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Everything posted by Timobelk

  1. What I've seen so far. Editors are fast loading but people fail to realize not everything is in the shops yet and not much players are on the server as on the live one. When out of editor everything stutters and warp all over the place. No clue where the server is but most people lag. Currently unplayable. Also the game looks even more cartoony and way too dark then already is.
  2. Might be but while playing missions one friend had this car and we got blown up regulary maybe because it's too slow and the weapons got buffed or this car is nerfed not sure anymore. Usually by volcanos, rpg, alig, medusa, shaw all those heavies. Don't need to get direct hits but by nearby exlpoions etc. Sometimes seen even smgs dealing insane damage on cars. Cant run away from anything in it. By the time I got to the objectives I am way too late. I use to love this car 7 years ago now I don't see the point in it anymore. APB isn't ARMA, so nope
  3. Its time for you to go back to school.
  4. Seen this before for years on. It's a old bug. Sometimes even npcs glitch through your cars you cant hurt them and they just look like they are ghosts hovering through your car.
  5. Flak and valzipram or wtf is it's name are a great counter to greefers with car bombs and ones that keep driving cars and wanting to run you over. You own their car on time survive the explosion and most times they simply die from their own explosion and you get the kill. Every weapon and mod have it's pros and cons it all depends of the mission and situation needs and you switch accordingly. Oh and flak is good against granade launcher spammers too. Again depends still you need to act fast in every situtation APB is a fast paced game and can burnout a person easily. Most cases on missions we often changed weapons and mods cars etc because every mission have different locations and tasks and you gear up accordingly. If you are stuck on one and the same thing its unrealistic but at least make sure to learn to use it then. Come to think of it there was a time when I was on Ntec and uzi secondary all the time without any changes and I was pretty good with those. My temamate was a sniper and one was a heavy so we dominated all angles. But then again back then we didn't had nade launchers, volcanos, ntecs etc to worry about. Things are different now and hopefully they fix some things. In my opinion Ntec is useless now compared to what it was. I barely can land any kill with it, it misses a lot and on mid basically I am shooting blanks in most cases so I moved to other weapons for a long time now since they nerfed it. Even tho I run across some players who kill me with a Ntec on distances that even snipers fail to finish me off, these finish me off in a second on 100M sometimes maybe even more. Basically it doesn't even render properly the player he is that far away yet the death screens shows him moving somewhere in the distance and with what weapon he killed me. Speaking of snipers I also find them useless unless you have a team mate who is ready to land a fast kill on your hit. Because in most cases a sniper on 100M deals 50 damage or less and misses in most cases. I hit the enemy but nothing happens that is where teammate comes in from another side and finishes off the enemy. APB is all about team work and fast action. If you don't have a team and no communication it's really pointless to play missions.
  6. So after a while I decided to play fightclub again to see how I can gain tickets and have some fun in the progress. Asylum as much as I love the map as a fightclub map it's a hell. Is it just me or it's got some changes. Feels like I am playing almost a new Asylum. What is annoying most of the times are glitches, characters getting stick in props, warping all over the place cant aim at anything. I see the enemy by the time I aim at it I am aiming at barricades, walls and other crap. Shooting at invincible walls and similar junk while his bullets magically hit me. Also spamming of the volcanos are insane. Looks like everyone should get one and spam rockets without any skill. Rockets hit through walls and fences while my bullets are in most cases blanks and bounce off everything or shoot through people. Everything is glitched. Some missions are by default 30 minutes long and can be dragged over an hour and I got paid in most cases 150-300-500$. While some 5 minutes long missions paid out around 900-1000. Which are rare. At first I got paid 2k sometimes 3k then couple of missions in the payouts felt like they stopped. That is just complete insanity. I found myself burning up how long I played a single mission and had to at few times take a break then ofc I got kicked out for inactivity and lost my progress. Even tho I moved sometimes. Cant even take a bathroom break without getting kicked and losing progress just 5 minutes before the end of already dragged 30+ minutes missions. I seriously don't know how you people play this game so much and seen how some people jack up the golden prizes which are unrealistic. Do you seriously live in this game 24-7 to gain anything?! Went over to Baylan at first there were enough players, it was actually fun to play then suddenly some were teleporting around and slowly leaving the game. I got stuck on silver tasks with two people in opposition. Objectives took one hour to complete, 6 assists and after that another hour and half for 10 kills but it failed. I only had 9 with one more to complete and the game started lagging like crazy to the point server shut down. At least that is what it tells me when I tried to go back on. So I guess I will have to come back another day to finish this. I basically wasted one whole day on messing around in apb mostly in fightclubs and this doesn't feel like a progress at all. I don't even want to imagine what are the payouts without premium. So all in all I guess I got reminded why the hell I didn't played this game for years and why many players left and are still leaving. And no sitting around in social club isn't playing a game. So don't be an ignorant idiot. How can someone sit through 30+ minutes sometimes more then an hour on a single mission without a burnout I don't get it. You got be a complete masochist and without any activities or goals in life. Edit: And as predicted the masochist ignorant idiots downvoted and will continue to downvote my post and any others that point out things because they don't know any better. And yeah why not, let's not improve the game, lets keep it dead for more years to come and act dumb. Typical for these online games. Pointing things out and making suggestions isn't a rant. Ironically if it's so true that you like this game as it is, you are actually killing it. Or you are just bunch of randoms who don't care and are acting up on purpose so this game stays dead forever. "Sure nothing is wrong with this game keep it up..."
