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  1. I miss Rapid99 and their APB content on youtube from like 12+ years ago. Those videos are what got me into APB.
  2. Low priority suggestion, just something to look into: See about getting APB Reloaded onto Nvidia's Geforce Now gaming streaming service. I've seen other free to play games that were thought to be dead (Cryptic Studios' Neverwinter and Star Trek Online for example) get a large boost in active players after going onto Geforce Now. And it'll allow players to play the game regardless of how good their computer is. Very low priority suggestion, though. I don't think it's something that will make or break APB.
  3. Honestly, they could make so much money by making limit increases purchasable. Like, I blew $100+ on this game last month. Pretty sure I'd be willing to spend more if I could store more stuff. More vehicles. More clothes. More weapons. It would literally be printing money for LO.
  4. I really hope LO maybe makes it possible to buy inventory/slot increases.
  5. I'm in the same boat, sorta. My issue is with the 55 cap I have for clothing. I wish I had more. Collecting preset clothing and customizing my own is my favorite thing to do in this game, so I'm constantly hitting that 55 lmit.
  6. Thing's I'd like to see: Clan/Gang War District - Take a district, divide it into smaller sectors/territories, allow groups of players to fight for control of said territory. Make the territories being 'invadeable' like once a week. Got the idea from Ragnarok Online, which has castles that Guilds can take over with battles happening once a week during the War of Emperium. Will I personally ever be involved in such a thing? Probably not. But if you give it some sort of reward system tied to holding the territory it might be a fun spin on Fight Club districts. Probably limit each group to holding only one territory, though. Otherwise we might see a whole Clan just dominate the entire district. New Open World Crimes - Ga5station robbery is on the top of my list of open world stuff I'd like to see. High risk, high reward, type dealio, since the stations double as vehicle repair and thus increased chance of being witnessed by an enforcer. Maybe do some smuggling open world crimes too, like NPCs or a Cargo/Shipping location that will provide drugs/guns/gadgets to be delivered to the Blood Roses or G-Kings. Of course, Enforcers can witness anyone with smuggled goods in their inventory. Casinos - Basically, money sink variations of Social Districts. Places players with the funds can go to spend their money. Maybe something like GTA Online's Casino? Maybe have in-game concerts held at the Casino for special events, like the concerts Phantasy Star Online 2 and Champions Online has going every now and then. Just a song or two, not like a whole concert deal. And maybe find some talented music creators who are part of the community and willing to display their songs at such events. Race Districts - I know this has been mentioned, but I like the idea of districts where the only purpose is to race cars.
  7. Tradeblock was at 47hrs left when I logged off for bed. Got back on to see it's on 3 Days. Has this happened to anyone else? Anyone have a fix?
  8. I like this idea as well. A lot of games I play do something similar. Maybe combine it with a play time system that gives smaller rewards. Like rewards at 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 1hr. Something like: 15 Minutes - 100 APBS 30 Minutes - 150 APBS 45 Minutes - 200 APBS 1 Hour - 250 APBS and 5JT
  9. Well, what I liked about the Arcade Mode in S4 League is that you had different grades of AI opponents. They were missions that told a story, more or less. Think of it like doing missions with a friend in Saints Row 2 or 3 Co Op. In Arcade Mode you could solo queue for a mission, join a mission in a premade group or do random matchmaking. The AI would be seperated into two or three categories, Minions (Basic run, jump and shoot type stuff), Lieutenants (A bit more complex tactics, actively going for objectives) and Bosses. The main difference with my idea is instead of it being strictly for new players, it would be something for all players to enjoy. Maybe even finally allow some more exploration of the story of San Paro beyond just 'You're a criminal/enforcer, go out and kill the other faction.'. Most modern shooters have some sort of campaign or story mode these days and open world games like Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row have decent stories as well. Basically, think of it as a co-op district. Maybe with its own contacts. If you want to just do PvE content, you can. You want to do a mix of PvE and PvP, you can. Want to do just PvP, you can. It'll offer more for players to do besides just Fight Club, Waterfront, Financial or loitering in Social. Imagine how interesting it would be to have a district devoted to Saints Row or GTA styled Story Missions with their own rewards and contacts separate from the ones in Financial or Waterfront. EDIT: Or maybe even have Story District versions of Financial or Waterfront. So players are playing against AI in SR or GTA styled Story Missions and getting use to the Financial and Waterfront maps at the same time. Wouldn't have to make new contacts and rewards, so it would shorten the time needed to make such districts by a small amount. Don't get me wrong, AI stuff is always going be hard. I make my own games as a hobby and I know the difficulties that go into designing AI.
