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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 10 hours ago, KnifuWaifu said:

    So now that shotguns are not "broken" are we going to see the server pop. skyrocket? Are legions of players going to return now that the worst thing to ever happen to APB has been "fixed"? Will ARMAS be flooded with sales? Will we finally see less ALL CAPS posts in the forums?

    Or will all of the whiners just find another nit to pick and claim the world is ending due to that instead?

    Find out on the next episode of DBZ

  2. 7 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    i remember thinking the og thread was pretty cool

    while we dont have enough contacts or content (or population, as least on jericho) for a new district, i cant say that a map change wouldnt be crazy refreshing after all these years with financial and waterfront

    even a new map can bring A LOT of players in. Even those who "quit" for like the 999th time 
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  3. 1) Always get openslot weapons if u can
    2) get the dogear
    3) replace the talon with the fang

    Troublemaker is trash ever since the nerf after G1 finished milking it.
    U can get the 3slot atac if u want or have the atac patroller from key to city(and u'll get more than just the gun).
    Watchman only sounds cool due to the silencer but i don't care about that tbh lol.
    FAR is an AR Reskin so ye, the ntec is cheaper and u know how OP it is. the CR5 is also a reskin but more expensive on armas.
    DogEar is OP but u don't see it being used much. It's underrated.
    N-FA ... nah just buy the 9day from contact and save your money for something else.
    Aces Rifle is ok but it's not that great if u compare it with the other guns we got in this game.

    SWARM is great, depends your gamestyle. I personally choose the alig(Got the permanent 0slot one from the tutorial one. More than enough).
    Artemis is weak as hell. It's like a dogear that does less damage than the ntec.
    Norseman, never used it but i think an OCA is still better.
    RFP Talon, well its ok but i prefer the fang with the IR3, and also the silencer on talon lowers the damage from range.

  4. 20 hours ago, Javanick said:
    22 hours ago, Puffdragon said:

    Thank you for mentioning the loyalty rewards, I too am holding back until I see something additional added. Perhaps 2 free character slots.

    2 char slot would be nice.
    account merge should be fine...  :')
    1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:
    You have the Thunder yet?
    I can sell you one for a steal... just $800.
    tada tsss
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