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Posts posted by cowhorseman

  1. Becuase as i know from talking to former GMs. in both FE and APB gms have the power to look pretty and nothing else. Most of them are just dropped in with no clue how to run commands or do there job.

    People in apb have always been toxic and cheaters. For whatever reason they seem to think being good at a 10 year old game will make daddy come back and mommy want to hug them.

    Best the make a chat tab for team only. Then play the game of "how can i piss these crim/enfos off?" if your enfo easy just stun gun them then kill them. Crim is a bit trickier, but normally car bombing works.

  2. On 1/10/2024 at 5:32 AM, NysekZePope said:


    • Staunch Wounds becoming self-only solves longer PVP engagements, patch being adjusted to replaced "other" healing solves the loss.
      • If weapon DPS was boosted across the board it would solve it to some degree without needing to touch Staunch Wounds
    • If you aren't finishing Dome 1-9 within 20 minutes you're doing it wrong, none of the above changes make any round take 90 minutes.
      • With Willpower's removal you'd scale better into mutations (especially empathic/nano/enhancement) meaning easier access to higher tier heals.
      • AU's stance adjustment would allow users to cover more resist types easier for further protection.
      • Precision's buff would result in more critical hits leading to faster TTK
      • Dodge's minor nerf also effects most of the harder Dome bosses leading to TTK.
    • EA is indeed useless besides PVP and very few instance of PVE (Dash mostly)
      • That doesn't mean it needs too many buffs in PVP.


    Confused on how many of these effect how I play.

    • My HPS goes down from Staunch nerf
    • Crafting being 100% intelligence scaling doesn't effect me at all, I don't "craft" beyond what my First Aid reaches (156)
    • Perc/Coord change actually effects all builds but would actually allow dual/tri weapon specs to be less costly, same with higher tier Staunch.
      • And overall lead to less confusion on character builds.
    • I don't use Dirty Tricks but know I can dispel 1-3 with Preservation (which it shouldn't) meaning I will need to use Renew OR Shake It Off
    • I spend AP into dodge so the above nerf to dodge effects me so I won't net 41% dodge passive with suit/serum/aura with minimal investment or 71% with "heavy" investment
      • It's actually more so to buff other sources which are not even used currently but also blocks out the ability to reach 100% dodge passive.
    • Charge shots in their current state have been complained about in PVP/PVE alike, the extra restriction to weapon requirement (Bull's Eye only) is the only one I actually benefit from directly
      • I don't use Primal and everyone (with a brain) has precision.
    • I don't use social, simply gave it another aura that nothing else covers at this time.
    • Empathic's nerf is again related to TTK issues in PVP and more-so to using Benevolence while moving, which is an unintended feature.
      • The longer cast time will restrict movement a bit more even for those who have server delay.
        • This directly nerfs all PVPers, myself included.
    • Enhancement was simply to provide a light counter to Illumination's damage modifier for future issues with Heavy Weapons, Grenades, and Mutations.
      • This would indeed effect some builds I "might" run but I have been running Illumination since relaunch.
    • Nano-Manipulation is about the other thing here that benefits me, also nerfs me as I'll now have to wait 3 seconds for use Filtration.
      • Because unlike most I can hit that in a 30+ man furball.
    • Patho Transmission is actually a counter to my playstyle, just stop 😆
    • Primal isn't used on any of my "mains", just felt it was a subpar mutation that needed some love.
    • Suppression is another mutation that needed some love, since illumination's changes it has no real place and needed a buff. (And PVEers never use it)
    • Telekinesis needed some love as 60s was a fairly long nerf to it's original power.
      • The DoT blows besides revive canceling and the nuke is something only PVPers tend to use.


    PVE is dog-water easy, the requirements to be 'good' in PVP are simple.


    • First Aid : 156 or 186
    • Empathic : 117+
    • Armor Use : 13% preferred resistance scaling
    • Armor : Enough, with armor use, to hit around 40% before you feel "too" squishy.
    • Weapon : Prefered a 150 DPS but completely possible with something around 110 DPS listed without "struggle". (AKA you can run 1-55 with a level 20 weapon without effort)


    Any "PVP" build destroys PVE. Why? PVP builds are better, you can always go with the highest DPS weapon because PVE is legit shooting fish in a barrel. There is no "PVE" build that does anything better then a "PVP" build.

