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Posts posted by Sayori

  1. 5 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:


    Remember when The Guardian was telling parents that vaccines cause autism?




    Imagine actually linking them as a source of medical knowledge.


    No, I don't. And as you can see, that's someone's research. So dunno what's your point. Besides guardian are progressive af these days.


    4 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    i hear gun violence is also pretty crazy these days, perhaps we should stop promoting that as well?

    Goodjob, you broke all logical fallacies.


  2. Really? How did Matt Scott greenlight this event? Even if the game has rating for drug use etc, do we need an event that promotes and propagates the use of drugs? 

    I mean...I smoke and have taken the entire alphabet of drugs but still find this event completely f'ing off any charts.



    Of course everyone is free to do  whatever they want with their body but doesn't mean it has to be promoted ...in game events.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Gateron said:

    People use it because 1 because old school used to it. Second Weapon recoils are much easier to control the lower the resolution is. That's why you see some Russians with super weird patootie squashed resolutions so they can M1 there Ntec's.

    Old school gamers apb? Average age must be 15-20 yo. Last time I had CRT monitor was in 2006 and when I went to buy a new monitor they had no CRT's anymore.

    Pretty sure op is trolling but lowres stretched makes a difference, - a positive one. However I'm not going to make my game look like a potato.

  4. 3 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Luckily LO doesn't seem to share your point of view as Matt has said they are taking more time with the merge in the hopes of preventing players from losing more than they have to.

    He's asking for money on top of everything they will get to keep. Compensation for what? Even getting their  characters merged but with reset inventory is already good enough. In most games there won't be even a merge to begin with.... And it's not like they will stop playing because of that - they are already on EU and doing "fine".

    To me it looks like the guy is trying out his luck to get free stuff. He could easily have multiple innova accounts. I tried Innova myself long time  ago for a couple of hours so I'm eligible for compensation of 5000g1c because I merged the account last year?!

  5. Same stuff posted every month, nothing new is being said.

    How about few screenshots or videos? Or something more technical about the progress? 

    Those with the OTW can't say anything either because "NDA". What? Are you G1 or something? It's nearly-dead video game and you put NDA,..This just doesn't inspire any confidence in me.

    Wake me up when it's over.

    • Like 5

  6. BE is "ok" but not great. The problem is not only BE but Windows. For example it took a ridiculous time for Microsoft to patch lsass which was wildly exploited.

    The only thing that can't be exploited is server-side analytic tool like FairFight which I'm pretty sure ain't even running anymore...could be wrong, can't be bothered to check.

    So do not expect LO to crackdown on cheaters before engine update  and huge population influx** because it'd be like shooting themselves in the foot right now in the current state.

    Gotta love a system where the scum is a protected class. Can't name them, can't broadcast their name when banned because "toxicity". Like...you gotta be really naive to actually believe this is the reason they don't broadcast bans.


    ** I'm happy they are trying to get this game out of the mud however I don't believe it will ever work. Happy to proven wrong later this year.

  7. That's APB for you. Angry little children or worse -  man children.

    There's really nothing you can do indeed.But I've heard broadcasting bans was causing toxicity.  Alas I see no difference, this game is still a toxic s.it hole. But hey, now we can't hold the company "accountable".

    APB is really the most toxic game I've ever played. ANd I've played almost everything that's available in the west.

  8. 7 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    That's some tin foil hat stuff right there. 

    Or that's the only logical explanation?

    Because if you are the CEO, you sure as hell don't wanna kill the game before your revival project has been completed. But you can start banning people if there was enough players.

    Did you also know that the gov spying on you is a "some tin foil hat stuff"?

  9. BE can definitely kick your butt for using winapi functions. The thing is there are no automatic bans in APB, "the team" is "reviewing" and "reevaluating" every flagged account.

    Matt Scott is well aware of how widespread is cheating but if he's going to doubledown on it, the playerbase will get even smaller. He's probably waiting APB to get big through BR before cracking down ...which is never going to happen.

    • Like 1

  10. It's just plain and boring that after months of aimbotting and sh.tting on the game, the same dimwits get unbanned, get their accounts just to continue to sh.t over the game.

    LO, do you realize why population keeps dropping? No, engine update won't save your investment. If that's what you are hoping for but still reluctant to address the main issue, I can suggest you to find someone naive enough to buy APB while assets have some value(lol...)

    But whatever, let me put my rose-tinted glasses - everything is going to be ok.



  11. 8 hours ago, AxeTurboAgresor said:

    I used to use similar strategy on my server to let the cheaters know that I can see them. Its fairly effective if u dont want to lose the players


    I can imagine that it was some high level guy with armas weapons. I wouldnt ban him permamently too cuz he would either:

    1.never return again

    2. reroll and ruin the game for everyone else

    This is such a bs.

    It might be working in other games but most certainly it DOES NOT work in APB.

    As if people don't get banned like multiple times, reroll and buy everything from armas again.


    1. he will return

    2. he was already ruining the game for everyone

    Just make it as painful as you can for his wallet.

  12. As far as I remember LO themselves banned the will.io "bots" at some point ?


    1 hour ago, Kevkof said:

    If you'd be able to get the roles and achievements and such for that character as well, then that would be interesting to fully automated this .


    Full chat access without being ingame would be amazing as well

    Remember when MrEpicGoat used to spam whispers from hundred accounts at once? That's how it worked lol.

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