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Posts posted by Nitronik

  1. CHAPTER 3 : Montecristo has a good day, but not really


    A chain reaction had been set forth.
    Many people joined.

    Far too many.

    Even I got a chance to join.


    After all, all you had to do was request your totem animal. Mine was a goat playing a banjo made out of ham. Wonderful days.

    Something beautiful had come to be. Something unusual : The APB:Reloaded community working together, side by side, rather than against each other.



    Beautiful, never lasts.

    As the demand to partake in the competition increased, so did Montecristo's lust for players' time.
    Many players [me included, sorry!] had asked for preferential treatment. An unique reward. Something even more special than the butcher skin.

    A crime so gross could not go unpunished.

    Now I have five minutes to sit down and recap your efforts since I last did so. I've seen a lot of wonderful things...

    I've seen players running around on top of players, dodging exploding cars.
    I've seen a variety of marvelous animals playing banjos out of ham, including hummingbirds, swans, penguins and even a snake.
    I've seen all kinds of misspellings of [See above] but nonetheless I count all these efforts, for the intention was good. I've seen all manner of vanquished foes being tea-bagged in my name simply because I asked for it to be so.

    This pleases me.


    However, I've also seen people attempting to cajole me into affording them special attention simply because they seem to have mistaken me for a nice fellow...

    'Tis a foolish notion, for I am a sir; and therefore: an a$$hole. I have always been one, and will continue to be one. So much so, that I have decided to cancel this competition."


    "Therefore, another video must be created that pleases me."

    The people of the forums trembled at the sight of those words. The whole competition canceled, unless..

    ...what would be next?



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  2. CHAPTER 2 : Montecristo has a bad day.

    Community member Kogey begged and begged.


    "That's right, I absolutely NEED it."
    "It matches my outfit so well," -the post read- "I must have those sexy colors all over my guns. It is time for us all to come together as a community and help someone who's obsessed with red and black to have their weapons match them."
    " :­D "


    Little did they know, Lady Luck would be on their side that day.


    "Right, seeing as I am bored this morning, I'm feeling generous. Semi-generous. So. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."

    Montecristo's words echoed across the forums, like a leather glove slapping the buffoon's face.

    He was pissed someone dared waste his time, and he was out for blood.

    "The listed people and only them will be eligible for the butcher skin if they can provide me with proof that they deserve it. Namely...
    [Nitronik's note : the thread kept getting updated with more and more people, this post was edited and I can't find the original]
    1) Provide a montage image of 5 screen-shots of display points around Financial that say "Reloaded Productions Rule!" I'll accept 1 of these if there is a picture of a kitten playing with a ball of wool in the picture. Reference image provided in the Emoticons section.

    2) Provide a montage image of 5 display points around Waterfront that say: [Nitronik's note : I think it's safer if I get rid of the link and name]
    Bonus points if you add words to the effect of how awesome she is or suggestions that people support her by purchasing her calendar (any negativity made towards the goddess that is [See note above] risks resulting in a suspended account).

    3) 1 image on Display Point in both fight club maps of a monkey playing a banjo made out of ham. It needs to be good. Or very crap. Either way I'll probably be content. Actually. Put that on a car, too, and screengrab yourself jumping off of the roof of Tiptoe's garage.

    4) Lastly and most importantly. Teabag 5 separate vanquished foes and supply the following words in the chat window:
    If you do this I will consider your "WILD GOOSE CHASE" achievement unlocked and will reward you with a butcher skin.
    That is all. "


    Our hero, Kogey Fox, set forth to complete this most difficult challenge.
    In spite of all the hardships, he managed to swiftly work his way past any and all hurdles put forth by the devilish artist.

    [Nitronik's note : He was more than "just" an artist (that's already a lot of work) on the team, please don't mind me]

    This is where his efforts culminated - Stage four.


    'nuff said.

    More people began begging.
    More people kept being added to the list.
    It was the spark that ignited the fire.



