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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. My Question would be. Why, How, if you claim X amount of bans were issued. That none of the knowns from NA are gone. Why am I still seeing speed hackers and use of aimbots in NA. Why is sard not active in NA and only EU, We just didn't make the cut eh? @MattScott Well the War goes on, same patootie different day
  2. Sard doesn't work, at least not in NA. I saw some hogwash via discord. Got into NA n it was same people same story. So I have deduced that sard is only active if at all in EU. So Big insult to NA players. System in NA doesn't detect speed hax or aimbots. As in it doesn't kick the person pending a ban. There is also allot of grieving by knowns in NA, upon legit players. So we have no AC in NA and Haters can insult my family with impunity. So here I am again Alerting Staff. I will be conducting Anti Patootie Operations Vs Grieving Knowns Angry I wont buy cheats. So This will not just be about Hackers or 3rd party cheats, which only represent half of the cheating. Most of em are exploiting, using multiple characters in one district, Arguing with themselves in chat. Unlike your favored golds using trucks to stop legit from doing missions, I will be following the rules. But they aint gonna like what I do. This is because of Matts Malarky and me seeing no change or missing people in NA. Enjoy, B Cyn ya
  3. Getting smoked snow ball launchers, too bad they only gave snow balls only, i got no launcher.
  4. crashed and now it wont load my characters, they all have zero moneys got back in to social n it all crashed again.
  5. Only thing I noticed since the sard update is more hackers in dist. More known hax. And the system always puts them in mission with legits. So the sard system is not picking up the speed hacking or aimbots. Things that i have seen since that update, not just assumed because of their threat. That said. I would elaborate to say that I have no trust for golds, with the gold pool so extremely large and their average so high, combined with the very large pool of hackers. I see it as impossible to get or hold gold, or to come anywhere close to hi silver/gold, going above the average score of the average gold, and fighting such a large pool of hackers. I'm not buying it anymore. I'm not gonna go listen to matts hog wash. Sard is just another eac, even war thunder dumped eac for Battle eye, (idiots). No reason to do missions on a serious play if they gonna put hi performing golds on my team. Just causes the legit to dethreat so the cheats can make fun of ya, as if threat is some worthy part of life. Then they gonna make the hacker you know from the last mission with a dif character, as your team leader. And expect you to help him as if he is the one to be helped for one. Matt n U others cant rattle on about Cross district, it means nothing to NA. So I'll drop in when I'm bored
  6. been happening to me to, only it lets me boot the new character into disctrict, then it kicks me. I doubt sard even detects that overlay. Still hearing people say its not even on. I'm seeing even more knowns and susp actions now than before that long update this week. and I'm not surprised. So I can't give Sard a big fat Zero and be accurate. It would have to be a negative -02.8
  7. As for Cross-District. I had thought that this meant being able to play while pledge to a fin contact, in wf, or visa versa. In a perfect world this would include doing the 'side jobs-joker jobs' from either district. So this will not effect NA, unless they add a new contact or something to bring all the rats out of the cellar. As for Sard; I realize this takes time to work, but I see no change. Knowns are still in district, missions still have golds, I still see things and sard may work, but only well after the fact. It is good that Matt said there would be bans as opposed to just points. So I really have no faith in sard, another thing that takes time to be proven. Time added on to the years of waiting
  8. Misery loves company' Most of these Haters are self hating. They are otherwise displeased with Life and Their issue of Life. They compensate by cheating and bullying which triggers a dopamine release, making them feel better and superior to others around them. Now when most of your peers are doing just that, you have to work harder at being a bully to come up to par with your peers. The funny and sad part of it is, none of this hacking or bullying will get them a job, They won't make their mark in life as someone who aced apb. They won't print it on their grave stone, that they made a person quit, or that they proudly talked down to those not gold. I don't much of a change coming for legits, other than we will have to fight more names, as in, the bully/hacker/tos violator will get some points after a long while, and then they will switch to another account. At this point there's no reason to report because nothing is in place. And ya know it'll be a mostly hacker mission, ya know the common trolls will be around with nothing better to do than irritate other players because they are mad at the system and again their issue of Life. That issue could be a body form issue or a mental issue or a financial issue. For Me, I put allot of money into this game, and could move on because of my age and health. It's not the money, its the Anger. These people deserve punishment beyond what the law allows. If some are outright banned or 'put in apb jail' for cheat points, they will simply change accounts and come back and take it out on those they know dont hack. They aren't gonna want to fight other hackers, and most missions have alt accounts on both sides, so these cheat points arent gonna really work with such a low pop, and it may take another year to get enough points to get an actual ban. So sard is useless before it begins. So The only reason I play now, is to find ways to punish them in a tos friendly way. OK Matt Scott won't punish them, and seems to forgive past and current and even future violators. Because he has nothing to catch them in place yet = future. I Don't. Now if it simply the toxic or hacker cheating LO out of something, then it would be between them and LO. But it is personal because the hax n tox make it that way. And if they ban me, Ill make another. Seems to work for the hackers so it'll work for me. But I'm not gonna let them bait me into it. There is a Boundary line, if I cross that line, I'm no better than they are.
