in apb, is by actually letting them play, not punishing them for their time with a broken matchmaking that puts them against entire pre-made teams of gold people. Regardless of all that, I'm content with the 2k+ views this topic has, and with all the feedback from new players, normal players and even dethreatters. It gives me hope that someone of relevance has seen this and maybe will foward it as a sugestion to the dev team.
  7. I can safely say without a shadow of a worry that you will never find me tryharding on anyone bronze and under. The high tier weapons I use are either to stomp fake golds, in the case of the ogre mentioned in the conversation above or to defend a critical point against someone with a weapon stronger than mine. You would be allowed to follow or team up with me on every mission, and still you'd never find me purposefully defeating a new player. With that out of the way, one is defending the golds in bronze, the other is defending threat invisibility, and saying golds in bronze don't matter. I think you're confused as to who's trolling who at this point. Not to mention your very own signature has both your cop and your criminal listed as golds. Case and point, your defense of downthreatters has been explained. Mighty thanks for confirming my point, friend.
  8. New players don't always know how to select districts, not to mention more often than not green districts have one person at most. The problem in question is golds farming new players, not bronzes not knowing about district selector.
  9. Again, the threat color is fine as it is, open conflicts hid threat and didn't work, nobody played in them. Separate golds from silvers and bronzes, THAT is what we need and what this post is about. Making the game fair. Not keeping it unfair and covering people's eyes. Fourth time you sugested that and fourth time I've invalidated that 'sollution', and explained why it's a bad idea. The silver on their team joined late. And the silver on our team, the other one, turned gold after another round, aka invalidating your point. I don't care if these are low golds. They still don't belong in bronze. They are taking advantage of newer players to boost themselves, which isn't fair. According to LO, Dethreatters are already getting banned. If the problem persists, along with the bans I'd sugest threat-based matchmaking. The one we have isn't working at all. Put golds against other golds, and that's it.
  10. hackerung

    Mail Items.

    You can delete expired weapons one by one, aswell as extend their lease, in the options menu. But sure, multiple deletion option would be nice.
  11. I understand you're trying to defend yourself and your people for being golds in bronze, to prevent yourself from being banned. I understand, and I get it. But you can't say "Golds aren't out to kill silvers and bronzes" when you have people like THIS: I get the cliché you're going but but it's a bit ****ing heavy handed, when golds in bronze openly admit to want to "**** them longer" after mauling a squad of bronzes for an entire 10-15 minute mission. Your point is invalid. These people ARE in bronze to farm newer players, and that's all there is to it. "Not out to get you", sure, not me specificly. Just all newer or lower skilled players in general. This isn't a once in a while thing. It's every day. It's the same names, the same people, the same servers, non-stop. These people need to be stopped.
  12. hackerung

    Mail Items.