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  3. A.K.A. "Why are a bunch of you being annoying over pixels?"

    CHAPTER 1 : The origin of the Butcher Skin


    It's some time around 2012. Before the release of 1.8.0


    Jack "Montecristo" Oakman, a name older APB:Reloaded players are most certainly familiar with, begins dropping some really strange hints all over the Gamersfirst Forums.

    Sadly - finding the original hints has become quite a hard task. Most of the forum sections containing the original posts are now inaccessible to us mere mortals.

    One such entry was made by a good friend of mine. The butcher. Slice and Dice. Get in and get out.


    Another entry, in video form :

    The rewards is where things get interesting.

    As some of you may know - there are some completely unique weapons in the game.
    These have a special tagger and a skin, and were made available for purchase only on Innova - the G1 APB servers had those weapons limited to their rightful owners only.
    Find a sample of such weapons below, the N-HVR 762 'Rapid99' and the N-HVR 243 SD 'sluttles'


    "Next is the prize that everyone who entered will be receiving. "
    This prize was what would soon become the object of eternal contention : the Butcher Skin.

    The skin would only be available to those few people (forever), and only on those few weapons (for a limited time) - nowadays even the most niche ARMAS guns can display the skin.
    That was the end.


    ...was it?


    • Like 5

  4. 2 minutes ago, VickyFox said:



    A sort of tribute / reference to Both the Butcher skin and Autumn Assault would be "Autumn Anarchy" (placeholder name).

    It's a compromise to both skins as a reward for those who won Autumn Assault event if the Autumn Assault Skin was to be released

    That's awesome
    What's not so awesome is the other guy going "Just give us the butcher skin"

    They fucked up exclusivity more than once, so that means they must keep fucking up instead of learning?

  5. 1 minute ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    Me and Vicky already brought up new exclusive skins and the butcher skin is quite exclusive. Its one of the few things that still has it after what G1 did for yrs and yrs. If it was given to 12 ppl it would still be quite exclusive.

    More than 12 people won the event.
    We want to play this game? Then what do I get, since I have a butcher skin?

  6. 30 minutes ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    What other exclusive weapon skin is out there that could be used for autumn assault? Ive suggested butcher and LO making a new exclusive. Im for either one just so long as its exclusive

    Thats not a bad idea at all. Fits for Autumn, just depends if LO wants to make a new skin or not tbh.

    You talk as if LO never made a new weapon skin, or can't make a new weapon skin.

    I dont' see why they should ruin what little exclusivity the Butcher skin has left

  7. Just now, Weeb TheEpicGuyV2 said:

    The ntec does need a nerf of some kind, but for now, it has to stay as is due to it being the only other "f2p" AR (there's the joker store but we don't talk about that here). If you nerf the ntec to the point that some armas ARs are performing better at range, you can imagine the outcry that would cause, and quite frankly, LO does not need more stup*d flak


    Once there are more "f2p" ARs, LO can safely go about nerfing the ntec. Until then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Would be nice to get No / 1 slot ARMAS weapons as part of either role progression (but that's dangerous since most weapons share playstyle, despite having different purposes) or contact unlocks

  8. 30 minutes ago, Ketog said:

    it needs another nerf , but a very slight one imo, ntec is too good of an all rounder , i think i needs more maximum bloom so you can't just go full auto in CQC like you can now . but it will stay the same as it is for longer ranges.

    To offer an opposite viewpoint - I think the NTEC's issue is that it is too good at range.
    Nerfing accuracy is the most annoying thing you can come up with (since nobody really likes RNG), so I'd drop its range by 5m tops (so that CJ3, HB1 are still not as terribly affected when it comes to choices)

  9. 2 hours ago, AxeTurboAgresor said:

    WTF is these people problem with ntec?! I dont get it. I srsly dont get it! And I am not enemy ntec user.