  7. Mostly when a player around me uses a shotgun of any type my game stutters, freezes for a second etc especially auto-shotguns. Many others reported the same thing who I play with. And when I use shotguns my bullets are blanks in most cases. I use to love the AK now it's useless, I miss everything with it and most times again it's all blanks. Ursus is a good weapon to counter that loss but sometimes even that weapon shoots blanks granted way far less then the mentioned. And no I don't spray and pray like an idiot, you wont land a single shot like that, there is a specific way you use every weapon that you need to learn and I learned it all just it's all butchered to the core and the server connections also don't really help in landing damage to certain players. I also hate homing granades. Literally following me no matter my pattern of movement always landing on my head. Now I am not sure if it's a cheat related to auto-aim, or a bug that is being exploited by some people but seen it for years being in the game and it's one of the most annoying things ever. Related to granades, I noticed whenever a player uses the granade launcher I don't hear the sounds of nades falling near me, sometimes they sound like they fell way too far away from me and I am in a clear and my screen isn't blacking down or anything warning me how I am injured but I do fall dead magically for some stupid reason. It's like someone instashot me without any notice.
  8. They burned so many money on this project back in a day no one knows the specific ammount. 100 mil was only a budget from EA next to that few investors gave them more money and even had a public donation pools from all over before kickstarter was even a thing. All that money burned and maybe ended in wrong person's pocket. This whole game project was a burner from the very start. I mean look at the story of the game and how much was written in it and what was written. Whoever came up with all this when you read in between the lines indirectly same corruption was present in the actual game project. Everything speaks to me crook that just took the money and ran and we are left with a game that is not even 10% of it's original concept. Later people just took whatever they could of this mess and kept it alive. Seems like LO is the only bright future for APB. I still do believe this game was suppose to be built again from ground up instead of messing with the core of it which is insanely outdated and pretty much crap I dont say for today's standards but even when it came out. I love the effort some people want to make this game good as possible but equally would like to see it in it's full potential. I do wish I have the funds and ability to take this game under my wing and make it what is suppose to be but sadly I am not a game dev nor a company nor really took a life path of the same nor willing to change in that direction. I do have an complete understanding in the matter but fail to see myself in it as is but still find it questinably odd how no one else could manage this, the obvious things.
  9. I do believe that the cheat script days are over in this game. It's more down to who is closer to the servers and who have a better internet connection and performance. Most times I had crap internet and the server is far away from my location so by the time I see something others who are closer they own me and who are even further away from me see who knows what... For example the EU servers use to be in Germany and whoever was there or in that region owned me big time, not because of skill but because they saw things first and could react first hand. For example if I started shooting at them chances are they were already on my and landed the strike first even tho on my screen I was the first who emptied full mags in one of them. Most times I empty full mags onto a player and he doesn't die, while he kills me in less then a second, chances are he is closer to the servers and can land kills before I do any damage on him. The worst internet connection I've seen in France, there are locations with 15 year old type connections and those people shouldn't really play online games at all but they are masocistic enough to do so... Next common connection issues I see from Russian players. Some of them are so far away I don't know how is that even logical for them to even try to play on other regions then theirs. I got these common rages how I should do this or that but people fail to realize no matter what online game we talk about everyone sees different things since the game loads differently for everyone. The latest rage I've seen was from a russian player, I pretty much carried his patootie the whole mission and he told me how that I don't helped him and left him to die. He was pretty much lagging like crazy and he didn't even see me even tho I was next to him the whole time covering his back. Even the scoreboard proven my point with most kills and activities. Even tho I also died just as easily because I can't play 1 vs 6, most times I am happy if I can survive 1 vs 3 being rushed. The net code in games are still primitive and long as companies dont do any technical leap as in actually get updates on what is possible with the current tech instead of just milking the very same crap over and over again till the cashcow dies and then they just move on to the next cashcow instead of going forward with the actual possibilities we will get these crap experiences and most people will settle for less because they are ignorant enough to learn the difference and actually speak with their wallets. On other hand there are simply players who do exploits and win like the lacking moral and idiotic ignorant cowards that they are. One of the reason why new players quit. So you can call that cheating too. But script wise I think you can't do it without actually being way too obvious and getting banned.
