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Posts posted by MattScott

  1. 6 minutes ago, Kempington said:

    As a suggestion, please turn off open pvp. It's a bit of a nightmare to deal with when trying to determine weapon potency in a structured environment when you have joe shmoe, car surfer pro, hunting you down every time you die to spawn kill you again. It also invites players to just sit in spawn areas and either camp inside, or be spawn camped by the dominant side. It doesn't really allow for players to actively test the weapons that need to be tested.

    I think this was brought up in the Citadel playtest. I was a bit surprised that this wasn't remedied for this, albeit short notice for this do-over.

    Agreed. We didn't have a chance to push to live to change the settings for the Prototype zones.
    1 minute ago, IROCkiller said:

    Also why are all the devs and GMs enforcer?

    Looks like we need to mix things up a bit.
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  2. Hi all,

    My apologies. There was a significant miscommunication inside my team today. Running the event on a Sunday when some of us weren't available created the problem. Selali misunderstood and accidentally directed players to OTW. That was not our intention. However, for those that did join OTW and help, we were able to find a couple last minute bugs. Thank you!

    I'm going to call mulligan, and we're going to try this again the way we had planned - except for one change.

    This time, I'm going to get on and play too.

    So please join me and some other devs on LIVE Jericho in Prototype A at 4pm PT on Monday the 17th. I recognize 4pm on a weekday isn't as ideal as doing this on the weekend. For anyone who can't participate due to the timing, I'm sorry. We're still trying to complete the final test and collect player feedback before the 19th. Since our Admin Tracker has been finicky, I would appreciate the help in getting the word out to other North American players.


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  3. 9 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    will these new contacts have any new content or will it be a revamped distribution of current content?
    This really depends on how Unification is going. I don't want to hype new content. We have one piece of new content in the pipeline. But the main purpose is to facilitate Unreal 3.5.
    7 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Any chances we can get the actual shotgun ranges? Or is the reduction in range in comparison to what is live?

    It's best if I leave that question for Beastie. He gave me those stats for the blog.
    8 minutes ago, Snubnose said:
    We also have a couple 3D art tasks that need to be finished
    does this mean texture / prop rework, or even some more map "rework" (more like adding stuff to make it look more alive)?
    There is a little of both. Mostly optimizations. But we also need to remove some of what got added to the console version maps to make them play better.
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  4. We are committed to getting feedback. If there is a significant issue brought up, then we will hold pushing it out. I’ll leave that to Beastie.

    However, we have an aggressive development schedule to hit by the end of the year. So if the issues are subjective and not major, then I do want to push the Weapon Balance this week.

    Also many experienced players have reached out directly to complain about the current weapon balance in Live districts, so I’m keen to get the meta focused back on strategy and not spraying bullets.

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  5. Hey everyone,

    The devs and testing will be on Prototype A. Those are the values we are looking to move forward with.

    2 hours ago, CookiePuss said:
    2 hours ago, Keshi said:

    I'm somewhat still waiting on that blogpost Matt teased us about on twitter last night tho
    Remember though it was morning for him since I think he is still in England... so not sure if tomorrow US time or tomorrow EU time.

    I’m back in the US now but still traveling. Blog should still make it up later today.

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  6. Hi there,

    I actually have no idea what build this video was taken from. I can say that it isn't from any recent build of ours.
    Having said that, I think we should keep the expectations for the Unreal 3.5 upgrade realistic.
    We aren't remodeling the districts. The goal is to sync the codebase and improve performance on modern hardware.


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  7. Hi everyone,

    I actually missed this update last week due to travel at PAX, but I think I'm going to stop posting updates. They aren't really that helpful.
    This week however, we did upgrade our support portal and added some extra questions when you submit a ticket to help us route the ticket better and respond sooner.
    Hopefully that will help us finally catch up and get to a reasonable wait time.


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  8. 6 hours ago, mynd said:

    There really should just be ONE game world with region specific instances.  If I'm NA with my NA character and feel like lagging on Citadel, so be it.  That sort of thing.

    I tend to agree. The idea of world servers is outdated.

    We've already started working on an architecture change that would merge all the worlds into a single clustered system allowing access to characters across all districts. Then we could untether the location of the district servers to spread them out and make them closer to a lot more people. This will take some time, but we are already moving forward.
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