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Posts posted by Sayori

  1. 23 minutes ago, Fubukigata said:

    Finally a CEO with more than 30 iq, seriously thank you @MattScott


    How about implenting a CRISP staff to apply sanctions about trash talking and hackusating ? It's been toxic over 8 years :x


    Yeah, and would you like to move to North Korea also? CRISP today, tomorrow thought police.

    Use the ignore button if someone is trash talking you.

    • Like 5

  2. 13 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Which is why the topic is the ToS / CoC, ie: dethreaters.

    Jesus, how much more simple can I make it?



    Is it?  Because in your original post the problem seems to be T's(which are mostly stuck in spawn) facing max rank fake golds with ogres and volcanos. Which is NOT against the rules. Dethreating is.

    They are not exactly the same things although can be connected. In which case you should have avoided the part about max ranks, ogres, shreks, volcanos.


  3. 6 minutes ago, Keshi said:

    let me quote my phrase again 

    And just implement a "can't do more missions in this district" once you go from silver to gold.


    with that being said... they would have to change district, dethreat, play a game get gold, change to gold again, dethreat, go back to silver and add that in a loop. trust me dethreating will drop drastically. easy implementation. "Golds can not ready up in silver districts"

    Maybe then people stop whining about fakesilvers and accusing them in dethreat.

    But how horrible it would be to play with your friend, get a higher threat at end of the mission and get kicked out. Yeah, no more fun with your friends.

    What the game really needs is cross-district matchmaking that was supposed to come out in summer 2015 btw lol.


    3 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Hmmm... I really didnt think this would be so complicated for you to understand.

    The topic is "When will the ToS be enforced?"


    Feel free to start your own thread on solutions for the game.

    And it seems that it's hard for you to understand that being gold in bronze is not against the rules. Dethreating is against the rules. People bounce between the two threats all the time.

    Also you refuse to understand why there are silvers in bronze too. I can't do anything more.

    Instead, you replied to me with a gif I couldn't make any sense out of it. Use words to convey your message, you are old enough.

  4. 8 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Literally said Im working with new players.


    kek. Haven't said there are no new players at all. Just like when I say APB is dead doesn't mean it has ZERO players. You know what I mean....

    But you cherry pick something  and evade the rest like why do new players need help. Something something children. 

    And for the last time - the problem lies in the system, not the players. LO could do an experiment now they population is up. Lock golds in gold, so silvers/fake golds can go in their natural habitat - silver district. Leave the bronze district for T's and bronzes. But I'm sure T's will get rekt by bronzes too. Then we will need another thread.


  5. 10 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Yes. This is why Ive said "new player retention".

    Please do not try to change the subject. 🙂

    My bad. But you know you can't have new player retention if you don't have any new players.

    Graphics are outdated for most peoples taste, reviews are horrible, tutorial is horrible, auto ready is horrible, game is old, no advertisement, it's not in the news outlets. It's pretty normal for this game not to have any new players. Fix the matchmaking and make a better tutorial although I didn't need one because I wasn't 12 yo when started.

    Pretty sure everyone who is eligible of playing the game(aka 18+ of age) can do it just fine even with the horribad tutorial.  Children should stay away from it like the rating suggest.

    I don't mean to sound elitist but people who are meant to play APB will stick with it and go through the pain to grow no matter what. If they can't - well..it's not a place for them. It's a frustrating experience even for vets.



    and btw, retaining new players is pointless if you can't retain the old players. You need a solid base. Hence why the unbans.

  6. 4 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    New players knew nothing of G1, cheaters are not common in bronze districts, and yes new player retention has long been a problem.

    Player retention doesn't mean only newcomers. It includes everyone. It's enough for someone to look at the reviews about APB and decide not to bother at all.

    Most T's I've seen get throw right into mission because auto ready feature and then they just sit in the spawn.

    And game is old, the graphics do not appeal to people these days. The problem is elsewhere not fake golds. And those fake golds most of the time get proper opposition because of the other silvers there.

    Like I said, T's get rekt in silver districts too.


    2 minutes ago, Nymphi-DoubleDee said:

    Sometimes..... Some times. But that's where Gold's play, so it is expected.


    Not the new guy server. Hell, I hate playing in Bronze. All this weekend, dethreaters or new players. 


    And why gold players are in silver? And pushing back silvers/fake golds to bronze? Oh, wait, don't answer.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Nymphi-DoubleDee said:


    So, back when I started, the population was, probably around 4k players? (Checked charts, peak was near 5k, and average was around 2.5k) So back then, player retention was... Iffy. If people came, or went, it didn't hurt too much.


    And then they unlocked the Districts.


    And then it's just been a steady decline from there.

    It's been in steady decline because of G1, cheaters and everything. It has nothing to do with unlocked districts at all.


    1 minute ago, Nymphi-DoubleDee said:


    Sure... R255 Gold 4 Mans stomping R9 T's into paste with OSMAW's, perfect tapfire N-Tecs, OCA, ATAC's are TOTALLY not the first impression people get when starting up the game.


    Brah, you are probably not even in the trenches, and don't understand how bad it is.

    this is happening in silver district too sometimes. What do we do? And who do we blame?

