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Posts posted by wHisHi

  1. 1 hour ago, BoomLion said:

    for me its saying... " u have no choice u must feed teh fake golds or we will ban u".. <<< not a good way to keep players... i really cant get my head round the fact i got banned for a day over this.. yet the same people EVERYday DEthert ..an nothing gets done .. they ban the worng players.. player count is allready lowist ive seen it.. is this them slowly killing APB??


    play fair...<<<< detherters dont play fair yet nothing happens to them .. I will not spend another penny..

    Yeach, APB is f***ed up, people can dethreat and players like you must suffer.

    My suggestion is to restart the game so you wont loose rank or get banned

    • Like 1

  2. 15 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:


    Imagine thinking fight club has anything to do with threat. 


    Also, since you asked I have nearly 6,000 hours in APB. And the number is way higher for post count, my first forum account dates back to 2014-2015. 


    I don't really know what to say about the FBW thing. I didn't want to go into bronze and just shit on people, but I also didn't want to do nothing and ruin the experience for anyone grouped with me. It was important to me that I try to find a balance. 


    Also, I would love to watch you stream blowtorch only... You know just to see how fair it is. 


    If you don't think it's easier to attain gold in bronze vs silver district, well I guess thats your right. Seems highly counterintuitive though. 


    Cheating has always existed in APB. Dethreating has not, all you have to do is match that with pop. 


    I'm not sure why you equate some players not being banned with no one being banned, but again that's your right. 


    Anyways back to meetings for me. 




    It's as if you cannot read. 

    It's clearly acknowledged that this has been going on for years. It's actually stated verbatim. 


    SPCT has some of the most knowledgeable and also a few are among the most skilled players in the game. 


    That being said, we are only testers. We just find bugs and report them. 





    I thought Im cool with my 2000 hours

    Boss, be my mentor

  3. 1 hour ago, a Pair of Socks said:

    Top is EU and Bottom is NA.


    Pictures of the pops at the same ish times. 


    As you can see NA is deader than the Horse that G1 beat into Oblivion, at all times throughout the day.  Ill be editing more later tonight at 7:03pm EDT just to prove my case more :^)




    This post I just made is for you ❤️




    Then explain my pics




    I dont work on Fridays because I bust my patootie Monday Through Thursday working graveyard shift for 48 hours 🙂   Earn about 600 a week, its pretty great~




    Here, I fixed the post just for you sweety ❤️

    Sucks to be NA player haha

    If you can call yourself "player" if you can play 1 time in week

  4. 19 minutes ago, Uru! said:

    i remember practicing against highest difficulty bots with the deagle to get better at flicking a long time ago, but at some point i just realized that it's way better practice to just play against real people.


    i don't think i ever really found it fun to play a multiplayer game against bots, it always felt lonely to me.

    Yeach same

  5. Ram raid in financial, near Javez. More than plenty stores to ram raid. 

    After you get enough cash (I used to go to atleast 20k), go near drop off and reach N5 by mugging citizens.

    Premium is a must.

    And buy your own van and add capacity mod. So your van will have 25 slots for items to store

    6 years ago I think it took me not even a hour to do that

  6. 2 minutes ago, Uru! said:

    i don't really have anything to contribute relevant to the op, but here's something that i've been confused about for a long time:


    what is the actual mental process that promotes dethreating / playing against babies? it's not fun. most of the time it may as well be the equivalent of playing a bot match, just an unproductive point-and-click waste of time.


    i feel like apb's district & matchmaking system is inherently flawed because of people like this though. as it stands, it's as if in csgo everyone below LE was matched together, and everyone above LE was matched together. the people playing genuinely on the high end of the low bucket only face a perpetual meat-grinder, don't actually get any better while playing, rank up and then quickly get kicked back down. the district threat system is a neat idea, maybe it would work if apb had 3x the number of threats, but in its current state with the current population is showing plain well its problems.

    Same, when last time did you have fun against bots in cs? Personally then I was 12

  7. 3 things I still don`t understand:

    1. As OP said, why LO don`t take any actions against dethreat.

    2. Why LO thinks that new players can learn the game by playing (getting fcked-up every mission) with vets?

    3. Why vets play in bronze district? How they find it entertaining? I really can`t understand that.


    My suggestions:

    1. Do not allow accounts to enter bronze district if they have x amount hours of gameplay.

    2. Once account reached gold, he can`t join bronze district ever again. But account can still dethreat to silver, bronze rank. 


    I believe second option is better. Because if vet decides to create new account, he can`t perform too well, he must play as typical silver. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, Darkzero3802 said:

    Nobody plays because Matt thought it was a good idea to make it require 16 players to start when FC struggles just to get 4 players. In other words not enough ppl are queuing to play.

    16?:o you must be joking. NA is always empty, how it suppose to gather 16 people

  9. 3 hours ago, Yood said:

    I'm sorry if your logical and associative thinking isn't working. I can't help you with that .. stop kicking LO . You and I have NO other choice . constant blows will simply force to close the project .

    LO is not our patient and we dont treat them 😄

    And "constant blows" is our response to current game state that is just getting worse.

  10. 36 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    I think it to be like that however it can also not be like that. If just a few players not be like that it could make everything not be like. Then who knows where society can go with everyone not being like that. There was this time in my life where I was like that but realised I should not be like that and be made a great impact. If maybe we could all just do.



  11. 1 hour ago, Thial said:

    32gb ddr4 3200mhz

    i9 9900k @ 5.0ghz

    RTX 2080Ti core 2100 mem 7800

    and also on nvme m.2 here and the game throws random out of memory errors at me.

    Few other people had the same problem as me and the main hypothesis right now is that the current engine can't utilize the new GDDR6 memory which results in the engine freaking out.

    Also 200 fps ?

    Isn't the game capped at 144 fps since monitors with refresh past 144 fps are simply overclocked and it's not an actual refresh ?

    I have a 165hz screen but that's OC, the base refresh is 144hz so the game is still capped at 144.


    Additionally good gear won't fix bad code where the game will simply stutter upon loading assets because the devs weren't very good with async coding at the time when APB was being developed.

    i3 3220 3.6Ghz, 4GB, GTX 650 Ti - mid graphics, never below 30 fps, most of the time +50. After installing Windows 10, I got +5-10 fps (update from Windows 7)

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