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Posts posted by Excalibur!

  1. 3 minutes ago, Shiggi said:

    they believe him after he apologizes ? hahaha i cant believe it. So now i can buy a hack and cheat a little bit and apologize befor the patch come with battleeye and get my account after bann back ?


    Judge: "He killed an innocent, tortured him for a week, and ended his life with 50 stabs. But like we were having troubles with our police department because they had not enough resources for over a year, there is not good evidence of any of that took place. Video is not enough to prove his brutal actions since everyone has access to special effects video editing nowdays, plus it was filmed with a potato camera. Eyewitnesses accuse people all the time, so they have no weight in their words.

    We are lacking of uhm... personal, and he is back to society to take care of your childrens.


    Everyone deserves second chances, don't be toxic and accept him back."

  2. I can't even believe this...


    "Oh yes, i killed a guy because everyone was doing it (?), and i just tried to feel what it feels like to kill, but it was just once!!! He was dying anyways. I lost something important that is freedom because of that, and i am very sad. But now im back and i want to be part of the society XDD"


    Yeah its okay bud, who didnt hacked in apb? Everyone makes mistakes XDDDD

  3. @Lixil


    Some people suggested likes and dislikes shouldn't be loaded on your profile because of what alraedy happened, and you took the negatives off and thats nice.

    Now the problem is that there are not enough likes/dislikes to give thanks or express how do we feel towards a post.

    ANY other media allows you have infinite likes or dislikes and they wont affect your profile.


    I may understand you need to know who is most approved by the community...

    So here is a solution i thought: since only likes are working (loaded to your profile), it would be nice that this button is completly separate from the others. Emojis and thanks could be infinite, but only likes or dislikes may rate the post and would be the ones limited to 10 (this could still be abused to rate imporant posts to make modifications to the game or other important stuf... i have no good ideas to prevent it).

    With this we would be able to freely express how do we feel towards a post.


    It would be nice if you add an angry emoji too.

    • Like 1

  4. 6 hours ago, iGatunah said:

    Así es, ami por ejemplo, yo no digo que lo pongan en Español como parte de un idioma general y porque no sepa hablarlo ni nada por el estilo sino porque hay gente española que les complica muchisimo hablar o expresar, de hecho tengo algunos miembros de mi clan que no entienden inglés y siempre estoy yo o algunos compañeros agentes de mi clan que les estamos ayudando a traducirles en inglés digan lo que digan ya que les cuesta entender. yo puedo hablarlo, de hecho aprendí el inglés básico gracias a éste juego que llevo jugando desde que salió el juego en STEAM, 8 años (la BETA en 2010), entiendo perfectamente lo que se siente uno cuando le cuesta una persona intentar comunicarse en inglés, pero para eso siempre estará el Traductor que apesar de sus fallos es la unica manera de que aprendamos todos a comunicarnos en Inglés, que es el Idioma General común que todos nos comunicamos, aparte, estoy orgullosa de aprender el Idioma Inglés basico todos los días comparando con las veces que he aprendido en el colegio que normalmente te dan clases cada 3-4 dias a la semana, en cambio el APB se aprende todos los días, ya que lo juegas casi todos los días porque te tiene enganchad@ como la droga :3 por tanto, no me importa para nada seguir traduciendoles a los demás ya que de ese modo aprendo más cosas en inglés y les ayudo a entender a los demás, Dos pájaros de un tiro, ya lo sabéis, Yo tambien os recomiendo usar Traductor en caso de que alguien le dificulta comunicarse. ♥

    Aparte fijate que casi todos los juegos lanzados son en ingles. Los que traen de oriente, al primer lenguaje que traducen es al ingles. La cantidad de juegos que podrian disfrutar apenas son lanzados y no esperar para la traduccion -que a veces ni lo hacen- si solo se sentaran a estudiar un poco (que mala palabra!). Lo mismo podria aplicarse para peliculas y otras menudencias.


    Tengo conocidos que enseñan ingles a sus hijos desde jardin. Y honestemante saber por lo menos 2 idiomas tendria que ser obligatorio (para todo el mundo).

  5. 8 minutes ago, AgentWatson said:

    Oh god no, here is where I have issues. Streamers aren't arbiters of what makes a weapon good or bad, neither are many of the competitive players in this game. He said something very valid in response to you and that's people come with their own agendas. Streamers are the worst people to hand that sort of power over to because they're opinion formers, which means to say they validate the opinions of people who may be feeling the same way and it snowballs into anything they say being self-validated by the obviously biased community that follows them.


