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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. My Bad Kerry, I told Matt off, said some nasty things, so they probably had to remove it. You know me, I declared WAR, then I made a couple laps with the dump truck n went home. I won't mouth off in this thread, I've said what I need to. I won't rage on the golds in game. Cuz this isn't the golds fault or doing, its the idiocy of eac. Good Luck Kerry.
  2. Do You play WT, if not, Then sit down Boy. Bring your patootie to WT Naval n I'll show my 14 inch. I used to play wt before apb n lost my pw, but i had the jets. This isn't just Arcade mouse aim flying, it is full on Simulator. Bad part is if you're on meds you get vertigo, and it makes you fall over in your chair. LOL I aint seen him Here in this forum, so he don't exist anymore. I find it insulting that He dropped this pos eac on us, n vanished. To put it plainly, he went into Hiding, cuz he was afraid to address the on going issue of hacks and fine tuning of eac, and the promised additional content, and contacts for more levels. Indicating to me that He gives not 1 iota about us players or this game. Game looks like some old Black n White TV show. When U punks are ready to Get Gud, come WT. one last thing, QUIT SMOKING
  3. I'm not worried about it anymore. I think the GMs did what they could, and I think I can admit that I can be quit toxic towards golds n those i think cheat. To Recap. You all know I had a seizure in Aug. and You all know Ive gotten fairly angry over the past months. After some testing, I find out I have stage 4 lung cancer, which has spread to my ribs and is encroaching on my spine and its nerves. So the cancer spreads like an octopus arms wrapping around the spine, around the ribs, eating the bone away. Its likely that the seizure was caused by it eating into a nerve along my spine. This may explain some of my toxicness, not that hax don't exist and Matt could come to work once in a while. They can't treat me without a biopsy. So monday i go, n they will stick a needle into my lung. Suppose to be able to go home that day, but i gotta sign an Advanced Directive. Of course they took my driving license n I was mad, but now I look at things dif. I don't care about politics, Matt, or the price of Tea in China. I only want to live, to breath. I have to trust the Doctors and Jesus cuz I got no choice other that to lay down n die. I don't think I deserve this, But I made my bed now I must lie in it. I reap what I sow, I smoked for some 40 years, cigs, tobacco pipes, along with herb since i was 13. So I still have no idea if I have 6 months or 6 days to live, I also have a legion on my heart. I am Tore Up from the Floor Up, I feel it in my joints, my family jewels, its everywhere. I'm not writting all this for some sympathy, only to describe to you punks what smoking can do to you. I still gaming, trying to grind out the high end jets in WT, They way they do ya, first he fires a missile but he goes faster than the missile so he get to u and straft ya with guns, then the missile hit u n you're gone. my jet go 5-600 mph, his jet go 1500+ mph. I want that speed, I have to stay active or ill die sooner, I can't do yard work cuz a rib might pop n stab me in the lung, desperately trying to quit smoking, so I want that jet before I die or can't play anymore. I don't even take naps now, I want all of each hour of each day, I no longer close the curtains to block the sun from my game screen, I open it up n let in warm me, I look outside allot.
  4. Agreed, there should be minimal speed to get out, and or a health and stamina penalty, like you would tumble n get hurt if you got out a moving car irl. Even at slower speeds you're not gonna just be standing in a solid stance instantly, there would be inertia on your body and your weapon, and you wouldn't just perfect aim n Glass the opponent instantly.
