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Posts posted by claude

  1. 47 minutes ago, Snubnose said:

    you know why I can't trust support taking care of cheaters anymore?

    I've been shown a video of someone 100% cheating (it was full aimlock from the cheaters perspective), and said cheater has been roaming EU asylum for like 5 month now, with video proof being sent to support 2 month ago. yet he's still not banned.

    I don't wanna hate on LO, I think they've done some really good changes for apb so far, and have more good changes coming for us... but this is really disappointing.

    or maybe they came to the conclusion that the player wasn't cheating?


    sometimes I wish ban data could be public again, just so people can see how often they accuse legit players of cheating... but I guess it wouldn't really matter, because most people hackusate to cope with how hard they're getting owned.

    • Like 2

  2. 7 hours ago, Sayori said:

    Say what you want about G1 but at least they had a forum post about it and events. A true american company who loved America.

    That ain't happening with LO. But it's ok, they would make "Community standards" thread and bring divisive politics and make donations to BLM so they bail out arsonists who have assaulted other americans and their right for private property.

    So happy independence day to all americans who love their country and don't destroy statues 🙂


    inb4 post deleted and I'm given a warning for bringing politics even though they do it themselves


    cringe and groyp-pilled, the only thing that made G1 more american than LO was their passion to milk every cent out of their dying game before gambling MTX would inevitably become regulated, and move to two completely different platforms (pretty much abandoning their PC playerbase) just to earn more money from the console whales. release a new weapon, make it stupid OP, let people run wild with it for a couple of months, then nerf the fuck out of it once you've earned max profits


    idk how LO expressing support towards a group of people who are constantly oppressed and suppressed, makes them "unamerican." if you gave a shit about ur country, you'd care about building it up and moving forward, and if peaceful protests weren't making a change, then no shit some businesses and statues are gonna be lit the fuck on fire, it's because people like you didn't listen back then, and you clearly refuse to listen now.

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  3. 1 hour ago, iDeemo said:

    Yeah ik that but it only gives 20% i was talking about the 50% one they do that every year 😄

    True we need discounts on many things thats one of them 😄

    bro u can buy an acc wide perma primary for like $17, thats more than half of wat it used to be afaik

  4. 4 hours ago, Luminesca said:

    did you miss epic store sale where gta 5 was free for a week and you could get like 5 copies? 

    justifying all of GTA 5s monetization and progression flaws on a sale held 7 years after the games release... so that players can come in, and get destroyed by players with several years of character progression under their belt... making the player resort to shark card purchases to compete?


    or or or... grab a few copies of gta 5 so you can cheat to boost your main account, so you don't HAVE to grind hours and hours of the same tired content, to get some cringe OP trash.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Luminesca said:

    Then same logic can be applied here. G1 releases tommy in armas and after a while makes it obtainable from contact. Years later they release manic which is like upgraded tommy and after a while make it obtainable for JT. 6-10k JT which is 2 months of work minimum? Is APB pay to win? Or just pay to get shit you want faster? 

    sorta irrelevant because there are other free weapons that outclass the manic, so it wouldn't be pay to win, it would just be paying for an unlock. pretty big difference between buying an annoying SMG on APB and owning with it, and blowing kids up with some cringe gadget u paid $50 worth of shark cards for on GTA.


    also, apb = f2p

    gta 5 = $60

  6. 1 hour ago, Luminesca said:

    You know p2w means pay to win right? Time spent does not equal spending money to enjoy FREE content. 

    Your point is moot. You can spend money to get ahead or you can just do the same things investing time to grind money. 

    every patch, they release some stupid OP garbage that you can slam $5mil on, and have a direct advantage over everyone else.


    if you really think pay to progress and pay to win are two completely different things, in a game where progress provides a *direct* advantage over other players, your point is moot.


    you paid $60 for that "free" content. you shouldn't feel the need to cheat or grind boring content over and over again just to enjoy that same content people are paying money to obtain much faster than you ever could by grinding in-game.

  7. 16 hours ago, Luminesca said:

    I'm curious what sort of mental gymnastics were applied to come to this conclusion?

    Shark cards? Incredibly bad deal.

    content updates locked behind multi-million dollar paywalls, takes hours and hours to farm enough cash just to be able to afford a fraction of this content, or you could just buy shark cards and skip all the garbage gameplay


    people usually defend this by saying "hey just hit up a cheater and they'll just spawn you a shit ton of money" which is cringe because you're pretty much resorting to cheating just to be able to enjoy new content that you'd have to spend hours and hours grinding the same "efficient" missions for. also find it funny that Rockstar only hands out temp bans to people who spawnkill you with campfires on top of you the moment you respawn, making the game completely unplayable, while only permabanning cheaters who spawn money for their friends.


    game literally has a fucking casino in it. having MTX in a $60 game is already stupid, idk why people let rockstar have p2w mtx in gta 5.  rockstar aint what they used to be, its a shame.