    For instance streamer with 5000 viewers says "Oh this N-TEC is super overpowered" There will be legitimate grievances with what he says in his chat but a majority will then come to the forums and pay lip service to this stream by reiterating not even their own views but the views of the streamer. 


    I'd only agree for streamers getting accepted into a balance program on certain conditions.


    -They have to sign an NDA, no exceptions. If they're helping on balance I don't want it being "leaked" out or revealing details before the devs do. 

    -They need to be a longstanding member of the community, someone like Kempington or Shini or even DopeFish if he was still around. 

    -I don't want the dev team to ever forget that the streamers or community contributors are simply in an advisory role and I don't want to see a balance change added simply because they had one shitty night on APB.


    That's really all I'd ask but overall I agree, good players and community contributors should be where Little Orbit should turn, but they should also not forget that the new user experience is just as important. 

    "Yeah... it would be nice to have streamers guiding the game" *has stream himself.*

    But what a coincidence!

  6. 9 hours ago, sundere said:

    Esta gente se queja por la falta de jugadores, pero al mismo tiempo vienen a fastidiar a los jugadores de habla hispana que solo quieren ayuda y/o soluciones y luego se quejan por la falta de jugadores, yo no los entiendo :,)

    Pero si se llena de gente de habla hispana van a empezar a llorar con el p2w, "la traduccion al español es mala" o alguna otra excusa y no van a terminar jugando de todos modos.


    Aprendan un ingles basico, te toma 1 o 2 meses aprender... lo demas lo vas a traduciendo en google y vas a aprendiendo de a poco chateando o leyendo cosas en ingles.


  7. Its pissing off, yes.

    I also tell myself to be patient.


    Lets see how they handle it, i have not much expectations but lets take a look at it first.


    ps: try to find anything to play meanwhile if it makes you so anxious.

  8. Sadly, is too late.


    Balancing spawns all over will be a pain, and it wont allways be 100% fair. With car spawn you set yourself a spawn that worths. Is not op because a single conc (or two for tankier cars) remove the spawn.

    Detonators are kinda strong, but they are easy to avoid.


    Concl: we should keep them.

    Probably best mods they could add to the game that were not part of the original idea.

  9. 2 hours ago, Stefanobut said:

    So I am leaving on June 12th for Basic Training (United States Army), for nine weeks. During AIT (Advanced Individual Training), which lasts 22 weeks, I wont be able to have my desktop with me but I can have a laptop, I am giving myself a $1,000 USD budget so I don't overkill but I still get something decent. Anyone have any laptops they have used (preferably for APB), or any good ones they know about. Maybe a few reasons why too, so I can compare. 


    Thanks, Divine.

    Got  amd phenom 965 BE 3.6 oc x4 for about 6 years and can run most everything pretty decent.

  10. 32 minutes ago, SUPPORT-TICKETS-PLS said:

    I submitted a ticket on Friday when the new system opened. I was ticket number 39. I get the 3 day weekend, but really how long does it take to answer 35 tickets?

    This is ridiculous, I cant even access my account because of the password reset, and no replies from support whatsoever.


    Anyone else getting through? Would appreciate some help / info.

    Moshi moshi, forum support desu.

  11. There is not much i want to spit here:


    -Localized body sliders. There are some sliders that modify multiple parts or whole body. Why not making them localized?

    -Bigger females muscles. Nothing way too exaggerated. Females body fitness is looking really good.

    -There are some clothes that are bound to others. There should be freed again, unless strictly necessary.


    Just that. If anyone wants to bring more ideas its free to do it.


    ps: this game been really an impact on its customization, why not improve it to make another little impact on people?

  12. Since one of my threads where i express my concerns was pruned -removed totally from this plane of existence (not even left in my profiles content, such violence)- i can't bump it, and i have left with some obvious questions i would like to realize just now that i have had some sleep.


    So, aknowledging this blogspot and the new "updated policy", will be any changes to our characters? Could we get back removable underwear for bodypainting freely?

    Looking this image as example




    See how ugly it looks with underwear.


    We are getting those volunteers gms running over the districts i am guessing for more than just being players magnets and interrupting the flow of the game, like spotting those people that will try to splash not allowed symbols between legs. I see why not doing it now.


    I think Matthew post got closed because people were too into swastikas and racism discussion, if you are going to trash this post to the infinite oblivion i would like to get at least a pm with the reason please.


    • Like 1

  13. 12 hours ago, Zolerox said:

    Our solar system is lifeless we are the only living beings in our solar system But there is other life in our galaxy.

    But it's mortal weakness is water.

    There is not such thing as solar system or space.

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