  9. You're absolutely right. Lets remember that each AC before this has had to have Learning Time, meaning Legits have to wait, for results that never come. Matt will say there were too many false bans, when I don't believe there were Any bans for hacking. and we are going back years now of Zero Results. Then the Legits get slapped in the face with Unbanning, and then saying we have sard, one last chance, we'll be watching, ect. All LIES, They knew the server side was not active, n told us we had an AC. Added contacts and let them violate us for months. They have done more to help the hacker than hinder, and have done everything to hinder the legit. Now I would also assume that once the server side is in place, we have to wait for it to Learn, then We the legits will have no clue if a report is effective, because the penalty is gonna be based on some cheat points. And lets pretend that a cheater gets restricted from action districts, What's to stop him from pulling up another account, continuing to hack while his other account 'Cools off'. And how long, how many months of hacking will get a cheat punished. Well I'm gonna assume a year, so If sard is ready by xmas, it will be next xmas till it starts punishing. And how long till Matt comes in n says, Well sard isn't working for us, so We're gonna Pardon all the hackers again and give them a free ntec with a 'Hacker Skin'
  10. Xmas is a dollar short n years too late. Nobody will be punished for whats been done, or start getting cheat points till the full system is in place. And then even at that, we still have no clue what punishments will come from X amount of cheat points, if the player will know he has them. And the legit players will not know the effect upon the cheater. That said, now thats If sard can detect anything and if they don't bypass it or find a way around it. Ya know, if this was just about cheating LO out of something, I wouldn't take it so personal. These people commit a fraud upon the legit player. Not a matter of legal terms, its a matter of personally cheating players out of a good time, game quality and experience. So the question still remains as to the levels of punishment, cheat points ect. And I believe they will tell us what the penalty's would be, but not how many points got you there.
  11. I don't think the players were Gud enough this year to deserve Christmas. I think Matt should dig up more hackers to torture us, I think we deserve more agony. I would suggest a lump of coal for each player, but a lump of coal is worth 10 of ya. However I will give Matt a handful of coal dust.
  12. I had one bottle, years ago and nothing since. As I said I don't Drink. But When I did it was Bacardi 151 or Boiler Makers. A Boiler maker is a Glass of beer with a shot of whiskey dropped in. Then we'd do 'Bucket Loads and take the Ford out n go Wamping. Ya never wanna go wamping with an open bucket
  13. Bro, I’m on absinthe right now, but you’re apparently taking something stronger, either share (I’ll send you the address :P, you can even do it in person, I’m bored and horny), or what the hell Absinthe has often been portrayed as a dangerously addictive psychoactive drug and hallucinogen, which gave birth to the term absinthism. The chemical compound thujone, which is present in the spirit in trace amounts, was blamed for its alleged harmful effects. Drinking modern-day absinthe will get you drunk, but that's about it. As a Non-Drinker let me tell ya bout the one time I had some 'Twisted Tea' I grabbed a bottle on a hot day while having my oil changed, having no clue it was alcohol. I was swagging it back in public and people were looking at me funny, n after the oil was done, I drove home. Twisted tea being bout 5% alcohol is nothing to a seasoned drinker, but for me half a beer will get me schnockered. So there I am driving n notice i was drifting into the center line allot and i was driving much slower than usual for that road. And I hadn't been smoking my grass, then I went over a bump and I burped n it was a Beer burp. I couldn't figure it out. Once home i put the bottle on the table and made some coffee, n my son came out n asked, Who's twisted Tea? He's like, Dad You know this is alcohol. I'm like NOOOO, Ah no wonder I feel like patootie. I was relieved because I thought something was wrong with me.
