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Posts posted by wHisHi

  1. 4 hours ago, Mitne said:

    Next free regen of premium... are you guys surely alright?

    Just asking out of worry...

    After they removed joker boxes, this free premium is kind my main reason I m still playing lol

    edit: joker boxes gave random chance to achieve million days of premium

  2. On 8/26/2020 at 8:15 AM, Mitne said:

    What any anti-cheat be it EAC or BE need to focus about is closetting and that was my main point ever since I started playing this game.

    Even right now without pointing names I can say we have players who in-game are top tiers in every matches you encounter them in but somehow this doesn't translate to veteran knowledge about this game.


    Blatants were never a problem. Everyone can see them, GM won't have real breaks to get rid of em as they are visibly cheating. And people easily distance themselves from them, even if they are active during their sessions.


    Closets on other hand. Pretend they are someone they really aren't via cheating meaning really skilled players are pushed back by them. Disguise themselves as rightful "veterans" of game as to undermine game progress (I mean if there would be some independent anti-cheat which would prove 99,9% cases of closets they would stand idly? Nah. Same goes for some of changes proposed here which got strangely bombarded by some people not normally active on this forum - just saying). They fakely elevate already steep skill curve of this game. The worst though is - they pretend to be me or you - so they will not look like cheaters but they are. And they constantly gaining advantage via them.


    So closets won't use your blatant aim, just smooth one, which would be something which would pretend very skilled hand in games. They won't usually use WH as human nature would make them follow targets they shouldn't see. They would probably use ESP, after all in most cases, it's very hard if not impossible to prove that you didn't just happen to look in some direction - and it's still pair of additional eyes. etc. etc.


    So focus more on closets, blatants we will report.

    I hate them, really do, and they will never admit doing that




    On 8/25/2020 at 4:42 AM, AlishaHutt said:

    Would be happy to pay even 29,99 € for the game again, like back in the old good days.

    F2P is pure garbage, and has been destroyed in these last years.

    Me too, even 39,99€ is ok if game is being maintained as any other decent game.

    • Thanks 1

  3. 1 hour ago, PingOVER9000 said:

    Wait a moment, here we have some kinda of confusion....


    For making an analogy, we may tell today I am using a solo snubnose Icon_Pistol_SnubNose.png(its spit's stats or description below..) for making some kills with it and outplay better secondaries or primary, and see how many insults I will receive for trolling with one of unbalancest weapon of the game.


    Maybe at end after of every 10 deaths you have made 1 kill and some assits, but you dont care it, it's fun to use it and rekt other players having better weapons than yourself.


    So in the same way, OK,  good thing for you,  you are having fun with ISSRB and for you the ISSR-B is a fun weapon, but it doesnt mean it's balanced at all




    Wtf answer is that?

    it has no sense your answer, both weapons got several nerfs during the ages but they are still good or in balance with the other weapons of the game.

    ISSR is not balanced like literally almost every weapon in the game. Either you play current meta or good luck trying to outplay it. I like ISSR playstyle, sad that it got nerfed, but still it won’t stop me from using it even if I loose to obeya etc.

  4. 7 hours ago, Lign said:

    Even with 1.5k pop the game had problems because of limitations. When you join any district instance, you gonna match with other 40 players and there's quite low chance that other side will have the equal skill players like you.

    Way more chances because people can move freely to other gold/silver districts. Also silvers can play vs silvers etc., people  can face same thread opposition.

  5. I agree with Frosi, right now you cannot tell deffirence between veteran and cheater, line is just too small.

    Keep in mind, if many of us say that we deffinetly see cheaters increase, maybe there is really something bad about BE? You moved from BE to EAC also for a reason.

    People say it only takes to shut down BE in task manager to by pass it - that sounds horrible.

    I am not pro, I tend to loose many games but while I was playing with EAC, I simply didn’t question opposition gameplay 99% of the time, EVEN how good they were playing.

    • Like 2

  6. I think lost EAC deffinetly did some kind of impact. Right now way more players seem suspicious to me (or maybe I am n00b, let me know). 

    3 hours ago, VanilleKeks said:

    Putting my internet issues aside, the game is just really unrewarding to me right now. If I stack with anyone I go up against the same 24/7 gamers with a combined weapon pool of 4 (Obeya, JG, OBIR and PMG). Do that 15 times in a row and oh well time to get to bed for work. Even putting the increasing closetting issue aside, I can either play what is essentially the same mission 15 times in a row or I can play solo to get some variety atleast. Still, I then have to play solo which is even more unappealing.


    I'd rather keep watching streams for now.

    True, it can really be more interesting than actually playing by myself.

  7. 2 hours ago, Sayori said:

    What if I tell you that LO is the bigger company and with deeper pockets so your comparison is just not correct. Please stop riding LO's d... so I don't have to defend G1.

    They quickly realized the task is kinda out of their scope, let alone making a sequel, hence they sold the IP because I doubt the investors were quite happy seeing what a money pit APB is. They probably broke even after selling the IP and maybe even a bit on the top to fund the rest of the UE update and hope it's not going to massive blap so they can have additional revenue source...nothing wrong with it btw.

    Matt Scott is already pre-emptively making posts about the sh.t performance that's going to be in 40/40 action districts. If this game doesn't generate enough revenue after UE you can be sure they will pull the trigger.

    Or at any point they realize that it’s not worth to continue due to remaining work load

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