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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. @Emily I am getting error code 10001. says client version is wrong, make sure you have newest patch. I did get the new patch. Possibly I am too early and the server is not up yet, but this is not the code i get when im early. The launcher news area is showing Valentine day as the last news event, but the picture is the normal picture
  2. Yes I know, I am trying to have your back, without taking sides. I don't believe that You went out of your way to 'pick on' this person. I believe you were doing your job. My first paragraph was more of a rant directed at upper management for other things. I don't have an issue with managements decision to ban that flag, although I think it's unfortunate that it effects the General Lee, rules are rules. I can see how it could offend certain people. So from business and marketing view, I totally understand why management made this decision. If they allowed the flag, it is then considered Endorsing the flag, which to the offended players makes the business the Offender. Banning that flag also prevents Reports upon the players using it. Which require investigation and arbitration. I'm a little teed about the forum gm moving my car thread, but I have no issue with game GM's
  3. Having First person view be excellent, so you look down the barrel of the gun, using the actual hard site on the gun to aim when in aim mode. But not with this company, I wouldn't trust em with crayons
  4. Well lets go over the specs here. They nerfed every gun, added a few more and nerfed them. They removed note/prestige 5 killing/arrests. They nerfed the vegas so it wouldn't wheelie. They removed the working anticheat and after years replaced it with a not working anti cheat. They removed segregated districts so hackers could farm legits. They took years to make a car and released it half-pattootie, n get mad at players who post about it removing the threads to Off-Topic as if I was talking about some non gaming subject. They have a No Politics policy yet they sided with BLM and endorsed them after they burned our towns. They habitually go for months without comment or any input. The whole MM fix is the biggest grease job, covering dung with grease don't fix it. Back before LO the servers crashed all the time, we'd get ddos. Nothing has changed. They have endeavored to police legits who complain about hackers, but do nothing to the hackers. Seems like LO is trying to kill the game more than the hackers. They have Impeached the Credibility of their Honor.
  5. so how many times will u shut down the server this time, you refused to tell us in forum. Wont ban the droves of hackers, wont fix the new car. I mean whadya maintaining
  6. Nope, Zero from actual employed staff of LO come to the game. NO matt, no dev, no staff come or care about it, They arent in game so they aren't at Work. They don't care about whats going on, or they'd show up. They can't even keep us informed about the shut downs in forum. If we post about the new car the thread is buried and the dev never comments. Its like talking to a wall. Now to address the Rebel flag. Just think if the Gen. Lee is allowed, then the flag is allowed. I could have a flag with pseudo political or racial looks, and as long as I din't use certain words, I could get away with it. saying Well, if you let that guy have the flag on his car, then i should be able to legally have it on my Quasi-pseudo political flag. Yes there is a big difference, but how is whats different or not different enough going to be regulated. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the GM, i am simply giving a view point.
  7. Ah don't nobody wanna hear me, I never messed with it cuz of my experience with Skype taxing the pc. Maybe if they had Poker or some 2D games. I had heard back in the day that it was easy to hack your account, so i never messed with it.
  8. What kind of cockamamie crap is going on with U LO. What is up with your YO-YO servers, Ya know not everyone has discord. I speak for the Many, tell us what you've done.
  9. Exactly, It got Buried so nobody would see it, so that anyone upset about the car wouldn't comment and the worthless dev would not have reason to add kits or police lights, if the thread got too big. Seems the moderator dint like me generating good marketing over their Bad marketing. You add that too this crock they call MM, which works somewhat when enough peps of the various threats are k up, but the wait is way longer. Add those to the dysfunctional EAC, just seems like they are trying to ruin the game. Like they planned it out how to screw it up.
