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Posts posted by Mitne

  1. On 6/4/2020 at 12:36 PM, FakeBungo said:

    oh and it costs a shit ton of APB cash$ to purchase 3 slot guns for 10 days. (premium$ fixes that though)

    15 matches weekly (WITHOUT premium) and you can maintain lease. If you don't play that much weekly I doubt this gun would be even considerable gamechanger in most of this matches.

    Can we quit this shitty argument? - Every time it ends with how APB is "P2W" and I though we are behind that ever since changes to Joker Distribution.

    On 6/4/2020 at 12:46 PM, FakeBungo said:

    armas shouldnt even exist

    Peak comedy. You do realize developers are company and need to generate some income from game to find justifcation for taking costs of it maintenance?

    You would prefer subscription like in WoW?... Of course not, you wouldn't even play then.

    On 6/4/2020 at 12:51 PM, FakeBungo said:

    everything in armas should be only cosmetic and they should remove premium apb$ and standing bonuses

    60% of ARMAs guns are reskins. So yeah, they are cosmetic. With few expections most of unique guns (one which aren't reskins and aren't avaliable otherwise) were moved also onto Joker Distribution.

    And removing premium bonuses would kill it already low attraction (all this bonuses don't really influence your fucking gameplay long-term (grind is as huge as without premium in the end) so quit moaning about it, jeez).

    On 6/4/2020 at 12:51 PM, FakeBungo said:

    buying guns for $30 makes me cringe

    In certain games I saw cosmetics for that price. And guns being locked in lootboxes. For that price.

    On 6/4/2020 at 1:01 PM, FakeBungo said:

    they should hire somebody who creates a new cosmetic item/outfit for purchase every week

    Oh boy. With current engine it would be lovely. I already lost 50 fps from all customizations loading every time I enter game. They should finish EU first, THEN add attachments to it...

    On 6/4/2020 at 1:01 PM, FakeBungo said:

    and not those crappy joker store ones which are just regular clothes, i mean custom models and new clothing entirely (car kits, etc)


    Ahhh, you talking about this designer clothing.

    Nobody forces you to buy that. It's their shop.


    On 6/4/2020 at 11:41 AM, ReaperTheButcher said:

    The role progression and the grind regarding it is completely okay as it is.

    Agreed. Level 15 isn't hard to get. Mods for weapons are widely sold on marketplace by other players (despite it being "dead game"). Only problem is with 3-slot weapons locked behind role progress and whole phenomen of mod-locked weapons but that's completely different subject.

    On 6/4/2020 at 11:41 AM, ReaperTheButcher said:

    Mattscott mentioned that he wants to rework the role grinding to be more applying to new comers, it sounds like it will be less of a grind/more easy to complete everything,

    3 months ago I just finished my grind. If they really want to rework grind in my opinion all weapon unlocks should be moved to lower levels of weapon roles.

    I would take it as offense if they suddenly would lower grind after I litteraly 3 months ago completed all weapon roles.

    On 6/4/2020 at 11:41 AM, ReaperTheButcher said:

    This decision will not be the smartest thing to do because there are players that already completed all the roles years ago, and if you change the grind on those it wont be fair to those who already spent
    their time completing everything or getting to rank 15 on the weapon roles which is fairly easy considering going from rank 15 to 16 isn't really worth the grind judging its only a chrome skin and a unique 3 slotted weapon, i fear this will make the base population eg. (the old accomplished player) just quit what is already a crumbling game. 

    Not quit but I would had even bigger reason to be moaning fuzzy bunny about every thing.

    >Make everything extremely easy for everyone else to reduce impact of my grind and shit on years spent just to complete roles - instead of fixing real problems with gun unlocks.

    >All while gameplay still suffers because newbies still face dethreaters while lacking proper tutorial, proper matchmaking and are not defended against abuse (I understand one match with golds in bronze taking current situation but if getting several matches in row with the same dethreating team is normal to you, you must be fucked in mind).

    >All while levels of contacts are still ultra grindy as fuck.

