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Posts posted by claude

  1. On 4/14/2020 at 6:07 PM, CookiePuss said:

    PMG is gonna be next on the chopping block

    always gotta have one weapon known as OP

    ikr? i dont really understand how someone could call the ATAC balanced and the PMG OP, their strength in close/medium range are similar, one has a higher RoF while the other has a slower RoF.

  2. 23 hours ago, NotTheEnforcer said:

    In my opinion, here are the guns that need different re-balances. 



    -Hazardous (Remodel too. Make it the M1 Thompson, so it's different from the Typewriter series. Give it a unique mod or something. It's just a garbage Typewriter with a "special" skin. Perhaps the unique blue mod could be the box mag the M1 came with, 30 rounds but much faster reload time?)


    -Anubis (I legitimately have not seen anyone say nice things about this. Also Id love a normal Armas-based WA2000)


    -Reaper (There's a reason this thing is next to the Hazardous in MP price. Regular Scout is better in pretty much every single way.)


    -Hitchhiker/JD. (Although JD is still useful point-blank. Never seen anyone use HH, like ever.)


    -EOL Series - (This whole series has just been garbage from the beginning. The only useful one is the Kickback and even that becomes obsolete when you get the OPGL or Low Yield normal grenades.


    -Not legendaries, but holy balls the entire Revelations pack needs a rework. The Misery, Strife, Oblivion, and Curse are all just awful.

    (Although you can kinda-use the Strife. And the Misery is semi-usable fully-modded.) But seriously they should be way better than their current state.




    -Cap40 (Higher fire rate or higher normal damage, it seems pretty lackluster in any performance other than shooting through a dumpster or a glass wall.)

    -Thumper (I guess it applies to all shotguns, but performance with all have been lacking. Constant issue so probably just the overall shotgun balance pass would fix it.)


    -Ursus (Some people say it's damage is too high, or its not really a technical legendary. That'd probably be a finicky one and rely on usage stats.)


    -Volcano (2 rockets? Skipping the impossible/improbable ballistics behind that, they do far too much damage per rocket. It should still kill in relative vicinity using 2 rockets, but they should only do like 50-60% damage, not the 80-90 per rocket it seems to do currently. That being the most obvious among other things I cant think of right now)


    -Nano (Outclassed by other automatic sidearms. Cant tell you how many times I've killed someone who was using a Nano when I was using an NFA or a JD. I know G1 nerfed it post-release as with most things, but if I remember correctly it was also OP as hell when it released. Likely as G1 intended to boost sales before nerfing.)


    -Firework Launcher (It just doesn't have a place since you can get the Flare Gun. Maybe make it have an extended detection range but less ammo? Not sure how one could really change this off the bat.)


    -Duck (Its literally just a Scout with a Duck tagger. Gun skin itself is pretty awful too. Same issue as the Reaper overall, just not much of a place among other Armas weapons.)


    -Thunder (Likely just another general shotgun issue. Haven't seen anyone use it in recent months.)




    -VBR Huntress (It's good all around. With IR3 it can do damage at mid-range easily, with CJ3 you can spam it in CQC and win relatively often as long as you get the first shot. Perhaps could extend the dropoff range a bit.)


    -Ogre (It's speed makes up for the general shotgun issue, still performs well in close quarters. Perhaps when a shotgun buff comes, it might need a bit of a reduction, perhaps in pellet amount or something.)







    -Colby Commander


    -Corsair (Heard this is pretty useless all around. Only seen a few people use it so far, with poor results.)


    -New Glory




    -FFA R&D III (I think I've only seen a couple people use this before. But there's a reason it's worth what, 15-20 million APB$, if not more? 3 mod slots on that must be pretty good combined with it's rarity.)


    -Yukon (I know this got destroyed in the nerf it received. Only seen 1 person use it in the last 3 months and they switched after getting killed a few times in pistol matches.)


    -Bloody Mary (Never seen anyone actually use it.)


    -OSCP Series (I've heard that these are just awful.)


    no lol. just nerf the ursus.