  8. On 5/19/2020 at 4:16 AM, AlishaAzure said:

    1) Why most of the companies care more in upgrading/changing the Anti-Cheat method but don't actually make it better by adjusting and monitoring over the periods?


    No idea, probably because there are so many solutions out there, and it's best to see which has objectively better results.

    On 5/19/2020 at 4:16 AM, AlishaAzure said:

    2) What's the Best Anti-Cheat so far for you? Choose from this list and explain why or name and then explain if it isn't included

    [Not in order]

    - PunkBuster

    - FairFight

    - BattlEye

    - Easy Anti-Cheat

    - Denuvo Anti-Cheat

    - Riot Vanguard (Riot Games)

    - Kaspersky Anti-Cheat

    - Valve Anti-Cheat (Steam)

    - nProtect GameGuard

    Denuvo and Vanguard are kernel-based, so I prefer them. currently there's an overwhelming amount of hate and paranoia over these solutions, yet they are the most efficient and practical. These need to be used more so they could hopefully become standardized across all modern shooters.


    BE and EAC are okay, really don't like their policies and how they deal with false-flags in games that have their AC poorly implemented, since some devs leave it up to you to solve any sort of ban issue, as some claim that they cannot do anything on their end.


    VAC would probably be a decent anti-cheat if the whole vacnet project doesn't go to shit, or prove to be useless.


    On 5/19/2020 at 4:16 AM, AlishaAzure said:

    3) Do you wish to see Any changes about EAC? If yes, which one/s?


    4) What you think about the future of APB: Reloaded? (Always related to that argoment)


    5) What is gonna happen after the release of APB 2.1? Is Little Orbit exploring new ways behind the scenes/improving EAC?

    3. Nothing about EAC in particular, but I would like to see kernel-based solutions standardized and maybe one day implemented into APB, doubt that would happen though.


    4. Has some of the best gameplay loops and monetization methods in the industry, community can seemingly be sustained for years and years on end with just normal scheduled maintenance and minimal content patches... but luckily, we have actual shit being added to the game for once.


    5. Hope not, plenty of other issues to tend to, lack of headshots in this game makes cheating way easier to deal with, and I can hardly tell if someone is cheating or not. wish ahk/autoit scripts were taken care of, probably wouldn't be as popular as they are if APB had a kernel-based AC 🙂



    • Thanks 1

  9. 2 hours ago, Takotak said:

    I haven't been playing for a moment, and I see some players doing that, years ago I remember players doing that using a script, is this still the case ? If yes, why is no one complaining, I mean jg is already a meta gun in asylum, but jg + snubnose literally is instant kill.

    really niche and inconsistent, even with a macro.

  10. 8 hours ago, HiLoSilver said:

    Since LO has Zero regard for the report feature it seems toxicty and wall hacking at the very least are on the rise.

    I really hate to hackusate but its getting a little ridiculous. Bring FairFight back or a reliable anticheat/.

    Flame away toxic froum gurus as you always do. 

    if people were cheating as much as they were in 2016/2017, you would know. everyone would know. game only has a toxicity problem if you yourself engage in toxic behavior... like hackusating players out of anger and getting flamed for it. it's not often that you straight up just start getting griefed or flamed for no real reason. If you just don't feed into it, you'll be fine, but call someone out over whispers or over district chat, you are the one starting the problem.


    Fairfight allowed people to cheat for months and months on end without any real punishment, unless you were blatant about it, then you'd probably get manually banned by a GM watching you. 


    it's really cringe that you're saying shit that has almost zero validity to it, and then just throwing some shit at the end of it to say "yeah and just disagree like you always do." 

    8 minutes ago, Lily Rain said:

    Wall hacking is unfortunately a game-feature: https://apbdb.com/items/FnMod_Character_Spotter


    This tells how much work is yet to be done on the core game.

    how so?

    • Like 1

  11. 4 hours ago, Ai-Zhú said:

    When you have to switch to a 3rd party launcher because the official one is too bad.

    i mean, it's not unusual nowadays. there's a limited amount of resources, and can only be allocated to one or two projects, like the engine upgrade or w/e else. Improving game settings would be more engine work that would inevitably have to be ported over to 3.5,.. so why not just let some other passionate players worry about it, and whitelist their work if it doesn't break anything or compromise the games integrity?

