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Everything posted by vfterlife

  1. You are static. None of you say yes or no on some question. You are always neutral, as if you have no opinion. 0 initiatives.
  2. Why do the SPCT express their loyalty in ANY question?)))
  3. By the way, yes. Current LO is G1. Now on the site LO is listed Reloaded Productions: http://littleorbit.com/ I remember Matt saying that the RP was not part of the purchase ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯ (but if you download the APB from site, for example, the RP logo in the bootloader has changed to the LO logo. What happened recently? LO decided to buy and RP? Personally, I'm more worried about the name of the game. After updating the engine you need to change it. No one will know that the game has changed, if it will have the old name and logo.
  4. Well, since the battle royale appears in the APB - I want the battle pass. @MattScott A battle royale cannot be a battle royale if there is no battle pass in it. You want to battle pass in APB battle riot royale?
  6. Some players managed to launch an upcoming riot-map and place intriguing screenshots. It would seem to be a normal practice when data miners find secret information in the game files and publish it. If the patch is on the OTW, then it is no longer so secret and internal. This cannot be considered a leak and removed. And where you can not delete - ask to delete. Nobody leaks - the players themselves found the card in the files and launched it. Okay? The position of LO on this issue is not clear to me. In addition, RIOT has already been officially presented and will appear in the coming month. The mode is already ready, except for small details. What the players found in the files is, in fact, the final product, not the alpha-prototype. Why is it removed? Tell us. Even personally, my comment with a screenshot was deleted here yesterday on the forum.
  7. Stupid to compare GTA and APB. Naturally, the company purchased the game for a reason. Any company, even the most inept - she will try to pull the game from the bottom.
  8. Prices have always been like this. There almost every week there were discounts throughout its existence. Prices have been equally low always. Before they made the armas free, they made a copy of the base.
  9. vfterlife


    Sorry, but we GamersFirst.
  10. Hi. LO uses image hosting which preserves the original file names. For example, a picture (preview) of each news in a blog has the address: https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/img/news/news-999.jpg?v=53673-105. 999- serial number of news. (picture to news 1 has the address "news-1" and so on...) Sometimes, the address of the picture to the news looks like "news15-1". it is logical to assume that it was previously loaded "news-15". and there is: https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/img/news/news-15.jpg?v=53673-105 Probably, Matt first uploaded one image, but he did not like it and he uploaded another one. This is not the first time. for example, you can find such "easter eggs" for news 13. It works everywhere: from forums (including avatars) and blogs to images on the RedHill site. (What is this? https://www.redhillinstitute.com/img/news.jpg )
  11. With premium, In the new mode, you will not have spawn-enemys behind your back every 10 seconds
  12. I hope that this time the opponents will be displayed normally.
  13. And why should they give you a complete transaction history? Contracts, and any legal connection between the companies is missing. (or...?) p.s. innova did not do special sales before closing. They retained the base from December 27 (2016), and then made the entire armas free. They transferred the base from December 27th. The one that was before the "discounts". p.s.s. What, you do not like too long to wait for answer? Only you waited not a month, not two
  14. vfterlife

    Enough ((

    or call it not a patch, but somehow differently.
  15. In my understanding, SPCT members are not only testers, but also advisers who can analyze and think. I created this topic in order to draw attention to this problem. As it seemed to me, I saw bewilderment on your face when grandmasters killed you again and again. I thought you were unhappy. Khm... Sorry. So it seemed to me, and you are satisfied with the grandmasters and the division of the community into 2 sides: 4:3 and 16:9? The benefits of this innovation will be 10 times more than harm. Or no?
  16. After engine upgrade online will increase significantly. Along with the update of the engine, I propose to discontinue support for the stretched resolution. This is a new stage
  17. I appreciate your work. But I do not think that the viewing angle gives a strong advantage in this game. In any case: the viewing angle is something that cannot be fixed in any game. This is the same factor as ping and fps: everyone has it different. Stretching images in conjunction with the "plasticine" graphics, gives some imbalance in this game. VISUALLY everything looks bigger and there are no distractions. I can’t remember 10 good players with regular resolution. And with a stretched - at least 50.
  18. A SPCT member, first of all, should assess the situation from different angles, and be able to make those decisions that will make the game better (Even if you specifically do not like it, ok?) Every third who uses a stretched image plays better than those who use normal resolution. "Camo pants players" are almost never used with normal resolution and graphics. I will repeat an important detail: The players were divided into two camps: Someone uses a stretched image, and someone - normal. Look at other games - nowhere is this. The stretched image is used only in apb. If the players are so massively using the stretched image in this game, then this makes sense. Is not it? Will the game be better if the support for the stretched resolution is removed? Yes. She will be better. No one will scare the ordinary players. You do not like it, but it will be better for the game. Take it. (I also played a lot on the stretched image)
  19. This is not a disadvantage, since it is leveled by the fact that the players in the stretched image wave the mouse like crazy from side to side, providing an overview of almost 360 degrees. It seems, I said that this trick works in many games, but specifically it is broken in APB. Let's be on cleanliness? 90% of "good players"- use a stretched image. To make it clearer for you, I will say this: everyone who runs in camouflage army pants uses this. Do you like these players? If you remove the support of the stretched image - players with camouflage pants will not be They (and you) set the stretched picture, and scare away more casual players. The community of the game is now divided into two camps: Some with a standard resolution, others with a stretched one. I propose to balance this. In addition - the ethical side. When you enter a twitch, and you see there every second broadcast with this picture: This is unacceptable as well as the current capabilities of the Advanced APB Launcher: Obviously, after engine upgrade Advanced APB Launcher it will stop working. Most likely, they will expand the game settings. But they will never allow to set such settings that can be set now using AAL. This is a big step forward. Even more - the termination of support for a stretched resolution, and, as a result, the elimination of grandmasters. P.S. 10k hours. im not newbie. So that you treat me more seriously - I will say that I have a cannibal mask and my favorite weapon NTEC. UPD: wtf... oops, excuse? @MattScott Where is my edit button?
  20. I studied this question. In games that do not support it - nothing worked. (Overwatch, Apex Legends, Realm Royale, and moreeee)
  21. Can not, if it does not support the game. (Or you can, but with consequences, sacrificing the lack of a part of the interface, for example). Try to do this with Overwatch - you get the strips on top and bottom, and nothing else.
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