    You can manually delete expired weapons at an amo depot, by acessing your locker (L key for most). All mail with un-claimed items can expire within 3 days, while mail with items can expire in 30 days.
  13. Facts? You've no idea of what facts mean. I disagreed with you because I have coherent actual evidence that any player with knowledge of the game can agree with. Your playground statements, just because you're biased, for being a gold in bronze (who this post is about) does not invalidate my statements or mark yours as 'facts'. I disagreed with you because rank equals playtime, and threat equals skill. You can be rank 255, if you suck at the game you'll still be bronze or silver, whereas if you're a level 9 gold threatter, you're still more likely to get a greater score. Threat is an indicator of playerskill, this is a universal truth throughout APB. Any player good enough to hold a gold status on his own is a good player and nothing you can say can change that fact, regardless of how biased you are towards it. Furthermore, server population is low because new players keep leaving. If you and your gold buddies stayed in silver, new players wouldn't quit after their first match and stay long enough to grow a liking to the game. Not to mention insulting me for not agreeing with you further invalidates your credibility. Again Just because you don't like something, and don't agree with it, does not change the factual nature of it. I know all about the old days, like when weapons had no recoil whatsoever and what not. That does not change much. True you can take it as a challenge, why not, albeit an unbeatable challenge but a challenge all the same. The problem is, however, I have over 2k hours in the game and an arsenal of paid weapons, and still I can't best these people. The problem comes when newer players don't stand a chance at all with free weapons, and often on a 10 day lease. The problem comes when server population decreases because new players don't return, because nobody likes to get stomped on by a player who isn't supposed to be there in the first place. The problem, are golds in bronze, who should stay in silver. I agree that the lack of people in the propper silver district is anoying and makes contact leveling hard, but, again, as I've said like twenty times in this thread alone: If all golds moved to silver, silver population would not be a problem.
  14. I'm going to have to disagree with you. Bronze servers are usually well-populated depending on time of day. Obviously you're not going to find as many players on a late night as you would otherwise on a regular afternoon. A lot of people have lives to attend to and that's perfectly okay. Secondly, if every gold player in bronze mustered up the courage to be on silver districts rather than dethreat for easy kills, unpopulated silver districts would not be a problem, I can safely assure you of that. There's more golds than bronzes, in bronze districts at this point. Thirdly, "You would literally have no opposition" is false. So long as there are equal number of criminals and cops in the district you are as likely to get opposed missions as you would any district. Be it 5-5 or 40-40. This too I can safely assure you as I've experienced it firsthand myself more than once. And fourthly/lastly, you cannot gather more new players if they join the game to get stomped in the first set of missions. In other words. Joining a game and instantly getting annihilated by osmaw users or a premade of full legendary gold threat teams, is not going to make you want to stay in that game, is it? We need to make this game fair by fixing this issue. THAT is how we atract a newer audience, and how we grow this community. And by the way, threat is a good indicator of skill. There will always be people on a good day or who get lucky every now and then, but anyone who is good enough to get gold on a regular everyday or hourly basis as is the case of many, they do -NOT- belong in bronze districts. Threat is the most important thing we have as it tells us the skill level of a player. We have the right to know who we are dealing with as an oponent. Removing threat would mean havoc as any team of golds could join any district they wanted and team up on anyone, new or veteran alike. Your idea of removing threat is the worst idea I could've seen on this topic and i can't stress this enough. We NEED threat to signal us of each player's skill-level. The reason nobody went into open conflict is the lack of control over who you're fighting. That's why those districts were removed. We NEED a fair game if we want to gather more players. We NEED this to happen in order for APB to grow as a game. New players need to be allowed to play and not just get stomped on.
  15. There's a video of a dude dancing around in one of these. It's actually hillarious. Then again you can have nothing but underwear on in the game, if you slap Kevlar Implants 3 on, you'll be a snail. The same goes for fragile with full armor. APB isn't exactly realistic lol
  16. Gonna get 2 things clear. The only people who hate me are the gold tryhards that I use the ogre on. You, hating me, implies you're one of them, AKA, the kind of people this post is about. The whole reason I use the True ogre is to put golden tryhards in bronze in their place. I guarantee you'll never find me going tryhard on bronzes, and if you claim such a thing without any proof you're being false. With that out of the way, you actually filled out 2 of the basic excuse gold threat players use when they go to bronze thus further proving my point. Lastly, there are new players joining every day. New accounts of new IPs, none of them rerolls or alterrnative characters, and I'm fairly sure anyone on the LO team can prove my point. You have made claims without evidence so your point has been invalidated.
  17. hackerung


    That was actually one of the features listed above The lack of a reloading mechanic would severely limit the weapon and force a player to spend ammo wisely. It may be a bullet hose but you can't just spray it willy nilly. I did also sugest a modification that reduced the clip size by/to 100, but added some backup ammo. There's so many possibilities with this. Also, the flamethrower could have similar mechancis to it but severely limited range. Maybe slightly faster walking speed or sprint speed to make up for it. I don't know, both sound amazing!
  18. Well, the problem with that is that Rank is character playtime, while threat is player skill-level. There's people with many hours into the game and rank 200+ that are still getting better, and new people that join after a break or from another server, and are already silver or gold. Not to mention any character you make starts at rank 9. Character rank-locked districts wouldn't be a very good idea because it would still be exploitable. No man I DO understand what you mean. What I'm telling you is the visuals help identify the skill of a player. A bronze can tell a player is better by just looking at their threat level. If the visuals are removed and theres nothing telling them apart from a gold player, they'll just be even further confused. I do actually report these people. I make use of the "Dethreatting" option they added under 'Griefing', in the report menu. The problem is these players keep coming back every day, as if there's nothing being done against them. As to reducing the demerit number, removing their point cancellation and kicking a player after a certain number of demerits, that wouldn't be a bad idea. It wouldn't get rid of golds in bronze but it would lock them as gold for longer. Maybe an added feature to the ones sugested above.
  19. LittleOrbit is banning Dethreathers, so I've heard, and you've just admited to being one. Don't defend the people in the wrong just because you're one of them. Dethreatters purposefully exploit the game mechanics to turn new players away from the game, they should by all means be removed from bronze districts. They shouldn't be allowed to bully bronzes and Ts just because they don't like losing a game every now and then. I downvote posts I don't agree with or that make no sense to me. I did read all of it. It is you who isn't associating my replies to the entirety of your posts. This post isn't about a threat system or matchmaking system redesign. it's about better players exploiting the game to bully new players. It's as simple as that. You're complicating an uncomplicated issue. As I've said I have no problem with people who earn gold every once in a while, we all have good streaks or good days, there's noting you can do about that. My issue is with repeat offenders who do this solely to beat newcomers or less-skilled people.
  20. hackerung