    When I started playing, I used to be kicked out of the team the moment I join the team because I was T or bronze still. You don't hear me bitching about it. Life's hard for everyone.

  8. 5 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    the fact that this game struggles heavily with new player retention seems to imply that you are in the minorit


    it struggles with retention for many other reasons, but fake golds is not one of them.

    For a start - a better tutorial will be nice. But like I said...in the edit... those in help are simply children who are barely able to think and process information.


    2 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    It is in fact against the rules now.



    And mostly I just fill in the blanks left over by the tutorial. Usually only takes an afternoon and most players i work with can at least maintain silver afterwards.


    Sorry but nowhere it says that you can't be a fake gold in bronze. It says that you should not dethreat. So as long as you they have dropped to silver in a legit way, it's fine.

  9. "gold". You mean players going silver<->gold all the time.

    If you want the problem to be fixed, fix the ranking system and the matchmatching.  And as far as I know, LO never said that's against ToS, they merely acknowledged the problem and said that the solution lies in new system and matchmaking. 

    And honestly I don't know what do you think you are achieving with "working" with new players....I didn't need special help and I did just fine. If someone is in help maybe this is not the right game for them.

    But have a cookie, pun maybe intended:).



    those people who need help are most likely kids and the PC version is rated 18+. So I'd rather not have more children in my adult game and you should not encourage them.

  10. You get the transparent background when you use some potato settings in Advanced Launcher.

    I used to have it until I switched to ultimate settings + lowered LODs. 



    Nevermind, someone said it's the bloom. I was sure I had the solid color background now but it was transparent.

  11. 1 hour ago, Lign said:

    There're no cheaters at all atm, just google for popular cheat sites and you're going to see that all of them stopped supporting apb. BE games don't have cheat problem. They still exist but it's very small percent of playerbase. For example you can buy PUBG's cheats for 60euros per month however there's still a high risk of getting banned. Fortnite has even better situation. There's no paid cheats and those who makes cheats for this game give it only for closed friends privately. So I doubt there're still cheats for apb after 2 days BE got released

    Public bypasses get patched quickly. Most popular trash-tier paid cheats are not updated and I doubt they will be any time if ever. But if you know where to look at, for about 1000€ and 15-20€ per month for sub you can get a private one. Of course eventually will get detected and get you banned. 

    ESEA privates cheat go even higher in price.

    There are some pretty desperate people in APB, I have no doubts they are stupid enough to pay so much to keep their inflated ego. It might take few months but at least there are far less cheaters.


  12. 1 minute ago, CookiePuss said:

    EU as in Citadel?

    But all I did there was make symbols.

    Im a Jericho player you meanie.

    Welp, I'm saying EU but I mean EU/NA generally, my bad for taking the shortcut way:)

    Just be happy you can login again, LO didn't have to unban anyone. And I really don't wanna believe in some conspiracy theories where G1 stole your legendaries. What for? They can generate them out of thin air if they wished to. So it's gotta be LO.

  13. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    Please, dont comment on things you know nothing about my friend.

    And regardless, LO never said they were taking our weapons away.

    Like...lol. Come on, man. The entire EU knows about it.

    Anyway, my G1C balance sits at 0 which I found really odd, Can't remember how much I had left prior the ban but I find it impossible to be 0. If it was LO I have no problems though:)

    You should also be happy whether or not it was G1 or LO who removed the legendaries. 

  14. 18 minutes ago, PHM said:

    Hello Sayori, if you would be less ignorant and carefully read my post you might notice that its not the gun in the first place that bothers me but real money that me and others invested to get this item.

    I as a customer am upset by the fact that those people were able to take an "advantage" to get lots of those guns for free whereas us others had to pay a lot of money for it - and all of this only because the company itself didn't provide any protection against that. 

    And it also happened exactly like that some time before when they gave away medusa boxes and they just didn't lern out of it. 


    Unbanning those people now like nothing happened and "rewarding" them with those unfairly obtained guns feels like a punch in the face of us customers again, thats the only thing im trying to say here.


    You are acting as if your enjoyment for the game was griefed and your life has come to an end. Like I said - get over it. It's a damn weapon. If that shocks you, then I don't know how do you deal with the life. 
    FFA and KTTC people are getting unbanned. Perhaps give it a thought and realize that maybe LO is smart enough to know that it wasn't Tos a violation. Or maybe  they just unban everyone. I don't care.
    I'm not exactly excited for all the cheaters getting second chance because the truth is, most of themalready got their second chance and decided to continue cheating.

    Watch me now complain how cheaters invalidate my hard work to gain kills and progress with weapon unlocks and roles...oh, wait.
    And to be more transparent - I was banned for FFA. Was it worth it? No. Would I do it again? Also no. I have Obir.

  15. Oof. It's been almost a year, get over it. Almost can't believe there are still crybabies whining about their snowflake weapon.


    56 minutes ago, PHM said:

    It was really hard for me and many other players to recover from this shock as we all lost our hard earned money and hours we spent to get this valuable item just to lose it all on one single day.

    Wow, I sure hope you can recover from this deep psychological trauma, my dude. It must have been horrible experience. Didn't know it caused your FFA's to disappear from the locker. lol

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