  2. On 6/4/2020 at 3:01 PM, Roxl said:

    You may be confusing APB: Vendetta with APB: Retribution. Retribution was the bizzare iOS mobile game, from Blazing Griffin, that came out of nowhere. Vendetta was the Reloaded teams attempt at making another PC game.

    I mixed it up indeed.

    Still, do you say thinga this game is anything but barebones? Even place-holders characters appear to be APB: Reloaded characters, same goes for all assets in that game.

  3. 9 hours ago, emotes said:

    Also found a kickstarter for another game reloaded productions was trying to make called APB Vendetta. ( 

    There is pictures of some characters in the Kickstarter and i believe some of them would be awesome to have in game.

    Research history of it. Old forums are gone but APB community was in flames over their kickstarter.

    Game was in burning ruins and they decided that mobile game is better investment of time - showed their detachement from reality.


    I expect characters are half-baked (if they even have lore).

  4. 16 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Forums, twitter, or anyone online and in game at the time.


    At the time, 6 months ago. Meaning it's unobtainable now.

    Not even gonna still comment how idiotic that form of "giveaway" is (and on forums it was only after old thread became hot and they tried to save face).

    18 hours ago, AlishaAzure said:

    Still they made a bad move giving it away randomly, when nobody knew that. 🙂

    Exactly my though. From what I get this codes were given out on APB streams on Twitch (Didn't watch em? Fuck you!), Twitter (Where, when, I dunno, got alert set for LO channel), in-game (Asked around, nobody knows shit).

    19 hours ago, Guest said:

    who care its ugly maks anyway lol

    It might be ugly mask. But fact remains - item again was given to part of population without knowledge of bigger part of playerbase.

    So they shouldn't call it giveaway and if they want for it to be giveaway then it should be public.

    22 hours ago, 404 said:

    i’d like orbit to put the mask on armas just so there’s no more entitled threads whining about “exclusives”

    Entitled? Excuse me?
    What is so entitled in calling out "giveaway" in some random places to some small populations of APB? Is this people who were at right time and moment on Twitter or some random Twitch stream any special? Or you just can't face fact that large portion of population didn't even knew about any giveaway, no news was given and it was done at random without any sense or purpose?

    They can put it on ARMAs, wouldn't even fuckin buy it. Fact remains.

    20 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Why are you trying to conceal your face?


    What are you hiding?

    This is my supposed coronavirus mask.

    • Like 1

  5. 6 months - no new codes, no info, no giveaway.

    You though I let it go? So far you proving what I said was right. Arbitrary giveaway to appease certain people.

    Original thread:

    Also don't comment on this original thread, seems necroing posts are deleted without warning.

    • Like 1

  6. If there won't be anything done with dethreating, game will surely die as new population will just quit game quickly and old guard also is not invincible and will leave game for various other reasons.

    Threat matchmaking fixes are supposed to be part of phasing solution. So hopefully then, games matches gonna be alright. (Or it gonna be "hilarious" matches of 4 gold teams against 1 trainee because matchmaking (???)).

  7. 1 hour ago, proxie said:

    As i mentioned bronze districts are even harder impacted by the abuse of overpowered "mechanics" and guns. I have made 5 new accouts in the last month to try out the new player experience in bronze districts and i strongly get the feeling that there are a few different groups that present. There are the dethreaters that actually are low tier golds that actively use any crutch in the game to abuse thier opp, they pretty much exclusively use PMG, ATAC, HVR and/or Volcano. They are happily abusing new players with pig percs and remote det full well knowing that they have no idea what is going on. This needs a solution to combated on its own, but i believe removing some of their tools is a start. The new players that are clueless and trying to find what foot to stand on while they are being rolled by dethreaters. Then there are the long time players that are low tier gold or high silver that find it too hard to play in the silver district so they play on bronze district.

    Server phasing should fix problem of dethreating... mostly. And about weapons, I agree. Been there recently on side account to help out with cop rank to one of my friends. That wasn't pleasant experince as we were basically moped down by constant waves of PMG, ATAC, HVR teams. Volcanos are just cherry on top.