  14. Hence the hatred for Golds. I started in segregation. We were taught by Fire to Hate Golds and Hi Silvers that would as U say, Dethreat. Then join our Bronze district. But we would chase them and troll them out. Desegregation wasn't for our benefit, to stop dethreaters from farming us, it was because the golds had too low a pop, and had nobody to play with but each other. So LO let them All come in bronze and farm n hax us for the last 6 years. So in effect LO made it so non hackers could never rise over low silver because, they auto dethreat Us by putting golds in our missions. Gold will average 20-30 kills. The legit might get 9-10 kills on a good day. The golds and hackers continue to push the score average up, so only hackers could up threat. So now All the golds get to stomp legit players, newbies, lower skilled ect. Then this point system hasn't even started yet, so none of em will be punished for what they've done over the last year, or since the unbanning. I don't play to rise up or get kills (outside of gold killing). I play to irritate hackers who have come to What I still think is bronze district to bully Legit players. I don't believe you could get gold or hold gold with the vast amount of hackers, and such a large pool of player accounts. contributing to the Average in the pool. Not a matter of simply winning x amount of missions, or being top two on the score board. That score has to exceed the Average in the entire pool for you to move up. So sorry to say but when I see a gold, I automatically consider that person a known hacker. And likewise consider said golds intentions to be bullying legit players. Ok so this isn't so much a rant against golds, its a rant about the system of getting gold, and the desegregated mm that puts golds in missions with non golds. So I'll always blame the golds for their crying in forums to desegregate, But the decision by staff to do this more than likely boils down to Money. I think they had to pay more for segregated districts, so its not just a matter of pop, Its a matter of Paying. Additionally I might add that, If we don't have segregation, then why on earth do we have threat levels. most of toxicity golds make revolves around belittling silvers and bronzes, as if gold make them the big wizard. Just remove threat levels, wont effect mm because gold get into almost every mission anyway. DEVEST
  15. Well I don't see Matt as being a person of that sort. Based on his demeanor. Criminals in general, have a distinct demeanor, which in not always obvious to the average joe, but stands out like a sore thumb to people like me. Now I also believe the man is somewhat nuts with his vision of the future. But I don't think he is the criminal type. That said I think there may have been some shady things within the company, where Matt may not have had part of or knowledge of, in the distant past. I would say that I am not happy with the speed of implementing sard. That the years of waiting for an AC have destroyed the game, and the legit players who played it. And That I don't believe Matt understands the degree of toxicity generated by hackers or the daily hourly abuse by them. Cause he doesn't play. At best, apb could be used as a tax write off, if large sums of money were spent on development, then you would only be able to write off a percentage of what was spent. Tax on your income would remain the same unless you filed bankruptcy. For apb to be a money laundering or Rackeet. They would have to have a very large flow of cash coming from players, to hide or cover up the money being laundered from another source. And they would be then taxed on the laundered money. So when You launder money, you don't get it all back, there are fee's. The money launderer has to get something for his service, and those taxes he'll have to pay. So the launderer is gonna want considerably more of a percentage than those taxes. And the party needing the money laundered will only get 60-70% of the money he wanted cleaned. So You see there is just not enough cash flow thru apb to come anywhere near what would be needed to run a Rackeet.
  16. LO won't do anything. They not only dropped the ball on this one, they kicked it. I really have no respect for them or any gold I see. Never in my life have I seen so many people coming to stop the fun of a few. That is how i see golds, hackers. Hacking aimbots ect may not be covered in the letter of the law on wire fraud, but it is just that. They are using the wire to fraud legit players and some paying legits, from game fun.
  17. Maybe, but It proves the game is doing bans. In our case, we wont know if and when the point system starts, we wont know if people we suspected or reported are punished. Even if it's not a ban but a lesser punishment.
  18. Just don't k up till they perm ban, n I don't see that happening, so just clown them. They wanna troll anyone who wont cheat with sound gimmicks, golds spend the whole day, trolling the couple of legits that play. While Matt and staff are not subjected to the hourly daily torture. I won't purchase anything until a number of people are removed.
  19. Doomed as in future tense. We have been in Doom for years, because of hackers and trolls. Just go in and mess around, do other things than missions. Matts point plan is too far into the future to matter. Too many people have suffered for too long. Matt and staff do not play, so are not being punished along with the other legits, on an hourly and daily basis, LO acts as if it just a few floater hax in the pool. When it is quit the contrary, the pool is overflowing with hackers and sociopath trolls, who ddos you off line then accuse you of doing the deed.
  20. I would agree that FF was the best we've had, it may have had faults but the Hud announcements that So n So got banned, was comforting to legits. Thing is that now we have to wait for Microsoft to sign off on the new AC. So again we are waiting. Worst part of hackers is they want to hang out in the cool people spots. Basically so the cool people haven't had a place to hang since desegregation. So unless sard/Matt's restriction plan includes removing said hacks from action districts. The game will have lost many amenities as a Free Rome game. Its so full of hater trolls, using the music player is out. Hackers way of protesting sard is to troll non hackers out of the game. Always has been, if they don't know you as a cheater, they attack you.
  21. @MageLO @Nanichi Active speed hacker in NA WF now.
  22. Ya there are times when the enemy is up on a roof and you can't see them as well, and its harder to aim at them. I already adjust my brightness down for day and up for night.
  23. You act as if you did not read the whole post and only the Ntec dev note's. These look like good buffs where needed. We like when they keep us informed. Not Everyone gets what they want or considers as The Main Issue. Now if they were to be silent and not post such things, We'd accuse them of hiding or being non-transparent.
  24. I have my own brand of cheat points. We'll call them Patootie Points. So You don't have to necessarily let me see you hacking. Pretty much a 2 Strikes n You're OUT. I consider a few things that lean my opinion one way or another. Name's, Threat, Demeanor in Chat, if car trolling, and other gut feelings. With aim hackers you need to sorta check em out, consider if they could have seen you and aimed that fast, and or missed a few or not missed any. So I need at least two times of me highly suspecting smooth aim or full bot was used. One of the things i watch for are Golds or Gud's that come in talking about other people hacking. But are otherwise toxic, as if they work for the Good Guys. Now none of this mean i will or won't report, it just makes you a patootie to Mack. The result being i will play in different fashion. Now this doesn't mean that if you troll me twice and call my mama names, I think You're a Hacker, No I think you're a patootie. But I also think you are just as much a cancer to this game as the hacker. So it comes down to Judgement by Patootie Points. Then you are considered a 'Known' in my book.
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