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Posts posted by Excalibur!

  1. 23 minutes ago, Dopefish said:

    I'd normally argue that changes are made to benefit the game as a whole, like improved weapon balance would make it better for both low skilled and high skilled player, but considering Gamersfirst have been actively working on removing incentives for performing well, locking only golds into the gold district (no other threat were affected at the time), making the game less skill based by continuously lowering TTK and increasing the randomness of weapons, it's hard to argue for it. But I believe these changes eventually made it worse for low skilled players aswell, due to the playerbase dropping and promoting dethreating (the gold district lock was when everyone first started to dethreat).


    Other than threat elitism (I'm gold, you are not, so you must suck), I'm not entirely sure what kind of elitism there would be beyond that. If you talk about the SPCT group of testers, they had very mixed skilled levels and high skilled players did not dominate that group, not to mention that the developers at the time usually just ignored any kind of feedback they received whatsoever. Nor am I sure what changes have been made as a result from high skill players feedback.


    Could you provide some examples of elitism you notice in the game, so I can get a better understanding?

    You are right.


    Players kicking for not performing well. But then some players would start ruining missions on purpose, you couldn't kick afks etc.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Rebelliousness said:

    Q: The anti-cheat system. Will you be making any changes? 
    A: This was the number one question. I think the community is super divided, especially the second part of the question. Will we be changing cheat detection? Absolutely. We’ve been working with Battleye, and we think that they are the market leader in client-side anti-cheat. We’re already three quarters of the way into the integration. The reason why we set this date was that we could get something concrete in place before announcing it, and also to allow the new support system to gain traction. But we think that this is the most important thing that we could implement to immensely help the game. We also mentioned that we’re keeping FairFight, but without doing auto-bans. The system has not been tuned for a year, and wasn’t being updated while the company was struggling. In my opinion with FairFight and Battleye, which will come in the next patch we put out, will be the ideal solution....
    Q: Will there be unbans? Will it be a full reversal or partial reversal?
    A: This is such a divisive issue. These last two weeks have been extremely busy for Little Orbit, especially with GDPR. What I did was sit on the customer support calls and worked through issues. We had FairFight auto-bans and I sat on the line with customers and logs, and we can clearly determine that there were improper bans. Those bans shouldn’t have been in place. It’s really hard for me to leave those bans in place. But I do want to say that this could raise issues of “oh these cheaters are bad” but specifically the bulk of the cheating bans are going to be reversed; the community is going to get a second chance....
    Q: Will bans be broadcasted?
    A: No. It’s a super toxic practice. I view banning as a failure; it’s not something to be proud of or to enjoy. We lost a player and it’s our fault when it happens. We have done something in the meantime; even if you’re banned in game, we’re not going to ban you on the forums. We’re going to be doing some tweaks and utilize temporary bans. My commitment to the community is that we are going to clean up the cheating problem in a fair and good manner.

    Note the date:  July 19, 2013

    So Far

    Back in March we listed our major goals for 2013. So far this year, we've brought in:

    • The updated score system
    • The new front end
    • Elective spawning system
    • Another test of Asylum
    • Threat segregation
    • The smart district spin-up 


    • Threat segregation will be changed; players will no longer be able to go down into districts below their current threat level. We found that too many people were going into districts below their recommended threat level and making life miserable for those players. Design on this is subject to change, but it's something we're looking into and intend to move forward.


    And here's the goals for 2013:
    - Threat segregation 
    (Was initially only applied to golds, and what caused the massive amount of dethreaters)

    So, they introduced threat Segregation in 2012 which in their own words a year later: "We found that too many people were going into districts below their recommended threat level and making life miserable for those players."  And for whatever reason were never able to reroll that destructive patch which caused so much forum complaining, so many unhappy players, the literal death of the new player community, horrific bad press... but instead were forced to make change after change breaking the cohesion of the game and community further and further, year after year. CLEARLY they destroyed the original code and could not fix how they wrecked the game.


    APB Reloaded hits 3 million users
    By Tom Goulter December 16, 2011News 


    Still doubtful about cheaters... would like to know why they were "improper" and if they will unban players over that year (which some could be genuinely cheating).


    Oh yes i remember about that threat segregation patch, where everyone cried that they couldnt play with their friends or something like it. Deathreaters would also ruin missions for not playing...

    Wasnt there a pop drop too?


    3million users when apb was fresh... ive been really impacted by this game when i discovered it for the first time.


    ps: ill land you a thanks when i can.



