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Posts posted by MattScott

  1. Hi all,


    Just FYI.


    Several of our services are being intermittently impacted by provider outages related to hurricane Michael. I haven’t yet seen any extended outages, but connectivity is definitely going up and down which will cause disconnects from the game right now.




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  2. Sorry guys.


    North America got hit by large, reoccuring DDoS attacks tonight. We had to turn on mitigation which turns the servers to mush.


    Overall, for the last 2 months, we have been able to withstand about 80-85% of the attacks without negatively impacting players. However the last week has been worse. We will continue to implement various protect systems.

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  3. I can appreciate the OP’s frustrations. We are not perfect, but I do read the forums, and we do our best.


    For the record:

    - this was requested by players

    - it was already implemented for Fallen Earth, so it took very little effort to just standardize the code for APB

    - we are working on 2FA




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  4. NOTE: I was not on the original RTW team, nor was I on the Reloaded team, so much of this is internal hearsay.

    As I understand it, Midtown was a development area for the game's work in progress assets. Most of the buildings were used in Financial, although a couple unique designs remain.
    Technically we did find it on a map sketched in between Financial and Waterfront, and it is referenced in the lore as a separate place.

    The idea of Criminal and Enforcer Social Districts were too fragmenting to the player base, so those districts were scrapped.
    The Criminal Social District was used to create Asylum.

    The assets for the Enforcer district are still there, but for reasons I wont go into, they aren't very usable as in-game models.
    We would be better off doing something from scratch using that district as inspiration.


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  5. Hi all,

    I love this post. and have enjoyed checking it occasionally to see the responses from players.
    I figure it's probably time for me to weigh in.

    First, I think the OP did a fantastic job organizing information and data about Midtown. We do have quite a bit in the archives, but the work was all temporary and never intended for the final product.

    Second, I don't think the current version of the game would benefit from LO building out Midtown right now. In my opinion we need to make sure there is enough content in the current 2 action zones so they can progress characters and get matches. Having said that, we do have some ideas for possibly incorporating Midtown in the future when the game has different matchmaking and streaming systems. As others have mentioned, I also think it would be fun to free roam and drive all over the map from district to district.


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  6. Hi there,

    You guys beat me to it.
    You can see my post here: 

    3 hours ago, Poperon said:

    Looks neat. Now i hope LO actually makes a normal website for APB, with news and other fancy things.

    We barely have a website for APB, there is nothing useful or "outstanding" there.

    Yep. The APB section will be getting a lot more love in the coming months.

    • Thanks 1

  7. Hi all,

    Just a quick note to give a little context to the re-launch of GamersFirst.
    You will have noticed by now that the site has been updated. This has been in the works for quite a while.

    Also, the Fallen Earth section is not finished. We spent quite a bit of time reviewing the old mini-site and much of that content was out-of-date.
    We needed to push the new site live in order to prepare for the launch of Descent.
    We will be going back through and fleshing this area out.

    For now, I like that we have merged the News/Blog section into this site.
    There was a problem with the FallenEarth BlogSpot site, so we couldn't use it, which prevented us from making larger announcements in an area we could direct players to.


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  8. Hi all,

    Just a quick note to give a little context to the re-launch of GamersFirst.
    You will have noticed by now that the site has been updated. This has been in the works for quite a while.
    Rest assured that an entirely different team did the work, and it did not take away from our APB development schedule.

    Also, the APB section is not finished - however there wasn't much there before other than very dated screenshots and videos.
    We needed to push the new site live in order to prepare for the launch of Descent.
    We will be going back through and fleshing this area out.
    For now, I like that we have merged the News/Blog section into this site, instead of taking people to BlogSpot.


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  9. Hi everyone,

    I figured I would post an update here. The problem is that our CS system reports only go back 90 days. (Edit: tickets are not subject to this limitation)

    We currently have 1,892 tickets open and 1,643 of them are untouched. We're working to bring that down.

    We have definitely fallen behind a bit, due to pulling CS staff in to help QA recent builds. I have approved 3 new dedicated CS staff who start next week.


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  10. Hi guys,

    The Joker Ticket / Fight Club issue has been an issue. 
    The delivery system broke on the last patch. We fixed that, but while sending out the original batch of Joker Tickets, there was a problem in the ability to claim them from email.
    That got corrected, so most players should now have the JTs they missed. However we have one final issue that is a bit harder to fix related to the top tier rewards for winning the Fight Club.
    We're still working on it.


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  11. 1 minute ago, BXNNXD said:

    you've said it will change but is there an exact time you're starting with in place of 3 days?

    We are changing values on this week’s patch. I don’t feel comfortable giving out specifics. We needed to put in the artifical floor of 3 days to start. With that removed, some players will be able to trade Legendaries immediately.
    3 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    can we get any specifics/examples of what some of these criteria are (besides logging in from a new location)?

    Unfortunately, I can’t say more, otherwise hackers will use that information to try and fool the system just like they do when they dethreat. Rest assured, we want the system to be largely invisible and non-intrusive.
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  12. Hi everyone,

    We aren’t ignoring the DT problem or cheaters.  

    We needed to launch the new Trading System because the new Report system uses some of the same underlying logic.

    I’m not going to make excuses. I see the same reports as everyone else. We are doing our best. We’re just running behind.


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  13. Hi everyone,

    We’ve been tuning the Trade System and watching usage stats, and based on our metrics we are going to make some changes.

    But before I start, I want to clarify the two opposing design goals we are trying to meet with this system:

    1) We want players to be able to securely trade items and money without getting ripped off.

    2) We also need to protect the items and money of players so they cant easily be removed off their account in the event of a hack or credit card fraud.

    If handled badly, this system could lead to devastating results. So I admit we were very conservative with the rules on this initial week.

    It’s important to understand that the underlying logic is somewhat complex. The system is building a ‘risk’ profile for each player, and it still may choose to lock trades on an account level or an item level for periods of time based on any number of criteria. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any data to ‘pre-heat’ the system with, so it needed some time to warm up and watch transactions.

    Now to the good part:

    For most of you, the initial ‘new account’ seven day waiting period is over as long as you don’t switch computers or configurations too drastically.

    Going forward we are also reducing the lock time on Legendaries. You should be able to trade those much more freely. We will continue to watch the system and make adjustments.

    I appreciate your patience.


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  14. 7 hours ago, image said:

    The fun fact is that Matt Scott is perfectly aware of what is allowing them to cheat so easily and that APB’s BattlEye version is literally the worse across every BE protected game.

    This last patch also included a significant BattlEye update. We don’t advertise anti-cheat improvements.
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