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Everything posted by Rebelliousness

  1. Really? How do we know he's WHITE? Maybe he's part Indian and BROWN. How do we know what he's saying is the truth? I, for one, have noticed that a lot of hackers have every legendary. Oh yes, when LO unbanned them, they were able to keep their ill-gotten gains and started selling DOZENS of legendaries... on secondary places for irl money. I personally find it unusual for anyone to have every legendary. And I also spent 2000 USD on this game, and only have 2. I reported BXNNNED for calling me a mongoloid. My issues primarily on Cheadel and it is well beyond a "little Portuguese" since the entire District is primarily in Cyrillic writing. So he didn't honestly call anything. But yea, mixup random bits from the whole conversation and pretend it means something.
  2. Dude, I've reported your post for being personally abusive. I had you on ignore months ago since all you do is insult and provoke. I don't know why I can see your posts now or why you can see my posts. But I don't want the high blood pressure of reading your insane, toxic animosity. Fuck off my nuts. I don;'t give a single shit about your opinions to read them.
  3. And my original point being, if you can't speak Russian on Citadel, you often get kicked for the communication reason alone. By sheer numbers the Russians have displaced everyone else, AND the International language of communication, English. It could be, unlike the EU, that Russians don't learn English and so communicate the only way they can... but it results in blocking out all the non-Russians. Maybe MattScott's team could come up with a Google Translator in-game. It's so awful it would be hilarious, but at least everyone would have a general idea what everyone else is saying. And of course there's discord where anyone can of course freely communicate with their own clans. But I think it hurts the game is your a non-Russian speaker to log into Citadel.
  4. Russians aren't a race. Russians are an ethnic group which includes the caucasian and asian races. Brazilians aren't a race. Brazilians are an ethnic group which includes the caucasian and asian (via Native American) and black (via admixture) races. America includes every conceivable race and admixture and every ethnicity and language group. Russians sure seem to cheat a lot. Or maybe it just seems that way because there are a lot of Russians. In fact so many, there are hardly anyone else left playing so it seems disproportionate. But do you think a server whose district chat is almost exclusively in Cyrillic is going to welcome much population from any other non-Russian speaking country? At least. every country is familiar with English, that's why it's International. When an EU server stops being International and simply becomes Little Russia... this is what we see. You're falsely accusing me of racism. I also NEVER said ban or even block anyone, except cheaters. I had you on ignore. I'm wondering how my ignore got "hacked." I shouldn't be able to see your provoking, idiotic drivel.
  5. I honestly didn't know that either Russian or Brazilian were races. Those are ethnicities, not races and both are quite beautiful. But when a server is dominated by one "brotherhood" it becomes unwelcoming to every other. Can you please point out the toxicity towards another ethnic group other than to point out they have greater percentage population wise on a server and more likelihood of cheaters? Oh wait... it's RACIST and TOXIC to say Russians cheat on Cheatadel. FFS what was I thinking. Just an aside... LOL Trivirium every single gun you have on your sig is a bought legendary... AIMIRITE? There aren't any races even mentioned anywhere in this thread. And FYI America is a MULTI-RACIAL and MULTI-ETHNIC country. I for one am part Ukrainian. Yeah, my grandparents actually wrote in Cyrillic.
  6. So will I. Because I KNOW you're being disingenuous with the truth.
  7. And you don't see it as a problem that a single, non-International language is basically the only language on a server... and somehow the rationale that that alone isn't responsible for excluding other players from other countries, even Poland or Germany or Italy from feeling welcome to play in Little Russia. The fact you can defend this absurd position and tell people, childishly to just "learn Russian" speaks volumes about you. I think I will just put you on block for now, nothing rational is coming from your comments.
  8. Since not anywhere in any post of mine did I say the solution was to remove them or prevent countries from playing. I said it was a PROBLEM when a singular country by sheer numbers took over the server and created a hostile playing environment for those not from that same country... and who also dominate the server with cheater clans. You're just creating a straw man fake argument you can shoot down, but having no honesty or integrity in discussing the actual issues stated. Just like your ludicrous "xenophobia" comment... when if there's any, it's Russians on Citadel who really don't like non-Russians at all.