  3. 9 hours ago, AbuMohammad said:

    So, I have plans about making WWII uniforms of USA, USSR, maybe other allies and the Axis. So, there is a big question stopping me from doing that: will the Axis or soviet uniform be considered as an offensive content, even if it is made without historical insignia or symbols? For better understanding, here is the screenshot of such uniform (german one)  from Call of Duty: maxresdefault.jpg

    Here we see only an iron cross, which makes the game legit even in Germany. Also, this question is about any other insignias of other countries. Please, tell us your official position about that.

    Bluer than you muhammad.

  4. On 5/27/2018 at 1:05 PM, Ken2 said:

    The REAL issue with nhvr, as you can see in that vid, is not its damage... is the amount of SPEED it has.

    Remember when nhvr was as heavy as an osmaw? Could you do all that is shown in that vid? Nope.


    Ez fix, osmaw movement limiter, +equip/switching time. And lets see how it goes.

    If you wrongly nerf nhvr, it could end useless.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Zoehh said:


    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, APB Used to have districts that were not sorted and restricted by threat levels.
    You could join any district you wanted to and play whomever matchmaking decided was fair opposition for you.

    Prior to that threat was divided into Bronze 1-10, Silver 1-10, and Gold 1-10 (And sometimes Blank/No threat, which happened if you passed Gold 10 because bugs.). Once you hit (for example) Silver 10, and then gained enough threat you were promoted to Gold 1, then 2, then 3, etc.
    Along with that you still kept your rating level, as now. But back then it only went up to 195, of course. (Even though up to 300 is planned and implemented in the files already, but that's a different discussion)

    Image result for apb threat levels

    I think this is a better system than the current system, but the best system moving forward IMO is a removal of visible threat and threat segregation.
    Let people see what threat they are themselves. Preferably in the old 1-10 style to give a more granular representation of how good you are in your bracket.
    No one else should be able to see what threat you are, and you should be able to join any district you want.

    This should let people play the game more in-the-moment and have less preconceived notions of how well or poorly they're going to do in the match.

    It would also mitigate dethreating. Both as a way of "Escaping the gold cheaters who only play in silvers and pick on the poor silvers. They have their own gold districts why don't they use those :^("   -and- "lol lets go stomp on some scrubs eksdee xd".

    Gone off topic a bit but it ties in some and expands upon it.


    I remember this, but i dont remember that threat was hidden when i started playing.


    Maybe he was talking about apb rtw?

  6. 1 hour ago, Salvick said:


    I was wrong when bringing the idea of multipliers affecting also the standing points (xp) my mistake, league multipliers should impact only in cash, then Premium boosts the same it always did, both money and standing points, rewarding even better when there's this multiplier thingy in effect too. (Notice the sample grid I've made there is not such thing as XP values)




    Exactly this is what I've been saying would be the natural regulator of such rewarding system, top tier / maxed out character players will be used to the game longer enough to already have their rigs set up and even owning whatever they wanted to buy, while giving them some extra APB$ cash and JTickets would motivate them to move out from Fight Club and go play missions with other buddies and specially newcomers. Also I clarified in this same reply that standing points (XP) are out of the equation because that's something you only boost with premium, I agree.



    I never mentioned, but taking hours on record is key, I've been always wondering why when I roll a new character the game still thinks I should be paired with a totally new player.

    I really enjoy fc... like i said it should be a nice place for retirement and having a little purpose on it more than jt. If you want still play with friends in action thats no problem.


  7. 4 hours ago, Rebelliousness said:

    FFbanned over 16,900 accounts.  (Let it sink in.) Surely a number of those were duplicates but... at the time LO took over, about 40 players were left actively playing.  Mike Scoot of LO said the majority of the FFbans plus the G1 internal system anticheat bans were UNFAIR AND INACCURATE... obviously a system that emptied out more players than left playing is an EPIC FAIL.

    *That said, I was against the original fubared and idiotic Threat Segregation patch when it rolled out.  I played this game when it was actually fun and threat segregation didn't even exist.  No one wanted it.  No one in the community asked for it.  And when it rolled out the vast majority complained, if you ever want to look up the old threads.  But G1 in it's idiocy... or because they actually wrote over the old code and did not preserve an original... were unable to restore what they had fundamentally changed... and the game because severely imbalanced and abusive to "actual" lower threat and often lower ranked players EVER SINCE... an abusive corruption of the original game that went unchecked for YEARS.

    Thanks for the colouring text, it really helped me reading.


