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Posts posted by Frosi

  1. Can't wait to be an actual cripple after getting tagged by an HVR then.

    Jokes aside, this system works in CS because in most cases a player stands completely still to shoot accurately, APB is much more fast paced when it comes to shooting, especially in CQC so I don't think a system like this would work.

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    • Thanks 2

  2. Just now, Asparii said:
    Why not just make it so collisions with players outside your mission are turned off?
    No point in making the map feel like a ghost town every time you're in a mission, just make it so you can't be griefed.
    That won't fix the issues of randoms taking pedestrian cars from you nor will it help with the randoms having a mission in the same place as yours.

  3. 2 hours ago, Signarly said:

    Lol all these griefers downvoting the best way to handle it. Tbh summit looked like he was having fun anyways. 

    He said on stream that he wants to play APB after they release the engine upgrade but fears that the griefers will make it very unenjoyable in the long term.

    Griefing in general is an issue, in my thousands of hours of mission gameplay I've lost countless missions because some random out of mission person hit my car, blocked a car spawner so I couldn't spawn my own car or just simply distracted me because there was another mission going on in the same place as my own. 

    I've suggested this countless times but my ideal solution for this would be making EVERYONE outside of your mission invisible and with invisible I mean it. This could also be done by having sort of a server instance just for yourself (Maybe something to look into after the 3.5 update when they implement Cross District Matchmaking?)

    I know that not many people like this idea because it takes away the immersion of being inside a chaotic city while playing missions but personally for me and many others this immersion is not worth the tradeoff of getting confused or griefed by someone outside your mission, intentional or not.
    • Like 2

  4. This has occurred many times during this week and none of these restarts have been announced before or while the shutdown countdown was happening. This is poor communication, even under G1 we had announcements for server restarts due to DDoS or other reason while right now we only occasionally find out what the restart was for many hours after it happened because Matt gives some insight on their progress regarding mitigation and sorting out the DDoS attacks. I am glad about Matt giving constant updates but it is extremely unprofessional to seemingly "randomly" restart the Servers without any reason provided to then find out that it was to fix server latency issues because Lixil decided to post it in a Discord server rather than on the /Official/ Forums that not only 1/10th of the player base has access to / reads.



    I simply suggest making a collection thread regarding Server Restarts or Server shutdowns outside of the scheduled Server maintenance that Lixil or Matt can leave a post in shortly before or while the Shutdown countdown is happening to tell people what the restart is for. They could also simply broadcast a Server-wide message ingame at the same time as starting the server countdown, doing either of this will allow for players to know what is going on. 



    Edit: Just to be clear, I am not complaining about the amount of communication. The communication done by LO has been insane compared to what all of us got used to while G1 ran the game. I am trying to say that Server restarts should be announced at least shortly beforehand so players know what is going on as it isn't something that can be considered minor.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 minute ago, Asparii said:

    This is an issue with how match making rates things in general. Which hopefully will be fixed, instead of just for this single idea.


    I'd like to see this.
    However if we're on the topic of leader boards we'd need to make a way so you as a player can see where you are relative to the leaders. 
    For example, I can see my ELO but other people can't unless I'm on the leader board. That way people who aren't on the leader board are able to see how far they are from me and how much work they need to put in so it doesn't feel like an endless grind. 

    That would be a given, hiding your MMR/Points/Elo whatever you want to call it would be pointless and make ranking up feel much more random.

  6. I had this idea floating around in my head for a while so I'm going to try to do my best to explain it.



    Essentially the threat system is at a point where it is very easy to get gold which also means that being Gold doesn't exactly mean that you're even half decent at the game. A way to fix this would be to simply add another threat as suggested many times before, this is a great idea but it won't work out if it is simply a threat like Gold that you'll eventually hit. 


    I think that Little Orbit should look back at Leaderboards and see if they can be added back into the game so they can have a Threat that works in a similar way as the "Challenger rank" in League of Legends works. This Rank is awarded to the Top 200 players in the "Masters" Leaderboards. I think this could work very well in a game such as APB, taking the Gold threat and being able to gain and lose points depending on how you do in missions, factoring and valuing many things such as Objective Play, KDR, Winning or losing and converting these into points which can be checked via the leaderboards. The top 100-200 players would be given the Platinum or Diamond Rank but can lose it by either losing their points due to playing poorly or due to being pushed out of the leaderboards by better players. It would also be ideal to have a Seasonal reset for that particular Leaderboard.



    What would this require tho?


    • Leaderboards being added back into the game.
    • A solid formula that doesn't overvalue certain things such as it is now with doing Objectives. 
    • A system that removes banned players from the Leaderboard. (So it doesn't get cluttered with cheaters even after their accounts were banned)
    • Active developers listening to community feedback based on point distribution in case things are broken, overvalued or are becoming stale.
    • A patch dedicated to balancing missions. (And also one dedicated to Weapon balance but this has already confirmed to be in the works.)

