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Everything posted by Hausman

  1. i wish they would finally add that we can pause the permium and activate it again when we want. all the days that fly away because of this fuckin downtimes all the time
  2. well its sad that this isnt fixed yet. imagine u cant see the symbol on your phone for batteriepower, it feels like something is missing in your life, thats what i feel when i see this
  3. oh shit, feels like im back in 2k13, but this time they are Red and not Purple
  4. lmao, nearly the same shit like dark prophecy
  5. ohh ffs, not again, searching both maps for those red pumpkins do they make some noices like the purple pumpkins or not? I hope they are not glitched on a rooftop or anywhere else. (like one of the purple pumpkins for me in the past) If yes how to contact u to solve the issue when support needs weeks to answer. would be cool to know that, but im also hyped for this event, kinda my favourite one
  6. Hope we dont have to wait for this, like the time we still wait for engine
  7. Hausman

    Building not appears

    nope sry, just wanted to share my problem aswell and i saw ur post so i wanted to tell tha i have it too
  8. Hausman

    Building not appears

    same shit here cant see walls and other small objectives (but enemies behind), fake walls appear and block my view in original hallways etc. . also game crashes about 5 times per day and every fuckin time i have to update it when i want to restart it (again with this 13k+ file shit like the time as riot started) and many many lags like never before
  9. Iam the only one who still laughing about the "8 hours" downtime? i mean cmon LO
  10. will the 3 skins from riot be in a pack are single to purchase, because if someone unlocked 2 or 1 skin already it waste of money to buy a set with all 3 to get just 1 (ye i know, you all say its waste of money to buy the skins)
  11. Hausman

    weapon issue

    Hey there, i love it to play with the True Ogre but in last months i noticed that it stopped shooting when i still hold the firekey. Just want to let u now that this issue pissin me off rly hard and was reason that lost alot of 1 vs 1 specific in RIOT Would be very nice if this issue can be solved very soon, Thank you
  12. i know, just wanted to say it because it was not listed
  13. u were able to win them aswell from silver and tiggs box (it may was power box) at xmas 2 years ago for like 1 month
  14. Well this is not easy to handle, but may their'll be a option to disable to group up in this mode only (how, idk) but i think it's not possible
  15. it's more a suggestion not a feedback for riot maybe add a timer that starts 5 min after the last match is done reduce the players to start a match ( from 16 down on 8 or 10 ) add a small reward system for riot ( i know that's not how br is working) but with small prices after every 3 or 5 matches (no matter if won or lost) give the palyers a small amount of g1c, 1 day premium, 100 JT's (maybe 150), one joker box (maybe of the choice of the player) etc. it's just a small chance to win more players for it but worth a try in my opinion
  16. rly :o, after 1 hour i got dc and was able to rejoin after a few minutes yes i can
  17. Idk, at the end of the event they posted some in chat, maybe mine was posted for all xD or gave 2 players same code lol however or whatever happend, would be cool to solve that problem
  18. It says "Your code has already been redeemed"
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