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About (PS4)deckergirl

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    Officer Allowa

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  1. Backstory: "Misty" is her name, True ogre is her game. "Misty" was born in Arbington asylum, She grew up on the Waterfront in the Westside of town,Every night was restless growing up, The constant back & forth BANG BANG BANG BANG!, Gunfire brightens the night sky. Calming, Listening to the crys of Anguish like a lullaby to a child "Misty" Loved it. She remembers in great detail the first time she had to pull the Trigger. Police were clearing the apartment early one morning, When. Suddenly BOOM,Bad guy kicked her door in. She screamed & fell to the floor, becoming useless like most women do. She shut her eyes tightly as the creep creeped closer...BOOF click click, BOOF. CLEAR! Yells the Team leader It was at that time, "Misty" knew shotguns were made for her. Unlike Rookies, Her First gun was a Strife. In her early Adult life the girl was called for Ride alongs. She rode shotgun beside a shotgun. One night during a ride along we came underfire while investigating B&E, Radio was being jammed, 'Well well well' i remember hearing behind me as the door shut. I looked over my shoulder, 3 vs 1. No good i told myself & said a prayer. Just as things were starting to look bad. BOOF!, Damn girly saved my life as if to be my blessing from above. END OF STORY sorry for terrible English, i don't know English to good. @Sakebee im a console player do i have any right entering this contest? If not then just delete my post.
  2. All last year (2019) i've been trying to trade up to the hazardous, (on ps4) & as a Final resort i told myself i'll just buy the big chopper off armas. Well guess what? Valentine day rolled around in Apb & i got excited, Todays the day i reunite with my love & i waited AND i WAITED!... But alas big chopper never showed up this year. But thats fine, its not like i've never spent Valentine day alone before >_> Should i hopelessly wait up for him? or just forget about him? I mean...It's clear he forget about me right? Look friends, i'm not going to lose sleep over him, if you see that loser suddenly appear in APB you let me know! Me & my 'little friend' have some hello's to serve.
  3. Welp, based on your response, me explaining the process to you would leave you with EVEN more questions & im not in the babysitting business but here goes. Your ip address is public info (pretty much) thats why players dislike peer to peer multyplayer games (destiny, for honor ect) Even if your connecting to a server you can still aquire its ip address, its a necessity if you want to test packet loss (i'm positive everyones heard that phrase) And the sad truth is, Its just that easy, so easy a kid could do it & thats usually who does it, So. When i say little orbit is taking names its not because 'LO loved players gamertags' But rather dont expext LO to do jack if you, the community won't take that first step. & we are all adults here so it shouldn't be any sweat off anyones patootie. Someone will correct me if im wrong Merged. console doesn't have a day night cycle, its not game changing but it would be a nice change, we also dont have a threat system so we can't tell if a player is, what they claim there opponent is (trash) since lets face it im trash for outsmarting you (example) (not you but 'you' as general, playerbase')
  4. All this dc every day from xbox reminds me of when apb launched on ps4, little orbit would love the gamer tags of all the players who claim to pull ip's Thats how we solved it on ps4, so please open a support ticket and help make your community a better place.
  5. I own all 3 consoles, ps4, xbox & NS. My pc is way to old to play anything, I own alot of older consoles too. Urban chaos was my first cop vs robber game. Apb can definitely run on the switch but switch actually has standards.
  6. You. Still require that screenshot? What difference are you looking for between console & pc? Which of the 3 joker fronts do you want a screenshot from? Wouldn't a video be more convenient?
  7. Greetings, i am a 'baylan junkie' today i propose to you the concept of giving players the option to keep spending money when they already have "everything" As it stands as of this writing, the only way to get a consumable is via events, end of game rewards, normal people things yuck . However if you just add consumables to armas. Then the non-regular players still have a way to keep stock. Me personally am thinking $1 for 25 any consumable, i always require the large ammo box. (if you know me you know why) It would give you litterally passive income and give me passive happiness...which i haven't felt in 4 years... I dont expect anyone to read this OR see where im coming from But you gotta admit, its one heck of a (great) idea. English is not my first language so thanks for understanding.
  8. $420 on joker boxes,only got a huntress traded it for a nano, which i've wanted since my PC days. Best purchase Key to the city Worse purchase otaku kit or w/e (school girl clothes & pink weapon skin)
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