    Being that i have seen pve builds take down pvp builds i think your head is somewere up your patootie. why? people all play different. now SUPER ULTRA HARDCORE pvpers? no there all sweats with a 95f in a leather suit and are about as much fun to fight as a dry log

    as for willpwoer we would need a level cap rasie. you ever looked at past 180? the skills simpley are not worth the effort or ap to get maybe +2 reg or 50+ armor. all auras are fine around 6 or so. most mutatuions 180 is a waste as the step down can lead to using ap in other spots like more AU power etc.


    Also dodge in dome is a waste, only dodge you ever use in dome is if your build calls for gt def suit. it proved so little to tanks your better off with a nano healer running MS 5. fact of the matter dome tanks only really need 800 hp 50% armor with the right medic you can pass levels in a heart beat. You should try it with a high power tank. Being doing Bdog in like a min if you can fast swap

  3. On 1/2/2024 at 6:51 PM, Maethiron said:

    Whoa wait a minute. Fallen Earth is being remade?! 😱


    Please tell me that's a lie. I loved this game back there when I was a child. I'm trying to come back to it as an alternative to the Unbalanced APB and definitely makes me happy to see that this game has not yet been abandoned. 


    It it's true, thanks a lot for the effort nut if it's not, that's sad but understandable 

    The reamke has been shelfed. Unkown time span until they give it a shot. The game isn't bad i just suggest NOT powering to 55 and just taking it slow. stay in s1 till like 23 or so and the such.

  4. On 1/7/2024 at 9:50 AM, NysekZePope said:

    Gonna keep it short as possible


    • Remove Willpower : Mutations will scale 100% off main stat IE Empathic will be 100% charisma rather than 75% Charisma and 25% Willpower
    • Make tradeskill ONLY scale off intelligence (saves AP for crafters)
    • Merge Coordination and Perception
      • All Perception scaling skills/mutations will be adjusted to coordination.
        • Gives better synergy with dual weapon specs (especially between range/melee, more aura choices, more mutation/skill choices)
    • Body/Mind/Reflex Saves : Remove them as they haven't been functionally kept up to date for over a decade.

    Armor Use

    • Combine both stances
      • Only keep slowing debuff - Gives a solid defensive stance with a fair drawback for PVE.

    Dirty Tricks

    • Fix Rank(s) 1-3 Kneecap to not dispel from Preservation (and check for other ranks that might also have this issue, believe it's only those three)


    • Reduce passive scaling to 25% rather than 36% (spendable cap), needs a minor nerf to keep power/precision viable. (A 71% dodge player AKA 387 dodge currently will then be 49%)
      • 184 can be from suit/buffs/aura alone with minimal investment, builds go 6-148 generally which gets to 332 max. Meaning you only need 55 more dodge (Augmentation, Social, and more dodge possible)
      • Add scaling dodge on each rank of Duck & Weave (20/40/60/80/100)


    Escape Artist

    • Add cooldown reduction scaling of 15s reduction for each additional rank of Save Yourself (150/135/110/95 second cooldown) but make duration 20 seconds for all ranks.


    First Aid

    • Make Staunch Wounds self only, increase cooldown to 10 seconds.
      • See Patch under alpha mutations, will greatly improve flow of teamfights not to sit at a stalemate.
        • If weapon DPS is improved for subpar weapons, might not be needed as that will also improve the TTK of most fights on average.


    Group Tactics

    • Remove stamina regeneration on Offensive Coordination



    • Make Bull's Eye a short term damage buff that does no dispel after attacking, making it increase damage for total duration while active regardless of hit/miss.
      • Restrict activation to require a rifle in-hand and be dispelled if rifle is holstered.



    • Increase scaling to 6.3% (spendable cap) with remaining .7% being tied to weapons (spendable cap)



    • Remove 7% base critical chance
      • It's strange that we have any when we have a skill that increases it, would further improve the differences in builds as many consider skipping it when you have 9.185% of the possible 25% most builds run.
    • Move 7% to split between precision and weapon skill (26.1 & 2.9)
    • Precise Hit adjusted to a short term damage buff that does no dispel after attacking, making it increase damage for total duration while active regardless of hit/miss.
      • No weapon restrictions



    • Remove Inconspicuous and replace with group aura granting 1/2/3/4/5/7 (%) movement speed and 2/4/6/8/10/15 Health Regeneration
      • Gives Social secondary aura.