  3. 16 hours ago, ternachkan said:

    i wonder what'd happen to the skill level of those pros, if there weren't any low res / config options

    idk, what would happen to you if we forced you to play with your mouse left-handed, on a french keyboard, with monitor brightness turned all the way down?

    16 hours ago, ternachkan said:

    literally see all those good players use low res. whats the thing bout it then

    because the game runs like garbage and you need to run it at low settings and low res if you want high+stable framerate. the common counterargument? "Well i run at max and I get 60 fps stable" yeah guess what, 60 fps isn't shit in 2020, and you're probably ignoring the fact that your game freezes up every few minutes, losing a whopping 200-1000 frames, and then dying to it, just because you want to play a game from 2010 in HD... which there is nothing wrong with, as long as you keep your mouth shut about other players playing the way THEY want to.

  4. On 4/4/2020 at 7:38 AM, Tigrix said:

    Isn't using a word as w-h-o-r-e in a reward title in your game, sort of the same as blue-printing it as an okay word to throw around? I mean most kids are very susceptible to reading the language and usage of it, in their surroundings and if the game company itself is okay'ing such language,

    ok boomer

  5. 22 hours ago, Trous said:

    I got bored while eating breakfast and couldn't find the information out there, so I'm just tryna save someone else the 15 minutes of middle school math. 


    I was thinking about trying to push my enforcer to max during quarantine, since my crims been cozily there for years and my enfs been over 200 just as long. So I've been playing more. And the rankings been painfully slow, being somehow locked in gold no matter how bad I do against current golds.. (lol) so I figured, the numbers are available, why not just see how many missions it'll take to get max? And I now understand that I'm not suicidal enough to get a second to max ever.


    I used my current rank with the mule to check that the APB database numbers were still gud, and they seem to be. 


    Tier 0 contacts : 30,000 standing total. Assuming 2k standing on average per game, (about a premium-less win, I think?) Thats 15 games. Ez.

    Tier 1 contacts : 234,000 standing total. Still assuming 2k, thats 117 games? Considering its split between 4, pretty reasonable. 

    Tier 2 contacts : 486,000 standing total. 243. I think thats kind of rough, especially since those contacts don't give much good, but whatever. Youll be rank 120 when youre done with this.

    Tier 3 contacts : 721,000 standing total. 360 matches. I mean hey, it's going up steady at least. This is the main curb to getting to 195, even if it only brings you to 160. Still not many good things given for the time.


    To get this far, to the bosses of each faction, we've played about 635 matches. If each one was about ten minutes, that's 105 hours of apb to get to the bosses. Not the worst, honestly! A good number of casuals would never be willing, but I'm an RPG kinda guy, so I pretty ok with it.


    Tier 4 contacts : 577,500 standing total. 289 matches. Faster than tier 3, but it's only 2 contacts.


    To get this far, you've earned 2,049,300 standing. And you've played something like 1024 matches. (about 170 hours of missions) That's an insane distance to go for this game. In my teenage years, I'd clock about 300 hours on any game I actually liked, so somewhere I think it's fair, but no casual should even bother. Here's the part that's actually what I started doing this for:


    Post 195 contacts are all 716,300 standing each. Even Gumball/Aletta with their 20 ranks. So after 195, to hit max rank, you need 2,148,900 more standing. 1074 more missions. Over double the time you've already sunk to get that far.


    So if you're like me, thinking it'd be fun to hop on that game you used to take way to seriously and finally getting your boy to max...Good luck not killing yourself.



    Does anyone care? Prolly not. I just think its interesting information, especially when thinking about how much of a game changing advantage mobility sling is to ntec users, and the "easier" access to the 3 slot ntec. It's really the only thing I care about ranks for, lol. On one hand, the unignorable advantages seem more earned. On the other, I would REALLY like to be able to play this game with my casual silver friends. And currently, I have no argument when they say this game is something you had to start playing years ago. (No, I'm not telling them to farm JT in fight club, they hate fighting golds enough when its only 3 or 4.) Car surfer is something new silvers would also greatly enjoy, and regularly ask for. Shame I have to tell 'em they'll prolly never get it if they don't love the game without it.