  10. phook em, they moved my thread, they wont fix anything except to phook it up more, thats all they done. Mod moved my thread so the mod is against the game making any money. owner don't care, they wont ban hax, they wont fix mm or the car, Hell they wont even come to work, I don't see any dev or management staff on forum in the Main Social area, all the staff are 'Posers'. ya aint even real. Just cuz you're mad that You didn't get a Real job at a Real company is no reason to come here n screw up our little worthless game. Thats right Mack is Mad again, n I aint buying pattootie cuz ya people are out to ruin the game before the haxers do it. This time the golds n hax din't do it. You 'So-called' Employee's did. If I worked at LO the first thing I'd do is bring ya up on charges for Time Stealing. I wish i had more nasty stuff to say
  11. i made a topic but they buried it in 'Off Topic
  12. It is not exactly a matter of Trust, it is a matter of LO doing anything. The only thing we have from LO is that The Anti Cheat is working. They've made Zero statements regarding Bans. We know a few have been banned but only thru hear-say and whether EAC triggered the ban or it was done by staff for behavior related reasons. I still see em, hell they will come n teleport all around you n make it obvious. I myself have absolutely no trust in EAC, I think the EAC company is a fraud itself. I consider anyone hacking, and getting away with it, to have some by-pass code. The above post is right, They do it for attention, to see how many levels they can get before getting banned and or getting gold. So publishing the names would only help encourage them. Me personally I don't think there is an anticheat that would stop them, this goes for most video games. I see them as weak players. They may not all be weak, some of it is peer pressure, some of it is 'Well if they're gonna hack then im gonna get mine too. Some of em don't hack unless they run into another hacker. Ya know this isn't the first thread on this, people like me just don't care anymore, We begged LO for a decent anticheat, we cried foul when people started bypassing or we knew eac wasn't working as promised. Its even come to the point where you are encouraged to report and if you won't because you have no faith in either EAC or LO that You are now the problem. LO threw in EAC n moved right on to MM n throwing out a car with no kits, like everything is everything. All they did was remove a couple of chat Mouths, the hackers are still there, n ya just have to accept them. It's too much stress, Im not the games Policeman, Im not here to make reports, I'm not getting paid for reports. n they aren't gonna do anything if I report anyway. So I don't hacusate or report, I just do my own thing. Kinda feel bad for the hackers cuz they That bad n weak they need hax to beat a old man. If they did put up some stats on bans for hacking, it might help, but it's too late. It just doesn't matter anymore.
  13. LOL, I feel better now I only bought one, but threatened them not to buy 3 more. Because My threats are substantial and meaningful
  14. I knew it sucked going into it, but if they don't give me my kits I won't let em sucker me 3 more times
  15. Developer/LO: Please Immediately code and install: 1. WHEELS and Audio Kit 2. Police Roof and Bumper Emergency Lights 3. Exhaust and Transmission Kit We want these things Immediately as well as further full carrying kits. How can you make a vehicle without decent Rims? This is gonna be the number 1 issue with anyone buying it. How can this be the Only vehicle we cannot put any Police Lights on? Other vehicles such as the Fresno also need Audio Music kits. As You know I have several Characters and I would be interested in buying the Mirage for at least 3 more characters. However I will not purchase further Mirage's unless the kits and lighting are available. I had heard the vehicle was lacking wheels but was flabbergasted to see that none of my lights fit, and not even default police lights. I mean c'mon man. I invite the community to comment on the mirage issue or any other vehicle related opinions so that if enough of Us comment, LO will install the kits.
  16. this was a great feature. It used to give lowbies a chance at winning missions because randoms can show up and kill the veteran players who were completely dominating the match and hitting R5. But then veterans cried so it was removed It would be nice to have that back. specially since they didn't replace or change the joker daily jobs that give jt for killing a N\P 5. Ya the golds won't like it, but they got it coming for dominating. They don't like it cuz it can cause the other team to win at the last minute, where the 5 would have held out n won. The other problem with N 5 was if you were stealing, and either You or another crim went N5, the other crim could kill you and take your loot and cash. Crim's will be Crim's. But since desegregation nobody is stealing like that anymore. Why because we would steal in Green or Bronze district so golds couldn't come n ruin it for us. A crim could steal his/her way thru the lower levels much quicker than playing missions, even if you made no effort and took the L, with premium you still only got bout 1000 xp n like 400 bucks, in the same time that it would take to steal 1000 xp n 3000 cash with the multiplier 2x. Cash isn't such a big deal once you get up level 60+, but before that You need money to buy anything, guns, cars, hair and cloths. You would think stealing is an easy thing, a thief needs to learn how to steal, where to steal what, and when to drop your loot and launder your cash, just as a cop needs to know where crim's like to steal, where the crim's contacts are, how to lay in wait around the laundry, how to witness, ect. It is sorta unfair for cops because the only ways to gain xp depends on criminals leaving stolen cars or loot, or being witness'. There should be a chop shop somewhere where the cop could go and 'Find a stolen car and go turn it in, just as the crim has a daily job for 'finding and stealing 5 dump trucks or cabs. The cop should have a similar Daily job and it be there for the cop to come up in xp. Without these things, the game is simply a sandbox