    1 hour ago, proxie said:

    I have a couple ideas that i have discussed with others players that would be simple and not change too much.

    PMG - reduce effective range from 35 meters to 25 meters. Right now it is way too strong on close mid range <- Fine with that

    ATAC - The gun is a simple point in the right direction and hold one mouse1 on mid range. Very forgiving and low effort/skill required. While i dont want to take away from the playstyle of the gun i believe it is too effective. Either of these changes are worth a try, but not not all. Reducing damage to 120 from 135, making it one extra bullet to kill. Reducing effective range to 40m from 50m. Reducing refire rate to 0.115 sec from 0.100 sec giving the gun a longer TTK of 0.805 sec. <- Agreed

    HVR - Reduce the damage to 750 from 850. Might not have a big impact but small changes mean alot. <- HVR damage needed reduction for long time.

    Volcano - Reduce the max health damage to 550 from 1000. This way you won't get one shot from someone outside draw distance but will still die if both rockets hit. <- Disagreed. Volcano up close won't kill already and rocket ramp up damage only on distance. On far distance, it's easily avoidable as you can hear it's characteristical screech. Volcano maybe would be pushed out but would put place for much worse for newbies option, OSMAW (to which newbies obviously don't have access).

    Spotter - Remove it, it is way too broken right now and not worth dev time to try to find some way to re-work it. <- I would say that people tagged by spotter should not be tagged for so long instead. Rework is possible.

    Remote det - Double the time it takes to detonate as a start. Personally i would just want to see it removed. <- Agreeing on removal, abuse with remote detonator is way too visible everywhere.


    • Like 4

  8. 1 minute ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:


    Everyone finds out we are back on BattleEye the second that update hits. You only miss it if you play with Audio only.

    Which is why it's better to inform beforehand.

    Do you imagine how many threads would pop up if this was sudden change without info?

    • Like 1

  9. On 6/1/2020 at 11:08 AM, Sayori said:

    Nice but you shouldn't have posted a notice on the forums. Just go for it and  catch the people who don't pay attention to the updates.

    Agreed. But being silent about it would had repercussions. Someone would find out that we are back to BattlEye, make thread and then it would be community shitstorm...

    Better safe than sorry.

  10. I knew something was off when playing certain players...

    In my personal opinion - Both EAC and BattlEye are problematic solutions (in my opinion) which don't really tackle problem APB have.

    As long as cheaters are simply able to integrate cheats into game, that long we will have problems.


    And then this pathetic lowlives will still find solution to cheat system, there is always loose code.

  11. Taking that APB got little to no advertising in overall internet I assume it's only good move.

    Sudden increase in playerbase might cover toxic part of it and bring this people which abandoned this game under G1 reign.

    I just fear for one thing. If there will be increase in playerbase... is LO prepared to take new players on servers?



  12. 4 hours ago, Gro said:

    Tbh i think it would be pretty fit lore-wise to have some far-right organisation in San Paro setting, as the city is going to hell with complete anarchy and legalising paramilitary groups, both left and right extremists would surely appear.

    Trailer for each factions and faction lore pretty much explains from where might members of each faction hail from:

    "Like the other recruits, you are as likely to have come from the military or law enforcement as from the general citizenry." - Ex-military, ex-cop, do-gooders and concerned citizens for enforcers.


    "Like the other members of your august fraternity, you've likely come highly recommended as a gang member, career criminal, civil activist, or similar." - Gangs, criminals, activists or members of any freedom-loving movements for criminals



    Take baddies and neutrals out and you can get that right is with enforcers and left is with criminals.

    Also current party in rule of San Paro is called "The Conservative Unionists" and represent pretty much conservative values (CSA act, aka. formation of militia after police collapse is great and only example we sadly have in lore). So go figure which citizens are likely to go with what mayor office represent and against it.


    In the end though, it's left as open question as to not influence anyone choice other than personal preference. Wanna be enforcer? Be enforcer. Wanna be criminal? Be criminal.

