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Posts posted by wHisHi

  1. 1 hour ago, gogeo said:

    Sale still going when g1c cost is reduced? At the moment prices are still ridiculous when buying account bound. Just make them the price character bound weapons are. Wanting to get 3 weapons, looking at the price I need to pay for them holds me off. $65 for three account bound :(.

    Just buy char bound and if you feel that you need that weapon for new character, spend extra 400-500 g1c to make it account bound.

  2. 22 hours ago, Vnight said:

    I can now obtain Mercury Kit!!! I know its meaningless to you, but i want to mark this point in my experience for almost a decade about this game through all the difficulties about being an unskilled silver.

    Also i want to say that donating on my last experience was horrible with money bonkers, the worst  company to ever intermediate credit card transactions, and hopefully the last one i will ever experience.

    As for the rest, i'm so excited that i finally get Mercury Kit today.

    Good job for real, keep going my friend! 🙂



  3. 6 hours ago, MattScott said:

    Hi there,


    I can shed a little light on this for the OP.


    Fixing the lag and DDOS issues are complicated. There isn't a single silver-bullet-fix that can clear everything up, otherwise G1 would have done it ages ago. LO is biting the bullet and messing around in the underlying core network systems of APB. This affects everything you do in game, and changes require lots of testing. We have implement 2 parts of the lag/DDOS fix so far. One seems to be stable, but the other ran into issues in production this week and caused a bunch of problems which had to be rolled back. We will continue to push builds until things are running smoothly.



    Best of luck!

  4. 21 minutes ago, a Pair of Socks said:

    Are we ever going to get better servers or should I just uninstall now? Because its fucking infuriating trying to play on these warping servers that have been like this for what, a solid month now? 


    It aint a DDOS kiddos, its having half patootie servers hosted on a 200 dollar linux laptop and its getting old. 

    You know that they are working on it, right?


    Supported them for few $$$ too bc I generally believe in them

  5. 12 hours ago, Luminesca said:

    Internet is beautiful place, you even get to brag about being poor. 
    Also 8KTtscB.png

    About being poor? There is no need to buy a new pc for me, does this fact make me poor too? Only wanted to share how with old and cheap pc you can run APB without any problem.


    Internet is beautiful place for sure, you just made your own assumtion without any context background that Im poor. And you cant even believe that is passoble, really makes me wonder in what kind of bubble you live.



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