  17. I complained, hollered, cried, ranted, sniveled, accused, hallucinated, exposed vast conspiresy, seen the devil ect. To get LO to resegregate districts, to no avail. So LO knows how much misery they put bronze/silver players in. For the most part people are right in saying We don't have the population to put segregation in place here and now. If they did, it would be a long long waiting game for both low threat and high threat for missions. As it is we are waiting too long with the new mm, however if the server is populated by enough lower threats, the mm does seem to work to some degree. What I see is that allot of the in district pop is sitting around, 'hanging out' which effects how the mm works. The damage to the pop has been done long ago, allot of what I see in NA pop are peps from EU and Hard-core Pro players, when the NA pop is nearly a full server 50/50, and we had some extra peps for Valentines event. So there really isn't a large pop of bronze/silver, it is mostly golds. I agree that there should be a place for the casuals and a place for the pro types, but the damage to the pop has been done. They need more events and or higher rewards ie cash and jt payouts, organized activities ect, to bring back some of the lost pop. I find that if you had a TM who went 0-10 vs golds, and mostly went afk. Well that my friend is a Cahoot. A conspiresy put on by said golds and TM who are Buddies or somebody is hacking or cheating by screen share, and or 'playing EZ to help out said low threat tm. Not too far fetched to say some peps are using two computers, and playing both sides of a match at the same time. So even if they put in segregation today, the same thing would happen. They would simply dethreat in arranged matches to get into the lower threat district n raise hell. This is one case where both Solid Golds and Solid Bronze agree, We both hate dethreaters. I think they should just take threats away, or base it on something other than wins and losses. I also think that either the threat should be reset each day or week, and or once you've achieved a threat, You keep it till the next reset or forever.
  18. They always seem to nerf em just after ya buy em. Which double fux the weapon, cuz ya bought it after seeing some hack go OP on ya, n you think its the weapon. So You buy one n it doesn't perform like you thought, cuz you're not hacking, then LO nerfs it. So ya end up with doublefux. One of the main reasons i won't spend n havent for a couple years now. Ya buy a vegas, n they nerf the wheelies, ya buy a gun n they nerf the range, ya ask for an anticheat ya get pattootied on. Ah its a game of violence and key board commanders, created to breed Demons.
  19. I have to agree with the above posts, in that if you let them know it bothers you, They will do it more. You're lucky we don't have voice/voip anymore. Thats how they did me when i first started. I was crouching n they tried humpin and telling me to do nasty things for them. n I was a Dude character, they din't care. I also run a couple female characters, most of the female char's you see are dudes. Seems allot of these 'smurfs' are adolescent kids, whom have not had true real life experiences so they compensate by smurfing and bringing 6th grade antics to video games. They are Sociopaths, they feed on You being irritated by it. All you can do is block or ignore them, their really is no rule to report them for. Buy the 'Insult emote n give em the Finger n T-bag them back.
  20. How would U know, U don't play. n I was being useful I was guarding a corner of a hallway, one of two entrances to the hallway where the box was in a room. I was doing my job for my team. There were no doors to kick in that spot n i wasn't going to leave my post to find one. Even if I don't kill the enemy my team will hear my or the enemy gunfire as i go down, and respond. I was doing my job. I see you still think your job is head forum troll, never play but talk out your behind
  21. HOW ARE U GONNA BOOT ME FROM THE FC SERVER FOR INACTIVITY WHEN IM GUARDING THE FOOKING BOX, Ya'all run a fooked up railroad n I aint gonna have nothing nice to say for a while.
  22. WELL F00K, IT'D BEEN NICE IF YA POSTED SOMETHING HERE INTSEAD OF JUST ON 'DITCH-WIRE' <<<my word for Discord. Now I'm Angry and going to bed.
  23. I also play on max, but I have no opinion of your picture. I simply seek answers as to Why they have shut down my server, and I want due compensation.
  24. Well I missed that episode then, my point being there were no major roles, nor just common extras walking around the town. and this issue has come up many times in the past few years, it has been discussed and the decision was made long ago. As far as Blacks watching the show, this is a game targeting young people of today, not old codgers like myself. It is a Business. And as a private business they have the right to make the rules. I don't like hackers but the rule is that i cannot name shame, I don't like Left Wingers, but it is the rule that I refrain from political references and rhetoric. The GM is doing his job, and in a way protecting you from a far worse suspension or ban due to offensive content by telling you, and not just banning you. Peace
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