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Everything posted by StevenDeckard

  1. Next Wednesday is coming up and so is the weekly "LAPD Squad Meet Up", held in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" event. Starting time is about 21:00 GMT and the location for this week should be the Waterfront Gold district. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details to the CCC event and the specifics about the exact district location. Like every week LAPD Squad members will perform traffic control during the street races after the car show. Any enforcer interested in helping out is always welcomed. I agree with Officer Foxtail: More boots on the ground sure makes it easier to deal with the traffic situation, so if you guys have time, I hope you will be able to drop by - until then take care and please stay safe and healthy!
  2. Wednesday is the weekly "LAPD Squad Meet Up" day, which is held in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" event. Starting time is about 21:00 GMT and the location for this week should be the Financial Gold district. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details to the CCC event and the specifics about the exact location in the aforementioned district. LAPD Squad members will be taking care of traffic control during the street races after the car show. Any enforcer interested in helping out is always welcomed. Hopefully you guys will have time to drop by - until then take care and stay safe and healthy!
  3. Wednesday is coming up and so is the weekly "LAPD Squad Meet Up", as customary held in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" event. Starting time is about 21:00 GMT and the location for this week should be the Waterfront Gold district. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details to the CCC event and the specifics about the exact location. Members of the LAPD Squad will again be taking care of traffic control during the street races after the car show. Any enforcer interested in helping out is always welcomed, especially in Waterfront where the tracks are pretty long. I hope you have time to drop by - until then take care and stay safe and healthy!
  4. Thanks Fox, very nicely done! -------------- The latest CCC event sadly was plagued by several grievers who did their best to interfere, destroy and mar it for everyone. A big thank you goes to the GMs who tried their best to help.
  5. Indeed the girls and boys in blue did an absolutely terrific job in Vienna and managed to stop any further bloodshed, same goes for the women and men working for the local medical services! As Fox said we will be using our Austrian Federal Police livery and uniforms to show our support and respect, not only for their tireless efforts but of all law enforcement agencies around the world in the fight against terrorism.
  6. @TheMessiah - Thanks for your posting and the question. The answer is really simple: We are in fact Europe based (though we do have members from all over the world). Things started a long time ago when I cobbled together my first LAPD-like livery (was quite a challenge due to the limited number of decals I had unlocked then as well as the F2P layer limit) and soon after the LAPD Squad clan was born. Only years later, when Foxtail started working on customisations, we started expanding and added other law enforcement uniforms and cars.
  7. Like every week on Wednesday the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held tomorrow, as usual in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" event. Starting time is about 21:00 GMT and the location for this week is the Waterfront Gold district. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details to the CCC event. LAPD Squad members will once again take care of traffic control during the street races after the car show. We also expect CptPriMan / Themis and fellow officers of the "SPPD ACF Division" to once again join us on duty. Needless to say any enforcer interested in doing something different in the game is also very welcome to drop by and help out. It your time allows, it would be great if you are able drop by for both the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" as well as the street races. Until then take care and stay safe and healthy!
  8. Wednesday is coming up and so is the weekly "LAPD Squad Meet Up", as usual held in combination with the weekly installment of the "Chipp's Car Club" event. Starting time is about 21:00 GMT and the location for this week is the Financial Gold district. Please use the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details to the CCC event. Members of LAPD Squad will help with traffic control during the street races after the car show. CptPriMan / Themis and fellow officers of the "SPPD ACF Division" are expected to join us again on duty if their time allows. Of course any enforcer interested is also very welcome to drop by and help out. I hope you guys have the time to show up, if so we will be seeing each other at the LAPD Squad meeting and the CCC event - until then take care and stay safe and healthy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @all - Due to the currently rising numbers of people being infected all around the globe (as well as the ever rising death toll), I'd like to take the time to remind fellow gamers that they can indeed do their part in helping to stop the spread of the virus. Social distancing, wearing masks in public and being mindful of washing and disinfecting your hands are very easy steps everyone of us can and should take. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - G a m e r s v e r s u s C O V I D - 1 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Doing this is easy to do and safes lives - yours, your loved ones and your fellow citizens as well. Thank you!