  13. You still going at it?

    I should be the most offended as Pole and grandchild of nazies victims toward any nazi symbols but what evolved (or more like devolved) from legit issue several centuries ago, grown into scapegoat for all world evils. I can give big list of such goverments which were treating some citizens better or worse and I guarantee you, there is one from your scale of ideology - from ancient times to modern.

    If you wanna know which goverment did more evil to me as modern Pole, I would say that of USSR. German (<- that is important part) nazies probably would do gigantic damage at that time too (especially taking their "racial cleansing" policy) but USSR basically twisted thinking of modern Poles. People still think that under PPR (Polish People's Republic) everything was so freaking great, forgetting that there was lack of even basic stuff such as toilet paper or food, that you could be taken under cover of night to be killed while interviewed because of your political views being snitched by people you trusted, that you could been driven out to our "allies" to Syberia, that everything was of shitty quality, where at some point you needed to not only pay with currency in shop but also with special stamps dedicated to certain basic stuff and where you worked and was pretty guaranteed to work the worst jobs you can imagine - university was after all luxury, mainly reserved to party and few specialists.

    And even today as we talk... Poland is about to become totalitarian state as police fights with opposition on streets and propaganda in TV spews lies.


    So talk about issues of game such as APB... go ahead. I don't know if I will be there with you all in year or two to play it even, as we might get cut off from Internet cause "imperialists" from UE "spew lies" but the real issue is nazi running around in APB.

    Many of Poles westernized but some still are buried in PPR reality thinking. Imagine how we are feeling right now and that's real issue...

    In what kind of reality I'm living in?...

    • Like 1

  14. LO in my opinion right now should ignore all this comments full of spite.

    We entering open beta of engine long awaited, can't be any more happy for this game.

    It might not turn around what is going inside game (again pointing out that what is going on is right now, full fault of it playerbase, no matter how manipulative and hypocrite you are - the only fault of LO is having staff so little, they can't take care of everything within game) but it shows that LO as developer is trustworthy.


    Can't wait to test beta. Hope my shit of laptop will run it.

    • Like 3
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  15. On 5/23/2020 at 4:55 PM, CookiePuss said:

    From my perspective grenade exp radius are fine.

    Not sure how you want that proven, but most of the time if I die to a nade, I done goofed.

    I can't remember a single time I felt a grenade exp radius was too large.

    But that's just me.


    SHHH. UNPOPULAR OPINION! (at least according to him)

    I think I already showed APB DB info on both nades. If you study range to damage, grenades are the most balanced out of three weapons we got at disposal.

    https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Grenade_Frag , https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Grenade_Concussion )

    There is also problem that frag nade is first nade unlocked to newbies. Even worst, additional nades (other than such as half-brick or 8 ball (ph....)) are locked behind grenadier role progression (one which you level up with... grenade kills, oh irony). So you nerf the most basic nade and basically prevent new players from gaining access to other options. He is next to people who would want for STAR to be nerfed in my opinion.


    I was for a lot of nerfs but never in my life as OBT Veteran I though of grenades nerfs other than low yields... fuck that.


    • Like 3

  16. 11 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:

    Most times the defending team actually cannot destroy the vehicle if it hasn't been "unlocked" yet.


    2 hours ago, safdfsgkjhdgsjkhs said:

    defenders cannot damage the car untill its been broken into.

    There is way to damage it. Use car and smash it against wall or other vehicles. It will take environmental damage only but that strategy is not that rare from what I saw.

    11 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:

    Unless you're going against vet 195+ players who can fix the vehicle, the offense can't just grab it and go, add into the fact that it only spawns in 2-3 generally "known" locations if destroyed and generally in a cycle, you can cycle location lock the vehicle spawn without much issue and know where it may be next.

    That's why I treat spawn system like some kind of punishment. Unjust but punishment.

    It should be fixed and spawns should be way more flexible...

    11 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:

    These kind of vehicle missions are an issue. However another issue for example is the crim mission with the frenso, which litterally has no hud marker on it for like 4 stages, and it really should.

    This one where you drive from checkpoint to checkpoint?

    Yeah, it should. Way too easy to complete for crims.


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