    12 hours ago, Aeronaut said:

    wat's AAPBL is that a new clan

    ye they get flamed a lot by players who play on max settings at 60 fps for cheating, but in reality, they r just some gamers that like to make framerate counter go uppities

  12. 8 hours ago, Sayori said:

    Someone's self-confidence must be at a rock-bottom level if they are so concerned that people might think they are noob just because someone else agrees with them.


    woah fella, sorry the irony flew over your head, but seeing you'd have to be as closed-minded and as ignorant as pound to be a fan of his, I guess i should've expected it.

  13. 11 hours ago, DouglasFalcon said:

    Didn't really feel like playing APB today, so instead I wanna create a bit of discussion in the forum regarding my absolute favourite weapon cathegory, sniper rifles!
    Before you guys flame me, keep in mind that this will be 100% personal opinions and not to be taken too seriously, just let me know your own opinions instead!
    Shit quality pic made for this topic by me here
    Just one last thing before we start: I won't include reskins (like PSR) or locked variants (like N-HVR 762 Akula) because of redundancy, unless there's a big difference between them (like DMR AV / DMR SD).

    So, let's start from S tier!
    N-ISSR B "Dog Ear" - Right off the bat we start off with N-ISSR B, a very complete weapon capable of being threatening in a multitude of scenarios and distances. Boasting one of the best TTK out of all snipers, Dog Ear also allows for unrestricted movement when equipped, meaning you can be very mobile and difficult to track down. It also deals respectable damage to cars, has good equip time and generous magazine capacity. Some of his (minor) weaknesses are: poor customization options, due to HS3 being basically mandatory); quick loss of damage past 80 metres (meaning most other snipers will beat it at that point); and somewhat low DPShot that can turn its 4 shots to kill into 5. In the post-HVR era, Dog Ear is definetely the go-to sniper rifle for most people!

    Now for A tier!
    N-HVR 243 "Sitting Duck" - A very versatile weapon that takes full advantage of its mobility, DPS and accuracy gain; being able to shine even in CQC scenarios due to its good QS capabilities. Its exceptional base accuracy allows Scout to forego HS3 in favor of CJ3 to mitigate his main issue: inconsistency. N-HVR 243's 2 STK will turn into 3 against CA3 users as soon as you miss your second shot, which coupled to slow refire rate can quickly speel doom should you be against a competent player. All in all the second best sniper, albeit having a much bigger weakness the Dog Ear.
    Agrotech DMR-AV PR1 - An exceptionally strong rifle against cars, DMR-AV's main niche is defending spots from very far distances, where it can abuse its insane reverse dropoff mechanic to the fullest and deal massive amounts of damage to both enemies and vehicles in the span of a few moments. All this power comes with a downside, though: DMR-AV has one of the longest equip times of the entire game, locked slots aside from a preset HS3 and below average TTK outside of its preferred range. This makes it an overspecialized weapon that utterly destroys anyone when at full potential, but quickly becomes less threatening as distances reduce.

    N-HVR 762 Dvah - A shadow of its former self, HVR 762 deals a massive 850 hard damage when fully accurate, ensuring anyone hit by it will fall to the lightest of hits. his, however, is all HVR 762 has left to offer to a player that decides to use it. HVR 762 was taken away its ability to quickswitch (despite some fools still trying to prove a point in this regard), its refire rate is on of the slowest in the entire game (making it VERY unforgiving when you miss your shots), and it auto-loses to any other ranged rifle should you have no cover due its super slow TTK. A very good weapon for confident players that play in particularly well sinergized teams, but tends to show its weaknesses otherwise.


    Let's take a look at B tier now.

    Agrotech DMR-SD R&D III - Despite being not as brutal as DMR-AV against cars, DMR-SD compensates that with 3 open slots on mods, which are super useful on this weapons due to its customization potential. Aside from "mandatory" mods like HS3 and CJ2, DMR-SD can make great use of 3PS3, Tagger, Mag Pull 3 and even Mob Sling or High Mag Scope, making it way more versatile than its louder counterpart. 400 stamina damage per shot ensures that even CJ3 and Kevlar 3 users will die no matter how many shots you miss (as they'll get stunned rofl). CJ2 helps reducing its shaky TTK when closer than 88 metres to an acceptable level, but overall DMR-SD's lack of hard damage hurts a lot its viability over DMR-AV and some of those shared weaknesses will show as well, eventually.
    N-HVR 243 "Scout" Nol - Basically the same as Sitting Duck, but the lack of a preset purple mod allows you to use 3PS3 and give Scout even better quickswitch potential. However, the lack of a Tagger can hurt more than expected, so you might prefer slower equip time in exchange for better team sinergy and faster RoF.