    I am not sure about that claim of false cheating. I saw a name today that totally deserved it (i really hope that guy was just trolling and used a nick alike).


    And about threat i am not old enough in the game to experience that, but i am allways in favour of keeping the game as original as possible. If you say that not seeing threats was so good, then it should stay that way.


    Any older player can confirm this?

  8. 1 hour ago, Salvick said:

    Both of you @Ken2 and @VickyFox are right with your statements, this is a subjective thing that relies in our individual perception, and the diversity of opinions is what makes this forum a great place to share and exchange our thoughts.


    Regarding looting JMB by playing the game Vicky, and trying to put it from a business perspective, giving for free something you sell is a big "no no", so these "looting JMB" should be strictly limited, that's why I even think if it aims to provide freebies with a taste of what the premium ARMAS guns and Legendary guns are, those must be for a very short term lease. Check this reply I've posted earlier to have a clearer idea of my concept:



      Reveal hidden contents



    By the other hand, Ken, I wasn't trying to bring the "elitism" thingy as the core of the discussion, I think is something else to add to the conversation but the meaning of elitism in APB is kinda divided between those who think is just a feature of the game as same as in any other game might be and the ones who think it is a major issue within the community and the staff too.


    I'm kind in the middle, I like some sort of elitism in the meaning of something that doesn't harm the social factors of the game nor discourages newcomers from getting involved but I don't like the company taking actions and making decisions biased for what "the best players" or "the core veteran player base" says every time.


    If anyone wants to do quick analysis in the old forums, you'll find that there have been plenty of times where new players brought their concerns to the forums and a handful of veteran players were there like "don't listen to this newbie", "...he is a silver" and such, along with other points I could bring if I search a bit further.



    Ken, there's a reply for you inside the spoiler at the bottom too, I still mess up the spoilers in the new forums.  :S




    I think players threat should be NOT hidden. In my active times of action district, seeing players thread could alert me how hard should i play.

    Recent example:

    Got 2 vs 2 mission in fin, silver bud and me vs two golds (yeah, max). Can't remember well if we got defense -i think yes-, we did what we could and we reached last mission that consisted on take item to the team zone. We got that lucky strike to being able to kill both, silvy damaged one gold good enough and i could kill both. We took the item to my vegas and we started running around the map to make time until last minute.

    *The tactic consist in that, if we can't deliver the item, they wont be able to deliver it because they would have a short time.*

    We got another lucky strike, the one mistake i was hopping they would commit, one of them tried to chase us about when we were getting our item to destiny. As my silvy was really brave even when he was bad, i let him rush the gold guy first. He got killed and i finished the goldy. Took my vegas again, silvy spawned in my car and headed quick to destiny where the other gold was, we took him down, deliver item. GGEZ, because even if they could kill us both we would still win because my tactic (about less than 1' of holding item).


    After telling this fantastic adventure, would you still try to hide our threats? I would think about it. Because if i couldnt see my silver bud threat, i would play like if he was skilled.



    Regarding rewards, its a good table. I am not sure if you would apply it in all missions or special maps or daily missions... ive been thinking about major rewards like joker boxes (if they ever do it ofc) they would be put in maps where only max ranked (255 right? threat wont matter) players could access. The reason is what i alrady typed in my first post in this thread.


  9. 21 minutes ago, VickyFox said:


    APB doesn't revolve around you.

    Well the someone other than myself expressing there feelings of elitism may be an issue then clearly there are people out there that do care about the game but have concerned.


    I'm not going to sugar coat what the community like at times, It can be toxic and yes I am a blunt person that calls things are she see it.

    I've told you before that I get both sides of the argument and I don't like it, but just because a player is bad at APB doesn't mean they don't want to get better or that they don't like/want to like APB.

    If someone is less skilled at something, it doesn't mean they have any less of a say than anyone else.


    Not sure if you're just a pain naturally but if not, good troll dude. I won't lie and say well done! 😅


    And it doesnt revolve around you and your low/starters victimization either. See how many damage over the time apb took because people would complain about everything, they listened and tried to please them... how did it end? http://steamcharts.com/app/113400


    Yes, because those people get stagnant, they get better items that other starters and will abuse it, like max silvers in bronze playing against other silvers and bronzies. How a player that thinks ntec is op talk about balance? Or if it gets constantly killed with 17fps say that golds should leave any district  when he would get problems even with his counterparts... i honestly dont understand your reasoning.


    I am not trolling and i have no idea what is pain naturally. Take your offenses and acusations somewhereelse.