  9. Thanks Fox for posting some of the police-related pictures here. It was a fun event as usual, despite the fact that traffic control in Waterfront is always challenging to for the officers on duty. Love the shot of FirstCommander "levitating" - there were quite a few weird photos made on that day!
  10. The weekly "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is coming up tomorrow and is - as usual - held in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" event. Starting time is about 21:00 GMT and the location for this week is the Financial Gold 1 district. Please use the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for all the details to the CCC event. As has become customary, LAPD Squad members will help with traffic control during the street races after the car show. We again expect cptPriMan / Themis and fellow officers of the "SPPD ACF Division" to join us again on duty. Needless to say any enforcer interested is also very welcome to drop by and help out. Last week was a lot of fun as Officer Foxtail has mentioned above, especially due to the challenging location at the pier and the immense efforts and teamwork by everyone involved to get the cars there - brilliant! I hope things will be equally fun this week and that you guys have time to come. We will be seeing each other at the LAPD Squad meeting and the CCC event!
  11. @FirstCommander / @Yeedman - Thanks guys, will update the Chipp's Car Club forum link with the discord one in the next announcement I do. I see you two later at the event hopefully! @Officer_Foxtail - Outstanding work on the new racing car mate!
  12. ---------------------------------------------- Tomorrow we have the weekly "LAPD Squad Meet Up" held in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" event. As usual LAPD Squad members will help with traffic control during the street races after the car show and we might be doing custom car chases before and after again. Starting time is 21:00 GMT, and the location for this week is the Waterfront Gold 1 district (please use this LINK to the official CCC event thread and have a look at the last posting in that thread for all the details). Alas last week we did have some troubles with a griefer, that sadly enough cut the entire event and races short, hopefully this will not be happening again. Beside the LAPD Squad we expect Themis and fellow officers of the "SPPD ACF Division" join us at the event once more. Needless to say any enforcer interested is also welcome to help out. Anyway I hope you guys have time and that we will be seeing you at the meeting and event!
  13. @Officer_Foxtail - Well done, this custom paintjob turned out great (and this colour scheme is a lot better than the one you tested previously)!
  14. @FirstCommander - Very nice work on the Safety Car (funny as Fox also thought about doing one for the CCC races) and the very fitting, totally badass outfit! We sure could have used it yesterday to subdue that extremely annoying griefer during the races. @ViolaDeWynter - Thank you kindly for clearing up what the poster above meant, as I am afraid none of us had any clue what he was getting at. @cowhorseman - Since ViolaDeWynter was kind enough to explain what was the issue, I can assure you that you will certainly not encounter any of that with the LAPD Squad - it is not that kind of RP we do (as described in the first posting of this thread). That said if any of our members does something inappropriate, please go ahead and file a report with either myself, Officer Foxtail or Officer FirstCommander, so appropriate measures can be taken. Thanks!
  15. @FirstCommander - Nice job - looks like you are quite busy with customisations again! ---------------------------------------------- Also tomorrow is Wednesday and thus not only "Chipp's Car Club" but also "LAPD Squad Meet Up" day. If any of you guys have time, LAPD Squad will again be doing traffic control at the street races after the event. As usual the start time is 21:00 GMT, this week in the Financial Gold 1 district (please use this LINK to the official event thread and have a look at the last posting in that thread for all the details). Last week was loads of fun and Themis brought quite a few officers of the "SPPD ACF Division" along as well, so - including those cops that choose to help out as well - we had about 8 cops doing traffic control during the races. With that many cops on duty we managed to totally clear some tracks - quite an achievement in Waterfront, so: Well done everyone! Anyway I hope this week will feature an equally impressive results from the law enforcement agencies taking part in the event - see you guys there!