    As someone who's already hit max rank before, (and jokes aside, might still do it again) I see no downside to simply... cutting most of these numbers in half? Yeah, max ranks wont be flexing as hard, but maybe I could tell my friends you unlock car surfer 150ish hours in instead of 300ish hours in. That'd be nice. I get that there'd be less of a grind, meaning less to do in a dying game, but when 90% of the cool things that new players want are locked into the games last 5 contacts..eh.


    I started this off tryna figure out how much I'd have to grind to feel "done" and now I just feel bad for the friends I've told to try this game with me this week. Guess how many stuck around.


    Disclaimer: If it turns out my numbers are way off, or you dont think 2k per match is a fair basis, sorry! Im just a dude.



    it takes a few hundred hours to max out a contact... and after you're done hitting 255, you make a new char and do it again. unless its your first 255, then you probably sit on it for a while, realize how pointless it is to play on a character that is maxed out, especially since the game lacks any significant money sinks or time sinks beyond 255, would've been nice to slap a APB$ pricetag on the joker store weapons along with JT, but nobody seems to like this idea. 


    I understand for new players, this grind might seem too difficult or too time consuming, but since most people who play APB nowadays are players who've been playing for 5 years or more, they've already done this grind, and some have done it several times. It's not about "we had to do it, they should too," but it's about the lack of any other core progression content in the game, being able to level a character to 255 in half the time would just make ranking and maxing feel underwhelming.

    • Like 2

  6. 3 hours ago, Mitne said:

    >Create new char

    >Do tutorial. Holy shit 225 JT in 1,5 hours.

    > *Idea*

    >Delete that char

    > (Repeat)

    so then just remove the JT reward or make it one per account?


    you're acting like the tutorial isn't overdue for a redesign/rework or just a flat out removal lmao

    3 hours ago, Mitne said:

    Ah so you want to play like that, alright!

    >Farms daily activities on all characters

    >Farms FC on all characters

    if you wanted to play apb full time on several characters to maximize your JT gain, rather than having it capped each week and having content artificially timegated, then I don't really see the problem here?

  7. 10 hours ago, AlishaAzure said:

    Thanks for your comment.

    At the beginning i thought it was related to RIOT, but seeing from the prospective of the blogpost it wasn't indeed, or at least from what i've seen.

    i am very curious on how it work visually.

    probably will work like how most emp nades work in other games, lets out an aoe EMP within 3-5 meters, disables mods and vehicles for (x) amount of time.

    • Like 1

  8. On 3/24/2020 at 6:28 PM, Nabiki said:

    I oppose this I have a volcano I if this was to be a thing would expect it to be compensated for the loss.


    Now I remember how much money I spent in box's obtaining it which was the sum of $350.00  so it is a loss monetarily that I agreed to when using a casino box however with that said I only agreed to it with the knowledge I could continue to use the item I purchased.


    however your proposal would mean they remove the item I purchased in Armas which would effect not just me, but many others who may have paid more real life cash on these box's.

    LMAOOOO. "they nerfed my legendary that i gambled $350 for, so that means i deserve the money back" LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLL

  9. 9 hours ago, AlishaAzure said:

    Yes, i know "starting on" but still, couldn't do Asia and EU for example?

    because if a mobile game wont do well in Asia, it wont be worth releasing in the west since mobile gaming in places like China is massive, with free to play titles with p2w mtx bringing in millions a day. 

    9 hours ago, AlishaAzure said:

    Last point, which is not about this argoment but still i think it must be in here as question.

    What happened to the EMP Granade? > https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2019/7/23/content-update

    Announced back in July into a blogpost with the 2 new contacts and never heard of it anymore.

    Was it only for RIOT? Or was it a True Unlockable Reward to be implemented into the game?

    the two contacts coming with 3.5 will give you the emp grenade as an unlockable at w/e level they decide to have it locked behind. it was made to counter carplaying, so it wouldnt really make much sense for it to be a RIOT-only weapon.