  5. lol. or cuz the driver is 'unwanted by the car surfer, n they rollin n surfer jump off front of car n I get the tk n then the boot. Hey at least I killed somebody. It's been fun, some of you are funny. I don't get on much now. I have stage 4 cancer, i have a mass the size of a perc nade in my lung, bone legions on the ribs. I don't mean to go off topic, but i dont wanna make a thread. Its not a matter of If' its a matter of how long. This explains the seizure i had, as it probly got into my spine or a major nerve causing a massive seizure. this would also explain my attitude and ramblings. So again no flare gun or video game induced it. NObodys Fault but Mine. So I close with a bit of advice for U skilled Gamers, STOP SMOKING, Vaping, ect. The word is that a rib bone becomes like a piece of wet toast. So you break it n it doesnt crack apart, it bends, it becomes 'mush' . As I have said in the past When I get Pushed I tend to push back. So I'm gonna Fight, stay active irl, I might play some but i cant sit here too long cuz the ribs make it hard to keyboard
  6. Unfortunately there is no way to specifically select primary or secondary, only to key bind for 'next weapon or previous weapon' which i use my mouse side button for, some peps use the scroll wheel. so regardless of what button u bind, it will only be 'previous or next weapon' in fact you can repeately press the same button and it will switch back n forth. Unlike other games War Thunder for instance. However you decide to proceed, but i must warn you that using a side button or a very sensitive scroll wheel can complicate things, simply by fat fingering your side button or just nicking the scroll wheel can change guns at very bad time
  7. Ya I share the belief that 90 % of apb are cheaters, that LO won't ban, or permanently ban them. That Matt won't come to work because he knows so many cheaters are playing and won't address the issue. Furthermore I think the cheaters and the LO staff are Buddy's via Discord, and all in Cahoots. So Ok nobody cares what I 'Think'. LO also doesn't care what my Wallet Thinks. I have 'Ranted, Raged, Sniveled, and cried to no avail. I'm certainly not going to fund LO to get insulted by cheaters. Its not even about if they cheat or if Matt shows up, or if Matt bans. I simply don't want to hang out with a bunch of smutty minded cheater fakes who have dif names everyday but talk like they been around, wanna be team leader n tell ya how to live, have humor of a 4th grader with they mind stuck in the Adult Tube. Who's ventures in Life only encompass the 4th grade lunch room. Who ride on their fake aimbot to maintain a narcissism of Gods. I told U punks, You Reap What You Sow' Oh I aint mad at ya, I just don't be fuxin with ya no more. n U can tell that to Matt Scott. I mean, ez way to not get aimbotted or talked down upon by some Gold narcissist, to not wait for Matt to show up, to not wait for new content, ect. Just Don't play APB
  8. No Matt, No pick up truck, No AC fix, No MM fix. Your tickets are worthless as long as you let people cheat, and then reward them with Gold threat for bullying lower threats. Why purchase a weapon if it wont kill a hacker Why is Matt hiding
  9. U mean like moveable or aimable spot lights or flash lights, car head lights. Dark areas where you wouldn't see the enemy unless the light exposed them. Where a cop would have alternating flashing head lights that actually lit up the road. Its one thing the game is missing. But with one person or less working on the game and if they did it, it would blow the server, servers being so fragile.
  10. Yes Please, a little realism, Hoods in L.A. don't have mass stashes of grenades, This is really what the cops 'stun grenade is suppose to be. The resulting stamina damage would be the same, but it would not look like a conc nade, would be much louder and be a white flash then id fall over n hit my head again. Molitovs would be so much more realistic for the crime faction; So if you threw a 'Moli' at an approaching car, the blast would maybe not blow the car but it would still be burning as it went down the street from the gas still burning, still causing hard damage over time. A person would be screaming and rolling and squirming around as they were slowly consumed by flames, the remaining body being charred, cloths burned off. You know I used to burn my army men as a kid
  11. I would agree, even by 1980s 90s hair, which it seems to be based on, it is lacking. This day in age, and the current hair styles, I does need a re Do not only to improve upon the older hair styles, but to modernize to include current hair styles. To attract new players from the post millennial era. Can't have a Tail n be Del Norte, cant have lines
  12. Thats not Fraud, and for this convo it would be Wire Fraud relating to virtual goods. Not that I agree or oppose You, But You signed a EULA that says they can change anything, add or remove content and or virtual goods. They can change your pioneer into a stick of gum or simply remove pioneers from the game. I consider aimbot hackers to be guilty of Federal Wire fraud, where LO is the victim. I cannot be the victim even though I have spent money on weapons that are inert now due to hackers. The guy that writes the hacks in only guilty of tax evasion if he's in the USA and selling them. The Hacker/player is only guilty of violating game rules unless it can be proven that the hackers intent was to directly dissuade Me personally from spending money. This being an attempt to De-Fraud LO from My purchasing. The only people that can prosecute a Federal Crime is a Fed Court, backed by Fed investigators. n We know from Current Events the Feds are only after Patriots and Good Guys. So even if LO contacted the US AG it would fall on deaf ears. You have to remember who these people are, most Fed Agents are guilty of Treason
  13. APB the Game, LO and those that cheat do not have Morals. Simply a platform to teach post millennials how to act irl. Where cheating, bullying, theft, arson, mayhem is considered Ethical, at least here in L.A. and the various militant states south of the border and most of the Eurasian states. Taking away our straws n red meat n guns.