    Alpha Mutation

    • Now scales with Endurance
    • Remove Gird/Bolster
    • Decrease Disrupt cooldown by 2.5 second per rank increase (15/12.5/10/7.5 second cooldown) and cost removed completely (It's a PVE stun...)
    • Patch cooldown decreased to 10, can only heal others, and heal for 30/60/90/120 based on rank costing stamina now instead of gamma (Cost to reflect ratio of Staunch Wounds)
      • Example of cost : 9/18/27/36



    • Increase benevolence cooldown to 8 seconds and cast time to 1.5 seconds.
      • Can stay 1 second cast time if we can fix the fact you can move with Benevolence.



    • Will no longer scale off of Charisma and instead scale off Dexterity
      • Gives Rifle/Pistol builds a viable aura on their primary stat
    • Resilience given a 5/5/5/10/10/10/15/15 (%) damage mitigation to Heavy Weapons, Grenades, and Mutations.



    • Filtration needs to either no longer bypass reload when used or made single target, instant cast, and have a 8 second cooldown.
      • Also helps on dual wield builds for functionality purposes.
    • Revitalise health regeneration increased by 50% on all ranks



    • Thwarted Intention duration increased to 10 seconds and cooldown decreased to 45 seconds
    • Sapping Sickness cooldown reduced to 60 seconds
    • Wracking Pains made into a targeted AoE (Hits target and AoE's around the target, similar to Sapping Sickness)



    • Beast Might adjusted to a short term damage buff that does no dispel after attacking, making it increase damage for total duration while active regardless of hit/miss.
      • No weapon restrictions
    • Add HPr to Primal Vigor to promote it's durability (4/6/8/10/12/14/16/18/20
    • Rampage : Power/Precision increased to match any power/precision changes (% wise at level 55)



    • Increase total drain on all abilities by 50%
    • Cooldown of all abilitys reduced to 45
    • Sap Stamina now costs stamina instead of gamma


    • Bend Metal cooldown reduced to 45 seconds but made simply single target rather than aimed
      • Helps remove reload skipping but also improves viability with dual wield.
    • Same as filtration, if we cannot fix reload skipping I'd recommend hard to make it similar to overwhelmed.


    You know there not going to listen to you right. they don't care, oh and most of these suck as per normal for you. Seriously the only ones affected by patching reload skip is PVErs same with stanch being a self use. I know your a HARDCORE pvp, but some people like to do dome and not all of them want to spend half an hour per a round. EA does need a buff as it has always been useless outside of very specifc builds, and even then it's barely useable. Honestly reading it twice feels like your trying to balance the game to favor how you play. Becuase clearly we do not have men and women who have made a number of builds ranging from OP to WTF in both pvp and pve, But i doubt you go outside your little corner when you do log in

  5. On 9/18/2023 at 4:03 PM, Nanichi said:

    Hope you get to feeling Better Mack best wishes.

    Also if you feel a LO GM is corrupt or have abused their power in any way feel free to DM @Ritual so they can properly investigate these claims.


  6. 4 hours ago, Maethiron said:

    I miss fallen Earth so much, think I'm gonna give it a try again today. 

    Not many players left, weekends are a lag fest and end game has nothing to do except sit around and farm keys or DT.


    Better off starting a new toon playing it slow and just sight seeing

  7. 6 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    So someone committing crimes punishable by prison takes their time to see what games you play because maybe there’s something in the games he can sell for real $ and then they played APB enough to learn that there actually are things you can  sell?  Exceptionally unlucky. 

    By the way, what questions couldn’t you answer as far as proving account ownership?

    I can tell you already from experience that even if you provide name email toon names IP adress and legit anything under the sun LO will go "nope your 100% trying to steal this account" and then will make threats at you such as banning your other accounts.


    And pushing it?


    well they just close or make more threats. i already know they can check who logs in on what ip and such and have many other ways of confirming if your lying or not. it's just a fact that LO support is a bunch of lazy kids who do not want to do there job they want a paycheck and thats it

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  8. On 12/24/2023 at 9:58 AM, MACKxBOLAN said:


    Ya EAC doesn't detect aimbots, smooth aim or teleports.

    But targets Legit players for things that nobody ever thought was cheating or hacking.

    So I don't pay any game that uses EAC, not to mention that any two bit hacker can bypass



    and Merry Christmas to All. 

    Of course, if you can see your target thats cheating.

    even though through ADV laucher i can turn off everything and make it so only people stand out. but thats not cheating some how

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