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  1. Cant use armas marketplace in social on console
  2. When you sign in to apb reloaded on console you have to exit out of armas marketplace cause when you let armas marketplace load you will get stuck on that screen and can not exit out of it so can someone please fix this. Plus can't use my g1c cause of stuck screen
  3. Valentine roles are bugged or glitch, Xbox players can't get there Valentine's stuff done cause the roles are not working please fix them
  4. How long do we have to play the waiting game 5 more year hooray That's good
  5. The block button doesn't work on apb on Xbox and Yukon is broke gun on xbox
  6. They just hit all the district but financial with the last 2 day of Halloween event console alway in the dark
  7. Pc has to get they upgrade before Xbox and ps4 can get upgrade 5 year later
  8. Is there anyway y'all could put Halloween items on armas marketplace they continue to hit server nobody can get they Halloween stuff if its getting hit
  9. They hit Xbox server while Halloween event on
  10. There are people who boot the server offline
  11. When is console getting a major update this year or next year or year after that?
  12. They just took every district off again and Only waterfront work now
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