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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. Id like to know, from someone official who you are, what happen to g1 and WHY WAS I NOT TOLD. How are gonna just break into the game with a brocast that looks like some goat hacks shout out. how do expect me to believe you to start with. Well now I believe it. To whom am I doing business with now, and why is your server running slow. I'm furious that I just coined up and sent money to some new ghost company with any prior warning,, no game mail, no official pinned post in the old forum, cause idk what this is. So You want me to go join and make an account to some noid website 'twitch- to find out who ya are n how stable you are, and if your going to take my stuff and make me start over. That g1 was bought out does not surprise me, but when u do business with people you expect to be introduced first before spending into the unknown
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