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  1. Making a thread complaining about macros OMEGALUL
  2. Actually lock this thread. Even if people who hacked got unbanned you have a shit load of people who got false banned or just smacked down cause tiggs woke up on the wrong side of the bed. On top of that there have and never will be as many hackers in this game as people claim, sure there are cheaters Im not denying that but people exaggerate the amount way too much. Just stop, get some help.
  3. You literally said you would be okay with everyone switching to the star if it became better than the ntec. I'm not going to read a paragraph about a "problem" the poster intrinsically doesn't even have an issue with apparently. Because if it was flipped you said Ah sure that's fine. And then we just end up in the same spot.
  4. ...... If you don't see a problem with everyone using the star if it got buffed and dropping the Ntec. I'm a a loss for how much of a bot you are then. Your whole argument is centered around the fact no one uses x gun because y gun is better in the same role. Saying you would be fine with that makes your entire argument moot.
  5. I'm not even going to read this, the ntec has been nerfed what 3 times since G1 took over? Leave it alone let it rest in peace, and leave the star as it is its fine.
  6. Lolololololol. West, westy, buddy. Im sorry I really am, some people are mean about it sure but it doesn't really change anything. There are reasons players are silver and saying a career silver is even as good as midrange golds is a stretch. If you remain silver after a few hundered hours of gameplay something has gone horribly wrong or you just aren't a siq gaymer and you are in the bracket you belong in my guy. Whatever way you look at it this thread is mildy pointless and you're lucky the new mods are more chill because this dumpster fire of a post would have been locked by now.
  7. I mean I might be in the minority here but Ive never liked FF. I dont trust an anticheat that isn't soley looking for programs. Its also flagging off what it perceives the skill cap in the game to be based off collected data ect. If someone comes along much better than what ff deems the skill ceiling and flags them thats inherently a broken system. Im sad they are even keeping it around tbh. But what do I know
  8. Revised


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