  10. Idk more cars we can only dream of in the engine port. With the current state of the game it barely can render civ cars and all out customs. Adding more cars is already a stretch in an insane build of a game that somehow still exists today miracuosly. That said when they upgrade the game we can think of adding cars and more kits to the existing cars. I remember the days when we use to play with basically all cars in the game, believe it or not. Every car was useful. Then they nerfed all of them or simply ruined the already crap script of some cars. Was the day when everyone stopped using others. Unless it's an off-mission event or some cosplay roleplay thingy. On missions nowadays it's all Vegas, Vegas, Vegas and Tanks and that is it. If you use a Doltons or paper cars means you are a suicidal masochist there is no other explanation to put it, Eveyone is strict to very few cars while others are rendered useless. Maybe this works now for performance of the game, not sure.... Less type of cars in game and more of the same the better performance. Maybe? It use to be a thing in GTA. So I remember. Every location was strict to certain number of types of cars. Anyways. So kits and mods for the pickups, doltons and other stock cars would be welcomed. (again after the game engine update) You can make easily a tank equivalent out of pickups with slights stats reduced on durability to make it more realistic in comparison. As in The sports/police van and tactical suv remaining the tanks in the game since they are realistic as that. But still a close tie in stats to make it compatible. Again these are small maps and the economy in this game's story doesn't really suggests we can have too many cars anyways so story wise this makes sense. The town is in pretty much civil war for years and it's stuck in a certain era with limited recources etc. Even having civs on street is quite questionable at this point. It should be remade into this. The more action and more players doing missions on maps, the less and less civs should be on the street. You can spawn a certain number of cars on street abandoned or parked specific locations so we can jack them if we dont have a car spawn point upon respawning etc and drive them but having civs casually drive and walk around while there is a war going on is stupid. Always hated that. Speaking of spawn. Most times anyways when we respawn there are barely any cars or even a single car for a long time and most times when we don't need cars we end up in a sea of cars and civs on streets stuck like idiots and we cant even drive around them or do any action.
  11. I cant see the image you posted. But kinda get what you mean. Same thing for tutorial messages. I put them on ignore but keep getting spammed how "I am not ready and will not receave missions" or something like that, I hate it. It's in blue and should be in tutorials yet it seems like a separate option that cannot be ignored. Missions are not the only thing in this game to do so we shouldnt get spammed to death with irrelevant messages and suggestions. Most people I played with didn't even did missions we did other activities. I love flexibility and options to please everyone or most people still when I don't have control over said options can't help it but to not even be bothered to play sometimes solely on that. Sometimes I even play on hud off so I don't see the chat, said tutorial spams and other crap I am not interested in. I know the map well enough since it's small and comunication is enough to know where are others. Granted playing missions with hud off is impossible. A fully customizeable hud would be welcomed. Now that we speak of suggestions and options which is also related. It would be great if we get a different login screen without that screaming "music", on headphones especially it's toxic, I had to mute my whole PC everytime I went to the loginscreen, with that muting my friends too, which was annoying. Add an actual functional mute button for music (because the one we have mutes just my music and not other people's music), An option to mute all user created music and themes. We use to have a mod for it until people got banned for it and since then we didn't use it. An actual infinite friend list and ignore list. Because the amount of neglected children in online games are insane, we do need to put them somewhere so a infinite ingore list would help. Me not seeing their crap and when they realize people are ignoring them they will start to evolve into a normal human being (hopefully) to start acting normal and seek attention the right way so as getting actual friends for the first time. Clan can be capped at 100 with options to purchase extensions with 100+ each. I remember a friend who had to make five+ characters just to be able to add every friend and clan member he played with. Clan numbers were always a premium thing in online games anyways so I can understand if it's the same thing here. Feel free to copy-paste this to some appropriate threads and to mods. These are things-thoughts and wishes that are also shared with my friends for years now... So hopefuly it gets implemented one day. There are bunch of other things but this is just from top of my mind.
  12. Sell the IP to a capable company who will build this game from scratch into what it suppose to be 10 years ago. I bet I will read APB engine ports even when I will be on my death bed in elder days and maybe even the future generations will see the same thing. If we will still have a planet to live on, that is.
