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Posts posted by Nitronik

  1. 4 minutes ago, MattScott said:


    To be clear, all of these changes come from our designers who are extremely familiar with the game.

    While I enjoy attempting to play APB, I'm awful at it (which many of you can attest).

    I'm just the final vote and the messenger.


    In this case, it was just a misunderstanding on my part how reverting was going to work.




    This change seems rather hasty.

    The issue with old IR is that it worked really well on some guns (CR762, NTEC, Joker SR15)

    With the percentage based upside, you're actually making IR even stronger on those weapons - for reference, anything that has at least 30m of effective range gets more range than it would've previously

    I don't know. This doesn't sound good to me. HS3 IR3 Ntec has always been overused due to how damaging it can be at range, this is just going to make it better until you guys come up with a new downside.

  2. 13 hours ago, Genobee said:

    I also recall that being a nice kick in the teeth. That was the reward for a contest where you had to be top 15 on your server for kills, and it got handed out to everyone just because. Fun times. So happy they made a special prize I went out of my way to grind for utterly meaningless. Sorry. Had to get that off my chest. Anyway!


    I don't know. Having special or exclusive items kinda helps keep things fun. Getting a reward that is limited or otherwise not obtainable again is a very sought after thing. Have a look at Fortnite for a great example of this. Guess what the most popular skins are? Ones you can't get again.


    Epic Games certainly seems to understand that there's something to be had there. When they brought back an old skin (skull trooper) recently people complained. So do you know what they did for people who had it originally? They got an exclusive version of it to make up for it returning. A similar gesture would be really nice here.

    Just wait until they give out your b a stard away...


  3. 14 hours ago, KnifuWaifu said:

    No, that's the Detonator - the thing that triggers the detonation. illgot wants the Detonatee - the thing that actually detonates. 

    The mod description states your car gets packed with explosives

    On topic, I think it has like, 1s after detonation. Basically irrelevant, and if your car isn't spawned you can just spam clicks with it

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  4. The iceberg retail box was a pretty neat bit of kit on top of being a good deal.

    30 days premium, choice of 4 account bound weapons* (with one being not so great arguably), account bound secondary and car (non-stackable) - I know of multiple people who purchased more than one box just to get all the account bound weapons & a premium top up while they were at it

    *Weapon list. They are currently available on ARMAS for a much less competitive price.

    Why were they taken offline? Could LO reintroduce them? Should they?




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  5. aside from maps like asylum (where you have 3 floors stacked on top of each other) it'd be pretty easy to fill the vertical location knowledge with game sense. I don't really see a reason to change up the radar - agreed with slightly more detailed overhead. Maybe a toggle?


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