    NCR-762 "Anubis" - While many people consider this weapon to be bordeline unusable due to its weird crosshair and consistency issues, I personally believe that Anubis' strenghts make up for it enough to compete with meta weapons under the right hands. Anubis sports a good combination of accuracy on the move and in the air (it's surprisingly good at jumpshooting), great accuracy gain, good TTK for a Sniper and enough DPS and fire rate to ensure your 3 STK won't go higher most of the times. Unfortunately, said weaknesses are undeniably present: the special crosshair is annoyingly large for a precision rifle, making it inconsistent at further distances. The 2nd and 3rd shots also tend to be inconsistent due to a weird inner mechanic that makes it more accurate as you fire, making it a gimmicky sniper that very few people enjoy using.


    Now for C tier...


    S-247 "Oblivion" - While I don't think this weapon is inherently bad, I think it doesn't have a consistent enough niche to be meta relevant. Its inteded to be a mobile sniper that's fully accurate on the move, but it can't take advantage of Mobility Sling due to equip time becoming very long; on top of always having to move being kinda awkward for a sniper. It has good TTK, esp with CJ3, but it doesn't singergize that well with secondaries or teammates like Scout or HVR, and doesn't particularly shine at any range like DMR. Lastly, it deals absolutely 0 damage to vehicles. meaning that a lot of people will be able to rush you inside a car, forcing you to retreat. At least, its mobility is pretty good for its class, even allowing for decent jumpshot capabilities. Usable, but far from ideal.

    Agrotech DMR-AV PR2 - While one might think having better TTK always help,s this isn't the case for DMR-AV PR2. CJ3 gives the weapon too much recoil. which ultimately ruins its accuracy, especially at its 2-shot range, making it better than DMR-AV PR1 only in certain scenarios against cars. Usable, but incredibly frustrating due to its inconsistency issues. Could be easily fixed by giving it CJ2 (which would push it quite a lot in the meta lol)

    N-HVR 243 "Reaper" - Basically a nerfed Sitting Duck/Scout Nol. Unable to hold both red and purple mods due to its presets, Reaper even has less effective range than its higher tier siblings due to how the Sniper Silencer mod works. And as we all know, silencer are pretty useless in APB as of now, so it's not like it has any benefits over its counterparts. Again, a usable sniper but extremely overshadowed. Only use it if you like the edgy tagger symbol.


    And finally, we have D tier!

    SBSR "IRS" - Honestly, this weapon is just bad. I always try to find good things even in the worse looking guns, but SBSR "IRS" is a pathetic excuse of a sniper with a terrible "fully automatic" gimmick attached to it. It has bad TTK (using CJ isn't really an option because it kills its normal recoil system making the "auto sniper" more of a liability than a benefit), average-to-mediocre stats all around, and basically anything this rifle could be good at doing, there's at least another sniper that does it better. Please buff this gun, it's literally the only one I'm never using. Even troll setups aren't fun, it just gives you depression. Never seen anyone successfully using this, either.



    This wraps it up for my tier list!
    I'd really love to hear about your opinions, and why you think I'm terribly wrong and I suck at this game ❤️
    Also, I really hope someone from LO reads this so they can understand the general feeling of the community towards the sniper meta (so please DO write your opinions down lol)

    really dont understand why people write off the 3ps3 as shittier than the cj3 scout... you kill way faster with 45/scout with 3ps3 than u do with 2 CJ3 scout shots.


    also putting the DMR AV pr2 below the SD, Anubis, and oblivion makes no sense, CJ3 hardly does anything to the weapons bloom, not enough for it to matter at least... and for sure not enough to place it under 3 weapons that are clearly shittier than it.


    N-HVR 762 is still annoying and shouldn't be a game, really think it's cringe that there's a weapon that can bring an enemy down to 1 shot territory in just a single shot, in a team-based shooter. You can literally tag someone for all their health, have ur teammate hold down left click with an ursus (or any rifle, really) to complete the kill. shit happens so fast, sometimes it feels like you were one shot... can't even fucking react.

  14. On 4/25/2020 at 7:08 PM, MartinPL said:

    We've had a survey like this a good while ago... but a lot of time has passed since. In that time, we've had three additions to the legendary weapon pool, some changes and fixes here and there — might be worth it to assemble our opinions on the current state of the legendary weapons!




    One obvious change to the survey is the removal of the "No opinion" option since it didn't really indicate anything.


    For reference, the results of the old survey can be found here.

    gross how people think the ursus is balanced lmao

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