    And i honestly want this game floating once again to have fun, and listening to players that constantly find excuses to pinch the boat like it is: "p2w, omg he is so skilled get him in another district, i cant have max rank mods pls do something, free items bls xD, my pc cant run apb please lower the graphics so it looks awful, omg feminine features im so offended (meanwhile we by default have erotic lingerie everywhere), oh no he said gg i feel bad pls ban him, i got killed by ntec pls nerf" etcs.


  10. 18 minutes ago, Salvick said:

    Well, I think the contrary, while there have been a bunch of actions taken in the direction of "protecting" newbies, most of the stuff that have been done since ever was based on feedback provided by hardcore players since those are the ones who were part of the test servers, not trying to go against any of them, but just saying that the outcome of such decisions based on feedback from "only the best players" just exaggerated the already in place elitism the game itself has.


    I'm not talking about a conspiracy kind of elitism where a sect of players took control of the game management, I'm talking about that thin boundary between competitiveness and elitism that any game could have and, as you've said when you pointed out that you weren't used to the forums, the fact that a small group of players involved with the game can mislead the perception of the majority of people some times.

    I am still not sure about what you are talking about.

    Its been really long time since i joined apb, and started as a bronze, get gold and never felt such thing as elitism or toxicity or any of that stuff. I was focused in the game and to get gold status.

    I am completly honest here.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Salvick said:

    Exactly what I think, and there have been a huge elitism on this game since ever, which is in my personal opinion the reason why the previous staff got so intoxicated by a minority of players who got all the attention while the newcomers were totally lost every time they tried the game and even the proper introduction to the game and training curve of such players relied in each one of us who were trying to play the game and ended up mentoring and even baby-sitting a bunch of new players.


    On a side note, me myself been a noob (just evolved to an experienced noob tbh) and some veteran players helped me in such a way that was so kind and nice that inspired me and that way I've been with everyone else since then.


    However, regarding the idea of some sort of "low tier" JMBs, aka look boxes, I think there woudln't be any harm done if we get something such like that and the concept is to let everyone who gets involved with the game have a taste of what the ARMAS items are and what a JMB feels like when you open it.

    I'm bringing what I think is a *win win* solution for both, the players willing to have more fair and competitive game and the company looking for new ways to attract free players to invest some money in the products the company sell. Its from a business perspective that I focus this proposition of adding prizes and rewards just for playing, and this also helps a lot to mitigate the "P2W" perception that a F2P game always gives.




    Exactly, but yet having some options would help sometimes, although I'm not sure how that could work in APB and I'm not bringing this particular matter into discussion and my suggestion would be just an addition to the existing mechanics.


    Regarding elitism, there might be few complains/threads about it, but if you would be more involved with the forums you could find out this is also a big issue in this game since ever, specially because it is the main product this game sells: the ability to stand out of the crowd either by buying exclusive vanity items or having unique versions of the available guns, which basically means you can pay to "be better than anyone" in many different meanings, plus the core player base, the oldest veterans (not all of them) and the hardcore players have been always screaming loud about anything they disagreed with the old staff giving the terrible impression that they were the ones leading the game development and forcing decisions to the game management.

    Why do you care about elitism?


    What examples can you give me about changes made by elitist golds? If every change that been added was for the benefit of low skill players and thats what killed the game.

  12. 11 hours ago, TheFreelancer said:

    This system is in my eyes too competitive based. Remember not everyone wants to play this game competitively. These people will be forced to do so however if this ranking system is introduced.

    How is a shooter game not competitive? I can't even understand that.


    2 hours ago, VickyFox said:

    Matt Scott indicated a few times that APB is a game which can be competitive but it's a fine line between Competitive and Elitism.

    Unless these JMBs were unlocked solely by gameplay then I'm going to say no and this is just going to make the behaviour of the community possibly more toxic and we do not need more lootboxes!

    Bringing the word toxicity in a thread were there are constructive critics is being toxic. Stop using that word it doesnt benefit anyone and is practically an insult that should be censored.

    11 hours ago, Salvick said:

    Good point.


    We still have these different rules set instances such as Open Conflict, alas we could have separated non-ranked instances.


    Yet, the game is vastly considered quite competitive since it is a PvP MMO while you can play it casually or just decide to stay in a lower tier rank if that's a concern. Indeed, casual/average players will gravity naturally to the tier they belong. That's also why I think as same as Kewlin said that threat rating shouldn't be visible.