    Matt mentioned something along the lines of making the game more competitive and I feel like giving players something to constantly grind and fight for would be a massive step in that direction.


    Let me know what you think, this is just a general concept I had in mind and would love to hear feedback or criticism.

    • Like 1

  7. I am a little worried about an /RTW/ developer who has probably been out of touch with the game for a long time having his take on balancing weapons. Weapons have changed a lot over the past years, TTK's have gotten faster and so has the gameplay. I fear that if they'd take the direction of increasing the TTK's of most guns would make the gameplay become boring and slow as the fast-paced gameplay is what kept a lot of players including myself around for all these years, the combat is one of a kind and I would've preferred if they may have looked at the obvious weapons such as the HVR and adjusted them slightly rather than going for an overall weapon balance pass. (While we still have no idea how many weapons will be adjusted I'd imagine that it'll be quite a few to bring balance back in line with each other)



    If they increase the overall TTK of a lot of guns it will not be a simple task, especially for a single developer. Things such as Shots to Kill and Rate of Fire would be the two obvious things to change, however, it is really not as simple as a simple increase in Shots to Kill could cause weapons to become useless if the overall Bloom of the weapon isn't adjusted as well while Rate of Fire could turn weapons that are supposed to Bloom turn into actual laser beams. Another factor to consider is how hard damage would work, imagine taking out a Pioneer or Espacio with Steel Plating 3 with a gun that fires slower than it's previous iterations, imagine taking out a deployable shield with a slow firing OCA that still had the same hard damage as before. You'd have to consider and adjust all these things accordingly if changes to those two factors would be made so I'd rather have them try to bump underused guns up a notch or nerf those who are clearly too good and overshadow other guns in the same category such as it is right now with the N-tec when it comes to Rifles.



    Gun balance is definitely an interesting topic to talk about and while I am worried about what might happen I am still very excited to see what they come up with. Communication is key, they need to listen to the community before changes go through to the live servers.


  8. 17 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi everyone,


    Lixil and several other team members were out all week with me at E3, so we have had limited ability to get on the forums. I'm sure you've noticed her responding at night mostly for the past couple of days.


    The DDOS attacks seem to be ping ponging between Jericho and Citadel right now, which is irritating because we are forced to leave up mitigation nearly all the time. My original post was two weeks ago, and we're getting close to a solution now. I should be able to give an update soon.




    While I personally never felt or noticed any issues due to DDoS on Citadel, I still hope that you can get these new solutions put in place within a reasonable amount of time! DDoS has always plagued APB during the past couple of years and it would be a huge step to have these attacks finally sorted out.

  9. The N-tec is far too versatile in my opinion as you can effectively use it in any situation and have a reasonable chance of winning your fight even against Shotguns in close-range.


    I think the N-tec on range is fine as it is but there needs to be a bigger penalty in close range, I'd love to see them make it less accurate while jumping and penalize spray with it far more since even with IR3 the gun will melt people in close range while just spraying.

  10. 50 minutes ago, W1LL0W said:

    Yes it did, however I am on vacation and can't currently log in until I get home next week....

    And my character "kitty", along with all y other chars, are appearing as merged to Jericho, but with a long string of random numbers/letters attached to them...which sucks.


    @lixil why do several of my character's now have strings of numbers/letters attached to them???


    10 minutes ago, Lixil said:

    Um... that's a good question... that probably has a good answer. It's 3am here so I won't get any reply regarding this. As soon as I hear something about it I will let you know.


    That's what happens to unmerged characters that will be forced to rename their characters upon logging in with them for the first time.

  11. I personally think that BattlEye will be more noticeable in a few weeks from now when these Cheat developers either increase their prices by a lot or just give up on bypassing BattlEye entirely when it comes to APB. Either way will probably reduce the amount of cheaters / closets drastically.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Couth said:

    I was running OTW with 'Real Temp 3.70' on and it didn't seem to affect my game at all. I don't know if it's on a per user basis that this kind of thing happens, but maybe you can try out 'Real Temp' to monitor your temps instead of the ones you mentioned. 


    Anyhow, thanks for the information.


    Edit: If it matters, my cpu is an i7-5820k

    It could be that some of these programs get locked in a cycle of refreshing the temperature read while others are coded in a way that doesn't get locked in that process after not being able to read temperatures for a few minutes.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, KyoukiDotExe said:

    This is silly, hope these programs can be excluded.

    Stuff like this happens but I fully agree, if they can they should totally take a look at it and exclude programs such as CAM or Corsair Link.

    9 minutes ago, ShadowRider said:

    I wonder if there's any impact with background programs that integrate themselves as an overlay such as Shadowplay? Anything from performance impact to clashing with BattlEye? Just asking to ask by the way, not requesting!


    I didn't notice any other programs other than those two causing any issues on my end. 

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