  14. they dont have anyone to look into it, Matt hasn't been seen in months, they have zero staff. But its good if the game is down, that means loads of hackers can't play, Terrible thing.
  15. Wrong. I don't use 'Ditch-Wire' aka Discord, which is where he say's he got the info. No see I'm the guy with paranoid Delusions, either way I Don't post much. I no longer care. See I spent some 35 years ascertaining if someone was lying or Was Good or Bad based on their demeanor. Without jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions. So it is quite natural for me to be suspicious. The Facts that I see are; There are way too many people left in NA for there to have been a ban Wave. All the same sweatys are there. The incidents of me actually seeing what I know is hacking have increased such as speed hax and teleports, however I don't report anything. Oh I know all the hax think I'm the one, cuz they troll me all day. I already gave up, You hax won, n Matt got my money. Lo has not announced any ban wave, I know they won't, and that is an issue of its own. So My suspicions are one of two scenarios, either one person got banned for something other than aimbots and is trying to make a big deal of an Over-Buffed EAC. Or LO has orchestrated the various threads on Bans as a Propaganda tool to make Legits believe the AC is working. Which I have a hard time believing either scenario myself because I don't believe anyone works at LO. Due to lack of updates on new levels and content and Where Matt is.
  16. I'm convinced the entire bit is Propaganda. It is Based on Hear-Say, Rumor, and Gossip.
  17. I would also like a statement from Matt, However. How he would know and be able to contact said Banned players after the fact is questionable, then at best its hear-say. For this 'Massive Wave' to have happened, We would have zero players, I mean we got what 50-60 pop. So far I have seen zero evidence anyone has been banned. If anything its like one person got banned for talking 'Head' n now gonna blow up the forum with 're-trolls'
  18. Propaganda. OK I have Seen the knowns I will not mention cuz that is more against the rules than actual hacking is. I have seen them in district this weekend. I Can't believe there was any 'Wave' because there is Zero staff to do the banning, and I have seen these people. But don't mind me, I've got the dented head n been known to See things. Sometimes you see me post about warthunder n how i do so much better there. Well let me say WT uses EAC, I went Flying the other day, and the planes are the oldest part of the game. There were just as many hacks in the planes as when I started, I like the ships too. The ships are a different set of maps, the same type of hax can't be used there as with the planes. However WT publishes names of those banned, so it does ban some peoples. My point here is that I think EAC sucks, and its possible that all modern anti cheats suck as well. I believe that with a dedicated staff and possibly Dual anticheats, APB could be saved. The difference is that WT has a Large player base and you dont see the same people all the time, and if you do it likely they will be on your team one mission and the enemy the next. Ok I can't boot WT without an update or a notice or a sale. There is constant evidence of people working for the game and Doing things. Here we can't even be sure Matt's still breathing or if he has any employees. If there was some bans it was Too Little Too Late, n Ya like the other poster said They'll be back, with the same accounts and names. You have Zero updates on the subject, zero updates on content/more levels/joker tickets. You want me to fight Golds U Pay Lots n Lots of Joker tickets, not 10 tickets to feed. Let me guess, You can't up the pay for side jobs the same way you can't shut the joker up. You can't alter the games coding, why are U here. Ya can't stabilize the servers, ya can't show up for Work. Ah I better get off here, im getting angry
  19. Just to 'Twist Their Minds', To Nettle and Irritate them. I don't even know why i check in here, its like peeking in the doorway of a dying Dive Bar.
  20. Agree with both posts above me. Not only did he ruin the game letting golds into bronze, removing the working anticheat. Make us wait 5 years for an anti cheat that doesn't work. But its real obvious he has no consideration for the players He does not show up for work, does not read the forum nor the many messages sent to him through this forum, are still showing 'Unread'. There are NO Updates regarding additional content, levels to play, efforts to tune the Anti-Cheat. Zero updates on LO progress coming from Matt or one his Lieutenants. And Zero is how much I will Spend
  21. Unfortunately I cannot Help You, I am Bronze and Not considered an Upstanding Member of My Community. I am not permitted to carry a fire arm or operate a motor vehicle over open waters. I am only allowed to possess Cannon and matches with-in the city limits. Can You Help Me get My Driving License. I Fall on My head allot. I told Support Somebody Pushed Me, I fall down, blood everywhere. They Take Driving License and Gun Permits, but I am still Certified Pilot.