  13. It use to be with the overall server reset (years ago) which is every wednesday alongside pretty much everything else (Joker events, scoreboards etc). Then not sure when exactly they decided to separate it and put it on tuesday but which hour not really sure. Overall seems at random. Like someone is manually resetting them and not by a script. My experience was biding and wining the bid the whole monday into tuesday then at one point my game crashed and when I got back into it I noticed the tokens reseted and my bid was magically outtaken by someone hours prior while I was even online. And I didn't got a refund nor notification of any kind back then. Only after the reset I got a mail time and date when it happened so as my money back. So following these is quite questionable and time wasting in my opinion. You either put on a insane amount of money on a token you want knowing no one will be insane to bid on it or just don't bid at all. So far I've seen people putting 1 million plus on a single token so if you have one mil to toss on a weekly bid be my guest. Even 100k is insane letalone 1mil. I know I gave up on these and sometimes just test it and see what is going on, mostly when I see the 100k and 1mil token bids obviously I don't bother since I dont have that money and even if I would I rather donate it to a friend or a new player that joins my screw to boost him with a better car or weapon etc. Speaking of helping out others they even removed the option to gift someone things from armas. It's like they want this game to die already or something but still keep few things running just to torture us. It's easier to just close it, don't tease us pls XD
  14. @CookiePuss No you just failing to see the bigger picture in all this. And I am tired of explaining myself when I already did not even once.
  15. Thanks for the infos people. Forgot to mention that I never got Transaction ID in my mail. I'll check again when I get home. So far the only proof I bought this mess are screenshots. At least I have that but then again the form specifically asked for bunch of other things and one of them is a the Transaction ID which is pretty much nowhere and I checked everything. But still like I said I give it another try next time. Hope I dig it out somewhere. Can't believe how much time I wasted on this stupid thing already... PC games in a nutshell. What's that you want to play the game, nah buy this, download this and that, patch that and this, brainfarts left and right, call support, can't call support because fuck you consumer we got your money now you can suck it... you should've known better. Yup I should...
  16. The thing is as much as there is a notification I don't care for the impact set, Point is the only thing I wanted is the second stated notification which is the Armored Vest and that combo doesn't even work as provided in a picture earlier. Other options would be welcomed but they don't work either. I guess I'll sit on this item till they make this item work with other configs and vests which will be probably never or 10 years later when the game gets a new "engine upgade". Chances are right now probably it doesn't work even with the Impact set considering like I said it doesn't work with the armored vest, Even if it works with Impact quite a low chance of customization for such a optimistic item. Another thing I noticed in my posts there are typos even sentences missing tho I always check if I make mistakes before posting. So not sure wth is with that also I don't have the edit post option.
  17. Looks like it's time for a refund. So many possibilities (configs) yet none of them can be used with this. I bought it the idea of mixing it the armored vest as it states in the description yet it doesn't work. Don't feel like buying the whole pack for one or two items. Even have the icon on the item that looks like the armored vest [see picture bellow anyways] Merged. Actually scratch the refund, items are not refundable (EVEN THO THE DONT WORK AS INTENDED) also even if I want to file a complaint in this case it needs a Transaction ID which doesn't exist. So I guess that I bought some crap that chances are I will never use... great...
  18. For CBT topic people need to realize the game was only CBT back in 2009 before it's release which was in 2010 in a awful state even tho EA called it a product which soon failed rightfully so then after that till this day the game is in a state of OBT = Open Beta. Since the game is unfinished and barely anything was worked on and brought to the state that it can be called a finished product. Adding clothing items and a car kit or two isn't considered a improvement. So don't get confused with that too. And for those who wonder how did this game survive. Well there are tons of kids with parents credit cards that spent thousands of euros or dollars in this game. Some of them don't even play the damn thing just support it to keep it alive in hope something happens. And so far the only actual movement of making this game relevant again was made with Little Orbit. And seeing their other games I believe APB is their only remaining profitable project. I still say like I said back in 2010 this game should've sold as a IP and then someone who actually can make games should've made it from scratch in a different and better game engine. These 10 years just proved my point. Making the game look a bit fancier with better lighting and slitghly higher rendering wont make this game anything called a finished product. To be honest seeing these engine ports etc as impressive as they are after all they still look like the game from 2009 until they nerfed it for performance reasons. Granted even back then I doubt anyone could run this on 1080p like today but maxed on 720p at best or some square resoultions. Since back then widescreen was still a luxury for most people. I still give it a chance and few others I know after a full port but I don't really see it holding the flame for too long. New generations will like it since they wont know any better and it's "free to play" so it always have a certain number of following.
  19. "armored shoulderpads" from armas I fail to see the point in this item since I can't pair it with anything. It states it needs either Requires Impact or Armored Vest to Wear. No clue what is "impact" clothing item. And the armored vest simply doesn't work with it. I tried different options but no luck. Can someone tell me what am I missing and how the hell that item is actually named where it comes from and most importantly how it looks like. Armas is complicated enough with images for ants so as seems like tons of things are unorganized, broken or missing.
  20. Quality instead of quantity. I remember coming here couple of times in a year or two and most times the forums were spammed to death by toxic people. So not much to be missed to be honest.
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