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Posts posted by Mitne

  1. On 6/27/2020 at 2:30 PM, yood said:

    who will you blame for your ban : Frosi or yourself ?


    LO. It's config inside game folder. Goddamn, I already had this argument yesterday. I don't fucking inject cheats, just change input in config...


    And with G1 I was banned for cheating but not really (Unless for you advantage is being cannonfodder for all kind of cheating Removed Inappropriate Language ~@mayii).


    Pretty sure it was about my aggressive sceptism toward their actions (justifed after all), constantly questioning their lack of transparency (what the fuck were they doing most of APB lifetime under their reign???) and my sometimes out-of-place sassy atittude. LO questioning FF bans shows greatly how dubious FairFight was - in my opinion it's next to PB when it comes to false-flagging (+when I was banned FF was MANUALLY managed (!) so it's hard to not find here strange approach for their "cheating" bans (might been false-flagged somewhere but might as well been just manually banned out of spite)).


    I prefered you when you were writing in that wierd english.

  2. I think it's always better to keep character. If you don't like how your character looks you can fully redesign it from ground-up (minus gender) and rename it (using ARMAs rename).

    Low ranks got it harsh for various reasons and if one day you would be going back to game with clean slate it would be more frustrating to you (especially now) than if you would start from your high ranked character and that might push you out of game again.


    You don't know how many times I told myself I would just delete acc and go on - but yet here I am.

  3. 1 hour ago, 7700k said:

    Oh it's so dramatic... please I wasn't bashing the beta read what I posted you blind fuck, I was merely stating it was unplayable for me due to the ping and game related problems like the spawns that kind of crap sorry I didn't elaborate on it and I'm sorry I offended you not..I also stated that I would of loved to play it and was looking forward to it but due to the time it's a miss for me and i'm gonna call it quits...because I'm burnt out at this point before your fingers start typing consider reading first..

    Edit: please downvote me I don't give to shits at all I feed on it 

    ... Before you say any other bullshoot I break silence to why you get dislikes and say it again - beta didn't even started yet.

    How the fuck you even "play" it then, liar?

    Btw. notice I wasn't quoting you in first post.

  4. On 6/23/2020 at 11:11 PM, Frosi said:

    If it works such as commands like /abandonmission you should be able to bind it by editing the APBInput.ini file. For example, I bound my /abandonmission to F1 by changing: Bindings=(Name="F1",Command="OpenAPBSupportPage invalidURL",Group="UI",bAllowInScaleformUI=True) to this here: Bindings=(Name="F1",Command="abandonmission")


    Maybe an edit like this is worth a shot.

    Actually that's useful thing to know.

  5. 11 hours ago, Genobee said:

    Never really occurred to me that not too many people know about this. Thank you for letting everyone know! 🙂


    Speaking of, I didn't know the default for the advanced launcher tool was so low (5000). If you've got a pretty good machine you'd probably be okay with that value as-is. Almost definitely enough to stop the crazy dips without nuking the quality in my own experience. Would only really go lower if you have to. I used to run a much higher value, as by default the higher end graphics options in-game would set it to an unlimited 0 value as I recall. Caused all kinds of crazy dips until you put a reasonable limit in place.


    Believe I used to run it at 10000. Which caused dips but they were far more reasonable. Anything past that was a bit annoying, I think, I haven't actively played in forever but I doubt that's changed. That or I'm remembering it completely wrong. I might be. Anyway, thank you again for posting this @Mitne. Seems like it's helped out a lot of people!

    Well it was just a bit of experimenting on my side just to find way to play in prototype gungame without this horrible dips (about which threads showed up suddenly - I even left some post in them).


    In normal circumstances - sure. 5000 is okey. This though were hardly normal circumstances in prototype district and many players (among them me) were rightfully angry about tier 3 and tier 5 FPS dips (weaker PC pretty much got guaranteed single digit numbers of FPS, stronger considerable dips on bordercore "playable" FPS count - if 15 fps is considered "playable"). Volcano NFAS generated 10 volcano rockets + effects related to them while flare gun fired shittons of firework-like flares - stack it up to 20-30 players in constant fights and you got recipe for particle FPS dips. Add that to small sized beacon and at 5000 range every single explosion within district had to be counted by CPU while 32-bit architecture of game limited resources usable by game to do that.


    After event players can simply set it back up if they really want but if they experinced FPS dips at for example FC districts - they should consider having lower range for particles to play.


    Btw. you are welcome.

  6. On 6/25/2020 at 2:01 PM, Spy said:

    Oh, bit of a disappointment for me then personally. I'll pass. Thank for the intel tho.



    I prefer no rewards after disaster of Assault Autumn.

    People team even in this, despite reward being pretty much guaranteed even if you are bottom of list... disgusting.

    Edit: I meant 1st place rewards.

    • Like 1

  7. 2 hours ago, Nagletz said:

    Some people buying Bentley-branded couches, so... it will find it's buyer as well lmao.