    • Like 2

  10. idk why anyone would ask why GMs have to keep their identities anonymous, pretty obvious if you knew the community at all. 


    GM would be harassed, cringers would play favorites and stalk since some players love to express how much they APPRECIATE and LOVE you, and ask constantly if you can play with them on your main account. Also, imagine publicly announcing that (x) was made a GM... LO would be flamed because (x) player "used to cheat" or "is extremely toxic" etc etc.


    who the GM is outside of being a GM shouldnt matter, and to be honest, doesnt matter. 

    • Like 1
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  11. idk why people have issues with JMBs. most people buy them with leftover g1c and dont really expect much from them. If you're slamming $50 to get the new legendary, and you dont get it, its your fault for not buying it with your over-inflated APB$ that most players have been earning for nearly a decade now, with no real money sinks to take the money away from them. Even if you do blow $8m in game, still going back to someone else.


    you dont gain any significant advantage (if any at all) so why take issue with it when it's one of the only effective ways to monetize APB?

    • Like 3
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  12. On 3/3/2020 at 10:53 AM, ninjarrrr said:

    you sound like you've never used the nl9 tbh

    i mean, have u? cus u can just pig whoever is dumb enough to push u on ur corner, and if u 3 shot someone to stun them, u only need to shoot them 2 more times to kill them.


    On 3/3/2020 at 10:56 AM, Flaws said:

    still have to stay planted at corner so nade vulnerability is greater than a weapon effective at close/mid/somewhat long ranges thats pretty much 100% accurate while running




    On 3/3/2020 at 9:29 AM, CookiePuss said:

    Faster rof and +1 stk with the same ttk make the gun viable outside of corners.

    Without that cover, the slower rof makes missing in the open a death sentence.

    but the ttk would be trash so if it were better outside of corners, it wouldnt really matter, because there are plenty of other weapons that would be better than it outside of corners because they kill faster


    it would make it a good defensive weapon that can cover long ranges but is outclassed by a few weapons on offense. like the scout, except you can hipfire it.


    you know that oblivion bug we have right now? the one where if you crouchwalk and hipfire, it's 100% accurate? just make that the slug shotgun with half the range, and allow the player to run and gun with it, then we're good to go.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Solamente said:

    at the end of the day not adding one more 3stk or 4stk or even 5stk gun isn't going to magically solve holding corners being a giant advantage

    adding more stk is requiring the player to peak more, therefore increasing vulnerability of the player. increasing RoF while increasing stk is the optimal way to maintain the same TTK but nerf it's effectiveness on defense.


    you can only do this with a few guns in the game, so you should do it when possible.

  14. Just now, Solamente said:

    laughs in obir

    u can peak faster with the NL9 and u dont have to ads. tumors who use the OBIR have to at least ADS and slowly peak. basically everything u hate about the obir will be in this gun except they can peak and retreat even faster.


    creates boring apb gameplay


    do you want even more boring apb gameplay? of course you dont

    • Like 1

  15. hey dont make a lethal NL9 that can kill in 3 shots up to 50 meters, this would be cringe cus u can corner pop up to 50 meters away and own people without needing to be caught peaking out cus u dont even have to ADS with the damn thing to have 100% accuracy. NL9 is the most slept on weapon in apb atm and making a lethal variant without nerfing the hell out of it will bring loads of problems so please be careful ty

    • Like 3

  16. instead of watering down the gimmicky nature/identity of some weapons so that they properly fall under their weapon category, how about slightly nerfing the ntec, which will pretty much buff every AR/R/SMG in the game by making it viable against... the ntec.


    we dont need to rebalance everything, that's not what APB needs at all. The HVR is still too good in 4s and 3s, the ntec is good in literally every situation except when you're going against a corner camping JG/CSG/NFAS player, and we are in the process of already balancing these weapons, so why even suggest balance changes this drastic? Only changes i can agree on are stun nades and harbinger to be honest. Low Yields were nerfed but i guess they can be nerfed even harder? also, no conc nerfs or changes? do we really want to corner ourselves into a conc meta? and what the hell is that snub buff? that's WAY too good lmfao.

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