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Everything posted by EC2Jonathan

  1. I still expect patch notes today for what would have been tomorrows update. Also, is the server provider able to hurry up and plug the ethernet cord back in?
  2. For those wondering, this will not affect our menu screens.
  3. I completely agree—these configurations allow players to see through fences and bushes, which is entirely unfair. This issue should be addressed, along with the .45, everyone uses it because it's clearly the best option. Why not expand the secondary weapon pool to encourage more variety like in our dipping sauces?
  4. does this also mean the thumper got buffed as a side effect?
  5. add the vbr huntress. its the best gun in the game and the only choice of mod is cj3
  6. This sounds like a great addition. With advancements in technology, I foresee this being in the game easily within a few months.
  7. Typically a double quarter pounder meal with orange Fanta.
  8. I can offer you the "McDonalds Family and Friends" title.
  9. Thanks Macks, we look forward to playing more with you.
  10. If you are having issues with the Orange mods still, please come into one of our restaurants for a free Orange soda for the inconvenience.
  11. As many of you are aware, our covert operations recently formed a groundbreaking alliance with MacksBolan, a noble player dedicated to preserving both the integrity of gameplay and the quality standards of the Double Quarter Pounder. This collaboration, dubbed Operation Big Mac, has proven to be an unstoppable force in the fight for fairness. With SARD no where to be found, we’re not stopping until every hacker in San Paro knows the pain of being outplayed. Whether it’s dropping high K/D games or dunkingon them in district chat, we’ll keep the wins coming.
  12. im thinking its user error. i think the gun is OP
  13. EC2Criminal (NA) https://imgur.com/a/3pag1ZA https://imgur.com/a/Cpn3nzq
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