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Fortune Runner

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Posts posted by Fortune Runner

  1. 3 hours ago, Abduct / Devote said:

    Here it is again, the "salty" comment, but no substance. Not surprised coming from you. 🤷‍♂️ You guys wanted me to debate you in an ntec thread and you just pull BS from your butt again and again. Where are you fighting is a good start, and "at least 50%" seems very unlikely unless you're in fight club (which has ZERO basis for being a balancing stat check). I played in Financial and I can tell you out of 30 matches straight, I saw 2 ntecs, one being my own. I will say it was more common than the Norse guns, at least!


    4 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:



    I love how you two hear me say what I seen first hand the past month and the only thing coming from you two is to discredit me.


    literally all I said to share my personal experience and you two come off as to jump like that? lol whatever ya salty frags 🤣


    5 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    at least 50 percent of people I have played against this past month had a n tec but it looked like more people than that.

    The key words would be " people I have played against " , and at no time did it say all of APB is at least 50 percent n tec.

    The comments you posted on me were calling me bs , but all i did was say again what i had already said , which was the "substance" of my personal experience this past month , and at no time said it was all of APB.



  2. 1 hour ago, Abduct / Devote said:

    Nice statistic, prove it. Last I played on NA, no one in missions aside from me used it cept for 2 of my teammates once, and that was in over 30 missions. May 25th.


    1 hour ago, RespectThis said:

    Atleast 50% where do you come up with these numbers? So lets say you're playing on Jericho. So 50% of 40 people since the max district on NA is 1 action district. I highly doubt there are 20 people solely playing ntec.


    I love how you two hear me say what I seen first hand the past month and the only thing coming from you two is to discredit me.


    1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    at least 50 percent of people I have played against this past month had a n tec but it looked like more people than that.

    literally all I said to share my personal experience and you two come off as to jump like that? lol whatever ya salty frags 🤣

  3. 52 minutes ago, RespectThis said:

    If you think its heavily used you're beyond delusional

    at least 50 percent of people I have played against this past month had a n tec but it looked like more people than that.

    • Like 1

  4. 21 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    there is zero chance you've ever tried this for yourself, and still feel that way

    Im happy to let anyone who wants to bind fire to their scroll wheel do so... more ez kills for me, and I need em

    I said before how I tested this on the old forums ,  just before the new forums.


    CookiePuss is right the scroll wheel wont do anything good for you , and how it will actually make things worse for you.

    We would get easy kills from anyone doing this.

  5. On 5/30/2020 at 6:15 AM, CookiePuss said:

    Do people actually look at billboards while playing? not the player graffiti ones, but the ones that will be replaced by real ads.

    I've got over 5k hours in APB, and I don't think I can tell you what is on any billboard anywhere.

    Other than the IO  Growl billboard , I am not sure either.

  6. 48 minutes ago, Houaiss said:

    I hope it never gets released in ps5, i doubt they get any decent revenue worth keeping it... and it can affected economically the PC version leading the company to debt and we lose apb reloaded forever.

    Here is a BIG IF STATEMENT :


    If APB is fixed and new content added before the new consoles , and then IF it is released on the new consoles , and IF there is cross platforming , then it is possible for new generations of people who never heard of APB to come play and make APB better as well.

    Not my opinion , just an observation...... my opinion is I want nachos for lunch.

  7. 11 hours ago, IndustrialCat said:

    Yes, that's why it needs funding.


    And APB does have a dedicated fanbase.

    It's sad that you think enough of us would pay to play APB  on a subscription when there are many many MANY game out there with thousands of hours of new content while APB has two mission districts  , two fight club matches , and a few holiday events , but you want people to pay to play.

    But you think what small amount of playerbase  we have , minus any "freeloaders"  as you said would pay enough money to support APB with such little content.


    Do you know how to balance a banking account? Because this  is not it.


    Absolutely doomed to fail.


  8. 1 hour ago, IndustrialCat said:

    Dude you think LO are scammers or something.


    Where do you think all that money would?

    scamming has nothing to do with what i said at all.