    Maybe fuking l2 use ur weapon the way its meant to be used, and dont try to beat ntec in its confortable killing zone

    The issue is that its comfortable killing zone is a bit too generous for an AR, even more so with IR

  10. 17 hours ago, Keshi said:

    i tried finding something to disagree on...sadly i couldn't. This post sums up basically everything wrong with the game

    I don't see how a well written post making no wrong statements is a sad thing 😛

    There's a difference between constructive criticism and shitflinging

    This post is the prime example of constructive criticism done right

  11. 11 hours ago, Ketog said:



    The magazine one , if i take into account  the changes i proposed , im against it ,as it would make it too strong against vehicles , but if we ignore my suggestion , then yes.

    Magazine size increase benefits both AntiVehicle and Players, as well as all blue mods - which is why I thought of that vs a Hard damage increase

  12. It's ya boy Nitro-Nik with another ShittySuggestion(tm)

    After being miracolously killed by a SBSR IRS , curiosity got the best of me.
    I've leased the gun, put some hours into it and oh boy.. I can see why everyone tells potential customers to steer clear of it.


    The good : it has the fastest TTK of any 3shot sniper rifle, it has a 1x walk modifier (so mobsling is an option) and it's full auto so minTTK is easy to achieve at shorter ranges

    The bad : Damage is laughable, the recoil makes minTTK at anything further out than marksman range not really feasible, the accuracy kinda sucks unless you use Hunting Sight, it slows you down an awful lot




    Here are some thoughts on the weapon, with ideas on how to make it at least desiderable, if not competitive :

    Accuracy : This weapon weighs you down just like any other sniper rifle, but it doesn't have the accuracy to compete unless you slap Hunting Sight 2 or 3 on it.

    Why not change the crouch multiplier to 0.9 (from 1) ? The weapon's low mobility would make you deal with either being a sitting duck or not being as accurate as you'd want to be, making it be in line with other sniper rifles (IRS) & at a disadvantage against the Obeya / OBIR (Coroner)


    Damage : Three shots from this gun only deal 1050 health damage. Even equipping kevlar 1 will drastically worsen its TTK.


    Consider buffing damage per shot up to 395 to bypass kevlar 1 (also give the Coroner a bit of overdamage for longer ranged shots, giving it more of a purpose against OBIR)

    or-Increase it to 400 so that the weapon can punch through Kevlar 2, putting the gun's damage output on par with the DMR-SD

    Magazine Size Consider adding one more bullet to the magazine, so you can raise kill-per-mags ratio to 3 (like on the HVR-762).


    Its reload time already matches that of other snipers! This would also make it more formidable as an AV weapon, allowing it to critically damage tougher cars like the Espacio or Pioneer without the need to reload - while also keeping its Hard Damage Per Second average

    Bloom Recovery :  It's awful, but I actually would suggest against changing this stat. Keep it as it is


    It actually makes Cooling Jacket have a downside, which is a good thing given the TTK and drop off range of the weapons



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  13. 13 minutes ago, Lixil said:

    The event will be run in one district then once 4 games are done there it will be switched to other districts. 

    This is absolutely the most annoying thing. Would it not be possible to have GMs run events simultaneously? I understand it lets everyone have a shot at playing the event, but for people who can't join at the very start it just becomes a crapshoot when it comes to picking the right instance

  14. fess up, who downvoted this

    49 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    +1 for anything that removes shitty curve mechanics

    my personal opinion is that curves can spice things up, but ify ou don't clearly communicate to the player that shit's about to go down it's just bad

    see NTEC bloom spazzing out at random if you fire a tad bit too fast

  15. Honestly I wouldn't mind.

    There's many areas in the game that could be propped up for Fight Club - the two malls in Waterfront and Financial come to mind. Could even run smaller instances to ensure they won't become overcrowded


    The construction site in Fin by Saul Linklater is also one - if you add more cover and prevent people from going on the highway it can become CQC mayhem

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