  10. @darok70 First, I apologize for the length of some of my posts. I suffer from several mental disabilities and mental disorders, including Asperger's Syndrome, so sometimes it's hard for me to stop when I'm explaining things and I wind up going and going and often over-explain and my original meaning gets lost somewhere as my mind goes into an entirely different tangent. Secondly, Dropping the discussion about a tutorial district because it's obvious that's going nowhere, as we're clearly both too stubborn with our own views and want really listen to what the other is trying to say on the matter. In regards to the 'shooters aren't your thing' comment, I played a lot of shooters. Planetside 1 and 2, the Battlefield Franchise (my favorite shooter franchise and I'm still active in Battlefield 3 for PC) and Medal of Honor. In RPG Shooters, I enjoy a lot of Fallout 3, NV and 4 as well as all of the Borderlands games. My issue is I'm use to the more fast pace shooters that I played a crap ton of when I was growing up. Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Quake, Unreal Tournament and so on. Now for the main portion of this post, the Mentor System I suggested. There aren't any games that do it exactly how I described it. City of Heroes had a Mentor System. It didn't reward veterans for taking in new players. Instead it allowed veteran players to team up with new players. This would increase the new player's stats (but not their level) so they could do higher level content with the veteran, gaining boosted xp while doing so. Since City of Heroes and APB: Reloaded aren't in the same genre of MMO and leveling works differently in APB: Reloaded, the way CoH handled it would be piss poor in APB. World of Warcraft has the Recruit A Friend system. Give someone your referral code and when they sign up then you both get boosted XP when teaming together. This could kinda work in APB, but remove the referral code maybe. Make it so when a veteran player created a premade team/group with one or more new players, all players get a boost to the cash and contact points. However, I can see this being exploited by someone making a bunch of fake accounts for a friend to help boost their friend or some shit. Then again, systems like these can always be exploited. The City of Heroes one was used to level alts instead of leveling players brand new to the game. Apparently Destiny 2 rewards veteran players for helping new players, but I haven't given a try. Maybe we can wait and see what Monster Hunter World: Iceborne does? As, according to an article I found, apparently they're going to implement incentives for helping new players catch up to the newest content. Article link here: https://www.pcgamer.com/monster-hunter-world-iceborne-will-reward-players-who-help-others-catch-up/ Like I said though, often times people will look for ways to take advantage or exploit such systems.
  11. I've played Played Planetside 2. The tutorial did NOTHING to help me when I started out in 2015. I still got slaughtered by other players. I only got better with dedication. Stationary targets DO NOT HELP. Moving AI or shooting range targets that do not fight back, as many other shooters do in their tutorials, DO NOT HELP. With Green Districts as they are currently, bronze players can go into them and that will help as they are players more skilled than green/trainees. If we stick all the players who are new to the game into the same map, not allowing bronze or higher players to join, guess what we get. A bunch of new players only skilled at fighting new players. So now they think they're Sir McBadass Badasssington the 3rd and when they start fighting more skilled players...you know what happens, they get their patootie kicked. They run into the same difficulty wall current newbies in this game run into. What you are suggesting is making new players feel good about themselves before laughing as they get their asses handed to them by current players. The fact of the matter is this. In a PVP oriented game like Planetside 2, APB: Reloaded and so on, NOTHING will prepare new players for the storm they are about to walk into. You can cuddle them. You can try and make the transition as easy as possible. They're still going to get their asses kicked by more skilled players. They're still going to fuzzy bunny about tryhards and people more skilled about them. If getting their asses kicked by better players will cause them to leave the game, guess what....they're STILL going to leave the game, tutorial map or not. Let's focus on another aspect here. We take all the new players and put them in a smaller Fight Club sized map. Now they go to Financial Bronze or Waterfront Bronze. Now what? Bigger map. Players with more skills. More open spaces. Hell, all the sniping that is possible in Waterfront. Now, on top of tossing them into a tutorial map that only had them preparing against other new players and AI/NPC targets that don't fight back, we're tossing them into a larger map with greater distances among objectives and more points, on both Financial and Waterfront, to snipe or camp from. Now, I'm not against helping new players but your suggestion might do more harm than good. I'm bolding this paragraph because I feel it is the most important one in this post. What I believe should be done is a Mentor System. Say we have players that are at least 100 Ranking and Silver or Gold Threat. These players can op in to be Mentors. They will be teamed up with a Green or Bronze threat player of 99 or less ranking. The Mentor gets bonuses for playing with their new apprentice. The better the player being mentored does, the greater the bonuses the Mentor get. It encourages veteran players to help new players out more without overly cuddling the new players. City of Heroes, before NCSoft closed it down, had such a system in place and it did a lot more good for new players than the tutorial system did. Right now, veteran players simply have no reason to teach new players how to play the game. A Mentor System will give them a reason. In the end, this will help a lot more than just making a new player only district, as it helps new players improve their skills by giving them a veteran player to coach them and incentivising skilled players to do so.
  12. 1. There's already basic tutorials in the game. Ones that give some pretty nice rewards once you complete everything. Free vehicle, free 10 day weapon and free permanent weapon to name a few. 2. Green Districts are suppose to serve this purpose. Maybe after the merger, there will be more than enough people to get a decent pop in them. There's a reason why only Bronze and Green players can get into Green Districts. 3. Playing against NPCs wont help someone learn how to play the game. Even if they're just their for target practice, it wont help at all. Especially if they're stationary. APB is a Player vs Player game. You're playing against other players. NPCs can't replicate how players would react to situations. Stationary NPCs wont help a new player learn how to use a gun since players are almost always constantly moving. Just saying. Do the tutorials we already have and play matches against other players. If we get lucky, new players will be able to go into Green Districts and learn to get better again.
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