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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 16 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Same stuttery mess.
    Same shit hitreg.
    And no matter where I was, every time I got into my pioneer it put me into the backseat the first try... without anyone else being in the car.
    I rate this current patch LO/10.

    (Jericho btw, so no DDoS excuse)

    So, wha'ts everyone else playing in the meantime?

    still playing PUBG. Gave ring of elysium a try last weekend. Not so bad but i can't change FOV so went back to PUBG.
    Other than that, working on the car and APB .-.

  2. On 9/21/2018 at 7:19 PM, Zinnedine said:

    Best option in my opinion is adding a search bar both on mail and locker(inventory) which could be really usefull for people that have alot of stuff/mails

    the search on mails would be good
    But ingame changing guns/mods u'd have to scroll a bit in your inventory trying to find that thing u need sadly
    On 9/21/2018 at 8:12 PM, Zolerox said:

    Marketplace has a sorting function, Problem with sorting for example Weapons is the fact you equip and unequip them all the time and that resorts them turning them into a mess.

    I recently organized my mods A-Z and once i started using my mods they got messy again unequiping doesn't put them back into order.

    A sorting system is possible if they ever fix the problem with Sorting items you actually use (taking the item off doesn't put it back into order problem)

    well true. let's hope that maybe in the future it will be added to the game tho
    maybe after UE3.5 🤔

  3. 2 hours ago, Clandestine said:

    I'm failing to comprehend how is LO losing money this way? What's the difference if someone is going to pay 20$ for FFA or will buy it for 5mil APB$?? LO doesn't get any profit either way.
    To be honest it would be cool if we could sell legendaries and whatnot on steam market.

    and maybe selling stuffs on steam market, maybe then LO can get some money from valve... maybe 🤔
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