  16. Yeah exactly @R3ACT3M - I did not mean to have it replaced but indeed as an additional option for people to use it - like you said maybe an emote or maybe an equitable MOD for those players that have characters sporting such a skateboard. Just thought it would look funny if they take it off their backs and try to escape using it.
  17. Members of the LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the "Chipp's Car Club" street races on Wednesday. This week the event should be taking place in the "Waterfront Gold 1" district, starting at approximately 21:00 (GMT) . For the exact location of the event please use this LINK to the official event thread and have a look at the last posting in that thread for all the details. Any enforcer interested in helping out, is of course invited to clear the tracks with us. LAPD Squad clan members have been using this weekly get-together to meet up once a week as well, in order to play together and help out at the event - so I hope to see you guys again - if you have the time!
  18. Since some criminals sport skateboards carried on their backs, would it not be nice if they had the option to actually use it when sprinting? Would that be something people would want added? Just wondering :)
  19. StevenDeckard

    Mute themes

    I agree - it is one of the BEST additions (and definitely a "quality of life" addition from my point of view) ever made for APB. Big thank you from me for finally adding this option. Only thing left in my humble opinion is the option to also mute music forced on us by other players broadcasting it (if someone wants to listen to their music that is fine but please do not force it on others). There have been countless of occasions where people almost begged others to have mercy and switch off their music.
  20. Just a heads up for tomorrow's "Chipp's Car Club" event, where members of the LAPD Squad usually help out with traffic control during the street races after the show. This week it should be taking place in the "Financial Gold" district, starting at approximately 21:00 (GMT) . For the exact location of the event please use this LINK to the official event thread and have a look at the last posting in that thread for all the details. As always: Any enforcer interested is of course invited to help out to keep the tracks clear with us. See you at the event!
  21. Tonight is "Chipp's Car Club" day, as usual it should be starting at approximately 21:00 (GMT) - this week (if I am not mistaken) in the "Waterfront Gold" district (here is the LINK to the official thread). As the last few times the LAPD Squad will once again try to help out with traffic control during the official street races after the car show event. Any other enforcer is of course invited to help out and keep the tracks clear. See you guys at the races!
  22. @FirstCommander - I feel safer already - nice job mate! Also here is something I have been meaning to do for a while now (though it is not a police vehicle this time, but meant for my little criminal to use): T.C.'s iconic "Island Hoppers" van paint job from the equally iconic, original "Magnum P.I." 80s TV show (not that godawful relaunch garbage).
  23. @FirstCommander - thanks for making and posting that video! So awesome. The other night, after the weekly car show and street races, we had the above featured hot pursuit series with our most wanted criminal Sufe and his pal Jolanna, with very high speed chases through the Waterfront district. Those two really gave us a run for our money! Some of their tricks reminded me of the 1977's movie "Smokey and the Bandit" (starring Burt Reynolds, Sally Field and Jerry Reed). Thanks guys! Last night we opted for another training day, this time with officer First Commander breaking out his criminal character and giving the pursuing officers quite a challenge in the process. Officer Foxtail and myself where joined in our efforts by fellow police officer doorkicker. We not only had wild pursuits through the Financial district but also violent shootouts with a relentless suspect, who sent many of the responding officers straight to the morgue.
  24. We - Fox, myself and Themis (a friend from another cop clan, who sometimes joins us on patrol) - saw a lot of open world crime action yesterday, hunting down our most favourite criminal Sufe, teamed up with one of his pals. Some great car and foot chases and epic shootouts ensued (a lot of the responding officers ended up in the ICU this time). Big thank you to Sufe and his friend for giving us a real challenge this time!
  25. @FirstCommander - Thanks for adding Foxtail's video to the clan channel! Fox and I had a pretty fun evening yesterday, filled with some very high speed pursuits in an otherwise empty Waterfront (Gold) district, chasing our three most favorite (illegal) street racers Sufe, Shawnna and heysie. Talk about fast when trying to catch up to these three rascals (even when they decide to drive unmodded cars). Thank you guys for some epic action (we really wish there would be more criminals like you out there interested in chases and RP)!
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