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  1. About 5 people looking forward to the revamp It's done shut it down...
  2. The modern day gaming market is massive. I don't think fallen earth stands a chance not even reboot could save it. Theirs too much competition I've been playing pandora frontier, ghost of Tsushima, Elden ring. Online gaming isn't what it was and even if you spent 20 million on a game it wouldn't revive the game 500 max players would play and die off again over time all games do the same thing. It's 2024, ray tracing 4k everything and it's something little orbit is nowhere near. This game is for the old generation of players what are wanting something that died years ago % it's not going to happen close it down and stop folk wasting time on the dead forums. Start a new game folks loads of PvP games with lots of fancy new graphics and a massive community.
  3. In 2023 the games what are out I can't believe people are even bothering over fallen earth. The gaming industry is massive and the new games for 2024 fallen earth will die. no way % it can't be revived there's not enough people wanting to play this just a handful with hope and dreams. 10 years ago yes it was awesome but in this modern gaming world there's no hope, even APB is dead. little orbit failed massively and r.i.p
  4. The game seems like its been abandoned. you cant even log into the game at the moment it's saying game status not ready
  5. the game doesnt stand a chance in modern game gaming industry. its beyond broke" no one is ever online to sort something out when the game breaks. only a very few people holding onto this game. i play about 6 hours on a weekend if i'm lucky enough to have that amount of time. the amount of games on steam i play in 4k with ray tracing and having a lot more fun i see this game closing down for good its the only unorganised game ive ever played. r.i.p fallen earth i hope one day you might get a upgrade if that ever happens" ive had lots of fun in the past but nothing last forever much love.
  6. i downloaded this mod but the crossair is stuck at the bottom left of my screen. i was thinking it might be a window i could move but its not working has anyone got a solution?
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