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Fortune Runner

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Posts posted by Fortune Runner

  1. 33 minutes ago, StraaZi said:

    does anyone know if it is possible to delete an account if you contact support


    a few questions :


    Is it for yourself to quit the game  , or to start completely over?


    is it for someone you invited in who APB does not entice them to stay ?


    some other reason not listed ?


    if its for anyone quitting APB

    I'm sorry to see you go and hope some day you return.

    many new changes are going to be made over time to make APB better , and i hope you get to play it.

  2. 3 hours ago, SFour said:

    I love getting 2 day trade locked when I just traded last night at 10pm without turning off my computer, and on top of that I love having the worth of a collector item arguably more rare than the ffa 3 become worth nothing in a day, neato.

    the real question should be what causes trade locks

    I've traded a couple times with no problems.

  3. On 6/22/2020 at 5:50 PM, SquirrelFace said:


    PUBG added ranked and force phone verification. It did nothing to stop cheaters. It only stopped some legit players from playing because their phone is unsupported. PUBG is not free to play, you need to repurchase the game. Cheaters use throwaway cards to repurchase the game. Cheaters have no fear, because getting banned doesn't matter. They don't care about their accounts. All they care about is getting top on the scoreboard and get off on rage whispers.

    there are youtube video from the different company's that supports this statement.

  4. To everyone whom I argued with to tell them to be patient on the joker boxes :


    * hugs * I love you guys  - no really there was never any ill will intended - this is why I was being so difficult in saying to give them time and how Little Orbit would probably do something we did not expect.

     It was on a recent thread and its been on my mind.  Hopefully now it is water under the bridge.



    To Little Orbit :


    My mind is blown I never seen something like this coming. thank you.

  5. 5 hours ago, Kewlin said:

    Yes, I quit APB, but I just want to give a friendly reminder to the people throwing fuel on this dumpster fire.


    The Dolton Fresno D 400 can only be unlocked through JMBs, so if you remove JMBs you're entirely removing the ability to obtain a 4-slot Fresno. You should probably throw it up on the Joker Store or something.


    That is all. Peace.

    new contact unlock perhaps ?

  6. 10 hours ago, Elitist1337 said:

    APB Reloaded 2.1 beta needs to be released ASAP

    I looked at the tracking engine upgrade thread, what I feel is the team is trying to get it "Perfect" before releasing, this is an extremely bad approach. 


    You cannot make something perfect, bugs and crashes exists in every software, the only way to get things improved as fast as possible is to let public test it and stress your product. The diversity and increased number of testers will be a lot better than what you guys are doing now, especially when everyone has a different spec (PC only).


    No need to worry about crash, worry about how much disappointment you guys generate if tracking engine progress reaches #52 weeks and still not having a beta. Beta is a test of a product , not a final product, users are expected to encounter issues, and you guys are here to listen and fix them, the current small amount of testers and idealizing fixing everything you see before releasing is almost like a production update instead of bug. 


    If you are worried about players not willing to test the beta, then give rewards for their participation.


    We all know what the game current state is, the longer the engine update takes, the later the core mechanic can be improved. Beta is always flawed, don't be scared about the feedback, releasing what can be seen and touched by public is better than public seeing something with depthless void, people will lose their patience if you just post every week and talk about fixing crashes. 


    already being considered.




  7. On 6/20/2020 at 10:59 AM, Resine said:

    To be honest, engine update is what doomed APB, for couple of years now, there are bugs, issues, imbalances of various kinds, thousands of community ideas, propositions, expectations that are not fulfilled because of "team being busy working on the update", while the players pool diminishes each and every day.

    Say, you deliver it, the game will feel smoother and I will get few extra FPS, it doesn't look that much better than RTW looked like and the core of game mechanics won't change for years to come, since you will be busy fixing thousands of issues after the patch.

    Looking from times perspective, I would rather have current engine that is patched to community carefully filtered demands and expectations, with fluid patches that take care of bugs, issues, complaints and bring balance across the board, and some day switch to new Engine, rather than play this shit that hasn't seen major patch in AGES, while we wait for miraculous engine update for years to come.

    The engine upgrade is needed to fix bugs and problems with APB including matchmaking , phasing and threat changes to be fixed that can not be done otherwise

    G1 did an incomplete engine for the consoles full of problems

    RTW to begin with left a mess as well


    The current engine can not do phasing from what Little Orbit has mentioned in the past , and its not exactly a secret how bad this engine is either since its ten years old and beyond a fossil.

    How do you patch a engine that never worked right without breaking even more things? its not a secret that APB suffers from that as well.


    Also its not like you changing your clothes ; you do not just  "switch" to a new engine , because if it was that easy then there would be no need for SPCT to do bug testing

    And thank you SPCT for the hard and annoying work. I do not see you get thanked often even though you all try hard to help fix APB's bugs so much


    Most of the  problems you would like to see fixed just simply can not be done without a new engine to run APB

    When G1 chose to not do the engine upgrade and did a cash grab instead , a lot of people left from being burned that badly.