    NO ONE in their right mind would pay to play APB in its current state.


  9. On 5/29/2020 at 12:18 PM, Kevkof said:

    For this to actually be a thing, more countries will need to make cheating in video games actually illegal. I could be wrong, but South Korea is the only (or one of very few) that have actually done that.

    That is how they are able to jail people for that.

    with how many false positives can happen as it is , this scares me.

  10. On 5/29/2020 at 1:22 AM, Spy said:

    All I'm saying that if we had more ingame GM's who know what to look for (and deal with it) then our beloved APB would be less toxic and more fun to play.


    22 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    and how would we afford to have that many gms for each match for each district who can ban like you imply you would want from this old argument?

    Even large games do not do that and you think that could be done here?


    53 minutes ago, Spy said:

    Read point 2 please. I know for a fact that larger games operate in a simular way and it actually works. I'm not saying that all GM's can ban all APB cheaters in a short period of time but with it's current slow (or none) ban speed is pretty ridiculous.

    gms .....pay ......how?

  11. 6 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    If I understand correctly, you mean adding acc bound options for more packs, but price varying based on how many characters the pack will be added to.
    Might be messy especially since you could later add more characters, but its an interesting idea.

    If the coding says "after so many chars then charge X for each char " then also have a " to do list " to let people know what packages can be expanded to that char , then it could run clean enough.

    Of course there's more to it then just that , but I'm just giving an idea for a possible foundation.

  12. On 5/28/2020 at 12:21 AM, Resine said:

    I don't, unless I am in tight spot and don't have 10 meters free space to run away.


    Again I have no problems with grenades that hit directly or close by that do damage. Fine be me, you got surprised, you played dumb, you were greedy for a kill you got naded in the face you deserve all the damage it does. The only thing I propose we change is that grenades mostly frag will not take down over half of your HP if it's missed or avoided.


    On 5/28/2020 at 1:56 PM, Noob_Guardian said:

    If it's missed or avoided you wouldn't be taking that much damage from it. I've mained frags for years over all other grenades. I've seen it literally tickle players, other times it doesn't. I've never felt it was too powerful over other grenades.



    I'm assuming lag from a high amount of players lately has something to do with being hit anyways by those grenades.

    Also two grenades doesn't equal a match killer. even 3 low yields does not. feels balanced just fine by many of us.

  13. 9 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    So... if not BattlEye and if not Easy Anti Cheat... if not Fairfight and if not Punkbuster... what anticheat do you want?

    I was wondering about this as well.


    9 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Come play Jericho... if you still think you see cheaters you can rest easy because it means you cannot spot a cheater anyways.

    so true for Jericho


    14 hours ago, Spy said:

    All I'm saying that if we had more ingame GM's who know what to look for (and deal with it) then our beloved APB would be less toxic and more fun to play.

    and how would we afford to have that many gms for each match for each district who can ban like you imply you would want from this old argument?

    Even large games do not do that and you think that could be done here?

    On 5/17/2020 at 5:15 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    and even being nice in a 'passive aggressive' way.

    for some reason this always reminds me of ops spamming volcano's and bragging about how good they are.

  14. 16 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    For an OCA to min ttk at 30m... I'm not sure RNGesus himself could do that. 


    7 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:

    you're right, i think its always taken at least 12 shots past 20m

    I can verify that 3 to 5 days ago it happened to me.

    It did not happen consistently though so I suspect server lag as well as player lag had something to do with it.

    No real certainty why though.

  15. On 5/26/2020 at 2:56 PM, Y2Venom said:

    the game promotes murder, muggings, theaft, speading.

    what what?

    their upbringings and their own choices in life are how people would be hateful enough to do that in real life not APB


    I didn't see people playing Donkey Kong at the pizza place then running around town hitting people with rubber mallets.

    that would be funny as hell if it happened though lol

    On 5/26/2020 at 3:37 PM, CookiePuss said:

    Feel free to petition LO for their unbanning.

    I don't see it going well, though.


    many online games do not allow it , making it a known common practice , so I doubt it would go well either.

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