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Posts posted by wHisHi

  1. On 2/27/2019 at 11:42 PM, Alani said:

    a gm could have went full smart and just started removing people who argued with them on specific issues but instead of the gm didnt and tried to be as professional as possible while an unruly 'individual' continued to be stupid and dumb and asking really dumbass questions lol


    i think the new gms deserve some credit because in old days half the district would have probably been silenced or some dumb shit because someone's feelings were hurt and the gm didnt wanna have anything to do with it




    oh and join my clan not everyone was banned some got unbanned too

    nice plug, criminal?

  2. 16 minutes ago, Matth said:

    I'm not sure if this is either currently built in the game, or the servers are kicking me out if I reach certain latency. Let me make this clear, I live in argentina, which is in south america, and since the server merges we lost our server in brazil which means we have to deal with playing in NA. This was never an issue though, we got used to playing in the 140-260ms range, it worked out well, although for a few months now me and my teammates that are also from this region started to experiment constant DC's, wether that'd be while sitting in social or in a mission, it's not just once every few minutes, it's constant disconnections 2 to 10 minutes into the game. It came to the point where we can't play the game anymore because we can't finish a single mission.


    Either the game is kicking out players for latency spikes, or the server just gave up on players outside the US. sucks after playing for 6 years 😞

    fck thats sad, hope they hear you

  3. On 2/21/2019 at 1:03 AM, Gateron said:

    Hello this is probably one of my first serious posts. I love APB don't get me wrong been playing since 2011. But i see people keep telling that the Engine upgrade is gonna make this game be populated again like when it was relaunched. But the game mechanics we have now are out dated and doesn't fit 2019 standards. People will try the "new" APB and leave again because the gun play is just stupid in my opinion.


    The gun play is pretty shit after playing proper shooters past years. What i want to say is that the current gun play is just bad. Kills don't feel satisfying you can cheese this game hard with stupid load outs. Aim in this game isn't rewarded because every body part is the same damage. Weapons should be reworked and body part damage should be something so you can actually maybe clutch in a 1 vs 2 situation. Here i said it this game should have head shots [maybe more damage on head or something not 1 shot 🙂] you guys/girls are probably gonna disagree. But hey there is a reason you guys still play because you like it ;).


    I know this is probably never gonna happen because there are to many weapons in APB. I don't think a lot of new people will stick to this game after the engine upgrade is released because of this.

    Also can you give me a good reason why not to change the gun play in this game instead of just being edgy thanks.

    Maybe new people will just play the game. And wont start thinking "hmm weapons should shoot differently, Im leaving game". Mate, you create problem from nothing

  4. 18 hours ago, Kariiim said:

    5 days ago I got hacked in my Gmail and I got it back after he has formatted my phone I saw that he took my account in apb and he got it and 2 days before this happens my account got trade locked forever and what I heard that the guy entered my account and he was asking for lending guns actually thank god he asked my best friend and he asked me on discord if this was me after this I changed my pass and everything anyway after all this he got my account and now I need help to get my account back before he can ban it or something all I want is just to know if my account got deleted or hacked or something can it be back after I tell everything to support cause as all people know support take a lot to reply.... so please guys change your account info and delete everything after u do it so your account won't be hacked 

    No one is buying this shit. Write to support

  5. 1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    editing a map is far more work than an engine upgrade

    item placement  , script changes, and the map balance are all important.

    you dont just move something like your house furniture without seeing if you can actually open your door still do you?

    same with programming.

    "Just add some items, whats so hard about dat" everything you even couldnt imagine

  6. 8 hours ago, Kevkof said:

    Sure thing, just don't tell anyone 😉


      Reveal hidden contents


    I tried to make a joke ... Sorry if people assumed anything, SPCT members are under a Non Disclosure Agreement which prevents them from disclosing any details, other than allowed by specific exception.

    Damn this is fire. Cant believe we are actually getting new district.

  7. 1 hour ago, Genobee said:

    Take a break? 


    Sounds like you burned yourself out on the current content. Set yourself up to receive e-mails for events & promos from Gamersfirst, and come back next time they have something new going on. At worst you stay gone until the engine upgrade or something similarly big is out. No harm in that really, don't HAVE to play only APB all day every day. 

    It was a sarcasm. Dont take it seriuosly 

  8. 1 hour ago, AlishaAzure said:

    Find some friends, customize some vehicles and outfits, themes and symbols if you can make them too and gj, you will have so much fun, no need to think the game is boring because it isn't, well, everyoen have different points of view so.

    For me APB is something really unique and i can swear to you i didn't even had many friends, recently im meeting with new ones and im happy.

    APB is unique. Thats why its fun. You create weird patato looking character, you choose not super common weapon and car. And also you take different char mods. And boom - you have unique character with different play style that is still relevant and gives you joy.

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