  9. Because back in G1 days, the SPCT was sitting in social talking nonsense and logging into districts to play the role of tutor. In any event it was my MISUNDERSTANDING that you acted as the eyes and ears of the company with regard to the playerbase.
  10. The thing is I never said remove them. I said find out why THEY have become the exclusive players... and if among THEIR population are cheater clans... remove those clans so OTHERS can come back to the game and the population isn't dead. Also, most Russians do speak a bit of English as do Brazilians. But it's EVIDENCE they don't want non Russian or non-Brazilians in their conversation when the entire district becomes Russian, for example... and Russian isn't the International Language that English is. A solely Russian language server is no longer an International EU server... it's just a Russian server.
  11. The games population of American players is at an all time low because of the state of the game. Somethings seriously wrong if your EU server is populated primarily by Russians from Innova, and your US server is populated primarily from Brazilians from Hoplon. The SOLUTION to this population problem isn't IGNORING that every other population is being replaced by these two... and the disproportionate amount of cheating going on.
  12. If a country takes over a server... for example Citadel and Russians... and the District chat is nearly exclusively in Cyrillic... and players on missions often kick non-Cyrillic writing players (yea just dont write anything or hope to communicate. I played on Innova and it was fine, but still... it's a handicap.) And if said country has a high amount of cheaters... disproportionate amount of cheaters.... then it's a serious problem that needs to be addressed if anyone hopes to salvage this game. Ignoring the problems doesn't make them go away. I also find it stupid that you wear the SPCT tag, since you ONLY play on one of two servers... you don't have a fricken CLUE what the actual state of this game is. Xenophobia is how the Russians have taken over Citadel and excluded everyone else.
  13. I had been talking primarily about Citadel. Why should I alter my subject since someone elected to derail it in defense of Brazilians on Jericho?
  14. I guess you overlook the part where many of them cheat, and they are hostile to non-Russians, but hey... shit all over me for simply saying. It's not my game... and more and more I'm not interested in playing. it just deteriorating sadly. And hey I spent over 2000 USD on Armas. Losing players like me definitely doesn't help.
  15. Just google BattLEye bypass and you will get the picture. FF wasn't used properly by G1. An anticheat which is easily bypassed as well as might not exist.
  16. Do me a favor... log into Citadel and just follow the chat. If you want to play a few matches. The problem isn't "Russians" it's cliques of Russians, many of whom cheat. Now... we have POPULATION. Conversely the "population" we have is out of control and not healthy for any OTHER population, is the point. I get kicked routinely on Citadel IF... and WHEN I write something in English. They didn't seem to dislike me before when they were writing to me in Cyrillic. And yes, Jericho has a problem with Brazlian cheaters as well, and also hostile toward non-Brazilians. I mean look at the times in District chat they call out "gringo." Seriously, foreigners calling Americans foreigners on an American server... and that's okay? When the US server is populated predominantly by Brazilians... don't you think it warrants an evaluation? " Oh wait it's easier to blame me personally. Yeah, it's no problem at all,,, nothing to see here, move along.
  17. Are you seriously... wearing that SPCT tag, going to PRETEND the Russians haven't taken over Citadel or that Brazilians haven't taken over Jericho... or that cheater clans from these respective countries don't dominate or fill the district chat with their language? Now let me ask you an HONEST question. How many English speaking players have been kicked from missions unjustly, simply because they aren't Brazilian or Russian? And then tell ME about your melting snowflake leftist "xenophobia." Not an AMERICAN ONLY.... I mean hardly any Americans left playing AT ALL. There is such a thing as "reverse discrimination." Once there were enough Russians and Brazilians to have their own servers. Do you REALLY think all of them combined playing here has had a "positive" impact on the non-Russian/non-Brazilian playerbase? Or that you should use ridiculous politically laden terms like "xenophobia" to hide these problems under the rug? Because the TRULY xenophobic guys are the ones who kick anyone who doesn't write in Cyrillic... or spams District chat calling every non-Brazilian a "gringo" (racial put-down). How many Americans... let alone anyone else... is going to be happy logging into a game like that? The answer is they WON'T and they don't. It's GAME-KILLING.