    That's what a clip is. Ammunition clipped together to form a belt. As opposed to a magazine.
  21. Because it was the most relevant to me at the time. Gold isn't about how you do in a certain mission. It's an overal progression. If you're close to gold, next mission, if you're legible for an up-threat, you get gold. You can gain threat by having zero kills, and focusing solely on objectives. if you're one of the highest 3 scores in a mission, you're legible for a threat-up. Vice versa works for de-threat. It doesn't matter if you get zero kills, or secondary only. it doesn't take as much into account as people say it does. If you get a good score, you gain threat points. It's that simple. Giving gold less points would only make it easyer for them to de-threat in the first place thus worsening the issue. The problem isn't people getting gold. it's gold people who have earned gold by doing well, purpusefully exploiting the dethreatting mechanic to crap on silvers and bronzes. that's what this topic is all about in the first place. I understood exactly what you meant, and I stand by my opinion. If a new player can't see the difference between themselves and a gold, they will be further confused. Threat colors also help seeing which players belong where. You know a gold doesn't belong in bronze if they're a gold. Again, which is exactly what this topic is about. No. Removing the threat system would only further unballance the game. Player-skill is marked by threat. Golds are normally better at the game than bronzes unless they are purposefully doing bad or dethreatting, and setting the two apart would further ballance the game. If you remove the threat system nothing would stop teams of pro players from ganging new players and thus kill whatever's left from the population by preventing new players from enjoying and staying in the game. It does because it would further ballance the matches in bronze districts, and possibly put players of lesser skill against people of the same skill level. Put noobs vs noobs, mediums vs mediums and golds vs other golds. Threat is a signal of game experience and skill, and putting people of the same threat strickly against eachother would mean there's a ballance in gameplay. Removing golds from bronze district would prevent good players from fighting newer players. The problem here that nobody seems to be understanding is that new players are less likely to enjoy the game if they're losing 20-to-0. Put them against people of similar or same skill. Remove golds from bronze districts as those servers are for low-medium skilled players. not higher-skilled players. That's what this is about. I don't mind getting my butt handed to me if I play poorly as long as it's a fair match in the first place, against people of same and lower skill than me. I don't care if a bronze spraying the 556 willy nilly mops the floor with my face every time he runs at me. I care if i see three or four golds (pictures on page 1) team up against me and other bronze friends, because that's nowhere near fair to begin with.
  22. I've opened a topic specificly regarding golds in bronze, in the sugestion section, that speaks about this issue.
  23. I'm going to have to disagree with you. What's at stake here isn't threat color or the feeling it evokes in you. It's the impact it has on newer or less skilled players. You could name it anything you want, other than gold threat, it's still too steep of a learning curve especially for people who are new to the game. Your system wouldn't fix anything. It would only make people more confused, and again, especially new players, because they don't know what they're doing wrong, if a player with seemingly the same status keeps mowing them over and over. The threat ranking is fine. The Dethreatters purposefully getting into bronze, is not. That would just plain punish spraying or shotgun people for being lucky with the weapon spread. And that could be exploited by purposefully missing or shooting the ground to lower the accuracy value. Disabling the mission feature for golds would suffice. If not, removing them back into the district selector altogether. Again, the problem I'm speaking of is golds and premade gold teams farming new players. Collect the basic? This isn't regarding how threat works, the basics of threat incrasing and skill-progression, this is about gold players exploiting the threat system to punish new players for being new. You are missing the point.
  24. I've sugested that one above. That's one of the best features they can add to fix the issue. Best case scenario, they get tired and stay in silver. Worst case scenario they get scared enough of their own threat that they tone it down when facing newer players.
  25. I've stated above I've no problem with people on a good day, or first timers, maybe people that get gold every once in a while. We all have good games, it's innevitable, even with our skil level constantly increasing as we learn to play the game more and more. The issue is with people who exploit the system. People who you can -clearly- tell they don't belong in bronze to begin with. People who are hard-gold, who want nothing but easy kills. Again. Getting gold once in a while is fine. Constantly getting gold and exploiting the system to crap on bronzes, isn't. Yood, don't. That's exactly one of the excuses I said above, that DTs usually use. As I said, if all the golds left bronze then Silver wouldn't be empty. We're not talking about one or two golds here. We're talking about premade teams, about the same players, constantly. If a bronze server is full, there's a high chance 20% of that population is gold or getting gold because of DTing. It seems like a rather high number, but its an accurate high number.
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