  8. 13 hours ago, blueberry25 said:


    of course the technicians will but the technicians do not have time to tell you that they are already working on it




    I better not tease. op might be stressed more tha nit sounds

  9. 3 hours ago, Musul Man said:

    When did they feign ignorance and catch people?

    A while back they were  silent about catching cheaters.

    There's forum threads about how out of nowhere they banned people and had  kept quiet  to play possum and get all possible accounts they could.

    This was somewhere before the 3rd party version of the advanced launcher got people banned which was a different situation.

    I do not remember the exact timeline but it was before that . sorry.

    41 minutes ago, Ashn said:

    Is it just me or the population has gone down hill since the Anti-Cheat change? we was looking at 1200 players now its gone back to 600 max.. 

    people went back to work

  10. Were there problems in the past with this anti cheat ? yes.

    Was it patched so it doesn't happen on APB since then ? No one said from the  Little Orbit staff or the community so I don't know.

    Shouldn't that be answered first before any judgement is cast ?


    Would i be surprised if Little Orbit declined to answer to catch cheaters with their pants down ?

    Oh hell id laugh at that and throw a party so they do not need to answer if that is the game plan.

    I mean they did feign ignorance before and catch people so..... hmm i wonder

  11. On 6/15/2020 at 10:14 AM, BilalGG said:


    While I am wondering if a new situation arrived to cause issues with the servers and the internet for them , it is also public knowledge that many places in the world are still on lockdown and using more internet from having nothing else to do.

    that causes lag too ....

  12. 15 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Game barely has the population to support one of the two maps we already have at any given time. Adding a third map would be just about the worst decision they could make.

    do you really think what few maps we have are enough to get more new players to stay?


    Little by little this game needs to grow content wise or it just wont work. its been ten years of the same  maps to play.

    if the fan made midtown gets adopted in then it would not be hard to fill new contacts with new car kits and clothing , and to spread out current content as well by shuffling items around like moving some guns to a new district to unlock so that its more worthwhile to be there.

  13. 3 hours ago, AlishaAzure said:


    every thread on any forums i have found about battleye lag has turned up the same scenarios so far : an update happened to some game and battleye was their anti cheat.

    so far it only looks like assumptions on the OP of each thread , on each of the forums i read who blamed battleye. ( it sounded like a regular player saying its all battleyes fault each time i read each different forum)

    I can not seem to find anything but speculation on whether it is battleye or not because both sides of any forum thread on those forums just do not know for sure.


    I tried but I just cant seem to find any concrete evidence for or against lag being from battleye.

    hackusations on APB have more concrete evidence shown for it sheesh

  14. 5 hours ago, SquirrelFace said:

    Battleye monitors the game. If the end user has an antivirus scanning running apps or checking accessed files it can cause issues.

    I found no factual evidence that says BattleEye is the culprit.


    4 hours ago, AlishaAzure said:

    Indeed, idk why everyone just having problems.

    I have no idea yet either so I am still looking into it.


    4 hours ago, AlishaAzure said:

    I have an antivirus always checking my files system.

    any good antivirus does.


    I searched for any online games using BattleEye and lag but so far  its the same as here : no one knows for certain but a lot of assuming. I'm still trying to dig up info


  15. On 6/11/2020 at 10:27 AM, AlishaAzure said:

    How can an anti-cheat give performance issues and all these errors? I've got noone of them, is fine for me.

    I became curious since a few people on the forums said its BattleEye fault so i searched online and found no factual information for or against BattleEye causing lag

  16. 5 hours ago, SquirrelFace said:

    Shoot the rider and take the horse then.

    hitboxes from vehicles  swallow up the drivers and passengers in APB.

    Riding a horse to be shot is no different than car surfing and you and i both know people would shoot the horses regardless.

    I am not  some animal rights activist  , but when it comes to horses I just don't want to shoot them , ever , but sooner or later you and I both know it would happen when someone sues a horse for cover then.


    so no thank you, it is not for me.

  17. On 5/27/2020 at 10:17 AM, randomguy343 said:



    Something i've always would love to see is that the limitations on customization was removed.. Get rid of the maximum 'space' that a symbol takes up and get rid of the maximum amount of layers that you can add to for example cars.. 


    The customization system is what always brought me back throughout the years, but even then... The maximum amount of layers and maximum amount of space that symbols take up is just a huge handicap... A option to also put symbols on wheels or on the inside of your car would be nice.


    Stay safe all.

    one of th eproblems with customization is it takes up memory room on the servers.


    G1 used to say that they traded out people who stopped playing for expanding  our clothing symbols etc.

    I have noo idea if they told the truth , but it would need to be looked into by Little Orbit if this is possible or not.

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