    In one of the articles linked in the OP you can read what the old staff used to say about giving players some ability to "set a match", which I think is something to be considered too, sadly, when we had the ability to just kick a player from the mission, this was abused and every time a silver/bronze/green was dropped into a team of goldies, specially pre-made groups, they usually were insta-kicked by the team leader.


    I still think there should be some options they could think of to provide the players with some abilities to set what kind of matches they'd expect to get, without letting this be mandatory meaning that if there are no chances of get the match they want the game would simply put them on any other available match. But this is something that only works for a solid highly populated community, otherwise the game falls into an eternal cycle of people playing the same game mode once and once like it usually happens.

    Safe places can be invaded by bad intentioned players, like dethreaters. And it will.

    Prematch games can be abused too... to farm rewards and stuff.


    Maybe it was because i just played the game and didnt visit the forums, but before i never seen someone complaining about elitism and the poor victimis that cant play the game and everyone was actually playing the game. And it was filled with people enjoying and focused on it.

    Caring so much about people that can't or dont want to play the game if you dont modify it to their personal comfort is what i think its harming APB.


    Now if you tell me that you want to apply these comforting changes to console (ps4, xbox or whatever they are called) to please every player with a huge dose of equality so they can feel back in the kindergarden, i wont opose.

  13. 1 minute ago, cyral said:

    i have been a VERY LOUD VOICE  on the poor match making in this game....and i will continue to do that until something gives....im not askin much, just that it be a little more fairer...people's skill levels in this game do very a freakin lot......instead of matching a brand new T against a 255 gold that's been playing for 4 years, the T is gonna uninstall...no questions asked...i have watched over 100 people a month uninstall this game in my 7 months playing because of the poor match making..  in battle or during any kind of movement i get between 12-18 FPS...respectfully...and some have told me thats eye cancer because its so low... but these same idiots take full freakin advantage of it and kill me 20 times a freakin match, while i see 0 pts or cash..

    that's severely unfair 2 me..and i really do love this game......id like to see around for another 20 years if possible...

    Let me tell you that matchmaking is broken due the lack of players... give it more time this game is filled once again, some tweaks on matchmaking, better rewards etc. Meanwhile try to enjoy the game as it is and help people understanding it with your current knowledge -you already played 7months, you are not new-.

  14. 1 minute ago, Dopefish said:

    That's not very constructive, as there are legitimate reasons why people can't perform better, such as having a underwhelming computer and be playing at low framerates. Telling these people that they don't belong is counterproductive for the game as a whole.


    Dethreating people are scaring away what could otherwise be paying customers, removing revenue that could be used to improve the game. Not to mention that a multiplayer game stands or falls with its player base.

    Thats why we are giving sugestions.


    Filling with complaints of that kind (using the fucking word every sentence) is not healthy either. Crying for your oponents either -when i already told my little story-.

    If you have so much issues with your hardware you may find a game you can run... let others enjoy the game.


    What would you do if you joined a game with no ranks whatsoever? You will be put with skilled people. Example: i started using the pc and i was fascinated with cs 1.5. Joined any server to get destroyed by headshot every single round. I had nowhere to cry, ask for advice, victimize myself etcs. That didnt stop me to learn to play and get to the point that i would be banned from any server even when i never cheated (ofc i was younger and mad gamer... and no, i am not boosting myself).


    Lets not sensibilize this so much... it may cause more harm.

  15. 4 minutes ago, cyral said:

    i can't believe your dumbazz went there....with the current match makin system in place alls it's making me do is want/need to find a few of these idiots and rip their freakin throats out.. ...i have a problem seeing with my eyes at times... and after 7 months of getting brutally raped in EVERY FU(KIN MATCH is taking its toll on me...how is that FU(KING helping me get better????

    and right now ALOT OF THESE FREAKING IDIOTS is abusing the mission areas of the game...if i was a GM id ban em all for life...be glad im not..

    You may find a game that makes you more comfortable... i allways, since i started, wanted to be gold and play with golds. I played about 500 hours with 300 ping until i could reach gold status. Now you play a few games and you are already gold.

    You have the privilege to do such thing all the time and you are complaining? This game may not be for you honestly.

  16. 5 minutes ago, cyral said:

    good idea for toilet paper.. and u r correct when you said the threat system needs an overhaul pretty damn badly.... the dethreat system in place as it stand does cause a lot of hurt feelings...I for 1 would LOVE  2 see most players who abuse this system be banned for life and their gear be placed in a joker lotto thing...100 joker tickets for a lotto ticket...