  18. I can appreciate this line of reasoning. I don't want the game to die and do want a (if any /places tin foil hat on) revival project for this game to be a success... but I stand by my original opinion of what this game needs now to resolve both the overqualified players who troll weaker districts and the rank cheaters. 1. RAPID temp kicks for suspicious players. (This gets them out of mission. Players see SOMETHING is being done. If it's unfair, it's just a temp kick for a few minutes because you are so "pro" and maybe playing too pro for the guys/district you're on. 2. Players who get repeatedly kicked can petition for a review. If it's found their legit brilliant players, perhaps settings can be tweaked to give them a wider toleration HOWEVER under no circumstances for the Bronze district. 3. Players who are actually cheating will get annoyed they can't complete missions and rack up the millions of in-game cash to buy legendaries and sell them irl for dollars which is why they invest in the cheats for a dying game... and maybe this will reduce that incentive and thereby diminish the actual cheaters. 4. Toxic cheaters who simply like to destroy games and WTFpwn players will still be able to do so, but their antics will be much shorter lived so their video streams will show a lot of kicks to the curb. Quick, but temporary kicks with 15 min lockout.
  19. I see your point, I mean cheaters from "certain" countries dominate our servers. It's ridiculous to think they will have any investment in the game other than hack so hard they make millions in in-game cash to buy legendaries. FSo I wonder myself why the CEO of a game lets foreign players hack the game to hell and drive away the American "paying" playerbase, it just makes no logical sense. I mean seriously, log in and you need command of foreign languages to follow the District chat, that's how bad it is. I'm not sayimg Americans don't have cheaters but dang.... how many legit Russians have you played on Citadel? Yea I have too, but it's the consistency, you play these guys a lot and they consistently get scores way outside the average of anyone else. At least FF had a system designed to track that.
  20. Yea but the point is, it was bad under FF and beyond bad under BattlEye a seemingly non-existent anticheat, or at least one which is easily bypassed which is nonexistent for all intents and purposes. At LEAST FF compiled statistics so that players who were consistently above human in reflexes and target acquisition could be flagged. Now.... if the anticheat is bypassed theres just nothing... at... all..... except a really hacker infested game... which is unfair since only a few cheaters are doing it. But when a few are doing it relentlessly, without fear of consequences, and playing for hours each day... the perception of the game is bad as people will encounter them every single day, and see nothing at all is done.
  21. I said the game was more populated when there were closet cheaters who tried to keep their cheats under the radar and only toggled when they were losing... compared to now when cheaters aren't trying to hide and matches regularly have one low lvl reroll with 37 kills just blatant as can be. It would seem the cheater's aren't afraid of this new system or losing anything anymore. And may I ask why you bring up my comment on a different thread here? Are you like a comment stalker? Why don't you use comments to simply put YOUR own comments and not worry about what I write on other threads. To be sure I don't give a DAMN about stuff you say to regurgitate it from thread to thread. My comment is pure disgust at the uselessness of the current system and an observation that wow, when it was bad with closet cheaters before... at least they didn't run 30 kill streaks every mission.
  22. It was cheater recommended though, due to it being so easily bypassed... 76 kills is hella wild though. In fact... it's mrEpicGoat wild... Like, if that score doesn't warrant an investigation and spectating the account... this game is done for. There's "good." There's "pro." And then there's laser algorithm programs that masterfully play well outside ordinary human parameters, come on now. This is like the full hack on with no closeting insecurity whatsoever because the game is completely ineffective at doing the job it has to do to keep the cheaters under control.
  23. Welp... It was a more populated game with closets. The guys cheating under LO don't even try to mask their shenanigans... and the pop just drops and drops...
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