  22. Matt never ask's us how We are, He doesn't care about this game or Us. Why would anyone care Where Matt was, I hope he fell off the face of Earth. Why would anyone want to read a Book of Hog Wash he would write. I mean I can write some hog wash in here if ya want. Matt is not a 'Daily Player' therefore has no business owning it. Because if he were a daily player and getting hacked all day everyday he might have some interest in cleaning up the game. He is scared of meeting people like me who won't buy his Malarkey. He is a Sociopath sitting on his High HOrse watching hackers hack Honest people. And the Hackers are His minions. He sent them.
  23. Weakness No, Ya see the main objective of any gold/hacker is to get those that won't pay for hax to quit. To the extent that even Silvers are talked down upon as if they suck at life in general because the Troll believes even the Silver has to pay for hacks to be accepted. That was the whole reason behind desegregation, the golds/hackers couldn't get to us to hack us or verbally troll us in chat. And that made them very agitated, so they cried in forum here till they let them into bronze. So Leaving the game all together would just make the hackers happier, the money i spent is already gone. Im not getting a refund after them letting hackers into bronze. My presence in district Irritates hackers so much that its fun to watch them squirm n complain about having a 'Team' when they cried to get in bronze. I mean this is the hackers marketing program, to dis everyone in chat and anyone they win over they call it a 'Skill Issue'. I got news for ya golds, what U have is not Skill. its some bot doing the job for you. What You golds have is Napoleonism just like Matt Scott, ya know the CEO that has no XO's but still need to call himself Ceo. That'd be like calling me the CEO of Macks Chicken Farm with my 3 chickens and no employees, just the same as u hacks calling peoples whole family's bad at life cuz they dont hack apb with its total of 30 players, yet the hacker pays some 80 bucks USD every month to beat one old man with a dented head. Yaaa you all real skilled. Its not like I still hang out all day, I used to come in start my jobs bout 4am, play all day till bout 5pm cuz thats when the daily boost comes in Warthunder. Now I just wait n get that boost the next day after checking in with apb n seeing who ran naked in the forums, seeing about the torch job only, then i go WT, play through my boosts, and then maybe i come back to apb n clown around till dinner. I don't need other games cuz with WT i can play Naval or Tanks or Aircraft. Right now I'm completely maxed on crew skills for Naval, so i keep playing that and the extra crew points then can be used in my air craft or tanks. But I don't need to Grind, its a very calming game. I have what I want and I use it and have fun doing so. Not like here where ya grind for years pay n trade n cut off limbs to get what u want, then can't use it cuz of hackers. No if you see me in apb its to bother hackers. I see no difference between an apb hacker and a street thug beating up some old lady at the metro station. Zero Difference a Criminal is a Criminal.
  24. FIX UR GARBAGE SERVERS Why? What For? I mean its only Golds that play. The worse the server runs or tries to run n falls down, the worse the game play is for Golds, who are the majority now. Far as I'm concerned they don't need to add content or fix MM or AC or anything. Matt can keep hiding, ect. They have no game to start with till Golds are Resegregated from the True Players. n they aint gonna do that cuz the golds will cry and Staff are dedicated to the Golds. I thought yesterdays dds attack on WF was funny, was in my own nice quiet server n all the sudden chats starts blowing up n they all kind of peps coming in. Which is fine for me cuz WF only has one rotating joker job for legit players, So by coming to Fin you all gave me reason to play longer and got more tickets, which are useless but its something to do. I can't play War thunder all day cuz I start feeling guilty for the players I'm putting Down. Taking out a Capitol Ship cost the player bout 25 grand to repair. Oh they get me after a bit, but not till I've sunk 6+ of them, which pays for my repairs. I would like to Invite Any Gold to come to WT, try your shenanigans there. Oh Please come to WT, I'll shred ya, you'll be like a fish food flakes of gold floating in a stain of fuel oil. Oh Please come.
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