    Well real hardcore peps farmed crown with FCs and mission district.


    LO - maybe add Emperor of San Paro title for everyone buying crown before Joker Distribution update?

    • Like 1

  8. Just now, Pwnimon said:

    Thats not what he did, but sometimes you land in a situation where u can either switch to ur secondary or risk to fight in cqc with ur FFA.

    On the other hand you could make the argument that the obir is superior in range because it has a better zoom making it easier to aim and track.

    Well then if you gonna use it long range, then in my opinion lesser zoom is just giving yourself more problems, not advantage.

    I know he didn't said that but I got tendency to assuming what people mean and put it in practice.

  9. 10 hours ago, VanilleKeks said:

    I don't think weapons should be collectors items. Especially when the FFA is a direct upgrade to the OBIR. The lessened zoom is amazing in close range fights where you plan to pistol swap after bursts and doesn't affect long range play.

    I would hardly call OBIR (or in that case FFA) reliable close range fighting weapon...

    Can be easily outshot by any AR but maybe STAR LCR.

    • Like 1

  10. 5 minutes ago, Rolpack said:

    Except you can put it to "none" on advanced launcher, which just disabled it, and its still against the TOS.

    This launcher is allowed by LO.

    If any of it options breach ToS then it's not on me.

    I just used what is legally allowed (and everyone got access to it anyway...).

    Also I need point from TOS about it, if you got it in front of you.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Rolpack said:

    Isn't turning off smoke is against TOS though? Plus turning off particles doesn't even save your FPS, only making it a low count does, like 5 or more.

    Checked EULA and user conduct rules - no entries about it there.

    Shouldn't be issue - that isn't freaking wallhack... even through smoke you see name and crosshair turns red.

    And I tested it on my most crappy PC - Duo Core, 1 GB GPU PC. Increase in FPS in prototype district was gigantic on 500 setting while still leaving some of effects in close distance (from 1 fps to 20 fps).

    In normal districts it won't make such impact... unless we talk about high intensity ones like both FCs.

  12. 1. If you didn't already had it, download USPStyle advanced APB launcher (it is MUST HAVE in that case or if you performance is poor): https://kevkof.be/advancedlauncher - don't worry, APB advanced launcher is ALLOWED custom launcher - meaning NO, you WON'T be banned for it (it just changes configs files in APB and launch game bypassing APB default launcher after all).

    2. Open it up, click update APB, quit default APB launcher (just in case files are missing or there's an update - i do it always before firing APB to prevent potential errors).

    3. Get into settings in advanced launcher.

    4. Get into APBCompat Other tab.

    5. Find option for Particle Space Area (should be fourth option).

    6. By default it's 5000. Lower it to 2500, 1250, 500, 50, 5 or turn it off (Nades, explosions and all special effects will be disabled though and at too low number some effects might not show up anyway. Shouldn't matter anyway.) - you need to experiment with it tho. for best results - but for crappy computers lower settings (500 and lower) should help and for stronger PCs (which got problems only because of APB old engine) higher settings should help (1250+).


    P.S. From now on fire game only from Advanced Launcher and follow simple procedure when firing APB from it. Click update game, allow default APB launcher to update it, quit default APB launcher, go to settings, apply them and start APB from advanced launcher. If you fire it from default APB launcher, it will overwrite config from advanced launcher.


    Have fun.

    Btw. you might want to pin it, mods.

    • Like 4

  13. 15 hours ago, Orion_1917 said:

    So if the new Engine goes live it will attract quite many new players and old players who are going to come back. It will be some kind of relaunch, that's for sure. I saw people creating cool backstories for their characters for the JOKER EMPLOYEE DESIGN CHALLENGE.

    I know that some small roleplay APB community existed. The game also provides cool tooles for roleplay. Just want to know if there are people who are still interested in somekind of roleplay in APB.

    I'm active roleplayer but out of APB.

    Sure, my character got his own backstory in my head but that's it. I didn't came into this game for social... I would had better picks then (like Second Life or VRChat)...

    Pretty sure that's case for gigantic majority of possibly rp'ing part of APB community.

  14. 20 minutes ago, claude said:

    noooo!!!! you cant just make jt purchasable after i grinded hundreds of hrs in fight club!!!!! all the noobs can buy crown for $60 usd now what the fuck ! !! ! 

    If they want to buy crown for more than 100$, then let them.

    I grinded for it as well (my avatar and title should be clue why) and I'm okey with that.

  15. Do something with that volcano n-fas. Honestly I agree with Ketog and Uke greatly. I understand it meant to be goofy but it's hardly fun at 3 fps - and if that event shows up in district, pretty sure people will start to evacuate to other event districts.

    And i'm not making that up - it's already happening and that's day 1.


    I'm okey with prototype gungame - 1-shot corsair is hilarious as well as LMG Star... but OPGL N-FAS... bruh, i can't even use it at 3-5 fps because n-fas charge up keep restaring from lag and ignorance of game to my input...

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