    I for 1 am tired of EACH AND EVERY FREAKIN MATCH  I get into on my CORRECT THREAT DISTRICT   being FACE FU@#ED  because if these COWARD A$$ GOLDS who have the freakin skill level to face people in the HIGHER threat districts, but instead the STAY in the BRONZE areas of the game just because they can get 20 kills a match...they treat the bronze districts like their personal fight club....and yet when an equal opponent for them does show up, they run and hide and BIT(H,,, oh they BIT(H up a freakin storm when they have an EQUAL MATCH...

    the only thing to me that made any sense on how to balance it was this<<<<<<requency-Playing-Based Rating.>>>>>> I personally have a 3.4 kill ratio in my over all hours of games played......and yet i keep getting opponents who have a 50+ kill ratio in total gaming hrs played....this is EXTREMELY UN FU(KIN FAIR 2 ME and other people like me who have  a low skill rating...and low skills for that matter 


    Dethreaters exist because facing another player of the same level is not well rewarded, plus cheaters. And going to lower threats they get the same rewards as they would on top and with easier oponents. Abusing lower skilled players has come an addiction it seems.   

    i totally agree here....i've been playing for almost 7 months now and have seen this in full force.... For I am a daily player that has been abused by the handful of morons who do stay in the BRONZE DISTRICTS cause it's easier for them to get kills....and get the SAME rewards as from the higher threat districts....

    and yes i do skip missions pretty damn regulery cause of the stoppin i get in previous missions w/ the same freakin opp.....and i do suffer on points and cash for that as well...it beats trying my azz off for 0 points and cash and im out 500 rounds of rifle ammo...which i have no way of replacing...



    iF THEY CANNOT GET IN A DISTRICT 1 level BELOW their CURRENT THREAT LVL>>>>they would have to dethreat all the way to bronze to get back in...and most cannot do that....so please remove the ADVANCED OPTIONS MENU for DISTRICT SELECTION.....

    if they NEED to play with friends of a different threat level then they are, they can use OPEN CONFLICT..... That's what that district is there for....

    I guarantee you this,....if an ADMIN goes into any bronze district at any givin time they will see 2/3rds of the population is GOLD....most of that population if not ALL OF THEM are the DETHREATING scum bags that hurt the game growth,....because its easier for them 2 keep their kill rate high as hell...and their points/cash is out ragious  

    and in my humble opinion, dethreaters are hold overs from G1s attempt at threat segregation in the 1st place..... they were created to help them make mega cash in the ARMAS marketplace....while the screwed up match making went on, people needed to buy a better guns to help them fight off the sorry craps that brutality raped em in every mission....only to find themselves out of hundreds of dollars and still getting raped...

    Or, you could learn to play? Facing stronger oponents makes you play better and learn from their tactics. Thats what i did when i started as a bronze, then silver and i was really happy when i got gold. Some golds would freaking destroy me in a blink, while i was playing with 300ms because i picked the wrong server.

  17. 13 minutes ago, Kewlin said:


    The last thing APB needs is more newbies complaining that they don't get to have fun because they're not high enough rank, lol.

    Why wont they have fun playing the game? How did all we started playing? Action district and getting our characters developed, while trying to grow our skills. Do you see any of that happening? No? Why? Maybe because all that been said upside?

    Listening to cries is what killed this game. I dont care a noob is not good enough, i care 10 to get into the game and get interested in it and spend time fascinated with the progression, graphics, customization, rewards, the clean game, etc. you name it.


    Enough bullshoot with crying and equality, to heck with that.

  18. 33 minutes ago, Hey! said:

    If they banned YOU it would be best for the game.  We are trying to REVIVE a nearly DEAD game which suffered the insanity of losing the ENTIRE playerbase due to false, mistaken, absurd and stupid BANS.  Little Orbit is planning to revise the entire banning situation with temp kicks... GET IT?  Once they have battleEye up and running they won't need nerds like you trying to redo the mistakes of G1 trying to BAN the playerbase... for playing BETTER. We need our playerbase BACK and quick temp kicks for suspicious behavior based on heuristics.  We do NOT need the playerbase policing itself.  Let Little Orbit set up their system, a better anticheat... a more reasonable and playerbase forgiving kick system... and no more G1 silver closet investigators.


    And i thought that it all started with cheaters rekting gold servers; actual golds went to silver interrupting their development; silvers would go bronze to repeat; everyone dethreating; balances issues in the matchmaking; losing more people every time; rebalancing more and so on... but if you say because cheaters were unfairly banned it must be true.

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